Skrell Ailments

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Skrell Ailments

Dissimilar to other species found within the greater Orion Spur, the Skrell have a hemocyanin-based circulatory system - meaning their blood is instead bound to copper atoms, and not iron atoms. Well, the Skrell have a robust immune system, the evolution of their maladies and ailments have compensated for this throughout the existence of the species. Notably, Skrell are seemingly immune to developing cancerous tumours, with no recorded occurrence of such throughout the existence of record keeping.

Mild Afflictions

Pa’nar Blisters

Similarly infectious to Skrell as flu is to Humans, Pa’nar Blisters is a bacterial infection that mainly affects the mucous production of a Skrell. It can cause dry, cracked skin in the areas where blisters have popped, which can be painful if left untreated. The disease is most infectious during its incubation period and is primarily spread by contact. It was thought to be a disease spread by uncleanliness, and those afflicted by it were often ostracized until it cleared up. When the disease was better understood, attitudes toward those infected became much more tolerant and understanding. Treatment involves repeated application of antibacterial cream to the affected areas. Vaccinations are advised (and sometimes mandated) in order to forestall the negative health effects that the disease can cause.

Yuxin’s Rash

This irritable affliction is relatively common for Skrell who find themselves dryer than most. Yuxin’s Rash mainly targets the webbing between the phalanges; leaving them extremely flakey and irritable which means this rash can make utilizing one’s hands extremely difficult. The average timeline of the rash is around three weeks; however, using various over the counter creams and lotions can bring the timeline down to only a week. Similarly, if one can not acquire the creams, constant moisturizing of the hands can help soothe and potentially shorten the timeline.

Moderate Afflictions

Red Spotted Fever

Red Spotted Fever commonly refers to the hyperaemia of the ventral skin and accompanies a systemic infection shortly thereafter. It is a bacterial infection that occurs due to ill-prepared Fjylozyn, mostly when ingested raw. It can easily be identified by red pustules dotting across both the upper and lower abdomen of the Skrell, which often become infected if popped. Without treatment, the disease will progress gradually until it becomes lethal, culminating in a fever that wracks the body. It is spread quickly and previously could encompass an entire village in a matter of days. The usual protocol when identifying Red Spotted Fever is to isolate the Skrell, before administering round-the-clock antibiotics. The patient is usually closely observed to ensure the mitigation of the disease, and that it isn’t progressing. The Red Spotted Fever is often inoculated against in tadpoles, but those born before the Radiant Era will find themselves more prone to infections thanks to the mutations of the disease.

X’oa Disorder

Despite the fact that the full effects of genophage is still unknown, one example is the X'oa Disorder. It manifests itself as dark, pigmented acne of the headtails which is sensitive to touch. Acne seems to extend far beneath the surface towards the inner portion of the headtail. Due to this acne-causing widespread spread, many go to great lengths to cover it up; using elaborate headwear and clothing. Though there is no cure for this disorder, there is ongoing research to combat its symptoms. Treatments such as X'oa'wai Cream numb the area inflicted with pain. Although this is helpful for acne, it does not cure it completely. X’oa Disorder is usually a lifelong condition.

Severe Afflictions

Brenaii Syndrome

Brenaii Syndrome is a neural disease that results in the degradation of synaptic pathways of a Skrell. It has also been known to result in immunodeficiencies and endocrine atrophy. It is caused by the disruption of neuroelectric impulses within the Zona Bovinae and is spread through psionic interaction. Brenaii Syndrome is heavily stigmatized within skrellian society, with many ostracized due to their condition. It earned its name from Ta’kow Brenaii, a prominent Starkeeper that heavily utilized psionics when teaching and interacting with other Skrell, after several investigations were launched after many of those who had interacted with the Starkeeper had suddenly deteriorated in health. It was classified as an emerging pandemic sometime during 450 BCE. There is no known cure, or treatment, for the disease. Its ostracization within skrellian society has only led to less interest from medical researchers in attempting to conjure any kind of meaningful assistance to those afflicted with the debilitating disease.

Insanity of the Tide

Insanity of the Tide is closely linked to Dementia and Alzheimers and is a neural disease that gradually worsens as time goes on. It has been linked to causing several impairments related to memory, behaviour, and thinking. Those afflicted will also show signs of decreased emotional problems and difficulties with speaking. It primarily affects Skrell during the later stages of their life, but early onset of the disease can begin as early as their two hundreds. While it may have had different names in the various languages across the Homeworld, it usually translated to the same concept or theme, “going insane as quick as the tides.” It was initially thought to be a blessing placed on Elders by the Divine Cosmos, as a sign of their early acceptance to join them. There is no known cure for the disease, but treatments include deep psionic meditations and shifting memories from unhealthy parts of the mind to ones not yet afflicted by the progression of the disease. It is often referred to as “Ron’tuk’mol” by the Skrell or “Transfer of the Mind”.

Acute Hemoaerisism Disorder

Acute Hemoaerisism Disorder is a genetic mutation that results in the accrual of too much copper within the body. It can cause serious damage to a variety of organs, such as heart failure and cirrhosis of the liver. It is one of the more visibly telling diseases for the Skrell, as it leads to rapid darkening of the skin as well as joint inflammation and pain. It is colloquially known as “Dark Pyrexia” due to the rapid darkening of the skin, and high temperatures during the final stages of the disease. During bygone eras of the Skrell, very few with the disease survived infancy, and resulted in many believing the souls of tadpoles were taken too early from the embrace of the Cosmos, and that they’d return when they were ready. Treatment includes bloodletting alongside experimental genetic booster shoots. There is no known cure for the disease, but there are sizeable groups of medical researchers who have devoted themselves to attempting to uncover a possible remedy or even more successful treatment.