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The Hivenet, also known as Dk'xyt (literally, "word, thought") is an encrypted radio frequency that serves as the linguistic backbone of Vaurca interaction. A symphony of electromagnetic waves and pheromones, Hivenet allows Vaurcae to exchange information, thoughts, and emotions across vast distances, including deep space. The unique form of communication offered by the Hivenet is—alongside Virtual Reality—the basis of Vaurca society.


Throughout most of their history, Vaurcae communicated through a rudimentary language known as Vaurcese. Biological limitations largely constrained the Vaurcese; Vaurcae distributed pheromones from mouth to mouth for complex messages, and vibrations with their antennae for simpler messages, sent via larger distances. Since Vaurcae don't possess a vocal tract, spoken language was unknown to them until their arrival at the Spur.

Vaurcese also consisted of various clicks and clacks that can be considered a rough transliteration of some of the more traditional Vaurcaesian words and names. Vaurcese is thought to have had regional variants, and some researchers hypothesize that it actually consisted of a linguistic family rather than a single language. It is also speculated that some Hives might have developed written forms of Vaurcese, but these have been lost.

Around 54,000 years ago, the K'lax Hive introduced a game-changer for Vaurca communication—the Hivenet resonance pylons, also known as relay towers. This technological leap completely revolutionized Vaurca communication. They were no longer required to be local for complex messages, thus promoting the spread of the species into larger empires.

After the widespread adoption of the Hivenet by the multiple Hives of Sedantis, the traditional Vaurcese was abandoned. However, the ancestral language has a place akin to classical human languages, often used for the formation of neologisms or some solemn phrases.


Protocols can be considered the "languages" of Hivenet. They are unique methods of pherolinguistic encryption that were traditionally enforced by each Hive. Since the rise of the Zo'ra Hive, the Zo'rane protocol has become the dominant protocol. However, other options still exist.

Zo'rane Protocol

The Zo'rane protocol drastically improved the encryption method of the older K'lax protocol. This new channel also allowed for the transmission of more complex emotions and a reduced latency. It is the protocol used by all major Hives in the Orion Spur, and the only one that has been fully decrypted by Skrell and human governments.

Lii'draic Protocol

The Lii'draic protocol was invented by the Lii'dra Hive after shifting to a hivemind. It was critical during the Great Hive War, as it maintained a fog of war between the belligerents. The intricacies of this protocol are not fully understood, as it likely accommodates the unique augmentations and organization of the Lii'dra Hive.

After the Lii'dra invasion of human space, the decryption of the Lii'draic protocol has been something of deep interest for the safety of various factions. However, the Lii'draic protocol is paradoxically "silent," meaning there is no trace of radio waves left. The efforts of the Zo'ra Hive to contribute to the decoding of the Lii'draic protocol—a venture they began during the war—have been fruitless.

Unauthorized Flagsdale Protocol - "Wyvenet"

The unauthorized Flagsdale protocol (UFP), colloquially known as "Wyvenet," is a highly illegal communication protocol now adopted by many of the Queenless in Mendell City. It is named after Ka'Akaix'Wyve Zo'ra, a Hivenet virtuoso who developed a channel free of human surveillance. It has yet to be decoded.

The UFP is thought to be limited to Tau Ceti Space currently, with enormous efforts by both Zo'rane authorities and the Biesellite government to limit the propagation of the makeshift relays. The Nralakk Federation customs have also cooperated in inspecting for any Wyvenet relays that might enter their borders.


Through Hivenet, Vaurcae possess the remarkable ability to transmit a spectrum of communication modalities, ranging from raw emotions to nuanced expressions of bodily language. Augmented by the intricate neural socket and the antennae, these transmissions transcend conventional linguistics, seamlessly conveying not just words but the very essence of thought itself. Unlike traditional language systems, Hivenet facilitates a direct transmission of conceptual frameworks, eliminating the potential for grammatical error and imbuing each recipient with a model understanding of the intended message. Consequently, Vaurcae do not merely receive language; they apprehend the essence of linguistic expression in its purest form. This unparalleled mode of communication has confounded human and Skrell scholars alike, prompting a profound reevaluation of linguistic theories in light of the Vaurcae's extraordinary capabilities.

Though stationbounds and other artificial intelligences are capable of "understanding" Hivenet, their grasp of the transmissions is limited and localized. Non-Vaurcae actors that receive Hivenet frequencies do not "hear" the echoes and cannot decode some of the more unique expressions provided by pherolinguistics. Furthermore, the translation from pure thought to binary has led to some mistakes, with computerized recipients of Hivenet often misinterpreting the Vaurcae they "hear."


The Hivenet can only be described as a pheromonal and electromagnetic symphony. For the Vaurca listener, the amalgamation of frequencies received never stops. These "voices" are heard by Vaurcae at all times, even if no other members of the species are present. However, the "voices" will only become faint echoes if a Vaurca is away from a relay or another user.

Conversations within the Hivenet are referred to as entangled thought threads—interconnected streams of information that give rise to non-linear communication. Consequently, a Vaurca can engage in multiple discussions simultaneously, with its capacity bounded solely by its stream of consciousness and the emission of pheromones. This is why some Vaurcae may encounter challenges when attempting profound conversations with other species.

The very notion of severance from the Hivenet is utterly distressing for a Vaurca. Instances of such disconnection, albeit rare, have resulted in the demise of the individual, as the ensuing silence precipitates a profound and detrimental impact on their cognitive processes. Beating all odds, the Lost of the Traverse are some of the few Vaurcae that have survived without Hivenet communication in recent years.


Consonance embodies a unique process through which a Vaurca can individually address another within the Hivenet. This is accomplished by signaling the recipient through their distinctive pheromone trail. However, consonance does not guarantee private communication; all other Vaurcae within proximity remain capable of receiving the transmitted message clearly.


Synchronicity is a process wherein multiple Vaurcae seamlessly align their thought pulses, generating a synchronized wave of information propagation within the Hivenet. In contrast to consonance, synchronicity addresses groups, typically encompassing entire broods or hive-cells. This process is often facilitated by Breeders and is likely transmitted from a more robust Hivenet connection, thereby reaching greater distances.


Harmonization denotes the process in which Vaurcae synchronize their neural frequencies with the Hivenet, amplifying the efficiency of information exchange. Typically utilized for significant discussions, this process initiates a "thread," and some harmonic threads have persistently continued uninterrupted since before the Exodus. Regarded as the most "private" form of a Hivenet conversation, harmonization gradually fades for non-participants, although they may still perceive a faint echo of the exchange.


Occlusion is the act of blocking a single Hivenet user, a measure exclusive to Breeders. It serves as an extreme recourse to resolve irreconcilable differences between two parties unwilling to cooperate. Despite its potency, approval for occlusion is seldom granted, and it is expressly prohibited to attempt occlusion on a hive-cell mate. The occlusion of a Vaurca from another Hive is a more complex undertaking, demanding consent from both Hives. Regarded as an ultimate measure, Vaurcae subjected to occlusion are susceptible candidates for voiding.

Another form of occlusion, termed general occlusion, involves a Breeder temporarily "muting" a specific Vaurca on the Hivenet in response to misbehavior. This timeout can be disconcerting for the muted user and typically puts an end to any ongoing local disputes. Similar to the more stringent and formal occlusion, a Vaurca frequently subjected to general occlusion is at an increased risk of voiding.

Resonance Pylons

Resonance pylons are colossal architectural marvels that function as the central servers and relay hubs of the Hivenet. In their early stages, pylons took the form of a network of towers, collectively contributing to the preservation and fortification of the Hivenet signal. However, the evolution of technology has given rise to a more sophisticated iteration of resonance pylons, now operating as distinctive servers meticulously designed to amplify the Hivenet frequency.

The SCCV Horizon is equipped with a compact Hivenet relay to ensure seamless communication among the Vaurcae abroad. This relay is independent of the main pylons found across the Orion Spur and also serves to scan for any Hivenet protocols, including Lii'draic.

Relay Innovations

The resonance pylons situated on Sedantis, characterized by intricate design, used a self-contained communicative architecture that was entirely localized. The Hivenet did not require travel beyond the planet's confines, as Vaurcae were not a spacefaring species. A significant evolutionary leap in Hivenet's framework occurred prior to the Exodus. During this phase, the new Hiveships needed specialized Hivenet servers. These new servers play a pivotal role in sustaining seamless communication between Hiveships and facilitating communication among the Vaurcae onboard.

This second generation of resonance pylons used quantum entanglement nodes—swift, faster-than-light relays generating entangled particle pairs capable of instantaneous information transfer irrespective of physical distance. However, despite their revolutionary technology, these systems exhibited limitations in deep space. The restrictions introduced by the second-generation pylons resulted in numerous issues during the Exodus, leading to frequent miscommunication and misunderstandings among the Hiveships.

Since the arrival of the Vaurcae to the Orion Spur, the resonance pylons and the Hivenet network embraced bluespace technology. Strategically positioned in Vaurca-dense regions, these pylons leverage the same bluespace node infrastructure as the extranet, significantly extending their communicative reach across the known galaxy.

Main Resonance Pylons


The Flagsdale resonance pylon stands as the original Hivenet tower in human space, erected by Nanotrasen shortly after the relocation of the Zo'ra to Biesel. Serving as the primary Hivenet pylon for a period, the Flagsdale tower spearheaded the third generation of resonance pylons using bluespace. However, its history is marred by crime and instability, characteristic of the infamous district within Mendell City.

The denizens of the Flagsdale slum have, on multiple occasions, sabotaged the resonance pylon, inducing instability in the Hivenet signal across Biesel for extended periods—sometimes lasting hours or even days. One notably infamous instance unfolded during the Flagsdale riots of 2463. The consequential signal instability in what was the operational hub of the bluespace Hivenet prompted its reclassification to a relay in early 2466.

New Gibson Relay

The New Gibson pylon functioned as an auxiliary Hivenet relay during blackouts, ensuring connectivity during the tumultuous early stages of the Hivenet's transition to bluespace. However, situated within a relatively modest Vaurca settlement and subject to sporadic maintenance, the mast met its demise in 2465. In its stead, an urban complex emerged, strategically designed to attract human residents. This act signaled the ongoing gentrification endeavor in Xerxes. The swing in Xerxes' demographic landscape affected Tau Ceti's Vaurcae population until the inauguration of a new resonance pylon.


Considered the first of its kind and the sole authentic "fourth-generation" resonance pylon in the Orion Spur, the Caprician mast stands as a colossal architectural marvel, having evolved into one of the premier tourist attractions on the Vaurcaesian planet since its inauguration. Fondly nicknamed Vaur's Tower, its technological innovations cater not so much to Vaurcae but rather to the human readers interpreting its logs. This distinctive resonance pylon stands alone in its ability to accurately capture the intricacies of pherolinguistic expressions, ensuring minimized noise in Hivenet logs. Regarded as a significant leap forward in Hivenet surveillance, it guarantees that no messages escape the attention of human observers. It was inaugurated in early 2466 not without controversy by some sectors of Vaurca society.


Tret The Tret resonance pylon built by the K'lax Hive, known simply as Mast 1, serves as the Hive's primary server for the Hivenet. Integrated seamlessly with one of Tret's iconic Radiant-Energy Spires, this towering structure boasts the capability to harness power without overburdening the energy network. Unlike Vaur's Tower, tailored for broader Spur monitoring, Mast 1 capitalizes on the laissez-faire stance of the Izweski Hegemony towards Hivenet affairs, utilizing the cutting-edge technology facilitated by bluespace Hivenet to experiment on latency and improving the Zo'rane protocol.

Mast 1 maintains a connection with Mast 2, a smaller relay nestled in Moghes. During peak traffic hours, both towers emanate a beam of light that interconnects them, facilitating seamless communication. While predominantly innocuous, this light beam has faced criticism from certain Unathi quarters, who perceive it as emblematic of Vaurca intervention in their home planet and excessive augmentation.


The primary resonance pylon in Skrellian space is located in the Orbital Research Platform Iolan, situated on the planet Diulszi. The infrastructure is predominantly repurposed from the planet's earlier days as a research facility, consequently presenting greater limitations compared to the more recent resonance pylons. Nonetheless, the Iolan mast remains immensely powerful, guaranteeing surveillance over the C'thuric mainworld.


The resonance pylon located in Qerr'Malic, commonly referred to as Sq'irq, is officially designated as the "secondary" Hivenet tower in Skrellian space in terms of function. However, owing to its strategic proximity to the Skrellian homeworld and a lesser presence of C'thur intervention, Sq'irq acts as the primary facility for the collation of Hivenet logs. In Sq'irq, Skrellian authorities have full access to all logs generated in the Nralakk Federation. The specific functions of the Sq'irq pylon remain a subject of ongoing debate, as Skrell authorities refrain from publicly disclosing the extent of the facility's capabilities. The operation of this tower has become a significant point of contention between the Mouv brood and Skrellian authorities.

Skrellian Relays

In collaboration with the Nralakk Federation, the C'thur have integrated their Hivenet infrastructure with the pre-existing Nlom relay network found throughout Federation space. This integration has significantly expanded the Hivenet's range far more rapidly than would have been otherwise possible and has arguably enhanced its security against sabotage. However, it also entails a level of surveillance paralleled only by the new Vaur's Tower in Caprice.

Surveillance and Logs

Interest in monitoring Hivenet operations surged following the first contact with Vaurcae. Concerns about potential Vaurca uprisings or assertions of independence prompted close surveillance of Hivenet communications. However, Hivenet observers encounter many of the same challenges as artificial intelligence.

In reality, Hivenet logs are chaotic and, despite encryption, rife with noise. Background chatter, tangential discussions, and echoes are captured, printed, and archived incessantly by Hivenet towers, contributing to the disorder. Observers must undergo extensive training to discern terrorist threats and potential illicit activities, yet the ideal of reading all logs without backlog remains unattainable.

Vaurcae opinions on surveillance are divided, with some individuals supporting the measures while others vehemently oppose them. The Zo'ra Hive has displayed the most cooperation with Biesellite authorities, while the C'thur exhibit resistance but comply with Federation watchdogs. Although not mandated by the Izweski Hegemony to surrender their logs, the K'lax Hive remains under supervision by both Biesel and Nralakk authorities.