Hives Renaissance
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The Hives Renaissance, also known as K'lax'ren'keak (“K'lax Innovation”) for the K'lax Hive and Zo'ra'ren'keak (“Zo'ra Innovation”) for the Zo'ra Hive was a period of great technological and cultural development spearheaded by the K'lax that affected most Hives on Sedantis in one form or another. It began on November 26, 412 BCE, with Lesser Queen Leto's first large-scale attempt to document Vaurca history and revitalize a culture that had been destroyed during the Great Hive War and ended on August 17, 150 CE, with the discovery that Sedantis was likely to change orbit into Sch'theth'stak, destroying Vaurca civilization as they knew it. This is considered a period of great enlightenment in Vaurca history following the conclusion of the Great Hive War and acted to both restore the position of the Zo'ra as the dominant production force on Sedantis and showcase the full capabilities of K'laxian genius; rumors exist, however, that would cause some to argue that this was taken too far.
Though the conclusion of the Great Hive War saw the defeat of the Lii'dra, the millennia that followed were anything but peaceful. Zo'ra, having suffered losses even amongst her own daughters, significantly weakened the capability she had to keep her most distant colonies in check. Many who were no longer under the watchful eye of the Zo'ra governance turned to independence, fighting both each other and any Zo'ra Warriors attempting to restore some semblance of control. Most of these colonies were small in size and significantly overshadowed by the might of even key Zo'rane vassals. Many tried ingenious strategies to attempt to gain a strategic foothold. As a result, the periphery of the empire became lawless. Former Queens and Breeders of these vassalries attempted to establish military control in the area by creating their local armies, which was prohibited under Zo'rane rule. Amidst the chaos, the local armies became increasingly desperate and adopted practices frowned upon by other Vaurcae, such as the employment of Workers for war. Because of their continuous fighting, these Hive leaders became known as the Warladies.
Because of the null preparation of many Warriors during this period, the armed Workers, and the little military experience of many Warladies, their conflict is often referred to as a civil war. The political groups and loyalties were often limited to a single Breeder, or a small group of Breeders, which do not constitute the definition of a Vaurca Hive. The Vaurcaesian term N'reek, used to acknowledge these groups, is often translated to ‘swarm' in Basic.
As the major Hives mainly were uninvolved in the conflict, much of the chronology of the Swarm Wars has been lost. However, the information available presents the swarms as vicious and aimless. When capturing territory, some of their desperate practices were to scorch the earth and raze any remnants of civilization. The marred areas presented no advantages to the Warladies. Instead, they were ruined so nobody could claim them after their capture.
With the natural resources of those areas spoiled, the Zo'ra Hive made no further attempt to regain control. Instead, knowing that she would have to cut her losses in order to restore Sedantis to order, Zo'ra granted much of her remaining vassals to one of her daughters, Kaal. The L'kaal Hive was established as a means to prevent further altercations of power in troubling areas. While Zo'ra had used the divide and rule policy before as a means to break up former mighty Hives, this marked the first time she willingly split her own dominion.
Although this plan greatly benefited Zo'ra, who now could focus her efforts on recovering her Hive from the losses of the grueling Hive War, L'kaal's unfamiliarity with rulership and military tactics saw her struggle to make even slight gains against the Warladies. While she was chosen because of the defensive spirit of her brood during the Lii'dramachy, her former administrative territory was far from the frontlines. Now placed in charge of a conflictive zone, vassals took the opportunity to diminish her rule and fracture her power further. While the Zo'ra Hive once again began to prosper, L'kaal instead fell to banditry— even the Warladies, whom she bordered, raided some of her most important outer colonies.
The Concord of Ven'kar
It took two millennia of close collaboration between the Zo'ra and K'lax to rebuild completely from the damage sustained during the Hive War. The K'lax is famous for saying it would have taken a millennium more without them. The damage, both in terms of loss of life and essential infrastructure, was on a scale never before witnessed on Sedantis. At that point, entire tectonic plates were devastated, and populations lay as dead bodies yet to be collected, numbering in the billions. Yet while K'lax focused immense resources on inventing new and novel methods of repairing the damage dealt, some of which would make it into the annals of history, many more would be lost forever. Zo'ra focused her efforts on not just reconstructing her Warrior population but instead, under the advice of her child Zoleth, who had been instrumental in the war effort, developing new and unique ways of using them to match the tactical ferocity that the Warladies were so well known for.
It was this symbiotic relationship between the K'lax and the Zo'ra that would bring about the Hak'nar'nrith March, where Zo'ra soldiers, finally ready for the fight again after centuries of preparation, would push forth to retake the lands currently held by the Rebel Queens and relieve the struggling L'kaal armies. The war effort was massively successful. It was the pivotal battle of Hak'nar'nrith en route to the city of Tha'trus, an armaments manufacturing plant for a Warlady whose name was lost and overshadowed in the history of what happened before her arrival, which proved a critical turning point in the fight.
Passing through a long stretch of cavern believed to be a shortcut, an ambush occurred, revealing to the Warriors a shocking truth: three of the Warlady armies had united in a desperate push to fight off the incoming Zo'ra forces and retain independence. Though all hope seemed lost and the troops were pinned down, it was under the careful tactical advice of Zoleth that the Zo'ra warriors managed to successfully spelunk large quantities of highly explosive materials behind enemy lines in small groups and then make a strong push forward. Though casualties were immense, it drove the Warlady forces back into the trap, successfully turning the ambush in favor of Zo'ra.
With the conclusion of the battle of Hak'nar'nrith March, the Warladies' fates were all but sealed. Having lost so decisively, it was only a short series of battles later that, under the watchful eye of Zo'ra, the Concord of Ven'kar was signed, a deal for the Rebel Queens to respect the L'kaal borders. The details of the surrender deal are proudly displayed in the Zo'rane archives, as a monument to the first time in centuries that Sedantis had reached a state of relative peace.
The Reconstruction Queens
While Zo'ra's plans to restore Vaurca society to its former glory were militaristic primarily in nature, K'lax instead turned her attention to recovering the morale of her Hive. The losses in the Kol'axta Campaign had affected all echelons of K'lax society, and the passing of her daughters led to surviving numbers of their broods being merged with others of the dwindling dynasty. As a result, she chose two of her youngest, Zkaii and Leto, to combat the societal problems that emerged with a change of ideology.
Since her oldest mentions in the Vaurcaesian records, K'lax was mentioned as a loving mother, hence the title of “Mother” as an antonomasia of K'lax within the Hive. The education of Zkaii and Leto was different from all other past queens, as the High Queen raised them herself, first within the new Virtual Reality and then in the real world. As the virtual world became an essential part of all Vaurcae, Zkaii was tasked with ensuring a total pleasure within what was then a shared Realm for all the Hive. Conversely, Leto was commissioned to use the new technologies to create an impact in the real world.
Their sheltered raising and scant knowledge of the Hive War until their coronation was criticized by the Zo'ra Hive, who believed the plan would spawn a generation of weaker queens. However, the first results proved positive, as modifications made by Zkaii within the Virtual Reality are still considered core components for the virtual infrastructure and the delight of all Unbound. While Vaurca Queens had no rules of succession, the success of Zkaii made her win the favor of her mother over her older prewar sibling, Vetju.
The Ran'kana Chronicle
However, the incident that historically marked the beginning of the Hives Renaissance was the completion of the Ran'kana Chronicle; the project Leto took upon herself to reinterest the Vaurcae in their former glory. In an age of darkness and distrust for their old ways, Leto presented to Vaurcae of all Hives that their past was not something they should fear, as learning from it can improve their futures and avoid any further Lii'dra threats.
The Chronicle, which can now be consulted at the heart of Leto's Archive, is considered the most extensive record of Vaurca origins, covering as far as the Dawn of Vaurca. It is rumored that its pre-captio (a type of preface akin to a book's prologue) affected High Queen Zo'ra, calling it “Our species magnum opus.”
The significance of the Chronicle transcends its historiographical achievement. Like few other seminal works throughout different civilizations, its impact inaugurated a new chapter in the history of Vaurcae, where the greatest minds of all castes were inspired to rekindle their classical spirit.
The Nar'laan Multibox
Although minor compared to the inventions to come, few of them would have as much cultural impact as the Nar'laan multi-box, which would forever act as the symbol of the Hives Renaissance. The Nar'laan multi-box, also known as a ‘puzzle box,' is a storage unit and partial Hivenet interface that requires all of a Vaurca's senses to be used in a “test of knowledge” to unlock itself properly. They were first conceptualized when Leto commissioned herself an incomparably talented Xakat'kl'atan from the brood of her mother at the height of the Hives Renaissance with which to push a device that could “encapsulate and preach that which is virtuous of Sedantis.”
Queen Leto was the first Vaurca to be ever gifted a multi-box and is rumored to have also solved it the fastest out of anyone, with the name “puzzle box” being said to have come from the Nostalgic Queen's words herself that any “test of knowledge” to an active archivist, the Queen who built them herself no less, would be akin to a simple puzzle. However, in a twist of irony, Leto's subsequent attempt to unlock a puzzle box would prove to be her hardest, as she would bear the gift-to-be box of Mother K'lax before her chambers came ablaze, the box whose locks were made to be as bewildering and complex as its inventor revered the High Queen mind's to be.
With the multi-box being the last connection to the High Queen and both its creator and recipient deceased, Leto would fall into utter desperation trying to recall the faintest minutia about her mother to crack the box, only to fail with each new detail anyway. Many of the Hive's most remarkable minds came to support and attempt to break it themselves, but they would fail just as the Nostalgic Queen Leto did. Further attempts have been made yearly to crack open the multi-box ever since.
Still, the minimal progress gained has convinced many of the failed “box cracker” Vaurcae that it is a near fruitless endeavor, with many citing their collective failed attempts that the security locks are too specific to the High Queen for an opening to be found commonly. Others speculate that the box's systems were irreversibly damaged by the original chamber fire it was found in and that it cannot properly unlock itself. Leto has expressly forbidden any physical alteration in fear of potentially destroying a crucial part of its old and now irreplaceable design. This multi-box was gifted by Queen Leto to the newly elected Queen Tupii as a sign of friendship and her recognition as the brood's heiress.
Most Nar'laan multi-boxes are traditionally used to store physical keepsakes from Sedantis. However, there has been a rise in multi-boxes used for intimate, personal situations since the first colony worlds. As each box is customizable and directly tied to sensation, multi-boxes are often used to show affection to other members of the owner's hive-cell or as personal “experience diaries” for the owner to re-feel memories outside Virtual Reality. It is well known that since the arrival of the Vaurca to the Spur, the Hives have made efforts to integrate themselves with the new species they must live beside. One of these was the creation of multi-boxes designed to be solved by those other than Vaurca, though often with great difficulty, typically with some interesting but ultimately cheap item or nick-nack inside.
The Zo'rane Response
Within the first century of the Renaissance, the changes in K'laxian society were evident. To surmount her vassals, Zo'ra appointed one of her daughters with the least military experience, Vaur, to accomplish something similar to Zkaii in Virtual Reality.
Vaur's eccentric Realm, which other sapients still find marvelous today, results from this effort. Her original objective was to create a room where, away from Virtual Reality, a Worker could interact with its peers. Though it was not completed during the Renaissance, the modern iteration allows Biesel citizens to gaze upon it. While complex at first glance, the mechanism is much simpler: instead of creating a bridge between the two realities, it transmits a faithful recreation of the Realm, albeit with some lag. However, the program's scope is limited to a single exhibit area. Nevertheless, inputs from the real world appear to the resident Unbound, allowing communication with the exterior.
Zo'ra's desire to have a Renaissance Queen was a complex issue. Unlike the K'lax Hive, the Zo'ra, while reduced, was still massive in size. Additionally, her decision to split her empire stemmed from having too many broods. Consequently, she delegated different tasks to five of her daughters, resulting in the contemporary model of specialized Zo'ra broods.
One of her eldest living offspring, Zoleth, was mainly left in charge of the military; Scay, Queen of a minor but blooming brood, was appointed with scientific innovation; Vaur, aside from the betterment of Virtual Reality, was tasked with diplomacy within the Empire, to prevent further fractures; Xakt, a crucial industrial brood, was promoted to the industrial heart of the Zo'ra. The other daughter, Biibak, was made a propagandist promoting the Zo'rane Renaissance image. As Biibak is the most recent loss of a Vaurca Queen, her figure is controversial. Some Vaurcae believe her role in having been essential for the peace in Sedantis during the Renaissance, while others instead think of her role as a token position within the Hive.
The C'thur during the Renaissance
After the Lii'dramachy, the reputation of the C'thur Hive was tarnished. During these centuries, their efforts mainly focused on reconstructing their Hive after losing many of their territories and serfs. Their separation from the Zo'ra Hive proved to be a curse and a blessing, for they were no longer seen as only the shadow of their larger allies. This autarky stirred a sense of Hive pride and what is known as the silent Renaissance, with technological advancements different from those seen within the Zo'ra and K'lax. However, the Zo'ra abandonment had profound economic consequences, from which the Hive has fully recovered in recent years.
To preserve local influence, the C’thur Hive made tremendous efforts to maintain positive relationships with its former colonies. However, most independent smaller Hives were careful when approaching the High Queen. In a desperate attempt, C’thur asked her daughter Mouv to aid in deciphering other Hivenet protocols and record all the information available –a primitive version of the current-known Mouv’s Realm.
Frictions within the Hive surged after Queen Vytel voiced her concerns regarding the operation. For her, building powerful support nets could only recover the trust. Despite Vytel’s efforts to re-establish the Court of Queens, the credibility of the Hive was at its lowest.
Although C’thur did not attempt to appoint a Renaissance Queen, Xetl’s role fulfilled a similar niche. However, her origin was different. Where K’lax shielded Leto and Zkaii from the consequences of the War, Xetl was protected from the start of the conflict. This event has led some to believe that the Queen’s eccentric behavior stems from her naivité and unique raising.
The New Generation
Even within the first centuries of the Hives Renaissance, great technological discoveries had been made, ranging from new bioforms capable of regeneration at the cost of increased k'ois consumption to biological vehicles capable of traversing great distances, as well as the Ka'Akaix'Von C'thur's famous scientific debate with Ka'Akaix'Iil K'lax over full-body-prosthetics. The first of the new Queens of the K'lax was born within this era. Vedhra had the dual purpose of advancing the technology of the Hive even further and ensuring that if the Lii'dra did ever return, the K'lax would be ready for them, if not Sedantis.
A notable achievement in this era was the development of the Eack'nar Architectonic Apparatus, a mining machine that, when fed the correct mathematical instructions, was capable of autonomously carving out massive swathes of land in record time to make space for massive new construction projects such as cities. The ore harvested would then be deposited and refined into resources that could be put into the built project. Neutron forges and All-Factories popularized prior to the Great Hive War became exponentially more effective and more expensive, with even more complex and intricate goods capable of being fabricated on a scale never seen before.
Notable advancements were made in power generation, with many different novel yet highly effective methods of generating power brought about by the clever use of phoron. Most of these would never be used outside of the lab or small-scale city district experiments due to the simplicity and efficiency of current power generation methods, but that did not stop many from trying to revolutionize the grid.
New Power Challenges
Although the term ‘post-industrial’ cannot apply to the pre-Hive War Sedantian society, the manufacturing sector had previously stagnated as more Unbound experienced the joys of Virtual Reality. While military research boomed during the War epoch, production completely halted in its aftermath. Consequently, many Sedantis factories gathered dust as a sour remnant of their past.
With the advent of the Hives Renaissance, industrial production once again boomed. Originally, most of these efforts were utilized to repair many decayed cities, previously left to rot in oblivion by the major Hives for millennia.
The increase in the industrial sector led to unprecedented power demand. Until this point, Vaurcae had not yet understood the full potential of phoron. While they knew it was a potent fuel and abundant resource, phoron engines were often too dangerous because of their chemical reaction with oxygen. As a result, the K’lax Hive devised a new strategy where phoron plants were burrowed at a safe distance. The increasingly profound engines led to a new idea for the ultimate power generator.
The Pon'kana Engine
The Geocentral Pon’kana (literally, ‘Outer Core’) Phoron-Fusion Plant, otherwise known as the Pon’kana Engine, was a K’lax-designed power generation megastructure built around the core of Sedantis. The construction of the engine began in the later period of the Hive Renaissance. It was deemed the ultimate solution for the Sedantian power shortage, and when operational, it was said to provide power for the whole planet for a long-term period.
The project was headed by Ka’Akaix’Mhern K’lax, a specialized engineer who was rumored to have been prepared for this endeavor by Mother K’lax herself. Despite the legends surrounding Mhern, it is certain that the Worker was blessed by the High Queen to develop the Pon’kana Engine with relative freedom.
The gargantuan design was originally met with opposition. Particularly, the Zo’ra Hive, still considered the hegemonical de facto power of Sedantis, was unconvinced with the project. Instead, if it were to take place, High Queen Zo’ra preferred to assemble an engineering team led by her own Hive.
However, the increasingly independent K’lax Hive disagreed, refusing to share the masterplan blueprints. Though the Zo’ra Hive threatened to escalate, this was in vain —K’lax, having faced the worst horrors during the Hive War, were prepared to defend their territory. To ensure relative stability and peace in Sedantis, and retain Zo’ra’s dominion over her vassals, the two Hives reached an agreement during an extraordinary meeting at the rebuilt city of Py’laak.
The Judgement of Pon'kana
In addition to Zo’rane opposition, the Pon’kana Engine faced resistance among the other Hives. One of the main opposing forces was R’lyex, a minor Hive that had survived the Lii’dramachy by excavating deep towards the core, thus avoiding most of the conflict. R’lyex maintained minor outposts in the magma caves below, which were still considered strategic points as they were rich in resources.
As R’lyex colonies were located in the way of the construction project, Hive representatives were invited to the Py’laak session. Soon, the caucus grew in size as more independent Hives voiced their concerns.
The event was gathered into two sessions: a private rendezvous between K’lax and Zo’ra officials and a public one where more Hives were allowed. During the first meeting, Zo’ra allowed the K’lax to pursue the enterprise. However, Zo’rane supervision was appointed, and all information regarding the megastructure was to be shared with their rulers. The K’lax Hive reluctantly agreed.
During the second meeting, opposing Hives shared their opinions on the project. Nevertheless, their concerns were in vain, as the Zo’ra Hive had already greenlit the engine. The R’lyex were forced to relocate. When they opposed, the Zo’ra Hive absorbed them. Few R’lyex descendants survive now as modern Queenless within the Zo’ra, having lost all their previous identity—except for their love of deep burrowing.
The project was briefly halted years after construction had begun following the publication of a C’thur scientist regarding its findings on the K’laxian project. Ka’Akaix’Yoler C’thur was concerned about the gravitational disturbing effects of phoron on such a mass scale. The K’lax Hive was aware of the threat since their original proposal but refused to explore the potential negative outcome of the engine.
After much controversy, the Zo’ra Hive was forced to review the Pon’kana Engine. However, a strong propaganda campaign by the K’lax Hive gathered enough popular Zo’rane support. While Yoler’s concerns were much real, the K’lax argued the long-term gain of the project. High Queen Zo’ra, ultimately impressed by the idea, allowed for the project to continue construction.
The Geocentral Pon’kana Phoron-Fusion Plant was formally completed on September 2, 233 BCE. The Engine did not surround the whole planet of Sedantis, as many areas were deemed unreachable or dangerous. Additionally, access to former Lii’draic territory remained restricted.
In the following weeks after the Pon’kana Engine’s activation, power was reestablished around the whole planet. Its full potential was seized, with the energy surplus stored in case Sedantis ever suffered another major war.
These years, known as the Pon’kana Honeymoon by some, were only disturbed by the fateful findings in 150 CE, which led to the Great Evacuation.
The Zo’ra and K’lax Hives claim no responsibility for Sedantis deorbiting. Ultimately, no investigations were made, and there are no official findings that blame the Pon’kana Engine for the planet’s fate. However, the consensus of many human researchers is that the Pon’kana Engine played a significant role in the gravitational shift.
Ultimately, the Phoron-Fusion plant was decommissioned after the construction of the Hiveships. The reserve energies were not used for the planet’s betterment but instead stored inside the spaceships. As many minor Hives became completely reliant on the Pon’kana Engine’s infrastructure, this decision, taken by High Queens Zo’ra and K’lax, left many in darkness and oblivion.
To those contemporary human and Skrell groups which oppose the phoron dependency of the Orion Spur, Pon’kana stands today as a symbol of sapient hubris and the limits of technology. They often cite Pon’kana, with the word becoming standard in Basic and Nral’Malic.
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