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The cold, desolate void of space, the only home Dionae have always known.


D. Primis
Native Language(s): Rootsong
Faction(s): Xrim, Hieroaetheria, Moghes, Nralakk Federation, Primitive Sirens, Titan Prime and Others.
Location(s): Everywhere




Unlike most other species of the spur, Dionae are grown already knowing their native language, Rootsong. Rootsong is spoken through a combination of sounds created by limbs, membranes, and movement that all come together to create a “song” that can be understood as words and sentences. To the uninitiated, these sounds tend to sound more "natural", with many comparing their songs to an orchestra of leaves rustling in the wind, branches rubbing together, and sometimes softer instrumental sounds such as a noise akin to a flute. Emotion and intent can be understood through the pitches and speed of the sounds, with faster, lighter pitches used for happier words, and lower, slower pitches for more negatively-inclined words.

While it is impossible for other species to fully understand or speak Rootsong, it is possible to create translators that are capable of translating it to another language or vice-versa. Dionae are capable of comprehending and oftentimes speaking a plethora of languages found throughout the spur, although they can have some difficulties with speaking languages that require certain facial features or body parts used in motions and gestures whilst speaking. To overcome this Dionae are capable of growing or designating a nymph to create a mimicry of what they’re missing, such as by designating a nymph to act as a tail to assist them in speaking Sinta’azaziba or using biomass to create vines that can act as fingers for sign language.

Dionae are capable of understanding and speaking most Human, Skrell, and Unathi languages, although they do require some mimicry to speak Unathi languages. While they can generally understand them, Dionae have some trouble speaking most Tajaran languages due to the difficulties of creating the complex facial features needed to speak the languages properly. Dionae are also completely incapable of speaking in the Vaurca hivenet as they’re incapable of replicating or integrating the required organs needed to communicate within.


Voidic Dionae

Terrestial Dionae

The Eternal



Primitive Sirens of Mictlan

See more: Mictlan

Commonwealth of Hieroaetheria

See more: Hieroaetheria

Mourning Survivors of Rueltab

See more: Rueltab

Hierophants of the Eternal Gardens

See more: Eternal Gardens

Pests of Titan Prime

See more: [[Vaurcae_%26_Dionae} Pests of Titan Prime]]

Indentured Wanderers of Moghes

See more: Dionae in the Hegemony