Guide to Law

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Luna Accords of Interstellar Law

The Luna Accords of Interstellar Law are a combination of treaties and protocols that establish interstellar legal standards regarding the protection of sentient rights that came into existence shortly after the conclusion of the Great Interstellar War. It has seen some revisions following the discovery of other species within the Orion Spur and the impact that they had. The framework for the Accords is traced back to the Armistice of June 25th 2287, negotiated and signed by representatives of the Solarian Alliance and the Coalition of Colonies, contained within it provisions regarding the need for interstellar legal standards that afforded unequivocal rights to sentients. It wasn’t until after the signing of the Treaty of Xansan that these interstellar legal standards were pursued, eventually agreed upon and executed in the metropolis of Harmony City, Luna on September 19th 2289. It saw some revisions since its inauguration, mostly as a result of First Contact with other species. The introduction of not just foreign but alien cultures to the legal landscape of the Orion Spur changed the perspectives of many, where the input of these other cultures was necessary for there to be compliance. The most notable of these revision protocols are:

Qerrbalak Protocol relating to the Proliferation of Synthetics (Protocol I of 2393)

Having only recovered a century earlier from the havoc wrought against them by the tyrannical Glorsh-Omega, the Skrell were shocked to see Humanity’s reliance on synthetics. Representatives were disseminated across the Orion Spur to the recently discovered nations of the Solarian Alliance, Coalition of Colonies, and the Republic of Elyra, where the influence they gained was used to leverage their position when it came time to sign the Accords. The Qerrbalak Protocol relating to the Proliferation of Synthetics imposed the requirement of cataloguing and tagging these artificial beings; this continues to impact synthetics, and being untagged is a crime in many places across the Spur.

Biesel Protocol relating to Capital Punishment (Protocol II of 2432)

The discovery of the positronic complex half a century earlier revived the robotics industry alongside cyborgification. In an approach by both the Nralakk Federation and the Solarian Alliance, it was argued necessary for there to be standards set regarding punitive sentences for those that committed serious violations against life. In an agreement between the sovereign nations of the Orion Spur, Capital Punishment was deemed a violation of sentient rights. It is a contentious subject among many, especially with the exclusion of cyborgification from the protocol.

Moghes Protocol relating to Non-Interference (Protocol III of 2453)

Thought necessary after the revolutions of Adhomai and the nuclear cataclysm that engulfed Moghes, as an indirect result due to the interference of the Nralakk Federation and the Solarian Alliance, a guideline was desired for approaching civilizations that have not yet breached the technological point that would allow them to traverse the stars. Despite its name, it was not initiated by the Izweski Nation nor was it signed on Moghes, but instead by the newly independent Republic of Biesel on its capital. It has provisions which prohibit signatories from interacting and interfering with the natural development of uncontacted civilizations. So far, it has not seen any use.


See also: Drug Law

Republic of Biesel

The Republic of Biesel considers individual liberties important when approaching the drafting of legislation, which was enshrined within its Constitution. It has only one amendment, following their recognition of the rights of synthetics that have attained freedom and complied with requirements for citizenship in 2458. Megacorporations are expected to follow the laws of the Republic when operating within it, which includes the Luna Accords of Interstellar Law. It does not see cyborgification as capital punishment but instead as an alternative to life imprisonment. Additionally, the following applies in the Republic of Biesel:

  • Every person has the right to counsel.
  • Capital punishment is illegal.
  • Every person has the right to privacy; law enforcement agencies require a warrant to search a person or a building/structure.
  • Every person is to be read their rights during arrest; a person is to be informed of their charges prior to arrest.
  • In addition to Alcohol, Wulumunusha and Tobacco products Mercury Monolithium Sucrose, Psilocybin, Ambrosia Deus, Ambrosia Vulgaris and Reishi are considered to be legal; where their possession, ingestion and distribution do not constitute an illegal act.
  • Firearm ownership is regulated by the planetary states of the Republic of Biesel, however, the majority adhere to the requirements laid out by the Republic: Must be 21 years of age, pass a background check, and be declared fit for possession after a psychological evaluation. There are no further regulations regarding ownership of Ballistic, Plasma or Laser Firearms.

Solarian Alliance

A coalition of old Earth countries and their colonies, the Solarian Alliance only exists thanks to the foundations laid by the United Nations. While initially dishevelled, it rapidly gained stability in the ensuing decades as the Solarian Interstellar Policing & Crime Prevention Agency gained more power within the frontier colonies. The structure of Solarian Security and Law solidified into what it is in contemporary times: a massive bloated mess of bureaucracy that seemingly works, even if it is considered somewhat slow. The collapse of the Solarian Alliance in 2462 brought some changes as a provisional government came into power, but it still operates relatively similar to how it did years prior with these changes really only observed in regions plagued by instability, such as Mars. The Alliance is a signatory of the Luna Accords of Interstellar Law and expects megacorporations to comply with the Accords and their own laws when operating within its space. Cyborgification is considered capital punishment in the Solarian Alliance. Additionally, the following applies:

  • Every person has the right to counsel.
  • Despite Capital Punishment being a violation of sentient rights, the Solarian Alliance continues to authorize legal executions.
  • Every person has the right to privacy; law enforcement agencies require a warrant to search a person or a building/structure.
  • Nobody is required to be read their rights during arrest; a person is required to be informed of their charges prior to arrest.
  • Firearm ownership is prohibited for reasons outside of recreational usage, such as hunting or for sport. Laser/Plasma firearms are prohibited.

Impact of the Collapse of the Solarian Alliance

Due to the collapse of the Solarian Alliance, several of its regions have fallen into disarray and instability. Despite being a signatory of the Luna Accords of Interstellar Law, it is not uncommon to hear of the administration of harsh punishments by the military provisional governments within these regions, including capital punishments such as execution by firing squad or the infringement of civil rights. It is unknown whether the Solarian Alliance will pursue these violations of sentient rights, and the interim government often ignores criticisms of their lack of handling the growing problem.

Nralakk Federation

With a legal system that predates even the earliest societies on Earth, the Nralakk Federation thrives on bureaucracy, with its internal workings maintaining stability since the first iteration of the ancient civilization. It places great importance on its citizens to maintain behaviour that would advance the Federation and heavily punishes those that behave contrary to the Federation’s values. Those who consistently act against the Federation either in their behaviour or their actions are brought to what are known as ‘rehabilitation centres’, facilities that aim to re-educate detainees and turn them into more compliant citizens. Cyborgification is illegal, and so is the presence of synthetics within the Nralakk Federation that haven’t gone through swathes of red tape. It is a signatory of the Luna Accords of Interstellar Law and expects megacorporations to comply with its laws or face sanctions. The following applies:

  • Every person has the right to counsel; one must be provided by the Federation.
  • Capital punishment is illegal and has always been. There are two alternatives used by the Federation instead: life imprisonment, and Persistent Cryogenic Stasis.
  • Every person has the right to privacy; law enforcement agencies require a warrant to search a person or a building/structure. The right to privacy does not include online activity, which can be freely monitored by the State for illegal actions.
  • Every person is required to be read their rights during arrest; no person is required to be informed of their charges prior to arrest.
  • Citizen rights and privileges are provided or taken away by the State based on their score in the Social Compatability Index. Primaries have the most freedoms in the Federation, while Secondaries have most rights and privileges that can be expected elsewhere in the Orion Spur. Tertiaries are given no support by the State and are the most restricted class. Non-citizen species (non-Skrell/Diona/C’thuric Vaurca) are considered in-between Tertiary and Secondary classification in terms of individual freedoms.
  • Gun ownership is illegal in most regions of the Federation, with the only exception being gun ownership in developing colonies where there is ‘reasonable justification’ for the colonists to be armed.

Serene Republic of Elyra

The Serene Republic of Elyra still has vestiges of the Solarian Alliance within its own laws— but with minor caveats. With its roots in the Middle Eastern regions of Earth, Islam bled into Elyran society, where it became ingrained within it. It maintains a significant influence on many within the Republic’s borders, with only a fifth of the population aligning with agnosticism, even reflected in the judicial system through modesty regulations more commonly referred to as the “debauchery laws”. Cyborgification is illegal, but it is not considered to be capital punishment. It is a signatory of the Luna Accords of Interstellar Law and expects megacorporations to operate in compliance with the New Suez Trade Protocol of 2381. The following applies:

  • Every person has the right to counsel.
  • Capital punishment is legal, despite being a signatory of the Accords.
  • Every person has the right to privacy; law enforcement agencies require a warrant to search a person or a building/structure.
  • Every person is required to be read their rights during arrest; persons are required to be informed of their charges prior to arrest.
  • Persons are to adhere to the modesty regulations according to area precincts, where contravention can result in punitive actions.
  • Non-Citizen Persons are not afforded the rights and protections awarded to those with citizenship; where persons are mentioned it must be presumed that it refers to those with citizenship unless otherwise stated.
  • Firearm Ownership is heavily regulated, and ownership for non-Elyran citizens is prohibited. Regulations are significantly looser on Medina due to the Phoron Bulletin. Private ownership of plasma-based weaponry is prohibited for all Elyrans due to their status as military-grade weaponry.

Izweski Hegemony

One of the newer species to the Orion Spur, the Izweski Hegemony doesn’t have a uniform judicial system where criminals are placed: instead, a decentralized approach is taken, where individual fiefdoms are given the authority to conduct judicial matters in any way they see fit. This has had some criticisms from progressive Unathi, such as those from Ouerea, but it does not seem that the Izweski Hegemony is intent on changing its decision anytime soon. The Izweski Hegemony is not a signatory to the Luna Accords of Interstellar Law. Cyborgification is illegal and considered a fate worse than death. The Hegemony expects megacorporations to comply with its laws when operating in its space. The following applies:

  • No person has the right to counsel; one can acquire counsel but it will not be given.
  • Capital punishment is legal.
  • No person has the right to privacy; law enforcement agencies do not require a warrant to search a person or a building/structure.
  • No person is required to be read their rights during arrest; a person is required to be informed of their charges prior to arrest unless particularly severe.
  • Persons will have their cases heard before the relevant Lord of the land or a designated judge on which the crime was committed; punitive discipline is largely up to the wishes of the relevant Lord or judge.
  • Private firearm ownership is practically non-existent outside of the noble and warriors castes of Unathi and is heavily regulated.

People's Republic of Adhomai

Having had decades more than their counterparts to refine their approach to their judicial system, the Peoples’ Republic of Adhomai is considered to have the harshest hand. Loyalty to the Party is considered paramount, where suspected dissidence is dealt with quickly and ruthlessly. Cyborgification is legal, and considered capital punishment, but is done rarely due to lack of ability. Megacorporations are expected to comply with the Peoples’ Republic of Adhomai’s laws when operating within their space. It is not a signatory of the Luna Accord of Interstellar Law. The following applies:

  • Every person has the right to counsel; one must be provided by the Party.
  • Capital punishment is legal.
  • Every person has the right to privacy; law enforcement agencies require a warrant to search a person or a building/structure. Warrants regarding suspected dissidence are easily acquirable, where pre-emptive action can be excused if law enforcement agencies believed there was a reasonable suspicion of dissidence.
  • Nobody is required to be read their rights during arrest; nor is a person required to be informed of their charges prior to arrest.
  • The purchase and carry of firearms require a permit issued by the Party, with the exception being made to the members of the Hadiist Party and weapons that are considered family relics. Civilians can only acquire simple pistols, revolvers, and hunting rifles if they can prove a clear purpose for them such as hunting or self-defence. Party Membership allows citizens to acquire more powerful equipment, such as submachine guns.

Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai

Born from the death of Al'Mari Hadii, the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Adhomai has a more liberal approach to its judicial system compared to the rest of Adhomai. Democracy, transparency and civil liberties are the founding principles of the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Adhomai; however, the decentralized nature as a result of the existence of military juntas caused issues with upholding these ideals. Despite enshrining civil liberties, some are impeded by these provisional regional governments who do not wish to give up their hold. Cyborgification is illegal but is not considered capital punishment. It is not a signatory of the Luna Accords of Interstellar Law. Megacorporations rarely operate within the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Adhomai but are expected to comply with their laws when they do. The following applies:

  • Every person has the right to counsel; one must be provided by the Republic.
  • Capital punishment is legal.
  • Every person has the right to privacy; law enforcement agencies require a warrant to search a person or a building/structure. Provisional regional governments infringe these rights often, citing petty reasons for doing so. Little has been done to combat these where they have a better grip than the overarching civilian government.
  • Every person is required to be read their rights during arrest; persons are required to be informed of their charges prior to arrest. In areas where there are provisional regional governments ruled by military juntas, these are often not followed where instead they are detained and escorted to appear before a military tribunal.
  • Weapons are widespread within the Democratic Republic of Adhomai, with most households having at least one rifle or some heirloom gun. There are very few restrictions on acquiring or carrying firearms, with only explosives and weapons of mass destruction being reserved for the military.

New Kingdom of Adhomai

Having carved itself into existence by the gallant forces of King Vahzirthaamro Azunja, the New Kingdom of Adhomai operates as a constitutional monarchy. Under King Azunja’s instruction, his ministers established a more centralized judicial system than the Democratic People’s Republic of Adhomai while not being so overbearing as the People’s Republic of Adhomai’s. The legal system has a slew of issues regarding its treatment of nobility and peasants. While on paper there are not two separate legal systems, in actuality, nobles are more favoured by the courts and are able to afford better lawyers. Legal reform is a hot-button issue in the nation. Cyborgification is illegal but is not considered capital punishment. It is not a signatory of the Luna Accords of Interstellar Law. Megacorporations are expected to comply with its laws when operating within the New Kingdom of Adhomai. The following applies:

  • Every person has the right to counsel.
  • Capital punishment is legal.
  • Every person has the right to privacy; law enforcement agencies require a warrant to search a person or a building/structure.
  • Every person is not required to be read their rights during arrest; persons are required to be informed of their charges prior to arrest.
  • Firearms are more common in rural regions than in the few urban centers, owing to the culture of the agrarian nobility and peasantry. Commoners are able to obtain and carry small semi-automatic weapons, such as hunting shotguns and pistols. Nobles have more freedom in acquiring weapons, having been granted the right to acquire automatic weapons.

Empire of Dominia

The fervently devout of the Empire of Dominia are subjected to a unique approach which blends both Church and State. While there exist laws implemented by the civilian authorities, the Moroz Holy Tribunal has a separate canon of laws that take precedence in regard to religious crimes. Those that commit acts against the Tribunal Doctrines can find themselves facing harsh punishments, including Capital Punishment. It is not a signatory of the Luna Accords of Interstellar Laws. Cyborgification is illegal, set out by the Moroz Holy Tribunal, and is considered a fate worse than death. Megacorporations are expected to comply with its laws when operating in the Empire of Dominia. The following applies:

  • Every person has the right to counsel.
  • Capital punishment is legal.
  • Every person has the right to privacy; law enforcement agencies require a warrant to search a person or a building/structure.
  • Every person is not required to be read their rights during arrest; persons are not required to be informed of their charges prior to arrest.
  • Firearm Ownership rights are granted individually by local officials and magistrates. Primaries and Secondaries can apply for permits,. Lyodic peoples are exempt from these firearms regulations.

Coalition of Colonies

The Coalition of Colonies forged themselves from the ashes of the Great Interstellar War, fighting off the Solarian Alliance in a guerilla fashion. The only overarching unifier of the Coalition of Colonies is the Luna Accords of Interstellar War, and a mutual agreement to defend one another in the event war breaks out. The Coalition of Colonies has very little oversight of its member states, where each governs itself in accordance with its own morals and values. Something that might apply on Xanu won’t necessarily apply on Himeo. Due to this, there is no uniform approach to the judicial system or the legislature that exists across these planets. However, as a signatory of the Luna Accords of Interstellar Laws, some things still apply, but this doesn’t necessarily mean they’re enforced:

  • Capital punishment is illegal. Rarely enforced by the Coalition of Colonies if a member state wishes to continue engaging in legally authorised executions. Currently, only Gadpathur, Konyang and Vysoka still engage in Capital Punishment. The Scarabs do not authorize executions but are known to maroon people.
  • Persons will have their cases heard by the relevant Courts where the crime was committed.
  • Firearm Ownership is not regulated by the Coalition of Colonies, but instead by the government of its member states. Private firearm ownership is prohibited in Gadpathur, Assunzione, and Konyang where it can only be used for recreational purposes. Himeo and Xanu Prime do not prohibit private ownership of firearms, but instead, regulate ownership of plasma, laser and automatic firearms for those that are outside of its military or law enforcement personnel.
  • Cyborgification is illegal on Konyang, Vysoka, Assunzione, Himeo and Gadpathur. It is not practised by the Scarabs.

Eridani Corporate Federation

The Eridani Corporate Federation is a near-autonomous state of the Solarian Alliance and largely governs itself. It has its own laws, many that mimic the Alliance’s, but largely is considered “independent.” Its primary principle is profit. Its laws exist only to further corporate profits, even to the detriment of its citizens. It is a signatory of the Luna Accords of Interstellar Laws, but the Federation largely ignores some of its provisions in pursuit of profit margins. Cyborgification is legal and considered capital punishment. Megacorporations are not expected to comply with the laws of the Eridani Corporate Federation. The following applies:

  • Every person has the right to counsel.
  • Capital punishment is legal.
  • Every person has the right to privacy; law enforcement agencies require a warrant to search a person or a building/structure. Warrants based on suspected sabotage of corporate interests or suspected violation of the Non-Aggression Protocol are extremely easy to obtain.
  • Every person is not required to be read their rights during arrest; persons are required to be informed of their charges prior to arrest.
  • Firearm Ownership is not regulated.

Non-Aggression Protocol

The Non-Aggression Protocol is a complex doctrine that is considered sacrosanct within the Eridani Corporate Federation. It states that no person within the Federation should collude about damaging or intend to harm corporate interests within its borders. Punishments are harsh for those that oppose it. Most Eridanians place great importance on complying with it; however, there have been disputes as to what constitutes “corporate interests” and “damages.”

Consortium of Hieroaetheria

With a legal system somewhat based on the teachings of the Nralakk Federation, the Consortium believes it is necessary to base their approaches to applying their laws justly and equitably – regardless of race. Though prior to the introduction of the Nralakk Federation to Titan’s Rapture there was an existing system of dealing with such matters, it has seen limited incorporation only recently seeing a resurgence as the Consortium continues to develop. It is a signatory of the Luna Accords of Interstellar Law and expects megacorporations to comply with its laws or face sanctions. Cyborgification is considered capital punishment, which is outlawed within the Consortium’s territories. The following applies:

  • Every person has the right to counsel; one must be provided by the Consortium.
  • Capital punishment is illegal, but prior to First Contact with Skrell, was used only in severe and extreme crimes. Now, should one commit such a heinous crime, they will imprisoned for life, however long that be.
  • Every person has the right to privacy; law enforcement agencies require a warrant to search a person or a building/structure.
  • Every person is required to be read their rights during arrest, and each person is required to be informed of their charges prior to arrest.
  • Citizen rights and privileges cannot be taken away, and a balance of rights is frequently exercised by the Consortium.
  • Gun ownership is illegal in most regions of the Consortium, with the only exception being gun ownership in developing colonies where there is ‘reasonable justification’ for the colonists to be armed.

Eternal Republic of the Ekane

Created by the theocratic authority of the Eternal Republic of the Ekane, they enforce a stringent legal system which most define as being overly cruel and inhumane, all in hopes of maintaining the order they have over the Dionae within its territories. They are not a signatory of the Luna Accords of Interstellar Law and routinely engage in capital punishment against those who are considered to have gone against their ideologies or engaged in behaviour that can be considered blasphemous. Non-Dionae are considered illegal within the Eternal Republic, and upon discovery can incur their wrath, with many considering deportation a “fortunate” circumstance. The following applies:

  • Each person has the right to religious counsel, this will be provided by the Eternal Republic. Where they seek to absolve their crimes against the Eternal, and the Eternal Republic, they may be given leniency.
  • Capital punishment is legal. Dionae may find themselves terminated for blasphemous conduct, or torn apart and given to more “Eternal-fearing Citizens”.
  • No person has the right to privacy; law enforcement agencies do not require a warrant to search a person or a building/structure.
  • Discretion is given to the Eternal Knights and a person may be read their rights during arrest; but no person is required to be informed of their charges prior to arrest.
  • Gun ownership is illegal in the Eternal Republic of the Ekane.

Union of Gla'orr

Having split from the Consortium due to the interference of the Nralakk Federation, the Union of Gla’orr has sought to ultimately return to their roots and operate on a system of law which existed prior to any introduction of extraterrestrials. They do not seek to adjudicate on any matters concerning such non-Dionae, and usually deport them back to wherever they came, if not able they generally transfer them to the Consortium – however, if they commit a crime against the Union of Gla’orr, they will be detained indefinitely. They are not a signatory of the Luna Accords of Interstellar Law and routinely employ capital punishment through termination of offending Nymphs, or an entire Gestalt if required. The following applies:

  • Each person has a choice to counsel, they must source this themselves.
  • Capital punishment is legal. Dionae may find themselves terminated where they have committed a crime against the Union of Gla’orr to such an extent it is deemed necessary to terminate the entire Gestalt.
  • Each person has the right to limited privacy; law enforcement agencies require a warrant in petty crimes to search a person or a building/structure, but where an issue of national security concern is involved, one is not required.
  • Discretion is given to the Sentry Guards and a person may be read their rights during arrest; but no person is required to be informed of their charges before arrest.
  • Gun ownership is illegal in the Union of Gla’orr.