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Patriotic flag of New Gibson.
New Gibson's capital, the Hengsha Arcology

Considered an ice world, ‘’‘New Gibson’’’ prides itself as the industrial powerhouse of Tau Ceti. As the atmosphere is too thin to support life, its population lives in domed megapolises.

The planet is a prime location for industrial development, since minimal terraforming is required, and populations of workers can be sustained in biodomes scattered across the barren landscape. Any activity on the planet’s surface requires EVA equipment, but due to its high level of industrial development, the planet is the largest producer of consumer appliances, ship components, space station modules, and other manufactured goods in Tau Ceti.

New Gibson has always had notable liberal and anti-Alliance sentiment, striving for independence. Political tensions became especially high when the bankrupt Alliance stopped supporting minor industrial domes and put a ban on building new ones. Ultimately, this sentiment was resolved when Tau Ceti achieved independence. Now New Gibsonite spirits are high, and Tau Ceti Independence Day is the most major holiday among the populace.


The atmosphere of New Gibson is composed primarily of methane, ammonia and trace amounts of water vapors, with temperature ranges from minus 243 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 153 degrees Celsius) to minus 370 F (minus 218 C). The upper regions, North and South poles respectively, being the coldest locations. On rare occasions radiation from Tau Ceti's sun and from space infrequently heats the stratosphere of New Gibson from minus 370 F (minus 218 C) to minus 243 F (minus 153 C).

The gravity of New Gibson is slightly heavier than Biesel's and it has a magnetic field protecting it from cosmic rays and solar storms, though not completely. New Gibson is enveloped in perpetual twilight.

New Gibson's weather is characterized by frequent very high wind speed snow storms. The snow storms are frequent, however once in a while New Gibson allows it's weary plains (and inhabitants) a rest with a long, if not quite welcomed, mild snowfall. Any outside contact must be kept within RIG EVA procedures, and EVA is strictly prohibited during the snow storms duration.

New Gibson is characterized by huge snow-covered valleys, large solitary mountains (including Mount Tian, the mountain where Hengsha is constructed on), frozen lakes (or oceans) and vast frozen ice caves, the largest of which (discovered) is found at the Blue Mesa outpost.

Fauna and Flora

No animal life has thus far been registered as far as the explorer vehicle drones have noted. This is probably due to the very hostile nature of the planet's weather. As with the fauna, the flora is non-existent.

Life on New Gibson


The planetary capital of New Gibson is the Hengsha Biodome, or simply Hengsha, a self-contained complex mimicking the landscape of Biesel, complete with parks, waterfalls and wildlife. This large complex represents the heart and soul of the many operations on New Gibson. Hengsha contains the largest, most up to date industrial complex ever constructed, integrated and dug in the large mountain on the side of which Hengsha resides, Mount Tian. NanoTrasen has purchased, and manages, a major part of local industrial facilities.

Blue Mesa, the second largest outpost in New Gibson, is a Nanotransen owned research facility. It is built similarly to New Gibson, but in a modular fashion, allowing extensions or “rearrangements” of departments. It’s located in a system of large ice caves which span far and wide, relatively close to Hengsha.

Another notable archology would be the Xoikko Biodome, built with help from Skrell architects. While it is a relatively young settlement, it houses bars, nightclubs and other entertainment facilities. A lot of them focus on native Gibsonite culture, serving ethnic drinks and meals.

Xerxes Biodome contains the larges portion of the Scay’extiih’aur workers, which houses the New Gibson hive-net relay. For more information on Scay’extiih’aur and her brood, please see Vaurca.

Other than that, New Gibson has a complex dedicated to virtually all heavy industries, with a particular focus on shipbuilding.


Earlier - and, in minor domes to this day - people tended not to leave their native biodome, and transportation between them was limited to either industrial aircraft, usually manned by IPCs, or space shuttle travel, which is expensive and inefficient. However, with Tau Ceti getting independence, Nanotrasen has initiated a massive civilian transport program. Nowadays, all major domes have an atmosphere-controlled underground subway between them, and work continues on connecting the minor ones as well. A person can live in Hengsha and go bar drinking in Xoikko in just a matter of a couple of hours, much to the enjoyment of local populace.

Work Culture

An overwhelming majority of people living on New Gibson are lower class workers manning or repairing the manufacturing facilities on the planet. Gibsonites are stereotypically dilligent, responsible workaholics. However, this isn’t always the case.

Factories on New Gibson usually have the same 9 to 5 schedule, which has always resulted in full bars and pubs after work hours. Getting wasted every Friday is a popular Gibsonite tradition.


A typical Gibsonite is very pale due to the perpetual twilight on the planet. Ethnic groups are distributed as follows:

   Native Gibsonites - 76.2%
   Other human ethnicities - 13.8%
   Skrell - 5.3%
   Vaurca - 2.7%
   Others (including Aut’akh) - 2%

Gibsonites usually have good opinions about Skrell, and are mostly neutral to all other species. While no official discrimination exists, non-humans that are not Skrell tend to stick together in their own isolated biodomes, especially Vaurca.

===Major Settlements

Hengsha contains the largest, most up to date industrial complex ever constructed, integrated and dug in the large mountain on the side of which Hensha resides, Mount Tian. This large complex represents the heart and soul of the many operations on New Gibson. NanoTrasen has bought many of the ports, construction firms, welding industries and other similar industrial firms, although the complex still contains a sizeable amount of independent and Assembly owned firms. Furthermore, Hengsha has its own academy called H.A. Wallace Space Academy, boasting an impressive number of industrial based studies and specializing in EVA operations. Named after Henry Arthur Wallace, the scientist and engineer who designed the Hengsha Arcology project.

Blue Mesa, the second largest outpost in New Gibson, is a Nanotransen owned research facility (presumably), it is built similarly to New Gibson but in a modular fashion to allow extensions or "rearrangements" of departments. It's located in a system of large ice caves which span for many miles (kilometers) relatively close to Hengsha.

Xerxes Biodome contains the larges portion of the Scay’extiih’aur workers, which houses the New Gibson hive-net relay. For more information on Scay’extiih’aur and her brood, please see Vaurca.