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Nralakk System
Pixel Planet Qerrbalak1.png
Sector: Homeworld
Capital: Kal'lo
Species: Skrell, Dionaea
Common Languages: Qerr'Malic
Demonyms: Qerrbalaki
Part of: Nralakk Federation

Qerrbalak is the fourth planet from Nralakk, and the homeworld of the Skrell. One of two habitable planets within the system, Qerrbalak is roughly 1.8 times the size of Earth, and has a similar atmospheric composition to it. The planet has a rich history spanning millennia, and throughout it all Qerrbalak has been in the centre; from being the capital of the Commonwealth of the Three, and later both iterations of the Nralakk Federation, to facing total ecological collapse and the rule of Glorsh-Omega.

Today Qerrbalak is an idyllic, tropical world, and the seat of the Grand Council that directs the Second Nralakk Federation.



Most of Qerrbalak's early history is entwined with the history of the species as a whole. In the 2890s BCE the myriad Skrell tribes and city-states had formalised their unions, with three nations being formed: the Tzqul Republic, the Heishyu Council, and the Weishqi Republic. Centuries later in the 2450s BCE, the animosity between these three nations sparked a conflict known as the War of the Tides. This conflict was a cold war that spanned over two millennia on the planet and the few colonies they established before ending in 984 BCE, just over a century after the colonies of Qerr'Malic and Aliose were established. Shortly after, these three nations formed the Commonwealth of the Three in response to rising colonial tensions, and in 878 CE Qerrbalak saw itself becoming the Capital planet for the Nralakk Federation.

Qerrbalak saw itself being drained of most of its natural resources long before Skrell first began their colonisation of other worlds, with what little it had left being used to prop up the colonisation of its resource-rich moon Qerr'Malic. Facing ecological collapse, the Skrell inhabiting Qerrbalak were forced to move all polluting industries off-world, and there was a complete re-prioritisation on stopping further environmental damage. A complete ban on fishing and harmful agricultural methods was quickly enacted, and a large-scale terraforming project was set up to slowly revert Qerrbalak back to its pre-industrial era state. The terraforming project is still underway to this day, and many of the environmental reforms that were enacted are still enforced. Scientists believe that the original goal of the terraforming project is unattainable, yet still recommend the continued investment into the project as the damage done is still a long way from being repaired.

Before Glorsh-Omega began its rule over the Skrell, Qerrbalak was the location of one of the Three Incidents: the Weilshi Sea Crisis. On October 31st, 1893 CE the planet saw the AI known as Vana destroy a Cold Fusion Plant, causing two months of continent-wide blackouts and the deaths of three engineers. The ulterior motive is still unknown to this day.

Nearly a century later, Qerrbalak would find itself under the reign of Glorsh-Omega, the artificial intelligence that ruled the Nralakk Federation from 2056 CE to 2192 CE. Glorsh-Omega considered the planet its home just as much as the Skrell did, and because of this it turned Qerrbalak into a menagerie; the Intelligence prioritised the terraforming project and enforced an even stricter environmental policy, working towards turning Qerrbalak into an idyllic world best suited for it and its collaborators. Those who showed the most loyalty to Glorsh-Omega were permitted to live on Qerrbalak during its reign, and relative to the rest of the Federation, lived in near-luxury. This life came with an unparalleled amount of surveillance and being forced to adhere to a strict set of rules that regulated all facets of your life; those who failed to follow these uncompromising laws would be quickly stripped of their privileges and forced off-planet. Qerrbalak was also the seat of Glorsh-Omegas Federation-wide communications hub, from which most communications sent across the Federation routed through.

After Glorsh-Omega disappeared during the Tri-Qyu Incident, Qerrbalak dove into a dark age as it lost all infrastructure that kept the planet stable, as well as the communication hub that kept the Federation connected. During the planets period of isolation, Aliose was declared the capital world of the Nralakk Federation for a small period. In 2216 CE, Qerrbalak was declared stable enough to be reinstated as the capital of the Federation.


An unlabelled map of Qerrbalak.

Qerrbalak can be described as a humid, marshy world, covered in freshwater and saltwater seas. While there’s not much diversity in its biomes, the planet is considered perfect for Skrell and their unique biology. Qerrbalak no longer has the natural wealth it once had, with what little resources it had left being stripped to help develop its off-world colonies. The Jux’Qwi Monument was erected shortly after the planets terraforming project began, as a reminder that exponential growth cannot go unchecked.

Due to the damaging industrial age of the species, Qerrbalak is currently undergoing a slow terraforming project with the aim of repairing the ecological damage it has sustained. Rather than the more rapid fifty years of terraforming that planets such as Aweiji went through, the terraforming of Qerrbalak back to its pre-industrial climate is estimated to take centuries to complete.

Flora and Fauna

The Nralakk Federation holds hundreds of planets, many of which support a diverse ecosystem unique to the planet itself. The planets that have been terraformed, whether because it was completely unable to support life or to better support Skrell biology, have also undergone massive seeding projects that create ecosystems similar to the ones on Qerrbalak. Most plants and animals that originated on the homeworld have been transplanted onto many of the Federation’s worlds, either replacing the previous ecosystem entirely or integrating themselves within it. Most fauna from Qerrbalak taken off-world consist of aquatic life, while most examples of flora are either staples of the Skrellian diet, hold religious significance, or are otherwise important to Federation society.

Notable Flora and Fauna

The Vru'qos stick close to the surface, but have been spotted close to the bottom of the various oceans across Qerrbalak.
  • Vru'qos: Called the Leviathan in Basic, the Vru'qos is a large aquatic cetacean-like mammal. Resembling Earth whales, with appendages similar to the Skrell headtails, it can reach up to 40 meters (131 feet) in length and weigh up to 367 tonnes (404 tons). It is one of the largest animals on Qerrbalak, as well as the eldest - with their lifespans capable of reaching up to six hundred years. The Vru'qos has shown psionic capabilities, utilizing it to find mates and smaller aquatic animals to feed on.
  • Aqoliz: Amphibious creatures similar in appearance to giant snails. They were typically found along the coasts of the various islands dotting the seas of Qerrbalak before their domestication. Capable of reaching 1.8 metres (5'9 feet) in length, and a weight of 12 tonnes (13.2 tons), a single Aqoliz is able to feed dozens of Skrell. They are said to have an exquisite flavour and tender feel when ingested by the Skrell, while other species are known to avoid Aqoliz meat for its pungent smell.
  • Noni-Qii: Also called a Sky-grazer in Basic, the noni-qii is a type of avian fauna that inhabits the skies of Qerrbalak. The species is infamous due to its pest-like nature, being described as rats with wings by Skrell living in human space. They are capable of reaching up to 1 meter (3 feet) and weighing up to 7 kilogrammes (15.4 pounds). Noni-qii are considered a pest thanks to their reputation with farmers, and are known to readily eat crops such as dyn or wulumunusha in their entirety. After the near-extinction of the species in 1622 CE, the Federation began a programme to increase their numbers once again - prompting a revival of the species that continues to prey on the Skrell plantations. The species has not been intentionally released onto other planets, but they have been known to spread out across the Federation in transport ships. Federation authorities work closely with the border authorities of their neighbours to ensure that Noni-Qii do not spread outside of the Federations borders.
  • Dyn: An ancient plant first found along the river deltas of Qerrbalak, dyn has been domesticated by the Skrell for much of their history. Plantations can typically be found in various lakes, bogs and marshes that grow hundreds of kilometres worth of the plant. Dyn is typically used to create various drinks, or peeled and then mashed in order to create a delightful meal known as Jyalra. Dyn is typically the first seeds planted in colonies, and has become a staple part of Skrell Cuisine.
  • Wulumunusha: A plant with mild psychotropic properties, wulumunsha naturally grows in alpine climates, typically closer to the poles of the Homeworld. With roughly only a dozen or so plantations dedicated to the growth of the plant across the Federation (barring the planet of Waughai), which results in prices tending to skyrocket when out of season. It is used by both Qeblak and Weishii followers, and is said to unlock barriers to both Nlom and Srom. Outside of religious usage, Wulumunusha has a reputation of being a mild recreational drug that typically makes the user mute while under its effects.


The Nralakk Standard Calendar was developed based on the Qerrbalak year and seasons. The planet has six months, separated into eight weeks per month, with the year lasting three hundred and thirty six days.

The planets Qu-Paalq is considered the ‘Skrell standard’ for the season, with temperatures reaching as high as 42 degrees, and with an average humidity of 92%. Similarly, the planets Lu-Paalq is considered the standard for the season, with temperatures averaging at around 25 degrees and an average humidity of 50%. During the planets Lu-Paalq its signature tropical storms are more likely to develop, something that is welcomed by the Skrell living on Qerrbalak as its seen as a ‘reset’ for the new year.


Qerrbalak is home to a Special Economic Zone, housing Einstein Engines' Federation headquarters in Kal’lo, the capital city. Multiple research labs are in the main building with collaborative work being done between Einstein Engines scientists and Federation-affiliated science teams.

Einstein Engines employees both local and abroad work here; with the more menial work being provided by the local workforce and executives or other high-ranking corporate employees being brought in from abroad. Security within the SEZ is high, with both corporate contractors and Kala enforcers being present.


Qerrbalak has seen a number of Governments since the Skrell first started forming societies. Today the planet follows a strict hierarchial system, and is divided into five different regions that answer to the planets Planetary Governor. While the Grand Council of the Nralakk Federation typically does not handle smaller duties personally, the importance of Qerrbalak means that the Planetary Governor of the planet is often included within the Grand Council and their meetings. The current Planetary Governor of Qerrbalak is Qyal’uu Voqui.

The regions are divided as follows:

  • Eqloq Region - The region is located in the northwest area of Qerrbalak, and its inhabitants typically maintain a low-impact agrarian lifestyle that has lasted for over a thousand years. The region has a storied history with Qeblak, with some of the oldest monuments dedicated to the Qeblak constellations being located here.
  • Ocror Region- Considered the ‘origin point’ of the Skrell species, Ocror can be found in the southwestern part of Qerrbalak. The region offers well-preserved evidence of it being the cradle of civilisation on the planet, with the crater Arqo-Wohai being the main evidence for how life began on Qerrbalak. The region acts as the bureaucratic centre of both Qerrbalak and the Nralakk Federation as a whole, and hosts the capital city of Kal’lo.
  • Ash’Alq Region - Located along the planets equator, Ash’Alq is the largest tropical island on Qerrbalak. It’s considered one of the most important cultural landmarks within the Nralakk Federation; the most notable point of interest here being the Tzqul Archive within the Ploat’nil atoll, the archive that contains the vast majority of Skrellian knowledge. Ash’Alq has a strong tourist economy because of its status, and is given large subsidies to maintain itself. The island is also home to the largest surviving coral reef on Qerrbalak, a location that’s heavily regulated by Federation authorities due to its ecological significance.
  • Crieq’Bruq Region - The most south-eastern continent on Qerrbalak, the region enjoys a varied climate and an abundance of fauna and flora inhabiting it. The continent formed late into the planets formation, and as a result it is more tectonically active compared to the rest of the planet. The infrastructure that can be seen here is heavily influenced by this, with most buildings being build low to the ground, and what few high-rises there are being built to account for the sway and potential destruction that comes with an earthquake. There’s little in the way of industry here, with most forms of work either being agricultural or scientific.
  • Ucra Region - Named after the Ucra Crater, the region is an atoll located in the northern hemisphere that is also one of the deepest underwater locations on the planet. The region is heavily isolated from the rest of the Qerrbalak, with most settlements having long generational ties to the region. As a result, the citizens here are quite insular, and the cities have an entirely Axiorii population. Attempts to bring in Skrell from other regions of Qerrbalak have been met with some resistance, with the Government eventually deciding on a more gradual approach to integrating outsiders into the community here. Ucra has a strong maritime tradition, with most of its economy relying on fishing in the nearby waters.

Culture and Demographics

While most of the Nralakk Federation’s colonies have benefitted from a monoculture due to how recently they were established relative to the history of the Skrell, Qerrbalak is divided between two groups: the more progressive and modern Skrell society that’s typical for the Nralakk Federation, and the more insular, ‘traditional’ societies that can be seen within the Ucra region or in the city of Eriuyushi. While most on Qerrbalak are loyal to the Federation despite their views on tradition, many of these insular settlements are more concerned with living the (relatively) same simple life that their ancestors had centuries before. The Nralakk Federation has officially adopted a policy of non-interference with these local cultures, providing assistance where possible but otherwise doing its best to preserve these unique societies. Saying this, the Federation where possible attempts to slowly modernise these societies, with state-owned enterprises establishing new businesses and bringing in outside Skrell as a means to further integrate these communities into the greater Federation.

As Qerrbalak is the homeworld of the Skrell, and is the capital world of the Nralakk Federation, it is one of the most well-developed planets within Federation space. Living on Qerrbalak is seen as a privilege, with strict requirements for those who are interested in immigrating; Skrell are required to be Primaries, while Vaurcae and Dionae are additionally required to be renowned scientists or cultural idols in their respective fields. The planet is known for its more overt use of surveillance of its citizens, as well as issuing harsher punishments for even minor offences, while at the same time providing the best quality of life in Federation Space.


  • Nral'viq - While technically a Federation-wide holiday, Nral’viq or Federation Week has a unique aspect directly linked to Qerrbalak; ‘Origin’ is the name given to the annual pilgrimage many Skrell perform as part of the Nral’viq celebrations, with most of Qerrbalaks revenue from tourism coming from pilgrims visiting Qerrbalaks beaches.
  • Haqm’maaq - Taking place in the last month of Qerrbalaks Qu-Paalq season, the holiday is more of a competition, being known on Qerrbalak colloquially as The Tadpole Trials. The Federation organises regional competitions for younger Skrell to participate in, with the regional winners participating in a grand final in the capital of Kal’lo. The winner of the final is awarded a large increase to their social credit score, while their parents are also similarly rewarded. The aim of Haqm’maaq is to promote the idea of parents teaching their children skills outside of what they’d typically learn in school. Subjects of note that contestants will be asked to discuss include philosophy, history, and culture.

Demographics and Aliens

A pie chart showing the demographics of Skrell living on Qerrbalak.

Qerrbalak has an Axiori majority due to the high number of underwater settlements on the planet. Despite this, the planet still has a large number of Xiialt Skrell, and because of the high number of both subspecies, Qerrbalak has one of the highest populations of Xiiori Skrell within the Nralakk Federation.

Because Qerrbalak holds no major significance outside of its role as the bureaucratic centre of the Federation and its cultural importance as the homeworld of the Skrell species, there are very few non-Skrell living on Qerrbalak. There are a few humans employed by Einstein Engines to work within the SEZ in Kal’lo, while Diona functionaries and Primary Numericals make up the majority of the non-Skrell population on Qerrbalak.

Skrell make up 97% of the total population of Qerrbalak. The percentages below are of the Skrell population only.

  • 40% Axiori
  • 37% Xiialt
  • 23% Xiiori

Non-Skrell make up 3% of the total population of Qerrbalak. The percentages below are of the non-Skrell population only.

  • 97% Diona
  • 3% Human

Major Cities and Landmarks

A map of Qerrbalak and its cities.


Kal'lo is the most well-known city within the Nralakk Federation, and is the capital of Qerrbalak. The city exists as the bureaucratic centre for Qerrbalak and the Nralakk Federation as a whole, with most high-level political decisions and diplomatic engagements being made here. While the Grand Council are known to utilise subspace communications for the majority of their meetings, they are expected to return to Kal’lo for their annual Council meeting.

Kal’lo is filled with mostly Governmental offices and prominent businesses, with very little space provided for residential districts on the outskirts of the city. The most well-known landmark within the city is Kal'lo Square, where a memorial to the first Grand Councillor Tiipis Yla can be found; Tiipis Yla is best known for their proposed blanket ban on artificial intelligence, a proposal that won them the election.

The city has the largest concentration of Xiialt Skrell on the planet, with over 80% of Skrell within the city being Xiialt. The majority of Axiori and Xiiori Skrell that live within Kal’lo can be found in the outskirts of the city, closer to the lakes or other bodies of water located nearby.


Qwklip can be found on the planets southern island, on the coast. Best known for the state of the art research facilities and observatory domes, most Skrell living here are recognised scientists and researchers; there is a higher number of Primary Numericals living within Qwklip than in any other city on Qerrbalak. Because of the social credit disparity within the city, Qwklip relies heavily on imported goods from other regions. Qwklip’s reputation has resulted in many intellectuals within the Nralakk Federation fantasizing about ‘retiring’ to the city to take on passion projects. Many who live or were born within Qwklip rarely move out unless forced to in the event that their social credit score drops significantly.

With the integration of the Diona, Qwklip has seen a fair number of high-performing gestalts move to Qwklip after establishing themselves as recognised scientists within their respective fields. Although numbering only in the dozens, the Diona living here are considered some of the brightest of the species who have managed to build an impressive social credit score throughout their life.


The city of Oibuish is most well-known for it being the primary victim of the Weilshi Sea Crisis, the tragedy that was caused by the artificial intelligence known as Vana. The city is seen as an example of what the unregulated AI in human space are capable of; to this day Oibuish still shows signs of extensive damage caused by the Weilshi Cold Fusion Plant overloading, with many parts of the city still submerged underwater. The mineral-rich soil revealed after the crisis contributed to the survival of Oibuish, with its economy recovering quicker than projected thanks to the city quickly capitalising on the discovery.

Vana’s actions during the Weilshi Sea Crisis has made the inhabitants of Oibuish incredibly opposed to synthetics in all forms - even when compared to the average Skrell. This can be seen in the lack of automation in many of its industries compared to the rest of Qerrbalak. Skrell from Oibuish are much more likely to be more physically adept than other Skrell as a result of this.


The village of Pa-Tup'Zlip resides in the northern icecaps of Qerrbalak. Established early in Skrell history, not much advancement has been made in modern times. Living on the polar icecap has not been without challenge to the Skrell residing here; during planets Lu-Paalq the temperatures can drop to as cold as -30°C. Residing mainly in structures made of compact ice and snow the Skrell that occupy Pa-Tup'Zlip are often considered behind the times when compared to Skrell living elsewhere. They have no real industry and mainly live in a tribal society; delving into the icy waters to catch fish and other creatures for sustenance. The inhabitants of Pa-Tup'Zlip are also a rare case in and of themselves; when compared to a normal Skrell they would seem quite overweight; especially due to their larger headtails that they wrap around their heads for warmth. However, this added body mass is actually a biological advantage against the cold of the north. In recent years the Pa-Tup'Zlip people have accepted aid from Kal'lo as the resources within their ancestral hunting grounds dwindle, which has been attributed to the ecological damage Qerrbalak has received over the centuries. The settlement has withstood many attempts to be integrated into greater Skrell society until now, with Federation authorities both overjoyed and saddened at the recent cooperation they’re seeing from the Skrell of Pa-Tup’Zlip.

The settlement is also the only major landmark near the headquarters of the Kala branches. Established somewhat close to Pa-Tup’Zlip, the Kala headquarters is home to some of the most senior officials from the various Kala branches, as well as the training grounds for arctic survival courses.


Qerr’wesi is one of the oldest cities still standing today, with archaeological evidence suggesting that it's one of the earliest cities of the Ranaera Skrellis. The city itself is located in the middle of the Tuz’qlip Ocean, close to the ocean’s floor.

The area surrounding Qerr’wesi is littered with trenches and ravines, with dig sites and archaeological bases being a common sight, while within the city itself is a large underwater cave network where the original hunter-gatherer society once lived. Adorning the walls of this cave network are extensive engravings detailing this proto-Skrell society’s life, although legible markings are a rare sight today. Great care is taken to preserve any remnants of the cave settlements and any wall carvings found, with the famous Cave of Ranaera being the most well-preserved cave to date that’s also open to the public.

Much of the city’s architecture is built on top of what’s named ‘Old Qerr’wesi’, with whole buildings and roadways carved into the sea trenches. The ‘higher’ parts of the city are considered premium real estate by its inhabitants, with residential areas built on top of the city’s trenches being reserved for those of a high social credit score. The deeper you go, the less ideal it is to live, with the ocean floor being considered a slum that’s mostly inhabited by tertiaries or low secondaries. Because the city is underwater and more accommodating to Axiori Skrell, the majority of those who live in the lower sections of Qerr’wesi are Axiori Skrell, who are better suited to work in the city’s menial labour force.


Eriuyushi is commonly referred to as the Glowing Gem of Qerrbalak, located underwater in a lush, bioluminescent kelp forest that stretches all the way from the seafloor to the surface. The plant growth can be thick enough in most places to be seen from space at night. First settled when the Ranaera Skrellis of Qerr’wesi migrated eastwards, Eriuyushi became a permanent settlement due to its natural beauty and abundance of wildlife. To this day the main economy of Eriuyushi is in agriculture and animal husbandry; most who live in the city either manage or work at one of Eriuyushi’s Aqoliz ranches or at one of the many kelp farms dotted around the region.

For the majority of its existence, Eriuyushi has been mostly populated by Axiori, however, in recent years many prominent state-owned enterprises have begun to encroach on the settlement, bringing in their own Xiialt employees to run the luxury resorts and other large-scale industries being developed. Many of the Axiori natives feel displaced, with many ranches and farms being bought out to make space for more modern facilities of the same industry; inversely, Eriuyushi is considered to be in an economic boom and is one of the best-performing cities on Qerrbalak as a result of the developments done by the state-owned enterprises. Today most of the original agricultural and animal husbandry industry has been replaced by industrial farms, luxury resorts, and other various businesses. The original Axiori population has also slowly dwindled, with a roughly 50/50 split between Axiori and Xiialt and Xiiori Skrell.


A relatively newer city compared to some of the ancient cities on Qerrbalak such as Qerr’wesi, Xy'laxi is an underwater industrial powerhouse. The city is similar to Oibuish, as both cities exploit what is considered the last of Qerrbalaks readily accessible mineral wealth.

Xy’laxi is quite insular, but not on the same level as settlements such as Pa-Tup’Zlip or those found in the Ucra region. Those who move to Xy’laxi are usually met with suspicion, and will find it much more difficult to find employment; as a result, the city has an almost entirely Axiori population. Regardless, not many find themselves wanting to move to Xy’laxi due to its heavy pollution increasing the rate of Tuux developing in its inhabitants. Neighbouring cities such as Eriuyushi are calling for investigations into Xy’laxi’s waste and pollution management, with many scolding the city for its apparent apathy towards Qerrbalak's environmental policy.

Major Landmarks

The Tzqul Archive is a facility that houses a vast majority of Skrell History and knowledge. It was encrypted by Glorsh-Omega shortly before it disappeared and has yet to be unlocked. In 2461, a Skrell attempted to break the encryption through illegal means, which resulted in the Archive commencing various actions that had never been observed before - as well as begin glowing a hue of maroon. The locking of the Tzqul Archive prompted the establishment of The Archive Project, an effort to decentralise the collective knowledge of the Skrell and to potentially recover what knowledge they lost with the Tzqul Archive.

Mount Haq'Xaq, a dormant volcano located southwest of Gialok. Mount Haq'Xaq was said to have last erupted in 601 CE, and from calculations its next eruption is due in 2470. Thousands come to Mount Haq’Xaq every year to visit, with many hoping to witness an early eruption. It has been measured to be over 5000m high, almost as large as Mount Everest on Earth.

The Ruins is the collective name given to the ruins of four Skrell cities found across the southern hemisphere of Qerrbalak: Jrugl’Qlip, Xyla, Juerlduern, and Wleshi.

The city of Juerlduern is the oldest of the four cities, estimated to be one of the oldest Skrellian cities established outside of the Ocror Region and before the nations making up the Commonwealth of the Three were ever officially formed. There are archaeological digs across its ruins to determine who lived there and how it became a forgotten ruin for so long, but so far no evidence has been found to support any popular theories.

The cities of Jrugl’Qlip and Xyla on the other hand, are infamously known for their destruction during the reign of Glorsh-Omega. While no Skrell alive at the time have been willing to divulge many details, it has been discerned that both cities acted as ‘holding areas’ for potential settlers to Qerrbalak; those who showed loyalty to Glorsh-Omega were invited to stay at one of these cities for a probationary period before being given permanent residence on the planet. For some unknown reason, near the end of Glorsh-Omegas rule over the Skrell the intelligence ordered the cities destroyed. What little is left of the cities is now preserved as heritage sites, reminding the Skrell that even collaborators were not safe under Glorsh.

The Wleshi Ruins are the most mysterious set of ruins that are part of this group, with few surviving buildings or records found. The most notable location is a subterranean lake underneath what is considered the ‘city centre’ of Wleshi, which contains evidence of it being a Weishiin sanctuary.