Guide to Ghost Roles

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Ghost roles are a unique system on the server that permits the spawning of certain mobs by ghosts observing the round. Most of the time, these roles are on a different ship in the sector the SCCV Horizon is inhabiting, and they can discover away sites, patrol the sector, roleplay with each other, and interact with the Horizon. To access ghost roles, use Join and press Ghost Spawner, or access the ghost spawner menu while observing by checking the Ghost tab.


  • OFF-SHIP ROLES ARE NOT INHERENTLY ANTAGONISTS. This is important to get out of the way. While some gamemodes might have third-party assets with offship roles that are antagonistic, offship roles are not the same as rolling an antagonist. You are under the same rules of character believability as normal crewmembers.
    • Playing offship roles like antagonists is considered self-antagging and should be generally avoided. While offship roles like pirates or smugglers can harass the Spark and the Intrepid when they're away from the Horizon, it should also be kept in mind that the Horizon is a massive cruiser with powerful armaments. If you're going to perform antagonistic actions against the crew, it might be best to keep it to stealing from them and driving them away with guns. Like any antagonist, this should have escalation and roleplay behind it.
    • The exception to this rule is other offships; while you are expected to roleplay and build up to conflict with them, it's accepted that an Elyran military corvette and an FSF vessel would probably start shooting each other after a few tense words.
  • Be at least moderately familiar with the lore before spawning. It's a little awkward if you spawn in on the Kataphract vessel as Zosaa John, and proceed to act the way a Kataphract shouldn't.
  • From an OOC standpoint, act like you would with your normal crewmember characters. If conflict makes sense, you are more then welcome to go for it. Don't do things you wouldn't do with a character you care about.
  • You are not required to interact with the Horizon, but it's perfectly acceptable to do. You could be stopping for supplies, asking if you could use their facilities to relax after a long journey, or asking to sell goods and wares.
  • On the other hand, don't immediately go to get involved in on-ship security situations. It's unfair and unfun if you show up to chase after a random Traitor on the ship, and can be considered validhunting.
    • An exception to this is when the Horizon has put out a distress beacon and is on code red. You can respond to help out the crew then, but it has to be a very dire situation; you should send a message to administrators to ensure you're clear to get involved.
  • Part of playing offship roles is understanding that there may be times where the ship does not require assistance, but also does not want you aboard to tell a story with them. If the Horizon is dealing with a Cult on board, don't be upset if they can't engage with your roleplay.

Common Offship Roles

With the Horizon operating in mostly civilized and explored space, throughout the course of its mission it will encounter those unassociated with the Horizon. Whether it be the crew of an Orion shipping vessel, or the low-paid workers of a space bar near local mining areas, these roles will be played by other players and provide a chance for the crew to interact with the world outside of the ship.

Keep in mind these are only a few of the offship roles that can be played, and are listed here as examples for what players should expect.

Orion Express Courier Ship

"Faster than light!"

Supervisors: Orion Express

Tasked with delivering a multitude of packages across the spur, the OX courier ship can be found in most regions of space, delivering its packages. It's crewed by a captain and team of couriers, who, like the ship, have travelled around the spur. Orion Express employs just about any species from just about anywhere in space.


"Bring me a bottle or two, me lad, bring me a bottle or four..."

Supervisors: The Freebooter Captain

You like to think of yourself as an adventurer and a businessman. Others, though, would call you a pirate, a bandit, and a thug. As a pirate, you're here to make money by any means necessary, but remember the guidelines for offships; don't bother the Horizon. Of course, this doesn't stop you from harassing the Horizon's shuttles, and any other ill-defended vessel unfortunate to be in your path.

You can spawn as any species on the Freebooter ship.

Tajaran Smugglers

"He has warrres, if you have crrredits."

Main articles: Tajara, Tajara Space Capability

Supervisors: Tajaran Smuggler Captains

You're a Tajara smuggler from snowy Adhomai, out to make some money, sell your illegal goods, and run away from the law. Keep in mind that while you are a criminal, you're not a pirate and shouldn't act as such. You can defend your wares with force and covertly "repossess" some goods, of course. You're on good terms with any Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai vessel, but the People's Republic of Adhomai would love to get rid of you; stay ahead of the law.

If you don't have a Tajara whitelist, you can spawn as one of the smugglers. If you do, you can spawn as the smuggler captain.

Izweski Hegemony Kataphract Knights

"Honour, fire, burn thy fear."

Main articles: Unathi, Vaurca, K'lax in the Izweski Nation, Unathi Honor

Supervisors: Chapter Leader

Kataphracts, otherwise known as Saa’Izweski in the Sinta’Unathi tongue, are an ancient class of warriors that has recently been revived by Not’zar Izweski into active service. They are seen as the epitome of warriorhood, recognized by either the Hegemon, an Overlord, or another Kataphract for strength and bravery. They’re sworn to defend the Hegemony and must strictly follow the Unathi Honour Code, but are only called upon in times of active war and thus spend the rest of their lives ranging across the galaxy in search of challenges to test themselves against.

This particular band of Kataphracts wields their flashy energy swords and shields, to do battle against whatever evil plagues the good people of the sector. In the meantime, they're happy to explore space, exploring abandoned stations and claiming them in the name of the Izweski Hegemony.

If you don't have an Unathi whitelist, you can spawn as a Zosaa, a Kataphract squire. You're likely young, a citizen of the Izweski Hegemony, and learning your chosen field under the watchful eye of the Knight-Captain and the Specialist. You can be a male or female Unathi, but keep in mind that a male Unathi is likely a warrior, and a female Unathi is likely some manner of paramedic or medical intern.

If you have a Vaurca whitelist, you can spawn as a K'laxan Hopeful. You're a Vaurca squire of the Kataphracts, and travelling with your Unathi fellows as a show of good faith between Hive K'lax and the Hegemony. Keep in mind that Queenless Vaurca would not be Kataphracts.

Interstellar Aid Corps

"How many fingers am I holding up?"

Supervisors: The Interstellar Aid Corps board of directors

You're a humble volunteer of the Interstellar Aid Corps, travelling through all manner of conflict-fraught sectors of space to dispatch medical aid and disaster relief when needed. Along the way, you'll get in contact with other ships, probably be chased by pirates, and try to manage your limited medical supplies.

You can spawn as any species on an IAC ship.

Space Bar

"Come here often?"

Supervisors: Yourself

Seen in all areas of space, space bars have a simple goal; to serve food and drinks to their customers! You don't care just who they are, so long as they follow the golden rule of not making trouble for you or your other customers while they're docked.

You can spawn as any species in a space bar, but keep in mind some species (like IPC or Vaurca) may not have their essential amenities on the map.

Hephaestus Mining Vessel

"The anvil on which the world is shaped."

Supervisors: Hephaestus Industries

You're a crewman on a Cyclops-class Hephaestus Industries vessel. Your job is to mine asteroids, ship valuable minerals, and chase away any pirates who may be thinking of plundering your valuable bounties.

You can spawn as any species on a Hephaestus Mining Vessel, but remember that you can only be a K'laxan Vaurca employee.

Emergency Response Teams

In particularly dire cases, an admin may spawn an Emergency Response Team to respond to a distress beacon on the SCCV Horizon. Below are common types of ERTs that may show up when called.

Nanotrasen Emergency Response Team


"The leader in all things phoron!"

Main article: Emergency Response Team

Supervisors: Nanotrasen Corporation

A paramilitary response team employed by NanoTrasen, they are based from the NTCC Odin and other NanoTrasen vessels in the sector, and may venture out to assist the ship. These are heavily armed, well-trained specialists dedicated to remedying any number of emergencies that may result in them being called. NT-ERT consists entirely of contracted mercenaries who have found employment by NanoTrasen in Tau Ceti, and their numbers are quite immense.

As they protect the corporate bottom line, NT-ERT can often be seen going to great lengths to ensure the station’s longevity and the crew’s survival. All personnel in fireteam “Phoenix” possess knowledge of captain-level classified information, such as the code of the ship's nuclear failsafe.

Tau Ceti Foreign Legion


"Keep our light of liberty shining!"

Main article: Tau Ceti Armed Forces

Supervisors: The Republic of Biesel officially, The SCC unofficially

The Tau Ceti Foreign Legion was formerly the military entity in Tau Ceti known for its volunteer service, often utilized by immigrants seeking an easy path to citizenship. While the Tau Ceti Armed Forces has replaced them in most respects, some vessels are still out patrolling the sectors around Tau Ceti. The teams assigned to Biesel Legion Vessels consist of Prefects, Legionnaires, and Volunteers in descending order of expertise. Prefects are full-time enlisted individuals, Legionnaires are part time enlistee's with specialist training, while Volunteers may have any lesser degree of training to even the bare minimum.

While the Foreign Legion is not undyingly loyal to the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate, failing to uphold their standards while performing a rescue mission may have dire consequences for them. Most soldiers are average people placed in a military situation, and conduct themselves with the appropriate amount of common sense.



"For the Hegemon!"

Main articles: Unathi, Vaurca, K'lax in the Izweski Nation, Unathi Honor

Supervisors: Chapter Leader

This particular band of Kataphracts wields their flashy energy swords and shields, to do battle against whatever evil plagues the SCCV Horizon. By default, they don't spawn alongside a K'lax hopeful, and are more focused on combat as an ERT.

Freelance Mercenaries


"Show me the colour of your credits."

Main article: N/A

Supervisors: Your current employer, the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate

The Freelancers are an available ERT role that involves playing, well, freelance mercenaries. Your goal is aligned with those of your current employer; you’re an independent company of people-killers, after all. This is arguably the most simple of the available emergency response teams, but their kit is usually very powerful. Details are usually improvised, but you're likely employed with the Private Military Contracting Group as one of their subsidiaries.

The SCC has already paid for you to respond to any potential distress beacons around your area of operations. Do not asked to be paid by facility command once you respond.

Interstellar Aid Corps

"Medic here!"

Main article: Interstellar Aid Corps

Supervisors: The Interstellar Aid Corps board of directors

The Interstellar Aid Corps are an available ERT role that involves playing the volunteer members of the IAC. Your goal is to, no matter the circumstance, ensure the well-being of all individuals on the station with very little exception. Essentially, if they aren’t trying to murder you, you may as well be helping them no matter the circumstance. It’s not recommended to pick up this role without some basic medical knowledge in-game. It is important to understand as well that the IAC ERT is not going to hold your hand through conflict, as they lack any major weapons of their own.

Republican Kosmostrelki


"Hadii's grace, comrades!"

Main articles: People's Republic of Adhomai, PRA Orbital Fleet Structure

Supervisors: The PRA orbital fleet, the Party Commissar

Republican Kosmostrelki are an available ERT comprised of extensively trained spaceborne infantry hailing from the nation of the People's Republic of Adhomai. Your goal as the ERT is the same as most others focused on combat, to defeat whatever is threatening the station. However, due to your extensive training, every member will have basic engineering and medical knowledge, with two specialists similar to those of the Free Solarian Fleet Fireteam.

FSFV Sforza Marine Detachment

Free Solarian Fleet Squad.png

"Sir yes sir!"

Main article: Free Solarian Fleet Fireteam

Supervisors: FSFV Sforza Command, Admiral Pieter van der Rensburg, any SCC member corporation command staff

The Free Solarian Fleet Marine detachment is a available ERT comprised of a fireteam of former Solarian marines now loyal to the Free Solarian Fleets, and Admiral van der Rensburg. They are mercenaries hired by the SCC to patrol the Romanavich cloud for pirates, as well as respond to any distress signals.

Eridani PMC Medical Response Team


"What can we do for you, esteemed colleague?"

Main article: Private Military Contracting Group

Supervisors: Private Military Contracting Group, SCC command staff, money

The EPMC Medical Response Team is a available ERT comprised of an Eridani contractor group, such as Sekhmet Intergalactic, and its accompanying asset protection specialists, like Ringspire or Eagle Corp. They are mercenaries hired by the SCC to respond to potential distress signals onboard its installations, and are mostly focused on treating injuries and assisting medical department personnel.

Jobs on Aurora
Command Captain - Executive Officer - Head of Security - Chief Engineer - Research Director - Chief Medical Officer - Operations Manager
Command Support Corporate Liaison - Consular Officer - Bridge Crewman
Security Security Officer - Warden - Investigator - Security Cadet
Engineering Engineer - Atmospheric Technician - Engineering Apprentice
Medical Surgeon - Physician - Paramedic - Psychologist - Pharmacist - Medical Intern
Research Scientist - Xenoarcheologist - Xenobiologist - Xenobotanist - Research Intern
Operations Hangar Technician - Shaft Miner - Machinist
Service Assistant - Off-Duty Crewman - Passenger - Bartender - Chef - Chaplain - Librarian - Janitor - Botanist - Corporate Reporter
Non-human AI - Cyborg - Personal AI
Special Merchant - Ghost Roles