Tajaran Ethnicities

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Hharar – Highlander

“The Typical Tajara”

Hharar Physiology

Hharar, as the first Tajaran ethnicity that Humanity came in contact with, is generally viewed as the 'typical Tajara', which is reinforced by their numerical superiority over the other groups. Additionally, given their large numbers and capabilities, they most often serve in governmental positions and as ambassadors to other races; this leads to them being taken as the 'face' of the Tajaran race.

While the Hharar doesn't boast any obvious physical advantages or disadvantages compared to the other subspecies, they are by nature more inquisitive than others. While this alone doesn't make them any more intelligent, they tend to dominate intellectually focused roles. However, in most cases, their IQ is slightly lower than your usual human, which is generally attributed to the sub-par education Tajara received prior to the Great War. Regardless, many xenophobic groups use this as ammunition in their arguments targeting the Tajara, when in actuality the Hharar are considered to be extremely creative and innovative.

The Hharar are usually beaver brown, kochiba, or taupe in coloration.

There are variations and of course exceptions to this rule, however, Taupe is the darkest a Hharar gets and Beaver is as light as they get. Most Hharar are also spotted with lighter brown or white spots across their upper chest and torso. Some Hharar females can even be calico on rare occasions, this is almost always hereditary on the maternal side, meaning the mother has to also be calico for her daughter to be, though this is not absolute and calico mothers can have normal brown daughters.

Hharar Culture

Given that the Hharar are the most populous of the Tajaran ethnic groups, their culture is generally the most ubiquitous on Adhomai and in the psyche of the galaxy at large when thinking of 'Tajaran society'. The religion involving the worshipping of S'rendarr and Messa is thought to have been propagated by ancient Hharar and the original noble lines to have started from them. This has led many of the less populous ethnic groups to look down upon the Hharar, with some extremists going so far as to blame them for a lifetime of enslavement due to their collaboration with the Njarir.

The Hharar are the stereotypical 'worker' Tajara. This fact is reinforced by their history as the brunt of the factory workers, clerks, and artisans used by the plutocracy, as they were easier to control and force into unpleasant conditions than some of the other ethnic groups. As such, they tend to give their respect to superiors easier than other Tajara might. Most loyalists during the Great War were of Hharar descendence. Further, the familial system of Tajaran castes is also thought to have been a Hharar invention; the structure of castes and the introductions of arranged marriages are traditions started long ago that dominated Adhomai for thousand of years.

Since the First Revolution, the Hharar have been found to hold positions of middle or high wealth in the Tajaran society, owing to their intellectual capabilities. They often are described as loyal workers who are passionate and not afraid to voice their opinions. Given their history as the plutocracy's major workforce, they are typically well-rounded individuals with more appreciation for the Tajaran traditions.


Zhan-Khazan - Mountain-Keeper

“The Workhorse”

Zhan-Khazan Physiology

Zhan-Khazan are the second most populous of Tajaran ethnicities and are considered to be the backbone of the Tajaran workforce. Their history as ethnicity is not well documented; very few historical texts describing them were preserved in the wake of the Great War. What is known, however, is that the Zhan-Khazan were at one point a race of cave-and-mountain dwelling Tajara that traditionally were entrusted with physical work like mining, farming, ranching, and logging.

Because of their history of hard work and the way they adapted to harsh mountain life, Zhan-Khazan are more physically intimidating than other Tajara. Featuring more toned, muscular bodies, thicker fur coats, tall statures, and heavier body weight, they are well-suited to tasks requiring brute strength and heavy lifting. They are by no means less intelligent than the Hharar, but most Zhan-Khazan does not pursue the same type of work. Zhan-Khazan makes up a significant amount of Tajara employed in resource gathering, construction, civil jobs such as law enforcement, and even culinary work such as butchering.

Zhan-Khazan are usually blue-grey, dark gray, or chocolate in coloration.

Zhan-Khazan fur patterns are remarkably simple, usually consisting of only dark solid colors or at the most ticked fur or tabby stripes. They are capable of lighter colors and more varied fur patterns, but these are rare, recessive traits present in pure Zhan-Khazan bloodlines. Those that breed outside of their ethnicity have a higher chance of passing on their dark fur, as their genes are more dominant compared to other ethnic groups. These genes are present in both male and female parents.

Zhan-Khazan Culture

For most of Tajaran history, Zhan-Khazan were tasked with more difficult work as they were more suited to physical labor than their brethren. They were subject to harsher punishments and more repressive mandates as the plutocracy viewed them as lesser than other Tajara. Faced with work that segregated them from most settlements, the Zhan-Khazan have grown to be incredibly protective of their families and their own and follow traditional family values closely. Things like arranged marriages, inter-clan courting and gift-giving, and family alliances were and are exceedingly common for Zhan-Khazan, and they support a close family lifestyle. Those who go against their families face exile from their small, tight-knit communities. Zhan-Khazan also hold their co-workers in similarly high regard, though not as much as blood ties.

Many Zhan-Khazan worship the Ma'ta'ke pantheon, and scholars believe this faith was invented by this ethnic group. Small shrines are a common sight amongst settlements with a high population of Zhan-Khazan, and they hold very active evangelical services. As such, many Zhan-Khazan take the teachings of Ma'ta'ke to heart, including unification amongst Tajara. They care immensely about the future of their species and most do what they can for the betterment of the Tajara as a whole. Zhan-Khazan are highly valued agricultural and mining experts.

Like all other Tajara, Siik'maas and Siik'tajr are the 'official' language of the Zhan-Khazan, but they were the inventors of the lesser dialect of Delvahhi. This language is still widely used in religious ceremonies dedicated to Ma'ta'ke and amongst settlements comprised mostly of Zhan-Khazan.


The history of the Rhazar'Hrujmagh people, a name that can be translated roughly as “Rock Nomads”, is closely linked to the Zhan-Khazan, with both sharing the same origin in the ancient Tajaran age, a race of cave-and-mountain dwelling Tajara that traditionally were entrusted with physical labor. Unlike the typical Zhan-Khazan, which were put under serfdom by the ruling classes, the Rhazar'Hrujmagh developed into a semi-nomadic society, based around the herding of N’hanzafu and Zhsram. The modern Zhan-Khazan and the Rhazar'Hrujmagh share identical physical characteristics, such as having a strong body constitution and dark fur, and many just consider being a Rock Nomad an alternative Zhan culture. The south of Ras'nrr is home to the majority of the Rock Nomad population, but an expressive minority can be found in the middle and north of Harr'masir.

While most Tajaran developed cities and the farmlands, organizing themselves into monarchies and dynasties, the Rhazar'Hrujmagh would travel the land and rocky mountains of Adhomai, looking for pastures more suitable for their herds, in large caravans made up of several families, with their wagons being dragged around by Zhsram. During the feudal period of Adhomai they suffered extensive persecution by the authorities, developing a tradition of being a warring people, accustomed to being persecuted and moving through the rough terrain of Adhomai with ease. The Rhazar'Hrujmagh played an important role as mercenaries in the countless conflicts before the creation of the Steeple. Many families and caravans made fortunes from being paid to fight in those wars, generally riding their Zhsram into battle as cavalry, or from any plunder they were allowed to collect. When the status quo settled they were seen as an undesirable element by most monarchies, and several restrictions were created against them.

During the First Revolution, the great majority of Rhazar'Hrujmagh fought alongside the rebels, with some being employed as mercenaries by the monarchists. However, the Hadii’s regime decided that the presence of such nomadic people was in conflict with the ideals promoted by the new Tajaran society, and tried to settle down the Rhazar'Hrujmagh, creating conflict and tension again. The emergence of the Adhomai Liberation Army was seen as an opportunity by many Rhazar'Hrujmagh to save their traditional ways. Joining Nated’s rebellion is popular among the youth of Rhazar'Hrujmagh families and caravans, serving in the irregular guerilla warfare, where the knowledge of Adhomai’s terrain and the speed of their mounts is useful.

After the Armistice, the majority of the rock nomads migrated to Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai territory. Most of the population living in Harr'masir joined the New Kingdom of Adhomai, taking the Nomadic Host of the Southern Borders as their home. Rhazar'Hrujmagh living in the Host are seen as traitors by the rest of the Adhomian rock nomad community.

The culture of the Rhazar'Hrujmagh includes the typical Zhan focus in their families and communities, with the caravan being the union of several families, usually led by an elder elected by the heads of each household. Herding and military service are the most common professional choices, with children being taught how to handle animals and use weapons by their parents. The worship of the Ma’ta’ke pantheon is widespread, with the focus being on Rredouane as their patron deity.


Njarir’Akhran - Blood Ruler

"The Nobleman"

Njarir'Akhran Physiology

The Njarir'Akhran, or simply the Njarir, are the ethnic group that made up the majority of the plutocracy prior to the Great War. Their lineage can be traced from careful breeding between Hharar and M'sai, leading to where they currently are today. Following recent events on Adhomai, Njarir make up less than ten percent of the population, though reports see that number reducing slowly between honor killings and hate crimes given their close relation to the Tajaran nobility. Easily identifiable by their large ears, fluffy tails, luxurious fur, higher heights, and slender, elegant features. Njarir suffer persecution and rejection from certain proponents of Tajaran society because of their bloodline.

Historically, Njarir comprised almost the entirety of the Tajaran nobility. Efforts were made to keep noble lines purebred, even if it led to inbreeding in dynasties. Those who married outside of or slept outside of their ethnicity were generally disowned by their family and forced into peasant life. As the most learned of all Tajaran ethnic groups, they boast high intelligence and have a propensity towards the arts and sciences. Many have fled Adhomai only to be offered cushy jobs elsewhere working for the Alliance, other factions, or transstellar corporations. These individuals are looked down upon even more.

Njarir'Akhran are usually orange, cinnamon, ruddy, or cream in coloration.

In stark contrast to their brethren, Njarir tend toward very bright, colorful fur patterns. Typically, their fur color ranges from reddish browns to cream colors, and they do not generally have dark fur. Siamese patterns, as well as tortoiseshell or patched tabby patterns, were valued amongst Njarir bloodlines, and those with more intricate fur patterns were revered and admired by their fellow noblemen, and it was considered an attractive trait in a female. Despite all this, these patterns have been shown to be recessive genes in Njarir, and the most common fur pattern is simply stripes.

Njarir'Akhran Culture

Due to their history as the ruling class of the Tajara, many records pertaining to Njarir practices and culture before first contact were destroyed in acts of insubordination. This, coupled with the widespread burning of Njarir literature and the destruction of castles, villas, and chateaus, has led to a loss of critical information on ancient Njarir practices. What is known, however, is that only a handful of Njarir were ever part of the peasantry. As stated previously, keeping the bloodline pure was almost mandated amongst the noble dynasties and anyone who broke this rule was exiled to live as a peasant. Other stipulations were agreed upon to ensure the 'nobleness' of a family member. One could not marry a peasant, or involve themselves in peasant affairs unless it proved a problem to productivity. To be seen in public, a nobleman or woman was obligated to wear fanciful clothing to show their status and were discouraged from physical contact with the peasantry.

Following the Great War, almost every noble family was systematically exterminated. The only noble family still in power outside of the New Kingdom is the Hadii, who serve in the Republican government. It has proved exceedingly difficult to acquire testimony or records from living Hadii members, who wish not to upset the Hadiist public. Relics recovered from Njarir ruins, however, suggest that at one point they were highly religious, giving credence to the theory that these nobles evolved from religious leaders. The revival of the New Kingdom of Adhomai has triggered a wave of restoration of the old Njarir culture.

Siik'maas was the widely spoken language of Njarir, though amongst themselves they preferred to use the Ya'ssa dialect. Presumed to be the traditional language of the nobility, it uses a more refined alphabet and speech pattern believed to have evolved from a less-used ancient language. Hadii members have been recorded to still use this language, though ultimately with the widespread annihilation of noble families, this language has fallen into disuse until its revival by the New Kingdom of Adhomai.


M'sai - Hunter

"The Soldier"

M'sai Physiology

As the third (though only by a small margin) populous Tajaran ethnic group, the M'sai were at one point the hunters and warriors for ancient Tajara and evolved to have lithe, slender forms, and light fur that hid them in the blizzards on Adhomai. Their ears are also taller, likely to facilitate hearing prey. As Tajaran society advanced, M'sai could be found in many roles related to combat, including law enforcement, and military service. However, not all M'sai resign themselves to these positions and enjoy helping Zhan-Khazan on the country farms or performing civil duties in cities from garbage disposal to cargo inspections.

Characterized by their thin, slender forms and average stature, the M'sai are deceptively light; by Tajaran standards, they are thinner and smaller. With less but thicker fur and a thinner layer of body fat, they aren't as well insulated against Adhomai's cold as their brethren. However, this gives them the bonus of being speedier, and their bodies are designed to be aerodynamically compatible with the harsh winds of Adhomai. Where a Zhan-Khazan would stumble as he weathered the winds, a M'sai can easily and quickly sprint through without being affected. The M'sai are agile, intelligent, and have quick reaction times, making them ideal for high-stress work.

M'sai are usually white, ivory, wheat, or silver in coloration.

M'sai tend toward subtle fur patterns, such as ticked fur or spots. Their lighter colors are dominant genes and usually express themselves in cross-ethnic children, overwriting the parent fur color - except in the case of mating with a Zhan-Khazan. The dark and light colors mix, leading to a diluted shade of the darker fur. As they evolved to be hunters in the snow, dark fur colors tend to be suppressed in their children, as previously stated.

M'sai Culture

M'sai are known to typically be mild-mannered, but can also be prone to more aggression than their brethren. M'sai make up a significant portion of the People's Army of Adhomai, with a 2454 census giving a total of sixty-two point eight percent of soldiers, airmen, and sailors having been M'sai. They are very loyal to their friends and family but aren't as overt about it as the Zhan-Khazan. With wide eyes and acute senses, they make great soldiers, with a vision adapted to compensate for the heavy blizzards that plague their home planet. They are also great survivalists and are capable of scrounging food for themselves via hunting.

Historically, they were employed by the plutocracy to aid in hunting and ranching, though the majority made up the armies and guards of cities, villages, and towns. They also made excellent scouts, and during the Migration Period, were part of cartography teams assigned to record and draw maps of then-unexplored territory in the northern regions of the planet. In the town of Davistok, a silver statue of the explorer D'nante was commissioned by its noble family for having discovered the land where the wealthy trade city was built; they were held in higher regard by the nobility who viewed them as closer cousins than the other ethnic groups.

Siik'maas and Siik'tajr were always widely used by M'sai, but the body-focused language of Nal'rasan was their creation. Because the mrowling and vocal expressions of Siik'maas could sometimes alert prey to their presence and drive them away, hunting parties adopted this language to prevent such a thing from occurring. Rebel sects saw the use of this language and made use of it for covert discussions and the transmission of highly classified information before and during the Great War.

Genetic Disorders

Because of the prevalence of selective breeding in their history, the Tajara people now suffer the consequences of these practices: shorter lifespan, weaker immunosystems, and genetic disorders are far more common among the Tajara than in other species. Before the First Revolution, most infants born with noticeable deformities were abandoned or given to religious authorities. The introduction of modern medicine quickly made the Tajara aware of the origin of such diseases; the Adhomian governments are now working tirelessly to find ways to repair the damage done by the nobility’s rule. Due to their small population and obsession with purity, the Njarir’Akhran are the ethnic group most affected by genetic diseases.

Heterochromia iridium, especially when one of the eyes is blue and the other yellow, is considered a lucky symbol. Tajara suffering from eye disorders will frequently have trouble seeing in low light conditions.

Notable Disorders

  • Albinism: manifesting similarly to the other species, Tajara with albinism will suffer a severe lack of coloration in the fur and eyes. Before the First Revolution, those who were born with this disorder were usually considered to be displaced M’sai, either as the result of infidelity or by divine intervention. Most albino Tajara were handed to M’sai families or the local temple. Followers of Ma’ta’ke would raise them to become Mata’ke priests as albinism is deemed a blessing by the pantheon’s head. The Church of S'rand'marr trained its albino orphans to become copyist priests: this way they would avoid the harsh sunlight by staying inside the candle-lit libraries.
  • Hakh'jar: also known as "Stunted-Tail", Hakh'jar is a disorder characterized by an abnormally short tail. It drastically affects the Tajara’s balance; those suffering from this disease commonly rely on canes to walk. Before the First Contact, Njarir'Akhran and Hharar suffering from Stunted-Tail would be assigned clerical positions to avoid extra strain from walking. Religious Tajara believed that Hakh'jar was the result of a curse or divine punishment directed at one's bloodline. Only recently prostheses tails have been developed to help remediate this condition. Hakh'jar is a popular term that implies that someone is slow or clumsy.
  • Dornskhy: an extremely rare disorder characterized by the total lack of fur on the body. Tajara affected by this disease are vulnerable to infections and injuries; painful rashes will cover the skin and sunburns are inevitable. Before the First Contact, only nobles could afford the necessary treatment and luxuries to survive this condition; those suffering from Dornskhy would remain confined to palaces for their entire life. Nowadays, carriers of this disorder have a longer life expectancy than in the past, as long they remain under constant medical care. Dornskhy is a popular term to imply that someone is thin-skinned.