Vytel, The Just Queen

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Ta’Akaix’Vytel’hyr’tkud C’thur
The Just Queen
Identified by their scent and exoskeleton color:
Unbound: (RGB 20,20,55)
Bound Warriors: (RGB 0, 0, 25)
Bound Workers: (RGB 10, 35, 55)
Bulwarks and Breeders: (RGB 25, 25, 55)
Bound Bulwarks: (RGB 14, 14, 43)
Notable locations: Qerr’Malic, Corporate Reconstruction Zone, Eridani Federation, Nralakk Federation

A gregarious queen, Vytel’hyr’tkud and her brood maintain the C’thur Hive Warriors. Vytel was lauded as a champion amongst smaller Hive vassals upon Sedantis. She crafted an image of neutrality and fairness that remains to this day. The youngest of the lesser queens brought with the C'thur Hive, little was ever expected of Vytel beyond her peacekeeping missions, who maintained her brood in such numbers more as an afterthought in the consensus of the Hive Queens.

Historically a small brood, as C’thur made a point of using as little force whenever possible, in what her brood lacked in numbers Vytel made up for it with profound charisma. Her brood’s duties typically concerned peacekeeping and as such many of her spawn interacted regularly with other Hives.


Ever since the Exodus from Sedantis, however, Vytel’s brood has been pressed the hardest. For the length of their two-thousand year journey to the Orion Spur, Vytel and her brood would be tasked with investigating the function of unknown devices and areas of the massive K’laxian Hiveship. Through trial and error, as well as many Bound and Unbound deaths, she was able to approximate the functions of every device and room upon the Kloxa’xia. This unexpected use that the Hive has called her for has colored her perceptions of the other lesser queens, sanitizing their relationship.

Her issues worsened when the Lii’dra boarded their Hiveship, as it was Vytel’s brood primarily that was mobilized to expel them. Indeed, it was her brood that succeeded in doing so, despite several other Lesser Queens refusing to mobilize their own smaller Warrior forces. When it was found out that her mother, High Queen C’thur, suffered a mortal wound in the attack, Vytel took it badly. She blamed herself and her brood for the failure of the High Queen’s defense, helped along by similar accusations from other Lesser Queens.

Her situation changed somewhat when they came in contact with the Skrell. In saving the High Queen, Vytel has pledged more of her brood to the Nralakk Federation than any other Queen and has redoubled her efforts in expanding her brood. Always fascinated by other cultures, she and her brood have adapted well to their current situation, working with the Skrell rather than simply using them in some cases.

The complexity of her relationship with the other broods of the Hive has somewhat diminished, but an animosity still lingers amongst some of her kind. Other broods tend to view Vytel’s spawn with some trepidation, seeing them as pretentious, and too used to lectures on political and moral correctness.

Her Realm

Her Virtual Reality is understood as a recreation of Xtykt’lotec, a city founded upon old Sedantis that housed the Court of Queens, a type of inter-hive diplomatic body. Housed equidistant from all major Hives upon Sedantis, Xtykt’lotec was an important neutral ground that housed the progress of Vaurcaesian diplomacy for over 8.000 years. The city was situated near the edge of several tectonic plates, necessitating that most of the city be suspended from cavern ceilings and giant rock formations while roiling lava bubbled below between fault lines in the crust of Sedantis.

However, Vytel’s aim is better understood as the concept of justice itself, and some may even describe it feeling less of a place and more of a manifestation of the old legal codexes that resonate when entering, as if they were music with their vibrations. She is said to reside below it, as she does not believe that even Queens themselves are above the law.

Her Brood

Most of Vytel’s Warriors have been repurposed for both the Qukala forces of the Federation and as military contractors for the Eridani Federation. For them, the Queen has developed rules of warfare and civility known as the Yu’tjtuk’tia or The Prime Means. This set of rules justly covers any situation one would find themselves in within a war and politics and that all Warriors are expected to know. It is this strict adherence to principles that give her brood their respect amongst other Hives. From all the C’thur Hive, the Vytel Warriors are provided the best voice modulators that allow clearer and better speech.

The Workers of her brood have been mostly in charge of any civilian jobs involving the Qerr’Malic attractions, other needs required by the Nralakk Federation and, most recently, shipped to the Corporate Reconstruction Zone as of lately, used by the megacorporations in either aid for establishing infrastructure or as neutral parties that may be used as the corporate rule tries to establish order.

The Bulwark has given Vytel the opportunity to use her Warriors smarter, with many Ras just acting as ‘the muscle behind the law’, as it has become common for her to say, with the new caste employed mostly as righteous, law-abiding personal assistants of lawyers or lawmakers, having their size fool anyone who may wish to do them harm. The demand for this job, however, has not been as high as she first expected, and thus some Bulwarks are now employed in service jobs.


Just like the Queen herself, her Xakat’kl’atan share much of her personality. The following are two examples, acting as ideal teachers for newborn Vaurcae.

Ka’Akaix’Eon C’thur

Eon is, for a lack of better word, a legal scholar. One of the brightest minds and in full support of the Court of Queens, Eon is highly respected by all Hives, and still remains an authority in regards to this period in Vaurca history. Especially to those Zo’ra in human space, a few have been required by their respective broods to fill in as lawyers, paralegals and any other jobs in the Biesellite Courts. Eon has accepted, as an act of inter-hive diplomacy, to teach those Zo’ra, and has become a legal scholar in skrellian, human and Unathi law too.

Za’Akaix’Tzel C’thur

Tzel was made a Master of Ideal Forms for strategy. Tzel has formed valid and viable strategies for all combat scenarios that come to mind; from how to flank in the most efficient manner, to how to cause worthwhile damage in multiple scenarios. From suicidal close combat strategies to naval operations, Tzel is still forming military tactics to this day, reimagining warfare to include the new species. Every weapon, every odds, every psyche of every combatant is taken into consideration. It is said that Tzel has formed strategies that include bizarre tactics such as driving the opponent insane, though these are yet to be confirmed. Victories achieved by one of Tzel’s strategies are commonly studied by those seeking to learn.

Weavemakers and Notable Subrealms

Vytel's Weavemakers typically apply for the position and are scrutinised per a codex of criteria, covering topics around correct conduct, such as a guarantee that subrealms will not intentionally spread misinformation. It is rare for applicants to be denied, though not unheard of for controversial members of the brood. Her Weavemakers are known for their attention to detail, especially when ensuring accuracy in conducting extensive research on topics they plan to integrate.

Chambers of tranquillity

The Kla'Rea'Xenda, or "Chambers of tranquillity," were designed amidst an attempt to reestablish the Court of Queens. High Queen Zo'ra requested the realm and the project was ledby Queen Vytel, with aid from a Weavemaker of each Hive, a profession much rarer at the time due to how novel Virtual Reality was. Of the three designers—Ka'Akaix'Lep C'thur, Ka'Akaix'Pena Zo’ra, and Za'Akaix'Etr K’lax—only Lep remains to tend the realm, Etr having perished after the great loss of K’lax Cephalons, and Pena having ceased Weavemaking altogether. The Chambers resemble an absolutely gargantuan and majestic courtroom. It is from within its walls that legal disputes are resolved, overseen by scholarly Vytel judges or, on rare occasions, even the Queen herself.

During the Hives Renaissance, the rulings handed down by the Chambers carried a great deal of weight, and although they were still subject to being vetoed by Zo'ra, they were generally considered the final authority. This political power has greatly diminished since the Exodus. The Chambers now serve to arbitrate disputes internal to C'thur Hive and are yet to have officially been integrated back into the reformed Court of Queens as the legislative body, although rumors of this changing soon are rife.

Enforcement Directive

Enforcement Directive, known as Tren'taka in Vaurcese, began as a training programme for integrating Vytel warriors into the Nlomkala. Designed by Za'Akaix'Poal C'thur, it soon became a well-known source of entertainment amongst the brood and beyond. Due to popular demand, it was split into two separate modes known as realistic and simplified. In both versions, participants take on the position of Nlomkala officers through procedurally generated scenarios, fighting crime in locations across the Federation.

Where the two modes differ is in ease of access. Simplified is more like a game and is far less punishing for Warriors who make errors, whereas realistic expects Nlomkala procedure to be followed to the letter, with mistakes penalised harshly when receiving the final grade after a scenario. The Nralakk Federation was made aware of this subrealm when inquiring into the nature of Vytel's Nlomkala training regime and has strongly praised it, even going so far as to work with Queen Vytel to offer a leaderboard with slight Social Compatability Index rating improvements for those reported as being within the top ten every month.

Recent Events

As much as Vytel can pledge loyalty to Nralakk, she knows that she will always remain on the side of C’thur. Because of such, slowly but surely she has ventured to fulfill the demands the megacorporation employers of C’thur make in human space. Vytel’hyr’tkud has also expressed interest in K’lax diplomacy, as the relationship has become tarnished again in the past few years.

Vaurca broods
Zo'ra Zoleth, The Herald of Scars · Scay, The Hidden Queen · Vaur, The Liminal Queen · Xakt, Queen of Corpses · Athvur, The New Goddess
K'lax Zkaii, The Sleepwalker · Vetju, Iron Queen · Leto, The Seeker · Vedhra, Princess of Configurations · Tupii, The Surrogate Queen
C'thur C'thur, Queen of Masques · Mouv, The Recondite Queen · Vytel, The Just Queen · Xetl, The Voracious Queen