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Access: Medbay, Morgue, Operating Theatre
Qualifications: At least 30 years of age, applicable MD from an accredited school and a completed 2 year of residency.
Employers: Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals, Nanotrasen, The Private Military Contracting Group
Supervisors: Chief Medical Officer
Duties: Keep the crew healthy, save lives.
Guides: Guide to Medicine

The Physician as a role is an extremely important one. If you know what you're doing, as a physician you will save lives. Nearly every death can be prevented, provided you reach the victim in time. Since physicians are supposedly the only ones with the tools and the in-character experience to save them, physicians tend to make a lot of friends.

Your Coworkers and You


The duties and education of Physicians and Surgeons have a good amount of overlap. Both you and the surgeons are expected to have the knowledge of various injuries, how to diagnose them, and how to treat them, among other things. The key difference, however, is how treatment is done. Your focus in the medical bay, as compared to the Surgeons, is to treat injuries using mostly chemical means. There are some injuries, however, that you simply cannot treat through chemical means, and thus require the surgeon to treat them. Make sure to work with the surgeon to effectively distribute patients between chemical treatment and surgical treatment.

Sometimes a surgeon will not be present. In these situations, you are expected to know certain surgical operations which you can find here. Do keep in mind, however, that if there are surgeons on shift, DO NOT operate on a patient unless the surgeons are busy or it is an emergency.


Pharmacists are your friend. As mentioned earlier, Physicians treat injuries through chemical means. The pharmacists are your source for medicine which you will use in your work. Because of this, you should work with your pharmacist to make sure there are enough chemicals in storage, and that any chemicals you may need are prepared. For instance, if you have a patient with a heart injury, you should inform your pharmacist to make Adipemcina. In absence of a pharmacist, the Surgeon can treat the same injuries.


Paramedics are who will be retrieving patients from throughout the ship and bringing them to the medical bay. While they are usually not in the General Treatment Room (GTR), you should work with the Paramedics to understand what injuries an incoming patient will have. Feel free to ask them to assist in the GTR if you need that extra set of hands, assuming there are no more patients to retrieve.

Medical Intern

Medical Interns are the learners of the medical team. You should make sure interns who are interning to become physicians have a chance to learn about the procedures and chemicals used in the medical bay. After they have learned enough, you can even allow them to treat their own patient and monitor the process to see how they do.

Mental Trauma and Policy

Roleplay Tips

  • You most likely have a decent knowledge of people and medicines. Use it to help people.
  • Feel free to play a nice guy, or the next House. Just make sure people get healed, it's what you're there for after all.
Guides of the Horizon
General Getting Started - Guide to Combat - Guide to EVA - Guide to Piloting - Guide to Gunnery - Guide to Communication - Corporate Regulations - Stellar Corporate Conglomerate Occupation Qualifications
Command Guide to Command - Guide to Paperwork - Guide to Standard Procedure - Guide to Faxes - Chain of Command
Security Guide to Security - Guide to Contraband - Corporate Regulations - Guide to Cadavers
Engineering Guide to Construction - Guide to Advanced Construction - Hacking - Guide to Atmospherics - Supermatter Engine - INDRA Engine - Setting up the Solar Array - Telecommunications - Shields
Medical Guide to Medicine - Guide to Surgery - Guide to Chemistry
Research Guide to Research and Development - Guide to Xenobiology - Guide to Xenobotany - Guide to Xenoarchaeology - Guide to Robotics - Guide to Telescience
Operations Guide to Mining - Guide to Robotics
Civilian Guide to Food - Guide to Drinks - Guide to Hydroponics - Guide to Piloting
Non-human cyborg - AI - Guide to Psionics
Special Odyssey - Mercenary - Ninja - Changeling - Vampire - Raider - Revolutionary - Cultist - Technomancer - Guide to Improvised Weapons - Uplink
Jobs on Aurora
Command Captain - Executive Officer - Head of Security - Chief Engineer - Research Director - Chief Medical Officer - Operations Manager
Command Support Corporate Liaison - Consular Officer - Bridge Crewman
Security Security Officer - Warden - Investigator - Security Cadet
Engineering Engineer - Atmospheric Technician - Engineering Apprentice
Medical Surgeon - Physician - Paramedic - Psychologist - Pharmacist - Medical Intern
Research Scientist - Xenoarcheologist - Xenobiologist - Xenobotanist - Research Intern
Operations Hangar Technician - Shaft Miner - Machinist
Service Assistant - Off-Duty Crewman - Passenger - Bartender - Chef - Chaplain - Librarian - Janitor - Botanist - Corporate Reporter
Non-human AI - Cyborg - Personal AI
Special Merchant - Ghost Roles