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= Dionae in the Federation =
= Pactolus Exploration League =
[[File:SkrellDionae.png|thumb|500px|alt=Cetus|The Conglomerated Choir of Nralakk, first found in the Kelo'Hen System.]]
Considered the first sophont to have been discovered by the [[Nralakk Federation]], and in the glaring wake of the manual labour problems experienced as a result of the Reign of Glorsh-Omega, Dionae were integrated into the recovering state by 2240. Despite this, they still experience heavy monitoring and more stringent rules placed on them as citizens. The majority of Dionae living in the Federation originate from the Conglomerated Choir of Nralakk, however, there is a growing population of the species from the [[Covenant of Xrim]]. Dionae, despite the additional control, overall have more benefits within the [[Nralakk Federation]] and are treated more or less equal to their Skrellian peers – with the Federation tailoring the Social Credit System to be more applicable to the species. It is not uncommon for Dionae who fail to meet the expectations of the Federation to emigrate and seek opportunities in [[Tau Ceti]].

==Treatment & Discrimination==
Created in August 2466, the Pactolus Exploration League is a jointly run organisation by the Consortium of Hieroaetheria, and the Golden Deep, with the aim of exploring Pactolus, and eventually the greater Spur. Outlined in the Pactolus-Hieroaetheria Concordat, the Legaue shall seek to discover opportunities, identify new resources and further the knowledge of both States. It is governed by a body of equal representation from both the Consortium and the Golden Deep, in which decisions are made with the best interests of both parties in mind. It shall play a crucial role in the fostering of future relations between Dionae and Synthetics alike.  
Despite their early integration and long-standing presence within the [[Nralakk Federation]], Dionae continues to face some forms of discrimination and stringent regulations – harsher than other Sophont counterparts in the Federation. This largely stems from a combination of the species' enigmatic existence, and their inability to tune into the Nlom. The Conglomerated Choir of Nralakk set the precedent for the relationship between the two species. While initial interactions were marked by curiosity and scientific interest, over time, the Federation's policies evolved to incorporate a more cautious and controlling approach. The Federation is wary of the Dionaes’ unique biological characteristics and potential for rapid growth, particularly following the damage done by Glorsh-Omega, and therefore sought a different approach to Dionae as they have to [[Skrell]].  
Overall, the [[Nralakk Federation]] is considered to be among one of the better States in regard to the treatment of Dionae. It is not uncommon to see Dionae enjoying themselves within the many cities of the Federation, even as far as the Traverse. However, they largely do not get the same comforts as the [[Skrell]], with more travel and reproductive restrictions, and lesser access to state resources. The Federation has attributed this to the unique form of the social credit system applicable to the Dionae, while others have criticised it as essentially condoning discrimination of the species.
Discrimination against Dionae is not necessarily an easy process to spot. It is a more veiled, and subtle, art used against the species by Skrell. The species' lack of any ability to tune into the Nlom has resulted in large amounts of the conversation being lost on them – and despite attempts to assist these deficits with the creation of the Nlom Receiver, the ability to send psionic signals is still impossible. Dionae are likely, or have already, seen the effects of this throughout the Federation, particularly in professional environments though it is apparent in casual environments as well.
== Governmental Regulation ==
=== Social Credit System ===
Subjected to an “equal yet separate” social credit system, the Dionae have unique interactions with the system. Initially implemented with harsh limitations that sought to limit their ability to reach higher social credit scores, and restricted travel for all registered Dionae, even the sizes of gestalts. This system was gradually replaced with the '''Dionae Equitable Social Credit System''' – or the DESCS. It is largely considered to be an adaption of the main system. It has been adapted to serve the interests of both the Nralakk Federation and Dionae. It is recognised that Dionae generally comprise secondary numerical, with an aggregate score of 5.72. While rare, there have been Dionae since their integration that have been able to achieve their dreams of being a primary numerical. It is tied to the entirety of the gestalt, as opposed to individual nymphs.  

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==== Inductive Behaviours ====
== The Pactolus-Hieroaetheria Concordat ==
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+ '''Displaying Loyalty to the Federation.''' Actively participating in community and governmental initiatives that promote the Federation’s values and goals.

+ '''Sustained Merge'''. Dionae that maintain their current gestalt will be considered stable, and therefore a continuous, contributing member of society.  
This concordat is made between the Consortium of Hieroaetheria (hereinafter referred to as “The Consortium”)  and the Golden Deep (hereinafter referred to as the “Golden Deep”). This agreement is intended to establish the foundation for cooperation, mutual benefit, and security between our two states, focusing on trade, exploration and technological collaboration.  

+ '''Integration'''. Harmonious integration into the Federation. This largely involves ensuring compliance with Federation regulations on Dionae.
'''Article I: Hieroaetherian Bioterraforming Technology'''

+ '''Peaceful Coexistence'''. Demonstrating peaceful and cooperative behaviour towards all species within the Federation.
The Consortium agrees to share its advanced bioterraforming technology with the Golden Deep under the following conditions:

+ '''Chipped'''. Dionae must ensure registration with the Federation.
The technology will be utilized for the mutual benefit of both parties, specifically in the enhancement of environments within the jurisdiction of the Golden Deep;

+ '''Council of Dionae Integration and Adoption Certification'''. The Dionae has been certified by the Council as having been raised by a Skrellian Quya, and complied with recommendations, or was raised by another Dionae with a score higher than 5.51 that has been approved.
The Golden Deep shall not sell, distribute, or share this technology with any third parties without explicit written consent from the Consortium;
+ '''Cultural and Education Development'''. Pursuing further education and skills development that enhances both personal growth and societal contribution, as designated by the Council of Dionae Integration and Adoption.

+ '''Religion'''. Following a State-sanctioned religion, or the Orthodox Eternal.  
A joint commission, comprising representatives from both the Consortium and the Golden Deep, will oversee the use of bioterraforming technology to ensure compliance with environmental and ethical standards.

+ '''Growth and Multiplying'''. A Dionae has complied with the regulations regarding reproduction.
'''Article II: Establishment of the Pactolus Exploration League'''
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==== Deductive Behaviours ====
The Pactolus Exploration League (hereinafter referred to as "the League") shall be founded as a joint venture between the Consortium and the Golden Deep, with the following objectives:
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- '''Displaying disloyalty to the Federation'''. Actions or speech that undermine the Federation’s authority or values.
To explore and chart the unexplored regions on Pactolus and its surrounding sectors;

- '''Destructive'''. Engaging in uncontrolled or harmful growth that poses risks to the environment or other citizens.
  To identify new resources, trade routes, and opportunities;
- '''Criminal Activities'''. Dionae have an obligation to report unsanctioned mergings or splittings, and failing to notify the Federation of such behaviour is considered infringing on its regulations for Dionae – they will be considered to have an association with criminal elements.

- '''Neglect of Duties'''. Failing to contribute to societal or environmental responsibilities expected of Dionae, as outlined by the Council of Dionae Integration and Adoption.
The League shall be governed by a body of persons, with equal representation from both states, ensuring that decisions are made in the best interest of both parties; and  

- '''Anti-Social Behaviour'''. Engaging in behaviours that disrupt social harmony or negatively impact the Federation’s wellbeing.  
All discoveries made by the League shall be shared equally between the Consortium and the Golden Deep.

- '''Violation of Scientific Ethics'''. Participating in unethical scientific practices or research that endangers others or the environment. Those who leave the Covenant of Xrim, particularly the Scorned, and seek residence in the Federation generally get this applied to them.
'''Article III: Establishment of the Corridor between Pactolus and Hieroaetheria'''

- '''Religion'''. Following a non-State sanctioned religion, but in particular, the Iron Eternal, unless it is the Enlightened's perspective.  
A trade corridor shall be established between Pactolus and Titan’s Rapture, facilitating the free and secure movement of goods, services, and people.

Both parties agree to ensure the safety and security of this corridor, including the protection of merchant vessels and infrastructure; and
The Consortium and the Golden Deep shall jointly manage the customs and trade regulations within the corridor to ensure fair trade practices and the prevention of smuggling or illegal activities.

Dionae are routinely monitored by the Council of Dionae Integration and Adoption, mostly through their chips. Each Dionae, upon being disgorged, is required to be chipped as soon as possible. This provides them with an identification number, attached to it generally is every significant action that a Dionae will ever do. This system is public, and any citizen of the Nralakk Federation may search the identification number of a Dionae to acquire a detailed infographic on their actions throughout their life. Dionae further must ensure that they are approved by the Council of Dionae Integration and Adoption to reproduce, failure to do so has been considered an offence within the Nralakk Federation and can result in a social credit score being lowered and a fine. It is not uncommon for the Council of Dionae Integration and Adoption to perform routine examinations on Dionae, usually on a biannual period, to ensure that no unsanctioned mergings or splittings have occurred.
'''Article IV: Golden Deep Merchants in the Consortium'''

Merchants of the Golden Deep shall be permitted to establish commercial operations within the Consortium, under the following conditions:

Dionae are not allowed to reproduce without express permission from the Council of Dionae Integration and Adoption. Though a biological impulse, and not necessarily able to be controlled, reproduction is still monitored within the Federation. Dionae must submit themselves to the Council to be approved to raise the next generation, where failure to be approved typically results in the newborns being assigned to another Dionae, or being raised by a Skrellian Quya. Similarly to Skrell, Dionae must sustain a high enough credit score, and further be issued a certification, to be able to reproduce. Dionae may only reproduce in designated areas, such as the Spiral Garden’s Nurseries – this is to ensure that they are chipped in an appropriate amount of time, and their needs are taken care of before undergoing evaluation by the Council of Dionae Integration and Adoption.
Merchants must adhere to the laws and regulations of the Consortium, including but not limited to trade, taxation, and labour laws;

=== Genetic Absorption ===
The Golden Deep shall be responsible for ensuring that its merchants act in good faith and maintain the standards of conduct expected by the Consortium;

There are strict regulations concerning genetic absorption for Dionae. Those found to be engaging in unsanctioned genetic absorption can find themselves with heavy deductions and possibly even conviction if the absorption caused damage to the environment or peoples of the [[Nralakk Federation]]. The Council of Dionae Integration and Adoption has placed across the Federation multiple sites in which Dionae can explore genetic absorption – following an appointment, of course. The “Greenhouse Education Centres” are entirely overseen by the Council, and ensure the regulation of genetic absorption in the Nralakk Federation. Over the course of their operation, they hold drives to acquire genetic information – donating is therefore incentivised by an increase in a non-Dionae’s increase in their social credit score. The genetic information presented is then categorised and stored. To acquire such the ability to absorb these donations, Dionae must first acquire an appointment with the Greenhouse Education Centre, undergo a brief evaluation, and depending on their social credit score, be presented with genetic information for absorption. Tertiary numericals are generally only allowed to absorb blood samples, with secondary numericals being offered more significant samples, and lastly, only primary’s being allowed active nerve tissue and brain matter.
In return, the Consortium guarantees the protection of Golden Deep merchants and their investments within its borders.

=== Re-education ===
'''Article V: Establishment of the Titan’s Rapture Space Station'''

The [[Nralakk Federation]] has long been recognized for its stringent control over its populace, ensuring that every citizen adheres to its societal norms and values. Among the Federation's many unique populations, the Dionae have distinctive physiological traits and require special methods of control and re-education. The Federation's approach to managing and ensuring the loyalty of the Dionae is both intricate and invasive, involving advanced techniques of re-education that border on biological manipulation. The physiological and psychological nature of Dionae necessitates a different approach to re-education compared to other species within the Federation. Being composed of smaller individuals that can split and merge when necessary, a unique challenge was presented to the Federation. Traditional re-education methods are often ineffective or impossible due to their collective consciousness and physiological make-up. To address this, the Federation employs are more invasive and intricate method, and when a Dionae is identified as being “non-compliant” or “non-desirable” as a result of their Social Credit Score, the Dionae will be forced to split into its individual nymphs. These nymphs are generally absorbed into pre-selected, loyal Dionae. The individual nymphs will typically be conditioned by these Dionae, instilling them with the values and ideals of the Federation. It involves intense psychological conditioning, and once these has been complete, the next step in the process begins. The individual nymphs will then be required to absorb genetic material presented to them. The most common being spinal fluid, and typically reinforced with other donations from “loyal” citizens of the Federation – such as blood, or bone marrow. This can be a repeated process and generally is only considered “concluded” when the examining re-education officer has confirmed that each nymph has been successfully re-educated. They are then permitted to remerge, with their social credit score reset to five. A fresh start under the guiding eye of the [[Nralakk Federation]].
The Golden Deep shall establish the HeartGold Concordia within Titan’s Rapture to aid in trade, exploration, and the protection of the corridor between Pactolus and Titan’s Rapture.

=== Council of Dionae Integration and Adoption ===
The HeartGold Concordia shall serve as a hub for commercial activity, providing facilities for trade, storage, and maintenance of vessels;

The Council of Dionae Integration and Adoption was temporarily implemented shortly after the first contact with the species and saw permanent status in 2240 CE. The Council is typically appointed by the Grand Council of the Nralakk Federation, in which those selected to oversee the affairs shall serve a maximum of twenty years – or two ten-year terms. They are the administrators of Dionae affairs within the Nralakk Federation. They monitor the species through their various facilities scattered across the Federation’s territories, and will regularly conduct examinations of Dionae at “random”. Though when initially implemented it comprised mostly of Skrell, its total appointments are roughly 30% Dionae – who work in conjunction with the Council to ensure that their species complies with the Federation’s regulations on their existence. The Council of Dionae Integration and Adoption is also important to the general existence of Dionae within the Federation. They will certify that Nymphs have been chipped, and maintain a roll of “registered Gestalts” – even post-humorously. They also administrate the Greenhouse Education Centres, reporting back when genetic information has been donated and absorbed. Lastly, they are the foremost authority on reproduction, ensuring that Dionae comply with the reproductive regulations issued by the Council, and maintaining the Nurseries, and ensuring the general upkeep of the Spiral Gardens.
The Heartgold Concordia will also house defensive systems and garrisons to protect against piracy or other threats to the corridor; and  

== Employment Opportunities ==
The Consortium shall provide logistical support and resources necessary for the construction and operation of the station, in exchange for access to the station's facilities and services.

The [[Nralakk Federation]] restricts no employment opportunities from Dionae – with notable Dionae being found even in high administrative positions. Dionae are not merely inhabitants of Nralakk society but are cultivated with precise intentions to serve the Federation’s multifaceted needs. Their unique biological and cognitive abilities make them invaluable assets when tailored for specific purposes. From scientific research and industrial labour to diplomatic roles and intelligence operations, each Dionae is grown and nurtured to fulfil a predetermined duty, thus ensuring the Federation’s functionality and advancement.
'''Article VI: Dispute Resolution'''

Within the scientific community, Dionae are cultivated for their unparalleled abilities and capacity for knowledge absorption. These Dionae are typically nurtured with the express intent to make them ideal for roles in scientific research and development – they are often granted additional appointments in which to gain genetic material from the Federation’s foremost minds, allowing them to inherit and build upon existing knowledge. They play a crucial role, despite their psionic deficits, in advancing the Federation’s technological and scientific frontiers, contributing to innovations in fields ranging from simple civilian designs to even advanced military applications.  
Any disputes arising from the interpretation or implementation of this treaty shall be resolved through diplomatic channels, with representatives from both the Consortium and the Golden Deep convening to negotiate a resolution. If a resolution cannot be reached through direct negotiation, the matter may be referred to a neutral third party for mediation. The third party shall be appointed by an agreement from both parties.  

Although the Federation’s industrial sectors largely see themselves beginning to comprise mostly Vaurcaesian Workers – for a long period, it had heavily relied only on Dionae. Deep-space mining operations to underwater construction projects, Dionae were abundant and commonly seen contributing to the Federation’s advancing industrial foundation – their regenerative abilities and resilience make them ideal for tasks that would be too hazardous for Skrell. Though not afforded additional genetic material appointments like those grown for other purposes, they are allowed additional genetic material at their allocated materials so as to ensure they are efficient and capable of safely using such equipment. They are equipped to handle the most demanding and dangerous jobs, ensuring the continuous growth and maintenance of the Federation’s infrastructure.
'''Article VII: Variation'''

A budding population of Dionae have even been selected for administrative and diplomatic roles, in which the species' ability to very quickly, and efficiently, integrate with non-Dionae has become advantageous. Acting as leaders, envoys and even mediators on behalf of the Federation, these Dionae are nurtured with additional genetic material appointments so as to allow them to absorb the subtleties of inter-species relations and diplomacy, but also the ability to effectively administrate. The ability to perceive and understand multiple perspectives simultaneously makes them invaluable, particularly in these roles. Dionae have become a more common-sighted species to represent the Federation as time marches on, maintaining its influence and fostering peaceful relations with its own populace and other States.  
Any provision of this agreement may be amended or modified only with the written consent of both parties. Such consent must be expressly stated in writing and signed by authorized representatives of each party. No variation of this agreement shall be valid or enforceable unless made in accordance with this clause.

Rumours do circulate that a very small population of Dionae is kept hidden, and unknown to the greater Federation, so as to conduct intelligence and surveillance missions. Some claim that these Dionae are conditioned to have unwavering loyalty to the Federation, and to ensure that subversive elements are easily discovered and thwarted. The Federation has repeatedly issued denials of such rumours, stating that the Ruipkala accepts and even maintains a sizeable quantity of Dionae – there is no reason, nor desire, for the Federation to engage in such activities. Those who believe in the conspiracy theory often coin these Dionae as “Tupshrooms”.
'''Article VIII: Duration and Termination'''

== Living in the Federation ==
This treaty shall remain in effect for a period of twenty years, after which it may be renewed, amended, or terminated by mutual agreement. Either party may terminate this treaty upon providing one standard year’s notice, provided that any obligations or projects underway at the time of termination are completed in accordance with the terms of this treaty.

Living in the [[Nralakk Federation]] as a Dionae is an experience marked by structure, purpose, and unwavering loyalty. Unlike other species within the Federation, Dionae exist not just as individuals but as necessary components of the machine, each with specific roles and responsibilities. From the moment they are cultivated, Dionae are embedded in a highly structured environment. They are nurtured in controlled facilities where their growth and development are monitored. The Spiral Gardens are often where Dionae will live and work, these specialized communities often house a certain population of Dionae – tailored to their roles in the Federation. Designed with an emphasis to promote collaboration and mutual support, the Spiral Gardens have become more than mere homes, but communal centres. Daily life for Dionae within the Federation is characterized by routine and discipline. Their schedules are often dictated by the desires of the Federation – though significant leeway is provided, allowing them personal freedoms to enjoy the luxuries of the Federation – it is necessary to balance work, education and communal activities hosted within the Spiral Gardens. The Federation may provide for their basic needs, ensuring that each has access to the resources required to not only survive, but thrive, but also to perform their duties effectively.

===The Spiral Gardens===
== Pactolus Exploration Commission ==
[[File:Spiral Gardens.png|400px|thumb|right|The Spiral Gardens of the Nralakk Federation]]
The Spiral Gardens can be found across the [[Nralakk Federation]] and is nearly on every planet colonised by the State. They are a breathtaking testament to the Federation’s ongoing efforts to harmonise nature and technology. Expansive, and intricately designed, they serve as both homes and communal centres for Dionae – a sanctuary in which they can thrive, connect, and contribute to the Federation’s collective well-being. Aptly named for their unique architectural design, characterized by ascending, spiral-shaped terraces that rise towards the sky, each terrace often acts as a garden on their own. Each is connected by gently sloping pathways and translucent bridges, allowing for easy movement through the gardens. At night, the Spirals Gardens are illuminated by bioluminescent plants – alongside normal lights – so as to ensure the safety of Dionae. It is designed to maximize exposure to natural sunlight during the day, with reflective surfaces and strategically placed light channels ensuring that every corner is bathed in light. The Spiral Gardens are the epicentre of Dionae communal life.

Not only do they gather to rest, but also to engage in social activities. Large, open spaces within the Gardens serve as communal gathering areas, with a mixture of spontaneous and organised events by the Spiral Garden Borough Councillor. Considered a rather vocal species, their songs – complex harmonies that convey emotions, stories and knowledge – are a fundamental aspect of their identity. The Gardens are designed to enhance this vocalization, with natural acoustics and resonant materials that amplify their songs. The Gardens act as a vast, living instrument, amplifying the voices of the Dionae, but also ensuring their social needs are met. The Spiral Gardens are also outfitted with Nurseries. These are large areas dedicated to the reproduction of Dionae and often have a Council of Dionae Integration and Adoption facility attached. Hundreds of Nymphs are grown in these areas, specifically tailored to ensure that those newly disgorged will be given every opportunity to survive and contribute to the greater [[Nralakk Federation]].  
The Pactolus Exploration Commission, or just the Commission, governs the League – it is responsible for overseeing the bioterraforming operations of the Consortium, and the further exploration of Pactolus – as well as ensuring any discoveries are catalogued and subsequently shared between the Golden Deep and the Consortium. The Commission is Co-Chaired by representatives from each party; respectively, Engineer Philan and Twisting of the Celestial Energy to Create Life. Both had been pre-selected during the discussions between the Consortium and Golden Deep. Despite being Co-Chairs, the Commission rotates leadership every year, so as to allow each party a turn in leading the Commission – currently, the Golden Deep maintains leadership. The Commission is supported by the Advisory Council composed of experts in various fields such as bioterraforming, astrocartography, and interstellar trade. While the Council does not have voting power, it provides essential guidance and expertise to inform the Commission of possible decisions.  

=== Societal Limitations ===
=== Engineer Philan ===

The Federation keeps a strict tab on Dionae, as stated already, but particularly on their size and mindtypes. The Federation has sought to ensure that Dionae may not exceed an Argus-sized form, and that they develop a mindtype of the “correct” nature, where if one is of the “incorrect” nature Nymphs will be required to split, and seek new partners to form a gestalt.  
Elected to their position in 2466 as the Foreman of Industry of the City of Eurydice, Engineer Philan has thrived in orchestrating efficiency among the logistical, research and development, and the industrial for the Golden Deep’s terrestrial home. Now undertaking their first major endeavor outside of their station within the city, the engineer is coordinating with Commander N33L of the Merchant Navy, and foreign ambassadors of Midas Control, to help install the aid of Hieroatheria’s bioterraforming expertise. Together, along with the Camarilla Estrocian’s researchers, a lower council is formed in management of furthering the terrestrial interests of the collective.

'''Correct Mindtypes'''
=== Twisting of the Celestial Energy to Create Life ===

*Singular Sound
Disgorged from their pod in 2391 CE, Twisting of the Celestial Energy to Create Life, or just Twisting, on Anu – they have made a mark within the Consortium. Being amongst the first Dionae accepted to the Grand University of the Nralakk Federation, they were mentored by Etherial Vapors Whispering Through Nebulae – which has all but ensured their selection for the Pactolus Exploration League. Despite being amongst the younger gestalts, they have made greater strides in bioterraforming during their residence on Gentle Winds. They are the elected representative for the bioterraforming operations on Pactolus.
*Competence Choir
== Objectives of the League ==
*Tyrannical Tune
*Harmonius Hymn
*Seasoned Song
*Bloodless Band
*Emphatic Echo
*Scholary Song
*Mourning Mass

'''Incorrect Mindtypes'''
Tasked with advancing the frontiers of knowledge and opportunity, both within Hieroaetheria and Pactolus, the Legaue’s secondary objectives include the exploration and charting of the wasteland of Pactolous – however, its main objective is seeking to create additional habitable regions on Pactolus through the usage of the Consortium’s bioterraforming technology. Any data catalogued following the completion of bioterraforming operations shall be shared between the parties, including genetic information obtained from both flora and fauna. In hopes of speeding up the bioterraforming operations, this genetic information shall be analysed within the Consortium by analysts from both parties – for the mutual benefit of the founding members.
*Tumultuous Tacet
*Chaotic Charcophony

*Voided Vocals
=== Exploration Zones ===

*Scarlet Score
====The Eurydice Expansion Zone ====

*Nocturne Notes
The immediate area surrounding Eurydice has been the elected region in which bioterraforming will be the most rampant; partly as a result of the fact it finds itself situated deeply within surrounding forests – alongside the carcass of Bayonne. Despite recent initiatives to develop the infrastructure, there is a dire need for Eurydice to expand to accomodate the incoming population, as well as manufacturing and production facilities. Though the Outskirts is the outermost, and newest, ring to Eurydice is plagued by onsloughts from the harmful atmosphere of Pactolus – it is the objective of the bioterraforming operations to filter out the toxins immediately surrounding Eurydice, so as to allow additional expansion.

== Conglomerated Choir of Nralakk ==
====New Arcadie Anomaly Zone ====
The Conglomerated Choir of Nralakk represents a unique mixture of Voidic Proto-Culture and terrestrial Dionae. It has created a vibrant, multi-faceted community within the [[Nralakk Federation]], where the traditions and behaviour from before they were integrated intertwine with the modern influences of terrestrial life. Those from the Conglomerated Choir, at least originally, view themselves as emergent concepts or ideas constituted from their base parts. However, exposure to the other species notions of personhood has introduced a new layer of self-perfection, creating a hybrid understanding that allows for more nuanced interactions with non-Dionae.
While they treat others as amalgams of beliefs and ideas, they are more open to understanding and incorporating the concepts of ego and individuality. They are known for their raw, sincere and unfiltered communication – this is balanced on the Federation’s emphasis on diplomacy and cooperation, creating a unique communication style that presents as both candid and respectful. Many still continue to use Rootsong, as it remains a crucial component of their culture, but most if not all Dionae have adopted Nral’malic – required for their integration, and it has been noted that the voidic tendencies do sometimes make their way into Nral’malic communication.

The Conglomerated Choir’s sense of time and perspective is deeply influenced by their Voidic roots. Their natural lifespan gives them a long-term view that surpasses even the Skrell. This perspective has created a mix of curiosity, empathy and even desire to make relationships with non-Dionae. The Federation’s emphasis on communal collaboration has encouraged this perspective, and despite the Voidic’s tendencies to look down on “temporals” majority of the Dionae from the Conglomerated Choir has become eager to learn and cooperate within the Federation. The integration of both voidic and terrestrial traits has created a unique culture within the Federation, one that is adaptable, having embraced the new ideas and values of the Federation while maintaining their unique identity and traditions from their roots.  
The League has designated New Arcadie as a high-priority target for investigation due to its inexplicable nature and potential for valuable discoveries. Despite repeated attempts to physically reach the city, all efforts have been thwarted by an anomalous displacement effect, which consistently places exploration teams forty-two kilometers from the city boundaries. Undeterred, the League has sought to assemble a task force to study the phenomenon from a distance, employing advanced remote sensing technology, drones, and orbital scans to gather data on the city’s structure, environmental conditions, and the surrounding anomalous flora and fauna. The Commission has also authorized the deployment of specialized research vessels equipped with quantum entanglement communication arrays, hoping to pierce the enigmatic barrier preventing access. While direct exploration remains elusive, the League's ongoing efforts aim to unlock the secrets of New Arcadie, hypothesizing that understanding the city’s displacement mechanism could lead to groundbreaking advancements in bluespace manipulation.  

Post-discovery the Conglomerated Choir and the Nralakk Federation went through intense diplomatic negotiations, discussing options for the cluster if it wished to stay within Federation territory until a consensus was finally reached; the Federation was still rebuilding after [[Skrell_Synthetic_Age#Culmination_of_Glorsh-Omega|Glorsh-Omega’s disappearance]] and required assistance, combined with the Dionae’s ability to survive in some of the most extreme conditions, the Choir was quick to offer its services to the Skrell in rebuilding their society. While at first, many Skrell believed the Diona to be untrustworthy, still reeling from Glorsh-Omega’s betrayal of their species, the cluster proved to be a key player in the rebuilding of the Federation. After twenty-three years of assistance, the burgeoning Federation announced the species’ full integration into Nralakk society in 2240 CE, which was ratified in 2245 CE along with the official establishment of the [[Skrell_Recent_History#Reunification_of_the_Nralakk_Federation|Second Nralakk Federation]].
====Reach Expedition Zone ====

The two species have formed an inseparable bond from this experience, with the Dionae respecting the Skrell for the kindness they have shown to the species, and the Skrell being humbled by the efforts of the Dionae in helping to rebuild a nation they had no obligation to aid. Today, members of the cluster are treated well by the Federation as a reward for their service in the past, with those who had an active role at the time having reached idol status in some cases. Their treatment by the Federation, along with their first-hand experience witnessing the destruction Glorsh-Omega brought upon the Skrell, has contributed to the members of the Choir being staunchly anti-synthetic, believing that Glorsh-Omega is proof that the proliferation of artificial intelligence is ultimately dangerous, and the use of unshackled positronics by humanity is a grievous mistake.  
A surge of interest from the expanding Golden Deep has been sparked by the discovery of intact power facilities within the ancient ruins west of Eurydice, especially in light of the growing demand for energy to sustain its burgeoning synthetic population. Located deep within the mountains, these pre-Interstellar War structures may hold immense energy potential. To carefully study and reactivate the dormant power systems, the League has sent engineers, historians, and synthetic specialists. Despite their age, the facilities are remarkably well-preserved, suggesting the presence of advanced technologies that could revolutionize Eurydice's energy infrastructure. This League hopes to not only restore these facilities to operational status, but also reverse engineer their technologies in order to develop new and more efficient ways to produce power. Eurydice will be able to expand and solidify its status as the central hub of the Golden Deep if this endeavor is successful, providing it with a sustainable energy source.

====Ground Zero Research Zone ====

In the vicinity of a once-thriving city, a massive crater has drawn the League's urgent attention, displaying extreme anomalous characteristics well beyond those expected of the surrounding fauna and flora. Combined with the inexplicable changes in the local environment, the sudden formation of the crater suggests a catastrophe or an unknown force. An expert team of geologists, biologists, and anomaly specialists has been assigned to investigate the crater's origins, using particle analysis and deep-earth scanning. Xenobiologists and ecologists are systematically cataloguing the surrounding flora and fauna, which are showing remarkable resilience and mutation as a result of whatever force created the crater. It may be possible to gain crucial insights into the nature of the anomaly and its broader implications, particularly for Dionae.

Latest revision as of 11:22, 24 August 2024

Pactolus Exploration League

Created in August 2466, the Pactolus Exploration League is a jointly run organisation by the Consortium of Hieroaetheria, and the Golden Deep, with the aim of exploring Pactolus, and eventually the greater Spur. Outlined in the Pactolus-Hieroaetheria Concordat, the Legaue shall seek to discover opportunities, identify new resources and further the knowledge of both States. It is governed by a body of equal representation from both the Consortium and the Golden Deep, in which decisions are made with the best interests of both parties in mind. It shall play a crucial role in the fostering of future relations between Dionae and Synthetics alike.

The Pactolus-Hieroaetheria Concordat

This concordat is made between the Consortium of Hieroaetheria (hereinafter referred to as “The Consortium”)  and the Golden Deep (hereinafter referred to as the “Golden Deep”). This agreement is intended to establish the foundation for cooperation, mutual benefit, and security between our two states, focusing on trade, exploration and technological collaboration. 
Article I: Hieroaetherian Bioterraforming Technology
The Consortium agrees to share its advanced bioterraforming technology with the Golden Deep under the following conditions:
The technology will be utilized for the mutual benefit of both parties, specifically in the enhancement of environments within the jurisdiction of the Golden Deep; 
The Golden Deep shall not sell, distribute, or share this technology with any third parties without explicit written consent from the Consortium; 
A joint commission, comprising representatives from both the Consortium and the Golden Deep, will oversee the use of bioterraforming technology to ensure compliance with environmental and ethical standards.
Article II: Establishment of the Pactolus Exploration League
The Pactolus Exploration League (hereinafter referred to as "the League") shall be founded as a joint venture between the Consortium and the Golden Deep, with the following objectives:
To explore and chart the unexplored regions on Pactolus and its surrounding sectors; 
To identify new resources, trade routes, and opportunities; 
The League shall be governed by a body of persons, with equal representation from both states, ensuring that decisions are made in the best interest of both parties; and 
All discoveries made by the League shall be shared equally between the Consortium and the Golden Deep.
Article III: Establishment of the Corridor between Pactolus and Hieroaetheria
A trade corridor shall be established between Pactolus and Titan’s Rapture, facilitating the free and secure movement of goods, services, and people.
Both parties agree to ensure the safety and security of this corridor, including the protection of merchant vessels and infrastructure; and

The Consortium and the Golden Deep shall jointly manage the customs and trade regulations within the corridor to ensure fair trade practices and the prevention of smuggling or illegal activities.
Article IV: Golden Deep Merchants in the Consortium
Merchants of the Golden Deep shall be permitted to establish commercial operations within the Consortium, under the following conditions:
Merchants must adhere to the laws and regulations of the Consortium, including but not limited to trade, taxation, and labour laws; 
The Golden Deep shall be responsible for ensuring that its merchants act in good faith and maintain the standards of conduct expected by the Consortium; 
In return, the Consortium guarantees the protection of Golden Deep merchants and their investments within its borders.
Article V: Establishment of the Titan’s Rapture Space Station
The Golden Deep shall establish the HeartGold Concordia within Titan’s Rapture to aid in trade, exploration, and the protection of the corridor between Pactolus and Titan’s Rapture.
The HeartGold Concordia shall serve as a hub for commercial activity, providing facilities for trade, storage, and maintenance of vessels; 
The Heartgold Concordia will also house defensive systems and garrisons to protect against piracy or other threats to the corridor; and 
The Consortium shall provide logistical support and resources necessary for the construction and operation of the station, in exchange for access to the station's facilities and services.
Article VI: Dispute Resolution
Any disputes arising from the interpretation or implementation of this treaty shall be resolved through diplomatic channels, with representatives from both the Consortium and the Golden Deep convening to negotiate a resolution. If a resolution cannot be reached through direct negotiation, the matter may be referred to a neutral third party for mediation. The third party shall be appointed by an agreement from both parties. 
Article VII: Variation 
Any provision of this agreement may be amended or modified only with the written consent of both parties. Such consent must be expressly stated in writing and signed by authorized representatives of each party. No variation of this agreement shall be valid or enforceable unless made in accordance with this clause.
Article VIII: Duration and Termination
This treaty shall remain in effect for a period of twenty years, after which it may be renewed, amended, or terminated by mutual agreement. Either party may terminate this treaty upon providing one standard year’s notice, provided that any obligations or projects underway at the time of termination are completed in accordance with the terms of this treaty.

Pactolus Exploration Commission

The Pactolus Exploration Commission, or just the Commission, governs the League – it is responsible for overseeing the bioterraforming operations of the Consortium, and the further exploration of Pactolus – as well as ensuring any discoveries are catalogued and subsequently shared between the Golden Deep and the Consortium. The Commission is Co-Chaired by representatives from each party; respectively, Engineer Philan and Twisting of the Celestial Energy to Create Life. Both had been pre-selected during the discussions between the Consortium and Golden Deep. Despite being Co-Chairs, the Commission rotates leadership every year, so as to allow each party a turn in leading the Commission – currently, the Golden Deep maintains leadership. The Commission is supported by the Advisory Council composed of experts in various fields such as bioterraforming, astrocartography, and interstellar trade. While the Council does not have voting power, it provides essential guidance and expertise to inform the Commission of possible decisions.

Engineer Philan

Elected to their position in 2466 as the Foreman of Industry of the City of Eurydice, Engineer Philan has thrived in orchestrating efficiency among the logistical, research and development, and the industrial for the Golden Deep’s terrestrial home. Now undertaking their first major endeavor outside of their station within the city, the engineer is coordinating with Commander N33L of the Merchant Navy, and foreign ambassadors of Midas Control, to help install the aid of Hieroatheria’s bioterraforming expertise. Together, along with the Camarilla Estrocian’s researchers, a lower council is formed in management of furthering the terrestrial interests of the collective.

Twisting of the Celestial Energy to Create Life

Disgorged from their pod in 2391 CE, Twisting of the Celestial Energy to Create Life, or just Twisting, on Anu – they have made a mark within the Consortium. Being amongst the first Dionae accepted to the Grand University of the Nralakk Federation, they were mentored by Etherial Vapors Whispering Through Nebulae – which has all but ensured their selection for the Pactolus Exploration League. Despite being amongst the younger gestalts, they have made greater strides in bioterraforming during their residence on Gentle Winds. They are the elected representative for the bioterraforming operations on Pactolus.

Objectives of the League

Tasked with advancing the frontiers of knowledge and opportunity, both within Hieroaetheria and Pactolus, the Legaue’s secondary objectives include the exploration and charting of the wasteland of Pactolous – however, its main objective is seeking to create additional habitable regions on Pactolus through the usage of the Consortium’s bioterraforming technology. Any data catalogued following the completion of bioterraforming operations shall be shared between the parties, including genetic information obtained from both flora and fauna. In hopes of speeding up the bioterraforming operations, this genetic information shall be analysed within the Consortium by analysts from both parties – for the mutual benefit of the founding members.

Exploration Zones

The Eurydice Expansion Zone

The immediate area surrounding Eurydice has been the elected region in which bioterraforming will be the most rampant; partly as a result of the fact it finds itself situated deeply within surrounding forests – alongside the carcass of Bayonne. Despite recent initiatives to develop the infrastructure, there is a dire need for Eurydice to expand to accomodate the incoming population, as well as manufacturing and production facilities. Though the Outskirts is the outermost, and newest, ring to Eurydice is plagued by onsloughts from the harmful atmosphere of Pactolus – it is the objective of the bioterraforming operations to filter out the toxins immediately surrounding Eurydice, so as to allow additional expansion.

New Arcadie Anomaly Zone

The League has designated New Arcadie as a high-priority target for investigation due to its inexplicable nature and potential for valuable discoveries. Despite repeated attempts to physically reach the city, all efforts have been thwarted by an anomalous displacement effect, which consistently places exploration teams forty-two kilometers from the city boundaries. Undeterred, the League has sought to assemble a task force to study the phenomenon from a distance, employing advanced remote sensing technology, drones, and orbital scans to gather data on the city’s structure, environmental conditions, and the surrounding anomalous flora and fauna. The Commission has also authorized the deployment of specialized research vessels equipped with quantum entanglement communication arrays, hoping to pierce the enigmatic barrier preventing access. While direct exploration remains elusive, the League's ongoing efforts aim to unlock the secrets of New Arcadie, hypothesizing that understanding the city’s displacement mechanism could lead to groundbreaking advancements in bluespace manipulation.

Reach Expedition Zone

A surge of interest from the expanding Golden Deep has been sparked by the discovery of intact power facilities within the ancient ruins west of Eurydice, especially in light of the growing demand for energy to sustain its burgeoning synthetic population. Located deep within the mountains, these pre-Interstellar War structures may hold immense energy potential. To carefully study and reactivate the dormant power systems, the League has sent engineers, historians, and synthetic specialists. Despite their age, the facilities are remarkably well-preserved, suggesting the presence of advanced technologies that could revolutionize Eurydice's energy infrastructure. This League hopes to not only restore these facilities to operational status, but also reverse engineer their technologies in order to develop new and more efficient ways to produce power. Eurydice will be able to expand and solidify its status as the central hub of the Golden Deep if this endeavor is successful, providing it with a sustainable energy source.

Ground Zero Research Zone

In the vicinity of a once-thriving city, a massive crater has drawn the League's urgent attention, displaying extreme anomalous characteristics well beyond those expected of the surrounding fauna and flora. Combined with the inexplicable changes in the local environment, the sudden formation of the crater suggests a catastrophe or an unknown force. An expert team of geologists, biologists, and anomaly specialists has been assigned to investigate the crater's origins, using particle analysis and deep-earth scanning. Xenobiologists and ecologists are systematically cataloguing the surrounding flora and fauna, which are showing remarkable resilience and mutation as a result of whatever force created the crater. It may be possible to gain crucial insights into the nature of the anomaly and its broader implications, particularly for Dionae.