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Hro'zamal is the second planet in the Nrrahrahul system. Formerly named Nrrahrahul Two, it was given the name Hro'zamal after the establishment of a permanent civilian colony on the planet's surface in 2459. The planet is roughly the size of Earth. About 77% of the planet is covered in oceans. The remaining landmass is dominated by lush jungles except for the poles that possess a subtropical climate; Tajara can survive in these regions without the use of suits. The use of acclimatization systems is necessary during the warmer seasons.

Hro’zamal possesses little mineral richness, but it has a diverse ecosystem. Agriculture has become the main activity of the colony. Most of Hro’zamal remained unexplored, with few outposts and settlements scattered across the jungle. Scientists, usually funded by the People's Republic, have taken a special interest in the planet due to its rich fauna and flora. It is not an uncommon sight to see expeditions leaving the capital; some of these groups never return. Other expeditions that return come back with stories of bizarre things happening in the jungle. These are considered little more than drunk tall tales by most Tajara.


The system of Nrrahrahul is home to the first advanced outpost established by the Orbital Fleet; this base was initially used to combat piracy and smuggling. The second planet of the system is deemed as the only one able to sustain life, and due to such, it was designated to be the site for the first Republican attempt at colonization. Nrrahrahul Two was granted the official status of colony in 2459 following the application of 15,000 civilian inhabitants. Under the new colony status, it was renamed Hro'zamal by the Ministry of Colonial Affairs. Arrleef Pondiskarr was appointed as the colonial governor. The planet's capital and first settlement, Muldhir, was founded in 2460 in the less harsh region of the poles. Buildings were originally equipped with an outdated HVAC system that was prone to failures and other complications.

The civil war forced the People's Republic of Adhomai to recall their ships and soldiers from Hro'zamal. As the republican control over the planet weakened, dissent spread among the population. The Solarian embargo also caused the degradation of the living conditions on the colony; the parts required to repair the precarious HVAC systems were becoming rare. Many believed that the republic had abandoned them, and the time to claim their destiny had come. Growing opposition, reports of guerrillas in the jungles, and the supposed presence of ALA agents have led the governor to enact a state of emergency. The remaining colonial guard has been granted permission to do anything necessary to maintain the order, while the civilian population became more and more disgruntled with this situation.

In an attempt to claim independence for the planet, an uprising against the People's Republic happened during the final stages of the Adhomian war. Led by the captain of the Colonial Guard, Fakhri Oan, the rebels besieged the colonial capital. The siege of Muldhir was lifted when the Orbital Fleet returned to the planet; the revolutionaries were then forced to retreat into the jungle. Rebellious forces are now involved in a guerilla war against the Grand People's Army and the Colonial Administration. The guerillas now have to rely on smugglers and aid from foreign powers to continue their struggle.

Republican settlers continue to settle on the colony after the introduction of Hro'zamal Ras'Nifs tea as a carbonated drink to Adhomai. The People's Republic cuts down the jungle to make space for farms to cultivate the fruit for exportation. Propaganda promising free land, a place to begin anew, and a life of hard honest work are becoming more common on the PRA’s television and radio broadcasts. The old HVAC systems have been replaced by modern ones as the planet prospers. The rebels carry on with their insurgency to free Hro'zamal. The Jungle War continues without a clear winner on sight.


The culture of Hro’zamal is not so different from the People's Republic of Adhomai; Hadiism and collectivism are considered important parts of society. However, the reality of this harsh world had its effects on the settlers. The inhabitants are seen as rugged pioneers and self-reliant individuals ready to face the wilderness and the risks of expanding the Tajaran presence into the galaxy. Colonialists are chosen through an aptitude test and interview. Following the rebellion, background checks and domicile searches were added to the process.

Holiday festivities are restricted by the government. The administration claims that because of the hard work needed to settle Hro’zamal, holidays such as Ma’ta’kyr and Coming of Dawn serve as nothing but pointless distractions. Victory Day is not celebrated on Hro’zamal beyond drinks at its ramshackle bars. But, there is a Hro'zamal youth brigade flown out to march in its televised parade. Radio broadcasts describing President's Day ceremonies play out whenever it occurs.

Clothing and cuisine are different from Adhomai due to the climate. Colonists wear simple cotton overalls, with no pelts or coats. Large brimmed hats to offer protection from the sun are also common. Army field rations are a rare and sought-after commodity, with the population having to rely on native plants and animals for subsistence. New dishes appear every year on Hro’zamal as colonialists experiment more and more with the flora. The neglect of the planet by Hadiist authorities gave birth to a growing group of Tajara who believe that their destiny is not bound to the Republic. They have a more skeptical view of life in this new world, unsure if Adhomai will ever care about them again. These opinions were once whispered in private; the population was still afraid of the Pioneer Guard. But the situation of the People's Republic during the late stages of the Second Revolution fed the hope in the heart of the dissidents. They now make up most of the rebellious forces on the planet.

Tajara who leave Hro'zamal leave for a myriad of reasons. The most common is the lack of higher education on the planet. There are no universities, colleges, or technical schools on Hro’zamal. Others leave due to the harsh life on Hro'zamal, to earn credits to assist their families back home, or because they were arrested and sent to Adhomai for trial. Having a criminal record, no matter how minor, results in a Tajara being barred from re-entering the colony.

Because of the selective policies on who is allowed to settle on the colony and the Hadiist stance on faith, religiosity is a tense matter on Hro'zamal. Parivara priests are not allowed to establish their dioceses and Ma'ta'ke pantheon worship is discouraged. This gives the colonists another reason to join the rebels.


Hro’zamal’s plant life is notoriously overgrown and difficult to clear. For this, colonialists use controlled burns and hacking tools to clear any area they are required to settle. Following that comes the hab-blocks. These are modular multi-purpose blocks that can be fitted together to provide shelter. Towns in Hro’zamal, excluding the colonial capital, consist of hab-blocks fitted together and connected through doors and ventilation systems. While traditionally white colonialists enjoy making paints from native plants to decorate their hab-blocks. The government only provides furniture needed to make key buildings such as hospitals. Settlers are expected to make their own furniture for housing. Besides the newer autogyros there are two ways of transportation on Hro’zamal: by sea and by land. Because there are few paved roads, threads are preferred over wheels as they can weather the terrain better. Ships are kept small as they are expected to be able to ford not just the sea, but also the wide rivers of Hro’zamal’s islands. To facilitate faster land clearing and easier expeditions, the Ministry of technology is experimenting with tanks converted into “jungle-cutters”. These are vehicles with massive saw blades attached to their front.

Muldhir, the planet’s capital, is the only settlement made in the Hadiist style. The town is a complex of grey concrete with utilitarian buildings and roads against the colder climate of Hro’zamal’s poles. While small, it has adequate room to house the massive military presence there, several seaports, and the only spaceport on Hro’zamal. Muldhir is home to the important personnel for administration and their families. Life here is far more luxurious compared to the life of the settlers.

After the re-establishment of the order by the People's Army, NanoTrasen has started to slowly expand on the colony. Its investments are currently focused on agriculture and botanical expeditions. The megacorporation holds the right to commercialize Hro'zamal Soda outside of the Hadiist territory.

The Jungle War

Hro'zamal is currently the theater of a guerilla war against the People's Republic of Adhomai. What started as an attempt to secede from the metropole because of its negligence and seemingly inevitable defeat, turned into a desperate struggle to expel the Hadiist forces from the planet. The rebels do not stand alone; they now receive help from benefactors interested in witnessing the People's Republic's downfall.

Hro'zamal Pioneer Guard

The defense of Hro'zamal was in the hands of the Orbital Fleet until the majority of the military was recalled back to Adhomai. Governor Arrleef Pondiskarr decided to establish a militia force to replace the Republican soldiers: the Hro’zamal Pioneer Guard. Pathfinders, farmers, and hunters were drafted into this new organization. While not particularly well trained or disciplined, they are eager to defend the land they call home.

These soldiers are armed with traditional Tajaran weapons: bolt action rifles, bayonets, and pistols. When deploying in the jungle, they wear armored voidsuits outfitted with mounted cooling systems to combat the heat. Machetes and axes are used to open paths into the wilderness. The Pioneer Guard also acts as the colony's police force. Justice is delivered swiftly and without question on Hro’zamal. If a criminal is captured, they are immediately sent off to Adhomai to face trial there.

The Pioneer Guard acts as guides and pathfinders for the Grand People's Army during the ongoing conflict. They are tasked with occupying liberated areas and protecting the rearguard of the expeditionary forces.

Grand People's Army Expeditionary Force

To put down the insurrection, the People's Republic dispatched their soldiers to Hro'zamal. These troops are known as the Grand People's Army Expeditionary Force. Made up mostly of recruits, they were shipped to an alien world to protect the Hadiist galactic interests. Despite their superior training and equipment, the soldiers were not prepared for jungle warfare. Many were killed in ambushes and by traps. After considerable losses, the Expeditionary Force developed new tactics to deal with the guerillas; the use of air assault to directly engage the rebels and then retreat to safety. This strategy allows for the Grand People's Army to bypass the dangers of the jungle and gives them extra mobility.

Expeditionaries are equipped with Tsarrayut’yan rifles, Icelances, and armored environmental suits. The Expeditionary Force is supported by a contingent of the People's Air Force. Autogyros do bombing runs against rebel targets while gyrodynes carry the soldiers into battle. Vehicles are currently being developed to handle the harsh jungle terrain, but Hadiist technicians had little success on that front.

Hro'zamal Sham'tyrs

Following his failure to take the planet's capital, Fakhri Oan fled into the jungle to escape from the Republican forces. It was there that he had founded the Hro’zamal Sham’tyrs, a liberation force whose stated goal is to create an independent Hadiist republic upon Hro’zamal; a state ruled by the inhabitants and not a far-away government. The Sham’tyrs launch sporadic hit-and-run strikes against the towns and expeditions on Hro’zamal. The Pioneer guard clashes with them often, as their depots and patrols provide a major source of supplies for the poorly-equipped fighters. Many theorize that fighters come and go from the movement, with sympathetic colonialists joining for a few months before simply melting back into the poorly monitored towns.

In recent years the smugglers who funnel equipment and arms to the rebels have begun to show ties to the NKA and ALA. Oan’s mental state has also come into question. With rumors abound mixed with Hadiist propaganda, some believe the reclusive commander to have gone insane and declared himself “Baron of Hro'zamal”. This has yet to impact the group’s morale or numbers.

Fauna & Flora


Rrak'marr (Ghost Light)

The Rrak'marr is one of the predators that dwell in the forests of Hro’zamal. They are large snakelike creatures, with their limbless body covered by hard scales and quills. This animal hunts at night, making use of their large and well-adapted eyes to snatch prey with their gargantuan jaws. They were given the name "Ghost Light" by the colonists due to their capacity of emitting lights through their eyes and quills. Pathfinders have confused their lights with lanterns or outposts, foolish wandering into these monsters. Xenobiologists suggest that bioluminescence is used to attract mating partners.

Ishnarak (Jungle Dweller)

This creature has a mythical status among the colonists. Many claim to have spotted them before, while xenobiologists have denied any evidence of their existence. The Ishnarak is described as a tall humanoid with a strong body covered in red fur, their small head possesses only one eye and a single largemouth located on their stomach. It is not unusual for pathfinders to have their own stories about meeting the jungle dwellers during their explorations. Tales describe them as wary beings, avoiding any contact with the Tajara. Scientists have attempted to find and record the Ishnarak, but no expedition has had success so far.

Hro'zamal N’hanzafu (Hro’zamal Fatshouters)

The Hro’zamal Fatshouters, despite its name, bears little resemblance to the Adhomian animal. This small fat herbivore is covered by brown leathery skin, its head has tiny eyes and a long trunk used for feeding. They are pacific creatures with a herd mentality, traveling in large groups across the planet. They are hunted by colonists and native predators for their fat meat.

Schlorrgo (Fat Baby)

Schlorgos are native inhabitants of Hro'zamal, they live in the jungle mountains, from where they jump down large cliffs, to move to greener pastures in the summer, protected from the impact by their fat blubber. They come in a variety of colors, are described as perfectly smooth except for their beaks, and move by pushing their bodies and rolling in the desired direction.

A Schlorrgo.

Schlorrgos are now domesticated, serving as either pets or livestock to the Tajara. Schlorgos are particularly popular for their blubber, used as an insulator, industrial lube, and glue. They can also be harvested for their meat or even milk, however, both are described as low quality and bitter. Schlorrgo milk, in particular, is known to cause violent stomach cramps to Tajara, but has seemingly no effect on other species. Due to their resistance to impacts and brute force, children will often throw or kick around Schlorrgos for fun.


Hro'zamal Ras'Nifs (Hro’zamal Heart-Berries)

A climbing plant found on the trees and bushes of the jungle. The Heart-Berries have large leaves, colorful flowers, and red fruits that are known for their seeds. The seeds of the Hro’zamal Ras’Nifs are grounded into a powder that is prepared as an herbal tea. The drink is sweet and is usually consumed cold; it is quite popular among settlers due to its caffeine-like stimulating effect. This plan has become the colony's most important crop after the introduction of Hro'zamal Soda to the People's Republic.

Szhigat'shaan (Cinder Trees)

Invaluable for their quality wood, the Cinder Trees make up a large part of the jungle in Hro’zamal. The plant has a dense, orange-red heartwood that takes a high shine, and is used in construction and in the fabrication of gun’s stocks. Red dye can also be extracted from this tree.