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T. Sapiens
Home System: S'rand'marr
Homeworld: Adhomai
Language(s): Siik'maas, Siik'Tajr, Nal'rasan
Political Entitie(s): People's Republic of Adhomai,

Adhomai Liberation Army, New Kingdom of Adhomai


The Tajara (direct plural: Tajara – Tah-jaw-rah both singular and multiple) (adjective: Tajaran - Tah-jaw-ran) are a race of about 5.25 billion humanoids which possess markedly felinoid traits that include a semi-prehensile tail, a body covered in fur of varying shades and padded, digitigrade feet.

To apply to be Tajara, apply here.

Additional information: Adhomai Notable Tajara Tajaran Military Structures Tajaran Ethnicities

Heads of Staff

Tajara can be the following Heads of Staff:

  • Head of Security
  • Chief Medical Officer
  • Head of Personnel
  • Research Director
  • Chief Engineer
  • Internal Affairs Agent


  • Tajara can speak a number of unique languages, such as:
- Siik'Maas. Use this in game by typing say ,j
- Siik'Tajr. Use this in game by typing say ,w
- Nal'rasan. Only available to M'sai Tajara, use this in game by typing ,i
  • All Tajara have claws, and will scratch with them instead of punching, dealing extra damage.
  • Tajara can see much better in the dark than humans.
  • Tajara are less vulnerable to harm from cold due to their fur, but more vulnerable to harm from heat.
  • Tajara cannot use human gloves or shoes due to their claws and digitigrade limbs. They are only able to wear hardsuits and hardsuit helmets designed/modified for their Tajaran anatomy. They are able to wear 'softsuits' (such as non-hardsuit space suits, biosuits, and fire suits).
  • Due to a long history of combined selective breeding and cultural factors, different Tajaran races have different physical qualities and attributes as well as levels of education. Visit the physiology sections of the Tajaran Ethnicities page for information about their differences.
  • Coloration
Hharar group, usual coloration:
Beaver Brown (RGB 159, 139, 112)
Kochiba (RGB 107, 68, 35)
Taupe (RGB 72, 60, 50)
Zhan-Khazan group, usual coloration:
Blue-Grey (RGB 34, 37, 50)
Dark Gray (RGB 30, 30, 30
Chocolate (RGB 94, 38, 18)
Njarir'Akhran group, usual coloration:
Orange (RGB 238, 64, 0)
Cinnamon (RGB 160, 82, 45)
Ruddy (RGB 138, 54, 15)
Cream (RGB 205, 175, 149)
M'sai group, usual coloration:
White (RGB 238, 223, 204)
Ivory (RGB 205, 205, 192)
Wheat (RGB 205, 186, 150)
Silver (RGB 192, 192, 192)


To the average human, the Tajara share many similarities with Earth felines; however, when looked at from a purely scientific perspective, this description is largely superficial. Unlike terrestrial felines, the Tajara are both omnivorous and bipedal. Their bodies are almost entirely covered in a thick coat of fur that is extremely good at insulating them from the extreme cold of Adhomai. The layer of body fat and fur is designed to trap body heat in an efficient manner. There are only a handful of areas where fur is not present, those being on the palm of their paws, the soles of their feet, and a number of various orifices as well as a small area around their eyes.

Occasionally, the fur around a Tajara's neck is known to grow into a shaggy 'mane' of sorts, giving them a distinct look not unlike a terran lion. This hair tends to be much stronger and a great deal more wiry than the rest of the fur on a Tajara's body. Some Tajara tend towards monochromatic bodies while others have multicolor or even calico fur patterns. These designs depend heavily on the genetics of the individual's parents, much like hair and eye color. Because of this, some parents are utterly incapable of producing multicolor children. Designs including flat colors, stripes, spots and most conceivable combinations have been recorded by scientists both Tajaran and human. A male Tajara is somewhere between 145 cm and 185 cm in height, while the mean body mass is between 55 kg and 90 kg. Females tend to range between 135 cm and 185 cm in height, with their own weight somewhere around 35 kg to 75 kg. As such, both their body weight and height is roughly comparable to the average human.

Tajaran Evolution

The Tajara evolved as a predatory, cave-dwelling species upon their home planet of Adhomai, and as a result they have a pair of fairly large, well developed eyes that are forward set. These eyes are comparable to those of humans, but they are more effective in low-light situations due to the Tajaran ancestors having to hunt in dark cave tunnels. Tajaran eyes are set above a slightly elongated structure comprised of hard bone similar to a muzzle on terrestrial creatures. Their pupils are large and capable of contracting significantly faster than most other creatures, both sapient and otherwise. This allows for a considerable degree of low light vision, however they have a thin reflective layer which has the side-effect of appearing illuminated in the dark.

The Tajaran dental structure was at one point in their evolutionary history once geared for a carnivorous lifestyle, but has since evolved and shifted towards a more omnivorous role. Tajara have sharp, needle like teeth in the front of their jaw which are quite clearly geared to tear meat; the further along the jaw line one goes, teeth similar to human molars reside behind the sharp canines, evidence of the change to an omnivorous diet. Evolutionary biologists believe that predecessors to modern Tajara had rough tongues with few taste buds in order to facilitate eating raw meat. The contemporary species has evolved out of this a long time ago in conjunction with becoming omnivorous, and so they now have softer tongues with a full sense of taste. Atop their heads, Tajara have a pair of deft, normally erect ears that are capable of a wide range of motion. They can rotate to roughly ninety degrees, capable of even being able to fold back almost entirely onto the skull if needed.

Extremities and Sleep Cycle

Tajaran extremities, specifically their hands and feet have five digits, and are generally the same shape as human extremities. However, they are slightly stubbier in appearance, though still dexterous enough to be useful. Tajara employed in more professional roles such as engineers, architects, or other occupations that require dexterous manipulation often find themselves with filed down claws, reduced to a smooth end in order to allow easy usage of standard human based technology. This is a task that Tajara tend to do reluctantly, given that cutting too short is incredibly painful and will expose nerves to the air. Normally, these claws are non-retractable and grow from the fingertips, usually measuring around 1-2 centimeters.

The sleep cycles of the Tajaran species are one of their most scientifically curious features. A normal waking period is somewhere between thirty six and forty eight hours, with a subsequent twenty to twenty eight hours of sleep. Normally, the waking period is spotted with three to four fifteen minute naps in order to keep the Tajara refreshed and alert. This is universal on all worlds with Tajaran living upon them. Tajara are capable of great feats of intelligent, dedicated work but this is physically exhausting, which renders them utterly mentally and psychologically exhausted. Those that do not enter their sleep cycle properly may find themselves groggy, aggressive, paranoid and disoriented until their circadian rhythm is righted.

Tajaran Build

An artist sketch of Tajaran dimorphism, builds and general stance.

In comparison to most other known species, the Tajaran body is designed to specifically be more flexible, lithe and slender despite their thick insulation. A handful of Tajaran ethnicities do not exhibit these traits and instead manifest increased muscle size, strength, or bulk. Tajara are sexually dimorphic; females have more elongated muzzles, shorter ears, as well as more petite forms, and their distribution of body fat is entirely different than that of a male. Females do not exhibit visible breasts until pregnancy, at which point they swell in order to provide for young. Males are in general taller, have broader shoulders, bigger hands and feet, and more pointed ears.

Tajara are built for the extremely low temperature environments that are incredibly common on Adhomai, giving them remarkable cold resistance. However, this gives them a tendency to overheat in more mild environments. To avoid this, most Tajara will dress lightly in warmer environments such as those on human installations or tropical worlds. Forgoing the usual layer-like clothing, these Tajara resign themselves to thin clothing. Those who find themselves confined to bio suit or radiation suit for extended periods of time will end up feeling extremely uncomfortable and perspiring heavily.


Native Tajaran names are usually difficult for humans and other species to pronounce properly; as such, older Tajara prefer to take names (whereas young Tajara are given them at birth) that they find they themselves are able to pronounce and are also phonetically pleasing. For many, these are names derived from Arabic or Russian backgrounds, as they are the easiest for their inhuman mouths to pronounce. Traditionally, Tajaran names included their clan name, and some Tajara carry over this tradition and have their 'middle' name be their clan name.

As with all other species who work in Human-centric environments. Tajara are expected and required to have passed a prerequisite test to test their comprehension of Tau-Ceti basic, the operating language of NanoTrasen and most transstellar corporations, in addition to most major sovereign entities. Admittedly the passing levels of these comprehension tests are quite low, but are high enough to ensure basic conversation between what will likely be a multi-species crew. However, private communication in Siik’Mas or Siik’tajr is not forbidden by NanoTrasen regulations and is often used to hold conversations between Tajara on the crew.

Though there are a variety of languages used by the Tajara, among the foremost of this vast plethora of languages is Siik’mas and Siik’tajr.

Siik'maas is theorized to have been the ancient language of the Tajara, the 'religious' language shared between most Tajara from their onset as a species. Despite Tajaran society evolving to a point where religious devotion became less encouraged, the universal service language used in all churches and worship sessions became the most common for Tajara and almost every Tajara knows how to speak it. It has been taught as the primary educational language amongst most Tajaran ethnicities since the Renaissance era and continues to be the most prevalent language on Adhomai since.

It is capable of being spoken by a learned human, as it is not as reliant on body language as Siik'tajr or the other native languages on Adhomai. However, just as Tau Ceti basic is difficult for Tajara to master given their muzzle structure, Siik'maas is the same to humans, since they lack the proper biology to perform certain inflections properly. Despite it focusing more on spoken word than others, some of the vocabulary requires subtle body movements that are challenging for humans to grasp, no less perform. Even if one were to learn these movements, they tend to be sluggish and slower, giving the speech a sort of 'drunken' feeling. Tajara speaking this over the radio often find themselves in similar positions.

Siik'maas is the federal language of the People's Republic of Adhomai. However, several groups of Tajara ranging from scholars to traditional followers of the old ways are attempting to revive older languages such as Nal'rasan, Devahhi, Ya'ssa and other such languages.

Siik’tajr is the opposite of Siik’mas completely. A recent construction, it has seen more use recently following the overthrowing of the plutocracy. It was birthed from the necessity for a language that was difficult for law enforcers to understand, enabling revolutionaries to converse privately without having their conversations monitored or overheard. Revolutionary radicals have been a part of Adhomai's history for a long while, but were always small; however, when the Great War broke out, Siik'tajr saw widespread use by rebel forces during military operations similar to Navajo radio operators. It is a combination of Siik'mas and the more body language inclined Nal'rasan, a language traditionally used by hunters. It is not normally used in daily life due to its complexity, it is often maintained as a secondary language, especially for families who fought in the Great War.

Pro-human groups within Tajaran society have repeatedly attempted to push Cyrillic or Latin alphabets as 'easier to use' rather than the native Tajaran alphabet. However, the vast majority of Tajara use the old Siik alphabet and it is the federally enforced alphabet taught in schools, the original alphabet learned Tajara have been using for centuries. It has undergone certain modifications since the Great War to remove the influence of the plutocracy, and has made a widespread comeback with increasing literary levels among the Tajaran public.

Tajara have a strong biological inclination to roll the “R” sound, extending it. They also tend to refer to themselves in the third person perspective instead of the traditional first person ( “He has completed his work" instead of “I have completed my work") though Tajara who have spent a large amount of their lives in space or among other species may overcome this trait with great difficulty. Most Tajara will only speak to someone in the first person if it is someone they trust substantially. The occasional “slip up” can still be expected however, as being surrounded by a mostly Human crew can occasionally confuse them into using first person. The second person perspective is used in many regional dialects and does not imply any intimacy, however many Tajara prefer third person even in these cases as a preference. First person perspective is often used in the context of speeches or addresses to large populations in order enhance the rhetorical impact.



Throughout Tajaran history, fashion has remained relatively simple. Extravagant vestments fabricated from silk and other high-quality animal hides were restricted exclusively to the nobility, and standard Tajaran peasantry had little time to choose their uniforms, usually donning overcoats made of rough fabric and patches of animal hide. The fluffier the design was, the wealthier a noble was considered.

Given the hardships of Tajaran life and the constant need to do work by hand, the peasantry came to favor practical, well insulated clothing rather than fanciful designs; they were also cheaper to weave, which made things easier on the weaver. Underwear usually came in the form of long-sleeved pants and a shirt typically woven from thick animal furs and plant fibers and is used as the inner most insulating layer. Then, a Tajara would overlay multiple garments to create several layers of insulation to stop the loss of body heat. Thick, full-length skirts, pants, and shirts were favored by the peasantry, all in dark colors to retain heat better. Typically pre-discovery and even post-discovery modern clothing consist of thermal underwear, pants for men or long, heavy skirts for women, with thick sweater-like shirts and fur cloaks.

The feared enforcers of the nobility wore great suits of armor designed to seal the user inside, creating an environment that was completely isolated from the harsh snows of Adhomai. Build for brute strength rather than comfort, the helmets of these suits made no room for Tajaran ears. These 'Enforcer Shells', as translated from Siik'maas, were usually brown or olive in color, with slit visors that masked the wearer's face.

File:Government Officials.jpg
Typical Government Official wear.

Today, the Government Officials of the People's Republic of Adhomai are usually seen dressed in olive military fatigues, occasionally donning a commissar-styled cap. These caps are usually styled with small rosettes to signify authority. When in especially cold weather, officials usually layer on black trench coats and scarves rather than wearing the outfits of the lower class.

The lower and middle class of the Tajara are better heated by proxy, and can comfortably wear flat caps and long sleeved buttoned shirts for warmth when working in their factories rather than excessive garbs. When outside, typical Tajara will wear bomber jackets or fur coats with additional fur padding on the interior to better trap heat, paired with traditional slacks. Headwear for these working class citizens usually comes in the form of full head scarves to keep ears warm when in the wilderness, and standard soft and flat caps within cities.


Similarly, due to the cold temperatures of Adhomai, Tajara favor warming or hot food that can be consumed quickly before the freezing winds can cool the meal off. Porridges, soups, and chowders consisting of diced meat and vegetables for flavor was the usual meal of a working class Tajara, coupled with some bread and water or ale. Pre-industrial Tajara used to have community meals around bonfires to keep their food from cooling off too much, and almost all of their food source came in the form of porridges and oats. However, with the introduction of new technologies - such as higher quality insulation and home heating systems - Tajaran cuisine is being experimented with by chefs who are no longer restricted to compensating for the naturally low temperatures of Adhomai. Historically, culinary creations were reserved only for the nobility, who had better heated homes than the peasantry and more leeway was offered towards not having your meat turn blue in front of you.

The Arts

Of all arts, music is one of the most highly valued by Tajara. Stemming from the long-standing ban on most literature in their society, song and dance remained one of the only ways for Tajara to express themselves through words. Composers and musicians were traditionally held in high regard amongst Tajara, and in place of books the fanciful song-stories of traveling bards were one of the few ways the public could remove themselves from their lives.

Theatre was also equally important in the life of a pre-discovery Tajara. Given that, with the lack of books, there was little to keep your usual worker entertained, the ability to watch and enjoy a riveting drama or hilarious comedy was heaven. Theatres and performing halls can be found in almost every Tajaran village, and are often constructed to rival even the main seat of town council or government in architectural beauty. For example, the D'na'tel Hall in the Tajaran capital was one and a quarter larger than the seat of government prior to human sanctioned expansions. Dating back to the late Renaissance Era, it was constructed from high quality marble and many sculptures of characters and scenes from various popular Tajaran plays were meticulously hand-carved into the walls by sculptor Nasir Ka'nira.

However, literature itself - that is to say novels - have never been looked kindly upon by the Tajara public. Though this closed way of thinking is starting to shift with the greater introduction of literacy amongst Tajara as a whole, many elders still harbor bitter feelings about books in general. They were almost universally considered a symbol of oppression and luxury by pre-revolution Tajara, given the fact that only the nobility were taught en masse how to read, and that every family had it's own private expansive library that even learned peasants had to pay out of pocket to access. This led to a widespread destruction of much of historical Tajara text following the uprising, as revolutionaries took it upon themselves to purposely gather and burn whatever books they could after taking a noble stronghold.


The military hardware of the People's Republic of Adhomai lands somewhere close to what humankind used in the early 1900s, though the transition to energy weapons has already been made. Clumsy overheating handguns and rifles that slowly fire long bolts of concentrated energy are used by high ranking soldiers or special operatives, but their durability is dubious in comparison to the mass-produced, single shot or bolt action rifles that the majority of Tajaran soldiers use. Bayonets are heavily relied upon in close quarters combat rather than Tajaran model submachine guns, which are expensive in the eyes of the People's Republic and jam easily in the harsh terrain of Adhomai.

The Tui'ad "Icelance" laser rifle.

Heavy infantry weapons like machine guns tend to come in the form of heavy, hand cranked gatling emplacements with a heavy emphasis on frontal gun shielding. These emplacements are extremely deadly in comparison to the slow firing rifles of foot soldiers, and are usually countered by Tajaran artillery or laser weaponry.

Tajaran artillery is where the cunning of the People's Republic engineering shines, and many mountain ranges of Adhomai are lined with artillery guns the size of the mountains themselves. These weapons fire devastating artillery rounds capable of levelling small camps with a single shot, let alone a barrage. Artillery vehicles and mortar teams are almost always deployed in tandem with Tajaran infantry in order to shell enemy entrenchments and positions, and many Tajaran tacticians utilize artillery as their main killing force. These weapons are the pride of the People's Republic, and their nightmare if lost to enemy hands.

For more information, see Tajaran Military Structures


Tajaran institutions for education are woefully behind their counterparts in other species. Historically, Njarir-Ahkran were often the only ones who became literate. Historians theorize this is tied to their alleged rise to nobility through their positions in early theological organizations. Officials from each faction agree that religious education has dominated most of Adhomai's academic history with heavy evidence from religious books which were largely able to survive the mass destruction of books by being sheltered in mosques. Disagreements among academics arise when discussing the evolution of primary schools, secondary schools, and universities. Academicians in the New Kingdom of Adhomai assert that these institutions began to rise thousands of years ago during the Adhomai Renaissance and downplay the role of the nobility's suppression of educating the masses. However intellectuals in the People's Republic of Adhomai and the Adhomai Liberation Army assert that these institutions were disingenuous social clubs at best and that schooling and formal education did not begin to arise until five hundred years prior. Hard information on the curriculum of pre-war institutions outside of theological institutions is difficult to find, however archaeological evidence tends to support arguments that there was a heavy focus on the arts- especially musical. Some artistic Hharar who lived before the war give accounts on nobles providing large patronage for painters such as in the modern sense with Al-Manq, but also for lavish concerts, operas, and ballets. Sculpting also came into prominence as evidenced by the intricate detail of various statues and gargoyle-like protrusions from an array of buildings in Nal'Tor and especially on the capital building in The People's Square: the aptly-named Steeple. Regardless of the details of pre-revolution educational institutions, the current face of Tajaran education outside of seminaries is primarily technical schools which focus on preparing young Tajara to work the various labor jobs around Adhomai.

See also The Nal'tor College of Career Excellence.

Marriage and Relationships

Historically, the peasantry made due by uniting themselves as a workforce which has bred an intimate inter-person relationship among the families of most villages, towns, and cities. Regardless of the size of the population, pre-uprising Tajara were often well acquainted with families that may have lived on the other side of town. Arranged marriages were extremely common and were ways to improve relationships among families. However, this traditional practice has met with extreme criticism following post-uprising debates. The practice of arranged marriage was not feasible following the first revolution which effectively eliminated a generation of adult Tajara. This created a generation which had to largely create their own marriages, many of which passed on this emerging cultural norm to the next generation. Although permanent pairing of Tajara is often colloquially referred to as "marriage" due to humanizing influences, there are a handful of different technical terms for it depending on the religion of the Tajara involved. S'rand'marr worshipers are typically brought together in mosques by their local Brother of the Sun in a ceremony which symbolizes and glorifies S'rendarr and life. Their equivalent of Marriage is called "S'rendal'Matir" (The life of S'rendarr), named for the idea of continuing the life which the sun god S'rendarr celebrates. Tajara under the worship of Ma'ta'ke have a less celebratory and less ritualistic ceremony, instead having a simple meeting between families with a clergyman to proclaim the lovers "Zrrazhil Ekrratul" (Continuation of the clans), named for the simple notion of propagating the blood of the families involved.

Because of the Tajara's history as a repressive, conservative species, they have not grown too open-minded or liberal - unlike humanity's progressive views for example. Overt displays of affection and especially homosexuality among Tajara are looked down on and treated as a deviancy. There exists discrimination and bias against other races of Tajara - particularly against Zhan-Khazan for their purported low intelligence and rebellious tendencies. As a result, Tajara generally avoid interbreeding between races. An extension of the racism which prevents Tajara from breeding outside of their race can be found in the general public's extreme revulsion to notions of relationships outside of the species, an act which is considered an intolerable fetish to most.


The Tajaran homeworld.
Adhomai was ravaged by warfare and more than forty million deaths have been recorded as a result of the Great War.

Nobility and the Ancient Past

For as long as most Tajara care to remember, Adhomai had always been under the rule of nobility. The most dated historical text that still exists in Tajaran possession dates back at least four thousand years and still talks about 'serving their masters', so many historians agree that the trend of blood rule is more deeply-routed in Tajaran existence than was previously considered.

The ancient past of the Tajara is poorly documented and historical texts are almost non-existent; meticulous combing and destruction of educational material by millennia of harsh rule resulted in total atrophy of most scientific arts in Tajaran society. Top Tajaran scholars in this day and age have theories that life on Adhomai. Little is known about Tajara civilization before 2500 BCE Galactic Standard Time.

Tajara society and government in the 2000 BCE era Galactic Standard Time was similar to human feudalism. Several towns, villages, or the rare city would be organized under a single Lord. Nobles of fiefs commonly collected together to make crucial decisions about the ownership or trade of lands. If agreements were not met and conflict between two lords was imminent, decisions would commonly be made through staged combat. In these trials, groups of peasants were equipped with matching weapons and faced with the task of killing off the opposition. These displays were considered a quality source of entertainment, usually in which nobles would come to an agreement on their previously unsettled differences -- before staying to watch the peasants slaughter one another. Peasants had little choice in these matters, and all dissidence was met harshly and fatally at the hands of the Nobles' Enforcers - trained agents (commonly of M'sai descent) who fought for the nobility of Adhomai in exchange for relative freedom. These Tajaran enforcers kept the peasants of Adhomai's lands repressed and powerless through shock and terror.

What is known for sure, however, is that tension and violence had slowly been increasing over hundreds of years between the populace and their fellow noble families.

Based upon limited information gleaned from literature and art that survived various purges, many Kingdoms across Adhomai had been violently replaced with highly centralized theocracies, which are first mentioned in historical texts in the 1300 BCE era, with the religious states focused around the worship of the suns and their leaders as direct avatars of S'rendarr. The vast majority of Tajaran noble families stemmed from religious leaders with divine right to rule.

Tensions Rise

Tajara historians believe that global violence spilled out across the planet between the theocratic kingdoms and the other scattered noble families in the 1500 BCE era. These religious leaders clashed and either pitted their followers against one another. The noble leaders continued to fight and inter-marry until the ruling families had become exclusively Njarir’Akhran. Over time, the nobility as it were slowly began to lose their religious inclination, adopting more traditional civil institutions and a relaxation of the church's control which gave way to state control. This indirectly created the Adhomai Renaissance in the 1,100 BCE era. Religious worship of the noble families had been dropping steadily in conjunction with the lower influence they had upon the other nobility. It was this period that historians believe the overwhelming control of the noble families flourished and solidified into what it was prior to human contact.

Literature was heavily regulated from this point as the ruling Njarir’Akhran reacted harshly to the Adhomai Renaissance. Enlightened philosophers had taken advantage of the creation of the short-lived printing press in 955 BCE, who's blueprints and designs were quickly destroyed and would not be recovered until several hundred years later. The rise in literacy and philosophers questioning the very concept of "right to rule" was deemed dangerous to the health of noble rule. Scarce written literature the Adhomai Renaissance spawned sculptors, musicians, and artists. However, rather than their works being presented for public viewing, they were collected by noble families and only a handful were shown outside of their palaces for the peasantry to admire.

Following this era, tension between the nobility and the peasantry began to steadily increase, believed to have stemmed from increasingly harsh rulers and laws. Technological and cultural knowledge and breakthroughs had slowly begun to trickle down from the noble families to the peasantry. The blueprints for the printing press had managed to be smuggled out of a private noble library in 173 CE and many underground libraries for the peasantry began to pop up in cities and towns across Adhomai. Eventually it became a capital crime for a peasant to even own a copy of an unapproved text.

Adhomai underwent a form of industrialization with the creation and proliferation of the steam engine in 1226 CE. However this only forced the Adhomai peasants into harsh new labors digging in mines and working 18 hour days building rail lines for private use by the Njarir’Akhran nobility. Laws were soon enacted that banned any non-Njarir’Akhran from utilizing electricity or riding on trains.

This trend of noble's hoarding new technology or innovations at the expense of the peasants continued until human contact.

Thirty years prior to human discovery of Adhomai, the deep-seeded mistrust between peasants and nobles had reached an all time high. The Tajaran species was trapped in a technological bubble forced upon them by their nobility. At the height of their industrial revolution only a few years prior, the leadership at the time became increasingly wary of the unification of many Tajaran workers who demanded greater rights, seeing themselves in what could be accounted as another 'Renaissance' era and result in more 'enlightened' individuals straining their already crumbling control over the populace.

The realms of education, science, and luxury found themselves under severe restrictions, and your basic Tajara was forced into almost twenty hour work days with minimal time afforded for eating and sleeping on the job. Analysis of the noble houses proves that during this time in Tajaran history, the nobility had never been worth more in Sol credits than previously. This is largely attributed to the fact that rather than modernizing Adhomai the nobility had seen fit to confiscate and use these fruits of scientific thinking for themselves.

Automobiles are considered one of the best examples of this. The first automobile is recorded to have been created in 2012 CE. Using a combustion engine much like primitive human vehicles, with extra anti-freezing measures and thick treads, one of the first fully functional automated cars had been produced by a collection of Tajaran engineers and scientists, at the behest of the nobility. These large creations were considered by many older Tajara to be a symbol of negligence and gluttony by their leaders. Workers were never provided with such things; they were forced to transport themselves through Adhomai's harsh winter conditions on foot or by using specially designed 'snow bicycles', regardless of how far away their place of work was.

Further restricting the rights of the individual Tajara was enacted by a furious nobility after several instances of violence against Njarir’Akhran, but specific information on these incidents has been lost. Legislation was introduced against 'workers unions' as well as any sort of illicit groups; a permit was required to form anything from hunting parties to agencies. In this whirlwhind of political turmoil, a fresh generation of Tajara were growing up, deprived of what most humans consider to be 'basic rights'. As they grew older and angrier, the nobility saw fit to continue tightening their control over their subjects until a civil war was almost inevitable. Like a powder keg ready to blow, only a single spark was needed to light the flame.

Human Discovery

This came in the form of human discovery in 2418 CE. A Sol Alliance funded expedition into the Tajaran home system discovered the pre-space age species and their homeworld of Adhomai. Lush with untapped resources and potential workers, Adhomai was an attractive prospect for many human super corporations, especially NanoTrasen. Because of their slow technological progress, most of Adhomai's valuable minerals remained untapped by mining or drilling. It was due to this that several corporations attempted to insert themselves into the dealings of Adhomai.

However, the nobility felt incredibly threatened by what they considered 'intrusions' by humanity and completely refused them diplomatic access to their planet. The Alliance stepped in, initially unwilling to interfere in a pre-space age society and, reluctantly, the super corporations were forced to abandon their wishes to stake claims on Adhomai's resources - at least in the open. In the year 2420 CE, a group of Tajaran intellectuals - considered rebels by the state - were shuttled off-world by a still unknown entity. Given asylum in the Sol Alliance, they met and discussed much with human scientists and officials. Tensions between the Alliance and Tajaran nobility rose after such an event and they accused the humans of harboring terrorists.

Eventually, these rebels were returned to Adhomai with supplies and weapons. Fed with new ideals of personal freedom and 'rights afforded to all' by their influential human friends, the seeds of revolution were sowed among the Tajaran populace, spread by word of mouth. Workers, doctors, teachers, even soldiers that were questionably loyal to the nobility were swayed by these promises of freedom and equality. Meetings in the basements of dark taverns or barns were common, and relations between the nobility and their peasants were at the lowest ever recorded in Tajaran history.

The Uprisings

It took little more than a year for a formal uprising to be staged. On 2421 CE, after the nobility had captured one of the original Tajara that had been shuttled off world, he was sentenced to be publicly hanged by the neck in front of their peasants to show just how serious they were about keeping control. Ultimately, many historians believe this to be a highly egregious mistake. Rebels in the audience, armed with advanced off-world weapons, proceeded to open fire on loyalist forces and kill a nobleman in the process. This event, called the D'as'ral Massacre (so named for the city it took place in) by the nobility was all the excuse they needed to enact martial law.

Wartime photo capture of rebel artillery emplacements.

However, they found themselves in a cornered position. Weapons and supplies were being shipped in off-world by mysterious benefactors, and their collections of scientists and engineers had either fled to safety being noblemen themselves, or took up arms and joined the revolution. Without significant scientific presence to deconstruct or understand these new human weapons or support the war effort, the conflict resulted in a string of rebel victories that drew closer and closer to the capital cities of each providence. Fighting was extremely fierce and atrocities were recorded by both sides.

Among the noble families, the largest and nearly the most powerful was a clan called the 'Hadii'. Their castle was amongst the best defended in the region and the battle to take it was waged for six months of non-stop fighting. As it became increasingly clear to them that they were eventually going to be overrun, the Hadii struck a deal with the rebel leader; in return for complete immunity from the war, as well as persecution, they afforded the revolutionaries with unique tools and even blueprints of other families' castles, pointing out weak points and infiltration spots.

It was this turn coating that tipped the revolution in favor of the peasantry. Armed with this new information, they made use of radio systems previously restricted for nobility to methodically and ruthlessly end their uprising by murdering most of the noble families and whatever soldiers and civilians remained loyal to them. By 2431 CE the revolution had finally come to an end with a total of more than 92 million casualties with more than half of that being loyalist forces, and 40 million civilian deaths. Many Tajaran cities and villages were utterly destroyed by vicious fighting as well as bombardment by uncaring nobles. A informal ceasefire was declared between the factions, though skirmishes were still common.

File:Anti-noble Propaganda.jpg
Famous People's Republic Propaganda painting which depicts a pouf noble walking a Tajaran worker like a pet.

Outcome of the Revolution

Following this total upheaval of Tajaran society, rebel leaders met with Hadii noblemen and discussed how to form a government, given that only the Hadii were experienced with ruling. Human corporations took express interest in this; the Hadii were one of the few noble families that saw profit in human stakes on Adhomai, and many back-room deals were made until ultimately the Hadii were placed at the head of Tajaran government in 2432 CE, and ushered in a new federal republic: The People's Republic of Adhomai. The Tajaran public was markedly distressed by this turn of the events, and fearing another uprising, human intervention again helped defuse the situation. The Hadii promised that it would not be like it was before.

NanoTrasen, suspected by many conspiracy theorists to be behind the funding and supplying of Tajara during the war, holds claim to most of Adhomai and has a monopoly over most of the planet's valuables. Collaboration between them, the Sol Alliance and the Jargon Federation has resulted in more technological advances in Tajaran society recently than ever before in their recorded history. Approval ratings for the current leadership rose in response.

Potrait of President Al'Mari Hadii, taken one week from his death and done in the Al'Manq style.

However, serious problems remained. Rhagrrhuzau Hadii suddenly began to back out of the People's Republic's agreed upon business deals with NanoTrasen, all of which saw a massive amount of Tajaran natural resources exported. Citing humanity as greedy and destructive, Rhagrrhuzau Hadii made clear his intentions to make Adhomai independent until it was ready to take on the burden of interstellar politics.

The Second Revolution

The disagreements and hatred of the Hadii republican government had led to insurrection and treachery between Adhomai's major power figures since Rhagrrhuzau Hadii's new economic policies were revealed. Many Tajaran business contractors - just recently denied their ability to sell ludicrous amounts of natural resources and workers to the massive human megacorporation, NanoTrasen - felt threatened by the reforms of the Hadii government and its first President, Rhagrrhuzau Hadii. On 2451 CE, during a military parade, President Rhagrrhuzau was assassinated by a young Zhan-Khazan radical. A known secret service agent of the People's Republic, the radical was sentenced to death for his treachery, brought on by the violent tendencies of his Zhan-Khazan genetics. His brother and vice-president Njadrasanukii Hadii quickly assumed the office of the presidency and immediately passed brutal laws that punished Zhan-Khazans and 'subversive elements'. NanoTrasen was invited back to Adhomai and menial workers were sold en masse to NanoTrasen workplaces while the rights to the bountiful natural resources of Adhomai were sold off to NanoTrasen. Public hangings and firing squads became the norm once again.

Many military generals that had fought for the Republic soon defected under the banner of the Adhomai Liberation Army, the leader of which being Rhagrrhuzau Hadii's old friend and ally, Halkiikijr Nated'Hakhan, and Adhomai found itself embroiled in yet another global conflict that continues to this day.

Adhomai Today

The Tajaran home world has suffered plenty in the three decades since the end of the First Revolution. With the sudden injection of advanced technology into their relatively simple life, the discrepancy between modernized cities and outlying areas could not be more obvious. While the Tajaran capital boasts the most modern developments with sleek skyscrapers, advanced connections and phone lines, as well as hospitals and schools, the further you get from the larger cities, the more apparent it is that things are not quite so flashy. Expanding infrastructure remains difficult, as most public funds are seized for use by the military or used to repair infrastructure damaged by shelling or bombings.

There is a steady stream of money being fed into the People's Republic of Adhomai. NanoTrasen, as per it's agreement with the president, have set up mining and logging operations on Adhomai using the local work force for the most menial of tasks. In return, company funded clinics and schools are slowly being spread out and build in the needy areas. Tajaran resource operations are now all but nonexistent; the buildings that were once part of the nobility's small gathering efforts have now been refurbished and are being used by NanoTrasen.

Literacy has risen to its all time high on Adhomai, and with the assistance of the Alliance, teachers have been brought in from off world to educate the younger generation of Tajara. However, this number has begun to decline as the dangers of working on Adhomai are beginning to become common knowledge. Special establishments for older students have also been constructed to assist the elder generation in being brought to the same level of education, but NanoTrasen has not expressed significant interest in this; these people make up the brunt of their low-paid workforce and they want to ensure that they are kept that way.

There are still several proponents of revolution that oppose the current government, which has plunged the planet into another all-encompassing civil war that remains at a standstill today.

Notable Information


S'rand'marr Worship

"By day and light of S'Rendarr, we live and bask in his warmth, happy and content. By the warmth and light of Messa, we cease breath and fall to death. Only by the love and harmony of both the Twin Gods and Sibling Suns do we live happily, and die the same. By the Twin Gods and Sibling Suns, S'Rendarr and Messa, the faithful ask for your blessing, and to please extend it to the non-faithful who do no wrong, and cast no sin."

- The "First Prayer" of S'rand'marr Worship

There are a handful of faiths on Adhomai, but the majority religion is the worship of S'rendarr and Messa, the names of both suns in the Tajaran home system. Ancient Tajara were believed to worship the suns as gods, believing their light to be the only thing keeping the planet from freezing over entirely. Over time, this faith matured into a system of beliefs suited to the peasantry; looking down upon the acts of betraying your fellow worker and attempting to foster unity and understanding amongst its followers. It is believed by many that S'rendarr is the god of life and the day, as the bigger of the two suns, and he is associated with good happenings and is most often prayed to. Contrastingly, Messa, the blue sun, is the goddess of the night and death; whenever she eclipses S'rendarr, all followers partake in religious rituals that ask Messa to spare them from whatever ill tidings she may bring. The worship of the sun gods is dominated by an organization called the Parivara, meaning, the "Family." The head of the Parivara is Father Walid Al'qat who is based out of Sana Sahira, a holy city on the tallest mountain on Adhomai which roughly translates into the City of the Suns. The First Father of the Twin Gods was said to have made a direct link with the Gods, who gave him these laws that all of their faith should follow:

"You shalt not harm another, faithful to the Suns or not. You shalt always show kindness to any and all. You shalt not covet the items of another faithful. You shalt not defile the body of one who now rests in Messa's Forever."

Since the day these were declared in Sana Sahira, they have been considered the Law of the Suns. This location in the People's Republic places the Parivara in the precarious position of having to act favorably to the faction's government, however Father Walid Al'qat attempts to stay out of politics in order to avoid alienating any worshipers across borders. The Father of the Parivara is chosen by the Brothers of the Suns who serve as the priests and clergy of the faith. Devoted women of the faith can become Suns' Sisters, who take a vow of silence of silence, like the Gods themselves, and live in the Mosques devoted to the worship, tending to them in anyway needed, anything from cleaning to heavy manual labor repairing and replacing glass or furniture, to healing the Brothers, patrons and other Suns' Sisters. To cause harm to a Suns' Sister is said to be one of the most unholy things you can do in a place of worship, as they're meant to emulate the Gods themselves, silent, but strong and dependable.


The second largest religion is the worship of the Snow God Mata'ke and his cohort companion gods, which dates back to ancient Tajaran times. A figure of legend, Mata'ke is believed to have been the head of a hardy clan of mountain dwellers which regularly came to the aid of other clans which were constantly plagued by bandits and wild animals. He was revered as a fierce warrior capable of fighting a platoon of men by himself, but also as a kind soul for the records of his dealings with other clans show understanding and kindness. He is upheld to be the ultimate Tajaran- powerful, wise, and magnanimous. Followers of Mata'ke himself endeavor to emulate his grandeur, while others attempt to emulate the other gods.

In Tajaran mythology, the clan of Mata'ke rose to the status of gods when they slew the King of the Rrak'narrr, who was also the lord and master of all Adhomai. Upon killing him, the various clansmen all absorbed different aspects of its many powers, each becoming immortal. As the one who dealt the killing blow, and at the will of the dying Rrak'narrr's final wishes, Mata'ke absorbed the majority of the powers and became lord and master of all Adhomai. The clan then decided that their former settlement was not befitting of their powers, and instead established themselves in a city of wonders at the "Edge of Adhomai" where they fend off malicious entities and protects all Tajara.

Njarir-Ahkran Worship

At one point, a religion was established heralding the nobility themselves as gods by certain devout loyalits, but this faith has all but been completely erased following the uprising. Individuals who were recorded to believe in or are suspected of being a member undergo persecution and even in some cases death sentences. With most loyalists either in hiding or killed during the uprising, and all places of worship destroyed, any intelligent Tajara would never admit to being, or attempt to defend, a member of this faith.


There are four races of Tajara: the Hharar, the Zhan-Khazan, the Njarir-Ahkran and the M'sai. Each race has a common role which they play in society which their biological inclinations make them more suited for, as well as their own cultures which have formed from long histories of performing these roles in society. Tajara heavily stereotype each other based on race which is often a cause for conflict. As a result of these differences, there is a lot of racial tension between these various types of Tajara which was further exacerbated by differences in socioeconomic classes.

For information about the ethnicities, their traits, and their cultures: see Tajaran Ethnicities

Factions in the Civil War

The Adhomai Civil War has three main factions participating in the fighting.

Malik Hadii (Njadrasanukii Hadii), President of the People's Republic of Adhomai.

People's Republic of Adhomai

The People's Republic of Adhomai are considered to be the loyalists. With their capital centered in Nal'Tor, the People's Republic continues to enjoy diplomatic recognition by the major factions of the galaxy. They are lead by President Malik Hadii (Njadrasanukii Hadii) who is in his 7th year of his 12 year term. With a focus on expanding the Navy of Adhomai and ensuring greater prosperity for his supporters, Malik has forced rapid modernization on the cities still in loyalist hands. The government's rule is marked by a lack of privacy, enthusiastic police and a pervasive secret police that leave privacy a nebulous concept to most Tajara. In some areas the government even finances mafia families to help keep order and ensure a slice of the profits from the bustling criminal underground. Anyone suspected of supporting traitors or publicizing media critical of the government are delivered to prisons or placed at the wrong end of a firing squad. In addition, the Parliament under President Hadii is nothing more than a puppet, providing a rubber stamp to the extremely centralized office of the president. However, life under the government, while not free, can often be stable and safe when away from the conflict zones. Under the Republic, Tajara have more opportunities than they have had historically, with Nanotrasen throwing out a net and bringing in hundreds or even thousands of Tajara new employment opportunities as well as selling designs for ships and other space-faring aircraft to the People's Republic's Military.

Adhomai Liberation Army

The rebels call themselves the Adhomai Liberation Army, a group made up of Tajara from almost every walk of life. Opposing corporate claims on Tajaran soil and citing mismatched development and governmental negligence as the fault of humanity, they aim to "free Tajara from the new shackles imposed upon them by the corporate overlords and return Adhomai to a free, prosperous planet like our ancestors dreamed of." In reality, towns and cities liberated by the Liberation Army often find themselves ruled by a military junta. Being a supporter of the loyalist government, or having been a collaborator, is grounds for immediate execution by firing squad. Villages often find their supplies seized by Liberation forces for the war effort. Administrative power is extremely decentralized, which leads to limited communication or connection between controlled towns and cities. The military commanders themselves are far more centralized, and are ultimately under the absolute authority of Supreme Commander Halkiikir Na'ted'Akhan, who defected from the People's Republic in the early years of the second revolution. However, the Liberation Army does, for the most part, try to respect the basic rights of Tajara. Most Tajara under their rule don't need to worry about a secret police or being framed for a crime. Criticizing the Liberation leadership is dangerous, but sometimes it is tolerated, giving Liberation press a bit more freedom in publications. This also extends to their tolerance of democracy - with such a decentralized power structure, most towns or cities can hold elections to govern themselves. These tend to be closely managed by the military juntas, but the Liberation Army insists that the army power over the civilian government will end with the conclusion of the war.

A map of modern-day Adhomai

New Kingdom of Adhomai

The last major faction is the rebellious New Kingdom of Adhomai, which seceded and declared itself a nation in 2450. The New Kingdom is ruled by a Njarir’Akhran noble line that survived the previous Revolution by remaining in hiding, owing to the efforts of their supporters. Ruled by King Nazira Ka'rimah (Vahzirthaamro Azunja) specifically, he denounces both other factions in the civil war as illegitimate and himself as the only legitimate ruler of Adhomai. Supporters of the New Kingdom tend to be rare outside lands it controls. However, they believe strongly that the current republic on Adhomai was founded on genocide and unspeakable slaughters. The New Kingdom puts forth the ideology that Republicanism is bloodshed. The only way to return Adhomai to peace and prosperity is to learn from the mistakes of the ancient nobles and Republicans, and create a new noble dynasty. They believe this dynasty should rule as a constitutional monarchy in order to prevent abuses of power. In reality, this has proven very difficult, especially with the realities of war. Owning little territory in the north, it is constantly besieged and finds itself on the retreat. The lofty titles of the nobles disguise the fact that most of the nobility of this new kingdom remain in squalor only marginally better than the peasants. Life is extremely difficult, and the Ka'rimah dynasty finds itself struggling to function with their limited constitutional powers and factional in-fighting between the military and the civilian government.

Human cat artwork belongs to Alexander Zavaliy, and artwork used for Al'Manq's portrait belongs to Eldar Zakirov.