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m (Sneakyranger moved page NanoTrasen Liaison to Corporate Liaison: It's not NanoTrasen Liaison anymore. Time to try to fix this. Saw somebody confused about this in the discord yesterday.)
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Revision as of 17:47, 1 December 2022

NanoTrasen Liaison
NanoTrasen Liaison
Access: The Representatives Office, the Bridge.
Qualifications: At least 30 years of age, relevant education. You've convinced NanoTrasen Central Command you're worth loaning a shuttle, and you are representing an Interest Group
Employers: Not defined
Supervisors: Ship Command and your Interest Group
Duties: Representing your faction's interests, conducting interviews and AMAs, improving your interest group's image, being less creepy than the old IAA role
Guides: Corporate Regulations, Ship Directives, Guide to Law, Guide to Paperwork, Chain of Command

NanoTrasen Liaisons or Representatives act as the link between an Interest Group and their assigned facility. Their primary concerns are to ensure that the group they're representing is treated more favorably or just ensuring they're treated equally, within Corporate Regulations, via interviews and reports to Command Staff about misconduct.

Secondary responsibilities of a Representative include increasing awareness of whatever factions or cause they represent. For more information on the goal of different kinds of Representative, see: Interest Groups

Representatives can be played by characters of any species that can be a part of the represented faction, by players with a Head of Staff whitelist - they are not part of Ship Command, however.


There are two variations of Representative, those being Corporate Liaison and Consular Officer. They can both be active on the ship at one time, allowing for a representative of a faction to be there alongside a liaison from a megacorporation. It is encouraged that they will work together on matters if there is a NanoTrasen Liaison alongside a Consular Officer, so the consular can have an easier time getting important messages through to central command or ship command.

The Corporate

While the consular officer's purpose is pretty cut and dry, the more flexible nature of the Liaison role affords it a few alternate titles, including:

  • Workplace Liaison
  • Corporate Representative
  • Corporate Executive

These titles should give your Liaison a bit more flavor by allowing them to have some specialty in the company. However, no alternate title gives you any more authority than another. Playing a Corporate Executive does not increase your authority - you have the same amount of direct authority as a liaison: none. As a corporate executive, think of yourself more of an executive of middle management; your direct power over the Horizon is functionally zero, as you've been sent by whatever as a liaison and advocate. The SCC chose the heads of staff to command the ship, and they'd like to keep it that way.

Interest Groups

All Non-NanoTrasen Interest Groups get access to an External Comms Link in their Fax machine which enables them to contact their superiors, and receive an orders list on round start. While they do not get all of the benefits of working for NanoTrasen, they definitely do get other benefits.

NanoTrasen Liaison

  • NanoTrasen Liaisons are dispatched by NanoTrasen to act as an on-ship link between NanoTrasen and Ship Command. They can talk to command and crew on matters such as NanoTrasens interests aboard the ship, advise Station Command, and issue various paperwork, including Contract Extensions and situation reports. They can also make sure that ship command is following correct procedure and not doing anything unsavory in the eyes of the most powerful company of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate.

Corporate Representative

  • On ship liaisons from other megacorporations for contractors on ship. They are supposed to represent the interests of their parent company, as well as to ensure the well being and prosperity of their contractors. They can pressure Command Staff, make requests, or even do back-alley deals and bribes in certain circumstances.

Tau Ceti Representative

  • Tasked by the Republic of Biesel government to ensure that Tau Ceti Law is being followed, and that safety regulations are being followed. They are to promote Biesel sentiment, and reinforce the image of the bright beacon of democracy. They may also issue Tau Ceti citizenship and passports in certain circumstances.

Sol Consular Officer

  • Following the aftermath of the 35th's invasion, Sol Alliance consular officers are not welcome aboard the Horizon.

PRA Consular Officer

  • Dispatched from the Peoples Republic of Adhomai to ensure the well being and interests of Republican citizens who are living in this far away Tajaran enclave. They are to encourage proper Republican values and make sure that party lines are being upheld.
  • They are the Party's eyes and ears on the ship and are tasked with reporting any subversive behavior to the government. They are given a set of tools and access to the fax machine to deal diplomatically with possible subversive elements. They can also issue Honorary Party Memberships to any crewmember.
  • Consulars are Hadiist Party members and should always be loyal to President Hadii. They must be exemplary citizens and embody the Republican ideals. Cooperating with NanoTrasen authorities is also necessary due to the strict bounds between the Republic and the corporation.

DPRA Consular Officer

  • Dispatched from the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai to ensure the well being and interests of Al'mariist citizens who are living in this far away Tajaran enclave. They are to encourage proper Al'mariist values and ensure that the rights of the Tajara people are being respected.
  • Consulars are employed by the civilian government and should display the values upheld by the Al'mariist ideology. They are given a set of tools and access to the fax machine to make sure that any DPRA citizen is working towards the future of their species.
  • While consular officers are part of the civil government, they can still harbor sympathies for the military juntas and Supreme Commander Nated. Cooperation with NanoTrasen is desirable when the outcome is beneficial to the Al'mariist cause. While direct opposition against the megacorporations is no part of the consular's duties, DPRA consular officers should do their best to support Liberation Army personnel on the field.

NKA Consular Officer

  • Dispatched from the New Kingdom of Adhomai to ensure the well being and interests of Royalists citizens who are living in this far away Tajaran enclave. They are to encourage traditional Tajaran values and ensure cooperation between the New Kingdom and NanoTrasen.
  • Consulars are under the supervision of the Crown and should be model citizens. They are given a set of tools and access to the fax machine to make sure that any NKA citizen is acting in an upstanding manner. Cooperation with NanoTrasen is necessary, as the Kingdom is doing its best to acquire allies.
  • Consulars can be either nobles or commoners. Despite their origins, they were chosen for their support of the Royalist ideology.

Hegemony Consular Officer

  • Hailing from Unathi owned space, these diplomats are here to reach the Unathi working on SCC vessels and keep the relations between the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate and the Hegemony in top shape. As a Unathi representative, you will need to carefully balance the morals of your homeworld and your diplomatic responsibilities.
  • You are recommended to call Unathi to your office, to speak with them and learn their origins. Talk about their clan back on Moghes, learn their religious ideals, find any... undesirables who might be hiding their clan name and ensure paperwork is sent to a Hegemony vessel documenting a possible Guwan hiding their Guwan title behind their old Clan name.
  • Consulars will always be noblemen, or even noblewomen. Either way, your clan is notable and you might be related to a Lord of Moghes in some way.
  • Hosting Feasts in honor of the Hegemon is always fun. Let everyone know you're rich, by paying for all their meals for the shift.
  • If a Guwan wishes to prove themselves capable of restoring their title, or creating a new one, you are one of the first steps. They must prove themselves worthy enough to be represented by you or someone you choose in a court. Afterwards, directly message the Lore Developer in charge of Unathi, or a deputy.

Nralakk Federation Consular Officer

  • Having come all the way from Nralakk these officers are very well versed in local customs and culture. Being the natural diplomats, Skrell Consular Officers are very diplomatically savvy and knowledgeable and are on the ship to remind other Skrell how far the Federation reaches. Thus a Skrell Consular Officer should strive to be the last person on the ship to offend their host, while not being a complete pushover.
    • Federation Consular Officers also have standing instructions to report back to the Federation on Inductive and Deductive actions of any federation citizens that they observe for review. This should be done via fax or other long-range communications.
  • Consulars for the Nralakk Federation are always Primary Numericals, model citizens of the Federation.

Dominian Consular Officer

  • Sent by the Dominian Empire, the job of Dominian Consular Officer is to dispel all perceived inaccuracies about Dominians first and ensure the loyalty of its subjects second. Dominia has had an understanding with NanoTrasen ever since its rediscovery by the other spacial factions and its officers ensure that this relationship lasts, despite the ideological differences.

Vaurca Consular Officer

  • Representing one of the hives, Vaurca Consular Officers are always a special type of Vaurca, a Ta also known as a Breeder. As the emotional centerpiece of Vaurca society, a Vaurca Consular officer is the ideal type capable of communicating and understanding all the other species in the system.

Golden Deep Consular Officer

  • As a representation of the Golden Deep, your duties are to ensure the continued relations between NanoTrasen and Golden Deep affiliates.
  • Golden Deep Consular Officers must have acquired their Golden Deep Citizenship.
  • A Golden Deep Consular Officers are more often than not highly esteemed merchants, or a membership holding, carefully vetted synthetic made to engage as a diplomatic bridge between business partners.
  • You are recommended to promote the Golden Deep affiliates in the Republic of Biesel, as well as seeking out synthetics for purchase under the Golden Deep umbrella.
  • A membership within Golden Deep is not to be given lightly and Consular Officers are responsible for ensuring that any IPCs inducted into the group can increase its prosperity.

Coalition of Colonies Consular Officer

  • As a Representative of the expansive CoC, you are entrusted to act as the link between all the members of the CoC, their populace, and the Coalition as a whole. You are likely to interact with a wide range of people, so Coalition Consulars are normally excellent at conflict resolution and problem solving.

Species Consulars/Liaisons Permitted
Humans Skrells Unathi Tajara IPCs Dionae Vaurca
NT Liaison
Tau Ceti
Zavodskoi Interstellar
Idris Rep.
Heph Rep.
Zeng-Hu Rep.
Vaurcae Hive
Golden Deep

Embrace The Bureaucracy

So, your shoes are polished, your tie is on straight, your stamp is inked up and there’s a full cup of coffee on your desk - what now?

Typically, the broad duties of a Representative can be sorted into three major categories:
  1. Awareness: Doing activities to spread awareness of your Interest Group is a very good idea to keep everyone happy, and most importantly, informed. A good representative might give seminars on the virtues and upsides of their Interest Group, or a Consular Officer might do a QnA or trivia for their faction. Get creative with it, and remember that certain factions will be trying harder than others, such as the PRA or Hegemony.
  2. Oversight: Doing activities that keep members of your Interest Group happy is also a good idea. If a member of said Interest Group is unhappy, take them in and work out ways to make it better, such as talking to ship Command to improve the situation. In order for that to work, a Representative needs to be keeping track of members of their Interest Group, in ways such as PDAing to check in, or calling them in to your office for a chat.
  3. Protest: Activities taken in response to mistreatment. An example would be contacting the Captain, Executive Officer, or Security when you suspect someone from your Interest Group is in danger or has been wronged. Another would be vocally protesting in response to someone from your Interest Group being arrested, even going as far as to negotiate for their release, or lessening of their punishment. Do not push this or it may lead to trouble!

Before you sign on for that first shift, recognize a hard truth about Representatives: you are not, strictly speaking, a necessary component of the ship’s crew. By yourself, you cannot permit, prevent, or enforce just about anything. You are barely even a part of the ship's crew.

Your ability to effectively do your job therefore relies on your ability to communicate with the ship’s various Departments, and ship Command. Having good working relationships with the crew also makes it more likely that they will come to you with their problems, or report things to you, rather than leaving you to hunt for them, or to sit at your desk contemplating your coffee all shift.

In order to help build those working relationships, there are a few things Representatives should try to do.
  1. Do Spread Awareness: The only way you're going to get ship Crew on your side is if you get involved with the Crewmembers aboard the Horizon, in whatever way you may choose to do so, or your Interest Group entails.
  2. Do Not Cause Trouble: You are here with the express permission of Ship Command and NanoTrasen, a permission that can easily be revoked, you don't want to test them, and any violation of Corporate Regulations should be strictly covert, if at all.
  3. Do Play Favorites: It is the express purpose of your job to advocate for your Interest Group, and thus, to play favorites. If you think that helping a Crewmember who is close to someone in it will aid in that, you should definitely do it if it fits your character. Though, you don't want others to know, as it could land you in trouble with a Security Officer, and thus, Ship Command. It could also violate Server Rules in extreme cases, if in doubt, adminhelp.

Directive 12

"Command staff are expected to engage representatives through diplomacy and to consent to reasonable requests. The representative is not part of the ship chain of command. The representative is granted special status in relation to corporate regulations;"

  • The representative does not serve brig time for low level infractions, the fine alternative can be used in those cases. The representative can serve brig time for medium and high level infractions, with command staff being able to contact Central Command requesting the revocation of the representative's privilege.
  • The representative's office offers immunity to the representative. Security may not enter to conduct arrests under normal circumstances. Entering or refusing to exit the office is considered trespassing. The office's immunity may be revoked by the captain or a captain level decision.

Read more at: Directives: Directive 12.


This scenario is unlikely as the NanoTrasen Liaison, as the Mindshield Implant all Liaisons are required to have prevents you from being brainwashed, However, if you're a Representative for a different group, and find yourself selected for traitor, congratulations! You are an antagonist trusted explicitly by your Interest Group, who will likely be thrilled to help you.
Wield your bureaucracy against the company you've signed up to act within! The morphic clerical kit may be of use to a traitorous Representative, as the stamps it provides allow you to forge command staff approval of just about anything. Through this, you can stamp approval papers to your fellows, have them lie to Command Staff about who they got them from, and then procure anything they'd like, thanks to you. If anyone questions what you're doing, remind them that you have the best interests of your people at heart.
Guides of the Horizon
Game Mechanics Getting Started - Guide to Combat - Guide to EVA - Guide to Piloting - Guide to Gunnery - Guide to Communication - Corporate Regulations - Stellar Corporate Conglomerate Occupation Qualifications
Command Guide to Command - Guide to Paperwork - Guide to Standard Procedure - Guide to Faxes
Security Guide to Security - Guide to Contraband - Corporate Regulations - Guide to Cadavers
Engineering Guide to Construction - Guide to Advanced Construction - Hacking - Guide to Atmospherics - Supermatter Engine - INDRA Engine - Setting up the Solar Array - Telecommunications - Shields
Medical Guide to Medicine - Guide to Surgery - Guide to Chemistry
Research Guide to Research and Development - Guide to Xenobiology - Guide to Xenobotany - Guide to Xenoarchaeology - Guide to Robotics - Guide to Telescience
Operations Guide to Mining - Guide to Robotics
Civilian Guide to Food - Guide to Drinks - Guide to Hydroponics - Guide to Piloting
Non-human cyborg - AI - Guide to Psionics
Special Mercenary - Ninja - Changeling - Vampire - Raider - Revolutionary - Cultist - Technomancer - Guide to Improvised Weapons - Uplink
Jobs on Aurora
Command Captain - Executive Officer - Head of Security - Chief Engineer - Research Director - Chief Medical Officer - Operations Manager
Command Support Corporate Liaison - Consular Officer - Bridge Crewman
Security Security Officer - Warden - Investigator - Security Cadet
Engineering Engineer - Atmospheric Technician - Engineering Apprentice
Medical Surgeon - Physician - Paramedic - Psychologist - Pharmacist - Medical Intern
Research Scientist - Xenobiologist - Xenobotanist - Lab Assistant
Operations Hangar Technician - Shaft Miner - Machinist
Service Assistant - Off-Duty Crewman - Passenger - Bartender - Chef - Chaplain - Librarian - Janitor - Botanist - Corporate Reporter
Non-human AI - Cyborg - Personal AI
Special Merchant - Ghost Roles