Aliens on Ouerea

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Ouerea, in the system of Uuoea-Esa, is a planet with many diverse traditions and rich cultures not native to the Unathi. Humans, Skrell, and Unathi all live on the surface of the planet, and many have developed new traditions beyond the ones of their homeland.


Alien Religions

When the alien colonists came to Ouerea, they brought their gods with them. Nearly every religion that is common in either the Sol Alliance or Nralakk Federation can be found on the world. In New Skalamar, the First Scept of Ouerea is by far the largest religious building - but it is not alone, standing on what has become known as the Street of Ten Thousand Temples. Human, Skrell and Unathi sites of worship all stand there, visited by their myriad adherents - with some locals jokingly referring to it as ‘the holiest place in the Spur’.

The human religions seen on Ouerea are too many to count. In New Skalamar alone one can find churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, shrines and monasteries alike, representing nearly every faith practiced amongst the vast sprawl of the human population. The only major human religions with little to no representation on Ouerea are those primarily practiced in regions outside the Sol Alliance, such as Luceism or the Moroz Holy Tribunal. These religious buildings are mostly used by the largely mega corporate employee human population of the planet, whose parent corporations funded the construction of most of these buildings.

While human religions can be found in equal measure, the Skrell faiths primarily practiced on Ouerea are those deemed deductive by the Nralakk Federation - with many of the Skrell who stayed behind finally seeing a chance to practice their faith freely.

Qeblak is one of the most common religions among Skrell, and many of those living on Ouerea remain followers of it. At the northernmost end of the Street of Ten Thousand Temples lies the Grand Observatory of New Skalamar - while not nearly as spectacular as those found in the Federation, it provides a place for the Qeblak Skrell of New Skalamar to contemplate the stars above them. The Ouerean Starkeepers do maintain contact with their clerical superiors in the Federation, and some detractors of the faith have claimed that they report to Federation authorities on subversive behaviors among the Skrell of Ouerea - even if they do not seem to have the inclination to act on it at this time.

Weishii is also present on Ouerea, though the crowded streets of New Skalamar are ill-suited to sanctuaries of the faith, leading to no real places of worship on the Street of Ten Thousand Temples. A short distance outside the city, however, lying in the shallows of the Trizkizki Sea, lies an isolated Weishii sanctuary, where the faithful of New Skalamar congregate. While its presence on Ouerea is a small one, the Weshiiq of the sanctuaries scattered across Ouerea tend to them faithfully - and tend to be somewhat more welcoming of those practicing what the Federation would refer to as deductive behaviors. Several prominent members of the Weshiiq have been at the forefront of the protest against Hephaestus’s massive aquacultural expansion, believing that it will destroy the seas that many of their sanctuaries lie in.

Suur’ka has grown rapidly among the Ouerean Skrell population - its emphasis on strength, independence and self-reliance is a popular sentiment among the people of Ouerea, and its martial inclinations are very complimentary to the Unathi ideas of a warrior’s honor. On the Street of Ten Thousand Temples, the Grand Ouerean Cloister stands - where followers of Suur’ka are able to openly train, meditate and discuss their faith. Though the religion itself remains followed near-exclusively by Skrell, humans and Unathi can often be seen visiting the Grand Cloister, and a few of them have picked up the martial art of Sqai'Laaq from the Skrell adherents.

Followers of Kir’gul are also common on Ouerea - with the planet’s smaller Skrell population and its vast distance from the Federation leading to many practitioners falling under the wide umbrella of the faith seeking to travel there. Many Kir’gul Skrell can be found seeking to make a living as artists on Ouerea, or in similar lines of work involving creative personal expression. While most do not achieve particular notoriety, some of the most prominent literature, poetry and music not considered anti-Federation in theme has been produced on Ouerea. Kir'gul artists on Ouerea are influenced primarily by Unathi culture, with their history and the Contact War being primary inspirations.

Several constellations have become particularly important to Ouerean Skrell despite the short amount of time that they've been on the planet. These constellations influence and reinforce many of the ideals held by Skrell living on Ouerea today.

  • Fish - bounty, labour, famine, celebration
  • Chains - emancipation, liberation, oppression, tyranny
  • Gecko - allies, friendship, confrontation, solidarity

Skrell on Ouerea

The Skrell are not inexperienced when it comes to settling on the worlds of other species, having spread themselves out across Human space soon after they made first contact with Humanity. Settling on Ouerea came with its own set of unique issues though, and combined with a tumultuous history it has culminated in a subsection of Skrell who are culturally distinct from most of its species.


Shortly after first contact in 2403, a small number of Skrell moved to Ouerea. These Skrell were only Federation Representatives and their associates at first, their purpose being two-fold: develop relations with the Unathi and learn more about their culture and people, and assist their struggling first colony by turning it into a burgeoning, self-sufficient one. These first Skrell joining the colony would not go on to form the contemporary Skrell on Ouerea, but laid the foundations for what was to come for the species.

During the first month of diplomatic and cultural exchanges, the Skrell were also beginning to look at what the colony would need to truly be self-sufficient. It was obvious that educated workers and those who had experience in colony development were needed, so the Representatives made a request to the Grand Council. The call was barely received back in the Federation as many Skrell felt unease at the thought of leaving their homes for a pre-existing fledgling colony of a nation less advanced than Humanity. While a small number of Secondary and Primary Numericals accepted the call, it was mostly Tertiaries and other oppressed groups within Federation society who were willing to leave their home for a planet still struggling to survive. The influx of oppressed groups joining Ouerea influenced its already existing anti-Feudalistic movements, introducing foreign concepts that matched the Unathi colonist's goals for egalitarianism and democracy. These ideas were unimpaired by the politics of those who worked for the Federation, who had to keep the Hegemony in mind while on Ouerea, and these oppressed Skrell were more than happy to teach the colonists that there was a way of living that did not involve serving under the Izweski's or any lord's rule.

The move to Ouerea was slow, but over time Skrell moved to the planet on a larger scale than in Human space as the colony's needs outpaced any xenophobia held by the Unathi living there. Ouerea would soon become a well-known destination for those who needed to flee Federation space, either as a stop along the way to the Coalition of Colonies, or as a final destination for those looking to make a new life for themselves. It wouldn't be until the Contact War began and the Federation took over administration of the planet that their numbers would increase dramatically. A planet which the Federation administered appealed to many across all of Federation society; the average citizen saw it as an opportunity to safely explore the Spur, knowing they would not be at the whim of a xenophobic or unenlightened government, while Tertiaries and criminals saw it as an opportunity to leave the Federation and live where its laws are not heavily enforced without arousing too much suspicion. While still having to live secretly at this point, not openly practising their subversive beliefs, the comparatively lax monitoring of citizens on Ouerea gave the Skrell's unprecedented freedom compared to Federation space.

The Federation's administration of the planet would see democratic elections begin, as now freed from the feudal obligations of the Izweski the population took to implanting its long-hoped-for government. The administration created by the Federation was not a true government in any sense, instead acting more as an oversight committee, allowing the planet to form its own government and the policies that come with it as the people saw fit, rather than imposing their own. This is attributed to the lack of true support the Federation's Administration received, as the population of the Nralakk Core Systems saw no reason for their government to begin establishing colonies so far from home, especially in the de-facto territory of another species with whom they cooperated. The Federation's Administration would instead work with the locally elected government of the Synod of Scales, who it recognized as the legitimate government of Ouerea, assisting them in the growth and stability of the colony, essentially acting as a liaison group between the Synod and the larger Federation. To the surprise of many, while a majority of elected positions were still in the hands of Unathi, a large proportion of positions across all levels of Ouerean society would be held by Skrell when considering their minority presence on the planet, as they were some of the only colonists with experience or the slightest education in civil administration. At this point, the life for Skrell on Ouerea was compared to the early days of the Skrell Space Age. Advanced technology was not imported over in large numbers, and was only used by Federation officials to facilitate communication back home and to the Hegemony when possible. The Skrell's quality of life suffered, obviously, as they would be too used to what the Federation had, but many enjoyed the subsistence lifestyle Ouerea offered. The Skrell settling on Ouerea began to see the colony as an example of what cross-species cooperation could achieve if given the opportunity.

At the end of the Contact War, the Hegemony slowly began to stabilise and take notice of its holdings once again, and saw what became of its colony. The Hegemony took disproportionate action, taking a number of Skrell Kala officers captive and making a grand display of its fleet in orbit of Ouerea as a message to the Federation and Alliance: the Hegemony would not bow down to aliens, and Ouerea belongs to the Hegemony. The Nralakk Federation and Solarian Alliance would then "cede" their claims to the colony, not wanting to fight over a planet that didn't belong to them to start with and was too far away from their territory anyway, and took their citizens with them. Those who worked with the Federation directly, along with the Primary Numericals and many Secondaries, would leave the planet with their job of making Ouerea self-sufficient and considered complete. Those who fled the Federation and those who established roots and relationships in their local communities, however, were not interested in leaving their new home and had no intention of leaving. Those that stayed on Ouerea were forced to passively observe as the new Overlord began to tear down the equal society that they had helped create for the Unathi, unable to defend it in fear of xenophobic reprisal as discrimination against the Skrell almost immediately became common once the old Feudal system was put in place; as the Skrell were seen as a direct cause for the introduction of democracy and other "alien ideals" to the Unathi population, the new Unathi colonists and rulers were quick to view them with contempt. This said the Skrell were spared during the Months of Blood, serving prison sentences or simply being brought back down to the rank of peasant rather than the normal punishment of execution, as the Hegemon feared the response by the Spur's superpowers if he were to kill his alien subjects. After two years of uncertain fear of their status in the Hegemony and internal debate about what to do with these new alien subjects, the Ouerean rebellion began.

The Skrell's role in the rebellion was not insignificant, but the species was divided on where they stood. One side saw it as their fight just as much as it was the Unathi's now that they were considered Hegemonic subjects, while the other viewed their participation in the rebellion as a death sentence; so far away from home and no hope of escaping what punishment they may face by a Feudal ruler, many Skrell wished to stay on the sidelines and hope that they would be left alone. Some even believed that they may be granted special privileges as a species, and didn't want to spoil their chances of negotiating these rights with the Izweski or Yiz’tek Lords if they openly rebelled against Hegemony rule. Participation in the rebellion itself by Skrell was not significant due to their minority presence on the planet, but while the number of Skrell fighting on the streets in solidarity with the Unathi peasants was small, the number of sympathetic Skrell who offered their services to those impacted by the rebellion was much higher. Those with medical backgrounds would help the wounded after a riot, engineers would repair the damages done by the lord's levies after a crackdown, and religious leaders would help organise communities to help those most impacted by Overlord Yitzek's heavy-handed rule. Skrell who took part in the actual fighting notably helped train those peasants who had not defected in fighting as a unit and advised them on how to best engage with the better-equipped Yiz’tek forces on the planet.

After Not'zar Izweski's negotiations with the rebels, and the arrest of Overlord Hutay’zai, the Skrell's place in Ouerean society was secured. The Skrell were given a permanent observer within the re-established Synod of Scales, whose role is to speak and bring forward issues related to the Skrell without requiring prior approval by the Overlord, a privilege not given to Humanity, as little to none of them are on the planet for any reason besides work, but otherwise has no other powers within the Synod. This special privilege has made the Skrell of Ouerea more content with the situation, knowing that they still have representation within the government. The reasoning behind Not'zar's decision of giving the Skrell this privilege isn't specifically known, but it can be assumed that Not'zar sees the Skrell on Ouerea as a key to greater technological advancement for the Hegemony, as most Skrell have had decades of intense higher education and a more advanced skillset than your average Unathi.

Life and Culture

The Skrell of Ouerea today are in much the same situation as they were before the Hegemony took back control of the planet, and in similar situations seen by Skrell living abroad elsewhere in the Spur. Despite an individual Unathi's thoughts on the species, Skrell are in high demand for their knowledge and skills, and it is common to see Skrell in higher positions in most fields. Skrell in teaching positions are also common, although for the most part they are not tied into the local education system in an official capacity and are usually hired on by guildsmen for their workplace instead. This has given the Skrell a certain amount of respect by the other species, with the common thought being that if a Skrell is in your workplace, you know that you are in good hands. This said, Skrell still face a large amount of discrimination in Ouerean society as some Unathi feel as though they have been cheated out of better opportunities. Even with Ouerea's emphasized importance on equality, the Unathi still struggle when it comes to how they treat non-Unathi. This has translated to many senior positions being held by Unathi, while Skrell are relegated to positions that hold no authority over their peers.

Outside of work, Skrell see more of the egalitarianism that Ouerea embraces. Communities are rarely fully segregated, with the only real exception being Xrqii-Zek'Qlip due to its environment being unsuitable for Unathi. Even here, however, the Skrell population has issues fully assimilating; the cultural differences between Unathi and Skrell have made life in mixed areas difficult, and it can be a challenge for the two species to interact without it being abrasive. This isn't to say that tensions are high between the species, but it has made the existence of "Skrell Quarters" or "Little Qerrbalak's" common in the larger cities such as New Skalamar as Skrell choose to live mostly alongside other Skrell where possible.

Skrell culture and attitudes have changed as a result of mingling with the Unathi and Human populations on Ouerea, particularly views related to individuality. Just as how Ouerean Unathi have placed more importance on the individual rather than the clan you belong to, Skrell on Ouerea have begun to emphasise the importance of individual Skrell rather than focusing on the group as a whole. While by no means completely removing the importance of community, or making the species unable to see the importance of sticking together as a minority on an alien planet, the definition of a group and community for Ouerean Skrell is much smaller than that of a Skrell from the Federation; while Skrell in the Federation are more willing to see themselves part of a greater whole, that "greater whole" for a Skrell on Ouerea may not extend much further than their town or city. Other Unathi ideas have also influenced the Skrell living here, particularly those related to loyalty and honour which match well with pre-existing views. These ideas can be seen the most in younger Skrell, either those who fled the Federation for already having similar views or those who were born on Ouerea. Non-mainstream Skrellian beliefs have seen popularity on Ouerea as well, with Suur'ka being seen as a necessity for a physically weaker and minority species living alongside Unathi. The Suur'ka ideology followed on Ouerea is not unified but still follows the main tenets of Suur'ka and its connected Sqai'Laaq martial art: the mental and physical honing of oneself, self-reliance, and independence. Suur'ka's tenet of independence is particularly popular with Skrell, especially those who took part in the rebellion and is often brought up as a point when the topic of Ouerea's role in the Hegemony is mentioned.

The majority of Skrell on the planet would be considered subversives back in the Federation even before this cultural shift thanks to those staying mostly being Skrell who were either outcasts in Federation society, criminals, or otherwise not ideal citizens. The mix of Skrell from all backgrounds, regardless of ideology or subculture, has allowed the proliferation of Skrell ideas that is unprecedented elsewhere save for perhaps the Republic of Biesel. With their status as Hegemony subjects and the lack of formal agreements between the Hegemony and Federation, Ouerea continues to be a destination for those willing to flee Federation space - albeit one that is considerably less popular than fleeing to the Coalition of Colonies or joining the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion.

There is still a small group Skrell who are still pro-Federation, however, made up of those who did not wish to leave Ouerea for one reason or another, and are who make up the majority of non-Unathi supporters of the Restorationists political movement. Ironically, this group of Skrell are considered outcasts by the greater Skrell community on Ouerea, seeing their pro-Federation, conformist beliefs as precisely what the idea of Ouerea is against. Their support for an authoritarian nation such as the Federation is compared to the Izweski Hegemony, and are widely shunned by both Skrell and Unathi alike as a result. Pro-Federation Skrell on Ouerea do not last long, either finally giving in and adopting the wider culture held by Skrell on the planet or giving up and moving back to the Federation.

Humanity on Ouerea

Ouerea has been home to a large human population for nearly sixty years, with human communities having been established shortly after first contact. Though Ouerea has gone through difficult times, and the Sol Alliance's presence on the planet is long gone, humanity remains on Ouerea - one of the only human populations living under an alien nation.


Shortly after first contact in 2403, human settlement of Ouerea began. The humans of Ouerea came in two waves - the first were largely Sol Alliance military personnel, who were permitted to construct several bases and refueling stations on the planet in exchange for Solarian assistance in furthering the Izweski space program. The second and far larger wave was driven by the human megacorporations, with many of them acquiring generous contracts for development of the Ouerean colony. Hephaestus and NanoTrasen were the two largest investors in Ouerean development, though Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals had several research facilities to study the myriad of new organisms found on both Moghes and Ouerea, and Einstein Engines were contracted to assist in the development of warp technology by the Izweski. The vast majority of these workers came from Solarian space, particularly from planets with limited economic opportunity. Ouerea was advertised to Hephaestus and NanoTrasen employees in particular as a land of opportunity and discovery, with many being shipped directly to the planet to assist in its settlement.

Due to the megacorporate contracts, humans had more contact with Unathi than the initial Skrell settlers, with corporate habitation buildings often being constructed near existing settlements for ease of work. The two groups were far from integrated, however, with distrust of aliens still being heavily present among the Unathi of Ouerea. Sentiment was common in the early days that the human presence on Ouerea was just an alien attempt to take control of an Unathi achievement, especially given the Solarian military bases built on the planet. Humans in this time often found themselves forming their own insular communities rather than integrating with the Unathi ones present.

With the outbreak of the Contact War, the Izweski were unable to govern the colony. The Sol Alliance, alongside the Nralakk Federation, drafted legislation for a temporary provisional government to administrate the colony due to the large human and Skrell populations. After negotiation with local Unathi, the democratic structure of Ouerean society was created, modeled extensively on human society. Largely, the Alliance was hands-off with regards to the administration of Ouerea compared to the Federation, content to observe and to intervene if the situation ever required it. Over this period, human, Skrell, and Unathi communities grew closer as settlements grew larger, with the unique cosmopolitan culture of Ouerea beginning to take root.

Most of the humans settling on Ouerea had had little contact with alien life prior to their settlement, but began to see the benefits of cross-species cooperation. Under the provisional government, the humans of Ouerea came to work closer with their Skrell and Unathi partners, with many of them having come to see Ouerea as their new home since the initial human arrival on the planet. At this point, the human community of Ouerea had been living on the planet for decades, and the idea of an independent Ouerean nation had begun to take root among them - particularly upon witnessing the successful secession of the Republic of Biesel. This idea would be crushed in 2457, when Hegemon S’kresti demanded that Sol and Nralakk return Ouerea to the Hegemony, and the feudal system was imposed on the colonists.

Many humans departed with the Alliance ships, including almost all of the active Solarian government and military personnel on the planet. Those who remained found themselves thrust into an alien model of society, with many of the rights and freedoms they had taken for granted stripped from them by foreign lords. The humans of Ouerea chafed under the Hegemony’s yoke from the beginning, and were near-universally supporters of throwing these foreign overlords from the world which had become their home. When the Revolution finally came, the human population was instrumental in its organization, taking inspiration from hundreds of similar revolutionary movements throughout their own history.

With the Revolution’s victory, the troubles of the Ouerean human community did not end - though the Synod was reestablished, only Unathi were permitted by the Hegemon to hold seats on it, with Skrell being granted observer status due to fear of angering the Nralakk Federation. The human population, however, was largely ignored by the Izweski, which has fueled lingering resentment, and demands for representation have grown louder and louder as the expansion of Hephaestus Industries has driven a wedge between Ouerea and Moghes.

Life & Culture

The human population of Ouerea came from a wide range of origins within the Sol Alliance, with the vast majority of them being shipped in by megacorporations as workers. Many of those who signed up for long-term work on Ouerea came from the Middle Colonies or particularly disadvantaged Inner Ring worlds, seeking new opportunities on an untouched and alien world. Though it has been over sixty years since the first humans arrived on Ouerea, many of the modern population retain strong ties to their homes in whatever way they can, with human communities often tending to be enclaves of a specific culture.

Despite their strong ties to their home cultures, Ouerean humans tend to feel more strongly that Ouerea is their home than their Skrell countrymen - while sixty years is not a short time, it is far longer for humans than for Skrell, with the humans who have lived on the planet for decades often viewing Ouerea as the project that they have given much of their life to. This attitude is even stronger among the generation of humans actually born on Ouerea, most of whom have never known another homeworld.

Humans on Ouerea are often ignored by the Hegemony - while the Skrell have the looming shadow of the Nralakk Federation granting them a measure of political influence, the planet’s human community has little in the way of leverage to gain more representation within the Synod - despite several protests in human communities since the revolution. Since the withdrawal of most megacorporations from Ouerea, humans often had difficulty finding work as the Hegemony’s guilds moved in - with many of them exclusively hiring Unathi, or only hiring humans into underpaid and difficult positions. Though this practice stopped with the Hephaestus acquisition of the guilds, most humans on Ouerea still prefer to patronize Ouerean-run or specifically human-run businesses where possible.

One thing that the diverse human population of Ouerea tends to have in common is an independent attitude, often perceived as being to the point of stubbornness by other humans. The initial human arrivals on Ouerea viewed themselves as pioneers, an attitude which many of the Unathi colonists shared, and the ideals of self-reliance and independence from foreign authority remain a cultural touchstone of Ouerean humanity. In addition to the common Ouerean distaste for the Hegemony, Ouerean humans tend to have a negative opinion of other human governments - particularly those with roots on planets which had a rocky relationship with the Alliance.

Notable Human Enclaves

Ouerea is home to many humans from a wide range of planets across the Orion Spur. Many of the human immigrants to Ouerea, particularly among the initial arrivals, found themselves living primarily among other humans from similar backgrounds, forming cultural enclaves on the planet. Thousands of these enclaves are dotted across Ouerea, from hundreds of worlds across Solarian space - but a few of them are particularly large, well-known, or influential. Mostly, these enclaves were founded by megacorporate workers in the initial arrival of humanity on Ouerea, with some of them having stood for decades.

New Olympia, Tr’ha’rem: Initially built around Hephaestus Industries employee housing, the district of Tr’ha’rem known as New Olympia was home to a large number of Martian workers employed by the megacorporation, and housed in Tr’ha’rem due to its more moderate climate for humans. Many of these humans worked on the Tr’ha’rem docks, and helped to cement the city’s status as a major port on Ouerea’s seas. The people of New Olympia tend to view Hephaestus favorably and have bitter feelings towards the Solarian Alliance, which were only amplified by the Violet Dawn disaster of 2462. Though many of them have not seen Mars in decades, if at all, they still consider themselves as Martian as they are Ouerean, and many of the locals have donated extensively to relief efforts following the disaster. During the early days of the Ouerean Revolution, New Olympia was home to some of the fiercest human opposition to the Hegemony, with many of its population using their positions in the shipping industry to smuggle arms and supplies to their fellow revolutionaries.

New Olympia is one of the largest human enclaves on Ouerea, and is often viewed as a center of human politics on the planet. Several protests demanding greater human representation in the Synod have been held in the streets of Tr’ha’rem, and the Martian population is known to be a significant voting bloc in local politics. New Olympia is also known to play a key role in Ouerean smuggling rings - an issue which local law enforcement seems content to ignore, with many residents both human and Unathi preferring the status quo. The humans of New Olympia are largely supporters of either Revolution’s Heirs or the Warriors of Liberty, with the ideals of the Ouerean Revolution being firmly held among the locals. Due to the general distaste for the Sol Alliance, support for the Restorationists is almost nonexistent here.

Giai Phong, Um’a’yid: The district of Giai Phong in Um’a’yid is home to a large number of New Hai Phongese immigrants, initially brought in to aid in the city’s construction by Hephaestus Industries. As the Unathi-dominated Fishing League gained more power in the city, many of the local humans found themselves working tedious and underpaid jobs in the city’s fishing industry, as Hephaestus’s presence in the city diminished. Though Hephaestus’s acquisition of the Fishing League led to the corporation’s return, the corporation’s actions both on Ouerea and on New Hai Phong had done little to win friends among the people of Giai Phong. The district in the modern day is a hotbed of anti-corporate politics on Ouerea, with many of the locals seeing Hephaestus’s growing presence on the planet as a path leading to the rampant corruption and environmental devastation of their homeworld.

Rumored connections between local Giai Phong activists and more radical anti-corporate groups such as the Aut’akh or even the Champions of Moghes is often raised by pro-corporate politicians - but so far, these accusations remain baseless. Many Giai Phong locals fought during the Revolution, most notably being responsible for capturing the ruling lord of Um’a’yid during the initial period of fighting. The humans of Giai Phong are divided between support for the Warriors of Liberty and Restorationists, with the latter forming a small yet noteworthy minority.

Meonbada, New Skalamar: The district of Meonbada in New Skalamar is home to a large number of Konyanger expatriates, initially established as housing for Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals employees. Meonbada served as Zeng-Hu’s planetary headquarters prior to the megacorporation’s withdrawal from the Hegemony, and was home to several xenobiological research laboratories which coordinated most of the planet’s study of the countless new species found in Ouerea’s environment. When Zeng-Hu withdrew from the Hegemony, Meonbada was harshly impacted, with many of the skilled professionals in the district suddenly losing their jobs with the corporation. Some turned to criminal activities, with several now-abandoned facilities turned into drug labs, while others departed the increasingly worsening district for better opportunities elsewhere. Meonbada served as a hotbed of revolutionary activity during the uprising, with Yiztek troops attempting to storm the district in search of rebel leaders and being repelled by locals.

After the Revolution concluded, and the Ouerean Confederation was re-established, the new planetary government began to resume the exploration and research of Ouerea which had stalled under feudal rule. Many of the former Zeng-Hu employees who had stayed in Meonbada suddenly found themselves offered new positions in similar fields to their previous ones. In 2463, the Synod began to invest heavily in cleaning up Meonbada - driving out the criminal activity in the district and repurposing it into a center of scientific research on the planet. The former Zeng-Hu administrative center was reopened, and rapidly became the beating heart of the government’s studies of their homeworld. In the modern day, Meonbada is an odd slice of Konyang transplanted, a district which would not look out of place in Suwon or New Hong Kong. The district remains majority human, though the research industry there has led to growing Unathi and Skrell populations. The humans of Meonbada are largely Revolution’s Heirs voters, with a small bloc of support for the Ouerean Independence Movement - the current status quo has improved the lot of the locals enormously, and most would prefer to preserve it.