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{{Navbox Lore}}
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{{Infobox Species
|Species = Dionae
|Scientific = D. Primo
|Image = Dionaea410x320.png
|System = N/A
|World = N/A
|Language = Rootsong
|Politic = N/A
The Dionae that most people will see will come in two forms: a small, stout nymph, and a working form that is best put as "a moving, bipedal bush". Regardless of their appearance - they are not truly only plants - genetics point out that they have functions common to animals, plant and mold cells. As a result, they have quite a unique [[Dionaea#Language|language]], composed of an almost melodic combination of rattling, rustling, creaking and various vocalizations.

Legally, they are complicated - due to their nature, a nymph is considered an animal - and thus technically have rights, mostly in the realm of animal abuse if harmed/killed with no purpose. However gestalts are a little bit more complicated, with terms and conditions - though it can be summed up as considering a gestalt as an individual, and thus termination of one would result in a murder charge just as standard crew.
<center>[[File:DionaeMainpage.png|1000px|The cold, desolate void of space, the only home Dionae have always known.|link=]]</center>

And that same nature also created a grammatical exception; Diona refers to the nymph, and Dionae is plural - multiple nymphs. However, because gestalts are entities in themselves, there is a "plural of plurals" - Dionaea, defining multiple groups of Diona.
Dionae are a race of slug-like plantoid creatures with advanced intelligence compared to any known animal. They do, however, have two unique aspects that set them apart from most animals or intelligent species in the galaxy: their ability to form together into "gestalts", allowing them to similar if not greater levels of intelligence compared to that of a human and for their ability to gain experiences and memories from the blood and DNA of other intelligent species, meaning in simple terms, they can learn from drinking blood. Dionae also do not need to drink or eat to survive; instead, they need to consume some form of radiation, whether that be alpha radiation or just light from a simple lightbulb. While not required to survive, Dionae are capable of eating or drinking to grow more biomass and may do so before a nymph merges or leaves a gestalt.

They are truly omnivorous - having shown being capable of quickly assimilating almost any matter to grow - including the air around them. Radiation (electromagnetic or otherwise) is also claimed sufficient enough to sustain them. While they are highly intelligent - and even quick to think, in some cases - their physical speed is extremely low, to the point where even a wounded person could outrun them. It is assumed to be due to evolutionary traits favoring energy economy over speed.
===Important Notes===
Dionae can explore numerous employment opportunities, even that of Command Staff in the ranks of NanoTrasen. Although they are limited, Dionae '''''can''''' be found as [[Research_Director|Research Directors]], [[Chief_Engineer|Chief Engineers]], [[Chief_Medical_Officer|Chief Medical Officers]], [[Operations_Manager|Operations Managers]], and [[Executive_Officer|Executive Officers]]. They, however, '''''cannot''''' be First Responders due to their severe slowness, risking the life of the patient.  

An immature Diona nymph, through means still not fully understood, can assimilate information - knowledge of language, most notably - through genetic material, most often being a minuscule blood sample. Research is being actively done in this domain - as if these results could be replicated, it could lead to extremely efficient learning processes.  
{{Infobox Diona
|Species    = Dionae
|Scientific = D. Primis
|Image  = Dionae410x320.png
|Language = Rootsong
|Factions = [[Xrim]], [[Hieroaetheria]], [[Moghes]], [[Nralakk Federation]], [[Mictlan|Primitive Sirens]], [[Vaurcae & Dionae|Titan Prime]] and [[Minor Dionae Factions|Others]].  
|Location = Everywhere

To apply to be one of the strange, plant-like Dionaea, apply [http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=28 here]

==Heads of Staff==
Diona, also referred to as nymphs, are the singular or “baseline” form of a Dionae. They are a slug-like creature very comparable to a plant.  On their own and especially after being grown, a nymph’s intelligence is comparable to a dog, although through experiences and genetic learning by absorbing DNA, a Nymph can become about as intelligent as a young child. Nymphs are capable of speaking most human, Unathi, and Skrell languages.

Dionaea can be the following Heads of Staff:
===Dionae Gestalts===

* Research Director
A Dionae Gestalt is a collection of nymphs who have formed together to create a gestalt. The number of nymphs in a gestalt can vary from only two or three nymphs to upwards of a million, there’s no true known limit to how big a gestalt could be. Each nymph within a gestalt will usually handle tasks to help the whole collective such as helping with movement, acting as a hand, or speaking. However, Dionae Gestalts are not a hive mind. They are a collective and, barring some exceptions depending on the gestalt’s [[Dionae Forms#Dionae_Minds|mind type,]] each nymph may have independent thought. Nymphs in a gestalt will usually confer with each other and come to an agreement on which actions to take such as what to say or where to move to, although sometimes a gestalt may designate some nymphs to make decisions on their own for the whole collective. While each nymph is capable of speaking in a gestalt, how a Dionae may utilize communications can vary from gestalt to gestalt and is dependant on their mind type. Some may elect to have one nymph speak for the entire gestalt while others will have each nymph speak at once, sometimes a bit chaotically.
* Chief Engineer
* Chief Medical Officer

Multiple forms of Dionae gestalt are defined by the number of nymphs that make up the collective. These have varying levels of intelligence and mobility, with more nymphs generally allowing for greater levels of intelligence within the gestalt but less mobility. The most common and important of these forms are the Cyclops forms, also referred to as the worker form. A Cyclops gestalt is generally made up of half a dozen nymphs that take a very human-like form, usually having two arms and two legs. They are the form seen most employed throughout the galaxy, capable of working most jobs that humans could, barring some that require a quick response time or that may breach their conditional pacifism.

*Custom language accessible with ,q prefix
For more information on these forms, see: [[Dionae Forms|Dionae Forms.]]
*Heal from heat, while on fire they can take the heat and light from the fire and use it to heal themselves more than it hurts them. Open flames still do deal damage
*Feeds off light
*Completely unaffected by atmosphere (or lack thereof)
*Completely immune to pressure (or lack thereof) - can venture into space with nothing more than a flashlight for food
*Heals brute damage when exposed to radiation
*Walks/runs slowly
*Can absorb nymphs through context menu
*Take damage from being cold, and will die if without heat

== History ==
The Dionae's history is highly debated - with no significant evidence, xenoarcheological or actual, towards an origin point - most notably due to the tendency of space-bound gestalt's seeds to travel immense distances. The species itself does not have concrete information on this subject - however many people of all species have linked them to mythological being, as it is thought that the species is old enough to have spread to a significant portion of the galaxy, including all of the currently colonized areas, some even being recorded in Vaurca histories, half-way across the galaxy.
Unlike most other species of the spur, Dionae are grown already knowing their native language, Rootsong. Rootsong is spoken through a combination of sounds created by limbs, membranes, and movement that all come together to create a “song” that can be understood as words and sentences. To the uninitiated these sounds tend to sound more "natural", with many comparing their songs to an orchestra of leaves rustling in the wind, branches rubbing together, and sometimes softer instrumental sounds such as a noise akin to a flute. Emotion and intent can be understood through pitches and speed of the sounds, with faster, lighter pitches used for happier words, and lower, slower pitches for more negatively-inclined words. While it is impossible for other species to fully understand or speak Rootsong, it is possible to create translators that are capable of translating it to another language or vice-versa.  

===Discovery, Part One - The Conglomerate===
Dionae are capable of comprehending and oftentimes speaking a plethora of languages found throughout the spur, although they can have some difficulties with speaking languages that require certain facial features or body parts used in motions and gestures whilst speaking. To overcome this Dionae are capable of growing or designating a nymph to create a mimicry of what they’re missing, such as by designating a nymph to act as a tail to assist them in speaking Sinta’azaziba or using biomass to create vines that can act as fingers for sign language. Dionae are capable of understanding and speaking most Human, Skrell, and Unathi languages,  although they do require some mimicry to speak Unathi languages. While they can generally understand them, Dionae have some trouble speaking most Tajaran languages due to the difficulties of creating the complex facial features needed to speak the languages properly. Dionae are also completely incapable of speaking in the Vaurca hivenet as they’re incapable of replicating or integrating the required organs needed to communicate within.
The Dionae are considered to have been discovered three times.  

The first discovery - the one that proved their existence, in '''2320''' - was an immense pod-like gestalt. It is theorized to have contained upwards of a thousand nymphs, protected in a thick, haphazard organic shell that took the shape around whatever body it hit and integrated within itself.  
Dionae naming conventions vary heavily based on the gestalt, but have one consistency; They do not go by just a first name and last name but instead use experiences, emotions, actions, or ideals as their source of identification. These experiences that define them can change just as the individual changes and therefore can be both literal and metaphorical. Some examples of where these might come from can be from routines in their lives, remembrances of mortals, a particular fascination or emotion, a unique location where an important moment occurred, or even just a defining feature on their body. While there’s no limit on the length of a gestalt’s name, they tend to have them shortened to four to ten words to make them more readable when written.
Individual nymphs normally take a short, less nuanced name only containing one or two words. Younger nymphs tend to use less refined words meanwhile an older, more experienced nymph will have a more nuanced or more complicated name, an example being “Bright warmth” for a younger nymph’s name and “Incandescent Comfort” for an older nymph.
'''''As a player, it is up to you to decide what makes an experience, and you have a whole galaxy of cosmically ageless ideas to choose from. Be creative!'''''

The entity was put into observation by its Skrell discoverers, being labeled as a simple organic anomaly - the lack of atmosphere and contact making communication not even a thought.  
==Experience Is What Matters==
Interaction did not happen until nine years later, 2329. Skrell scientists created a device to translate the chirping and popping of the pod, and exchanged greetings. This sent interest through Skrell society, as these Diona were the first sentient beings that the Skrell had met. The Skrell put forward more simple communications, and found out what this pod of life was. The two parties spoke in simple, small exchanges of information, star system charts, space winds, energy emissions from certain areas of space, and how to better communicate with each other - via blood samples.
The only time when one Diona is venerated above any other is when a more experienced and therefore more knowledgeable gestalt is present. This more experienced Diona is seen as more valuable due to their vast stores of knowledge and therefore are protected over less experienced ones in a dangerous situation. A more experienced Diona will often take up the responsibility to educate a new one on their environment- including but not limited to the ways of local alien civilization. This is to simply get the newbie up to speed so they can be quicker on their way to learn more about their particular interests, whatever that may be.
More often than not, the older Diona is the more experienced, however, this is not always true as a Diona gestalt may have spent its whole immortal life simply floating in a gas giant until it was scooped up into the fuel tank of a starship.

===Aftermath of First Communication===
==Signs of Age==
With this new-found information, the large object - the Original Conglomerate - was finally officially contacted by ambassadors of the Skrell. The contact delivered a wealth of information - about star movement, physics behaviors, material properties, and so on. In the end, the "Original Conglomerate" was towed, with their glee, in orbit of Nralakk, where it remains to this day the main source of dionae pods, workers, nymphs, and seeds.
As individual nymphs grow older their bark will begin to grow much thicker. Young nymphs tend to  only have a very thin layer of bark on them, making them a bit more flimsy but also quicker as they’re not weighed down by excess bark. However, as a nymph grows older and their bark’s thickness grows they’ll begin to become more durable, but at the cost of having slower mobility, with the oldest nymphs becoming nearly if not completely immobile. While there is no known cure or treatment to reverse the process, nymphs who live on light and not radiation tend to grow their bark at a slower rate.

A second attempt was also made at contacting the "Conglomerate" - with success. The Skrell had put forward a plan to integrate Dionaea into society, as long as they remained under observation from scientists so they can be studied further. Dionaea were officially allowed to live in the Federation in '''2331'''.
This leads to the communal methods of living where younger gestalts provide for the whole who cannot move, like the [[Dionae Culture#Eternal Temple|Eternal Temple.]]

===Discovery, Part Two - The Organic Craft - "DSS Ophion" ===

The Dionae were found, the second time, in '''2426''', almost a full hundred years after the first encounter. An anomalous reading tipped off a scout ship - part of a Human-Skrell joint practice operation. A low-intensity yet high-frequency energy signature in the middle of seemingly nowhere, far in deep space.  
Whilst Diona bark is always brown, Diona are capable of being grown with different shades and hues of bark. This is primarily affected by their age and the conditions in their growth site such as temperature and the type of radiation they were exposed to.  

Upon investigation, a large mass - now known to be the result of six hundred nymphs being overgrown - was present. It was definitely organic - yet it showed readings similar to a space craft, including a simple (and empty) supermatter reactor and some sort of rudimentary drive. It seemed inactive.  
The following is a rough idea of what conditions would affect their bark’s shade:
*Default: Generally grown in a pressurized space station or temperate planet, and being exposed to a mixture of stronger and weaker radiation types.
*Lighter: Generally grown on warm planets, and being primarily exposed to weaker forms of radiation such as light.  
*Darker: Generally grown in space or colder planets, and being exposed to stronger forms of radiation such as cosmic rays.  
*Green: Younger Diona will generally have a greenish hue to their bark, although this will fade with time.

However, upon approach - the craft took life, quickly dashing towards one of the human frigates, shrugging off the firepower and attaching itself to a ship called the Ophion. It moved like nothing they had ever seen - a captain of the nearby frigate even provided this description: "Like a fish moving as if space was an ocean".  
Dionae differ incredibly compared to other species in terms of their emotions and psychology; primarily in how it affects each nymph and how it would be displayed in a gestalt. Dionae feel a myriad of diverging reactions to certain issues - which is what sets them apart from others. When a Nymph first becomes sentient, and the ability to grasp more intricate and complicated ideas becomes easier, there is a rare chance for complications to arise which are deemed ‘Cognitive Obstacles’ and can easily be seen as mental disorders.

It quickly infiltrated the Ophion, bending hull and causing breeches, eventually reaching the ship's own power plant, siphoning power off. The ship saw no further damage - however it was already done, all the engineering decks were breached and the ship no longer had enough power for the engines.
‘Cognitive Obstacles’ parallel mental illnesses that frequently find themselves rooted within other species across the Orion Spur. These ‘Cognitive Obstacles’ affect Dionae uniquely in the sense that each nymph can experience these differently from another. Dionae can form ‘Cognitive Obstacles’ similar to that of PTSD, Anxiety, and Tourettes. It can be expected that Dionae that fall into this category of ‘Cognitive Obstacles’ will have bursts of unintended chirps, additionally coinciding with spasms. Some have noted that they have intense bouts of paranoia and periods where they will experience an existential crisis.

Under the orders of the Skrell Fleet Admiral (at least the equivalent of it) and with the approval of the incapacitated ship's captain, the exercise was canceled and the ships returned home, requesting a few science vessels and a rescue shuttle to be sent to them. Unfortunately, when they did arrive roughly a week later, no life was found aboard. The ship was considered derelict - and the vessels returned home, with a warning being placed on both of their star maps about a possibly hostile lifeform there. This event also caused a rigorous security increase in the observation of the first structure, causing the Dionae to be officially labeled as "potentially hostile to Humans and Skrell"
Dionae can also form ‘Cognitive Obstacles’ similar to that of various depressive disorders. These are often seen as a mortal danger - where if an individual nymph begins to feel symptoms similar to the depressive disorders, such as intense periods of feeling impending doom or simply feeling lifeless, will eventually spread these thoughts through a gestalt which will eventually perish. Nymphs that are deemed a hazard to the entire gestalt are usually  cast and left to find a treatment or possibly perish if unable to find or receive one.

Splitting Disorder is a temporary disorder that occurs in gestalts that have split off into smaller forms, usually for work purposes (an Argus splitting into Cyclops forms to work in an office). The disorder is characterized by increased anxiety within the Dionae at being apart from each other and intense fear that harm might befall one of the split forms, getting worse the longer the gestalt is split. This fear of danger varies from gestalt to gestalt, with some split forms being “braver” than others. Splitting Disorder can temporarily be relieved by brief re-merging via physical contact. This usually appears to other species as close hugs or hand-holding followed by happy chirping of the nymphs within the gestalt. It can be permanently cured by a full re-merging or after a long period of separation through long periods of separation can instead turn into a Depressive Disorder. The death or injury of a split partner tends to be extremely traumatizing for the other partners, with the level and manner of the trauma dependent on each nymph, with some being “braver” than others.
=== Violence & Passivism ===

The Fleet returned later with a science ship, and a Dionae ambassador. The ambassador communicated with the shell surrounding the Ophion, and the Ophion responded, stating it was simply 'Growing'.  
Dionae manifest behavioural aggression significantly differently compared to other species. Contrary to popular conception, Dionae are not exclusively pacifistic, nor incapable of violence. After all, the interstellar medium is a hostile and unforgiving place loaded with dangerous fauna. More on this can be found [[Dionae Biology|here]].

Of course, with the current status, the question was asked: where is the crew?

Correlated with the logs acquired later, the scenario became clear. The Diona's infiltration of the power plant not only caused the engines to fail, but life support. With all the breeches present, it did not take long for the crew to suffocate and die. And once that was done, the Diona (and it is quoted) "simply assimilated their form to learn about your species and conserve matter".
There is no known true origin or homeworld of the Dionae, instead, they have only been found spread throughout the known galaxy, generally in a wild and unintelligent state in space. The first discovery of a living Dionae was made by the Skrell in 2217CE when a Skrell Exporalty Vessel discovered a derelict and damaged ship infested by Dionae. Originally, they believed that the Dionae onboard were just some form of plant life, although after discovering a nymph capable of speaking incoherent [[Skrell#Language|Nral’Malik,]] a translator was quickly devised and communication was established between the two species.

This information, while held "classified" for a long time, eventually were leaked to the public by disgruntled and scared sailors - on both human and skrell sides - earning them the nickname, among humans, of "Gravemind" in reference to a 21st century videogame. The Skrell were more keen in calling them "Saapimaa Rakhomm", or "Deathflower". In general, it made a lot of people quite wary of them.
Communication would be established with more Gestalts and Clusters over the following years, with many of them being positively integrated into Skrell society. Being the first two species to discover each other in the known galaxy, Dionae and the Skrell developed a somewhat unique bond within the [[Nralakk Federation]].

===Discovery, Part Three - The Dead Planet===
While Humanity would discover Dionae throughout its exploration and expansion of the Spur, communication would not be made with any Dionae until after [[Timeline#First_Contact|Humanity’s first contact with the Skrell.]]

The final time the Dionae were found was in Epsilon Ursae Minoris - where a large piece of their home planet had crashed into another world. The world in question was found by Skrell Captain Weirun Tup - who had been exploring stars on the behalf of the Jargon Empire, in order to find new habitable planets for expansion. That particular world had attracted attention due to two main factors, which conflicted with one another: the readings were highly unusual, yet all of the planet's landmass was covered in greenery.  
For a more extensive history of Dionae, see: [[Dionae_History|Dionae History.]]

Of course, such a thing was exceptional, and warranted more investigation. And so, over time, several more vessels - under the guise of a 'scientific fleet' lead by Captain Tup - investigated it, took readings, analyzed it. And with that came more and more strangeness - organic structures, strangely coherent signals, and so on. It was not until much later - after a scientist applied a cryptoanalytic AI (before the widespread cessation of research occurred) that they realized that the planet seemed ''sentient''. It is during this time that the first attempted communications with Dionae were made successfully, albeit primitively - the Dionae only had rudimentary radio communication devices. Bolstered by such a discovery, Captain Tup managed a landing, an AI interface translating between the Rootsong and him.
===Place in the galaxy===

The Captain stayed, at first, for a few weeks - learning much about the Dionae, and helping make a complete translation guide between the two. But time went by, and soon Captain Tup was forced to make a decision. A permanent agent was requested - he could either resign as a Captain and become the official ambassador of the Skrell with the Diona, or leave the planet. He chose the former - and stayed nine more years, until toxic flora ended his life.  
As Dionae have no known homeworld, Dionae tend to be very nomadic, spreading throughout the spur and into the nations of other species such as the Republic of Biesel, Nralakk Federation, and within the Moghes Wasteland. While none can claim to be their true homeworld, several planets and nations have been founded by Dionae notably the independent nations of the [[Hieroaetheria]], a collection of smaller nations that have banded together on the planet of Hieroaetheria, as well as [[Xrim]], a planet found within the Nralakk Federation populated primarily by Dionae.  

Eventually, an agreement was made - the Dionae would get Skrell genetic samples (which allowed them to understand Skrellian - although their limited physiology prevented them from speaking it) and an information trade deal would be signed in favor of the Dionae - and in exchange, they would allow the collection of their seeds in the goal of creating more nymphs for research, and the Dionae would assist them in tasks, being a relatively inexpensive (and unrestricted) labor force.  
While not an independent nation per se, The Bieslesian Choir and the Eternal Temple, in general, can be considered an important Dionae faction, being an organization and cluster-based around the major Dionae religion, the Eternal. The Eternal believe that Dionae were made to ensure that all things born from the stars are returned to them. They believe that Dionae should spend their time gathering knowledge, experiences, and biomass so that one day a Titan form gestalt can be formed and Dionae can be a star once more. For more information on the Eternal, see: [[Dionae Culture#The_Eternal|The Eternal]]

However, the planet was quickly nicknamed "The Dead Planet" for two reasons - first, animal life seemed completely absent. As a matter of fact, except for the Dionae and a few select species of tough plants, the biodiversity was almost nil. Second, the thick coverage of Dionae growth meant that there could be no building potential - and so it meant that it was, technically, inhospitable for life, as no permanent settlements could be made.  
Each human nation treats Dionae in a slightly different way, with some allowing them to be ordinary citizens while others have them strictly banned. For more information on how each nation treats Dionae, see: [[Dionae Intergration|Dionae Intergration.]] The human nation with by far the largest population of Dionae would be the [[Republic_of_Biesel|Republic of Biesel.]]  Dionae within the Republic are generally treated fairly, although there still tends to be some light discrimination such as a lower wage when compared to a human’s wage. The Republic and most human nations in general that allow Dionae require each nymph to be chipped to differentiate nymphs and to keep track of their splittings and mergings from different gestalts.  

A third reason, however, quickly found its way into the name: a few deaths occurred, and no bodies were ever found.
Due to the long history between Dionae and Skrell, Dionae are treated extremely well in the Federation. However, This doesn’t mean there aren't’ drawbacks for Dionae in the Federation. Dionae are barred from holding certain jobs in the Federation, especially some high up in the government. Due to the inability for Dionae to use or interact with psionics in any way, Dionae tend to have issues with using some Skrell technology and appliances without assistance.

==Character Guide==

*A universal sense of conditional pacifism.
*Access to the species' unique language, Rootsong with,q prefix.
*Lives off of light and radiation, will take damage and eventually die if they lack either for too long
*Heals damage while in light or radiation.
*Not affected by lack of atmosphere or pressure.
*Inability to run.
*Can split a nymph from their gestalt and control it. Can also switch between the split nymph and original gestalt at will, as well as still hear what’s happening near the other.
*Can split completely into several nymphs through an ability or when they take too much damage, as well as reform into a gestalt with enough biomass.
*Can regrow limbs with enough nutrients and while exposed to light or radiation, faster with radiation.
*Can devour certain creatures and objects by grabbing them, aiming for the mouth, and clicking yourself.
*Can use the Create Structure verb to form their biological mass into a wall, floor, or glowing bulb.
*In an emergency can absorb the local atmosphere for nutrients.
*Can be stunned with a flash, causing them to fall down for a few seconds. Cannot be protected against with normal equipment due to the nature of a Dionae’s eyes.
*Can emote with *chirp and *mchirp.
*Can feel pain, with Coeus being more sensitive to pain compared to humans and Geras being significantly less.
*Increased movement speed for Coeus, but reduced movement speed for Geras.

=== Integration in Society ===
===Important things to think about when creating a character===
Their value, however - along with general helpfulness, high curiosity and impressive intelligence, even to the Skrell (who have approved them onto titles as high as Representatives since 2432)  - gave the Dionae enough going for them that they were not phased out, and are commonly seen aboard space stations and spacecraft, especially human-owned. The Skrell have, however, started a new program to find and appropriate any other Dionae groups to ensure proper incorporation - or destruction, should the group be too dangerous. This program has already uncovered four dozen gestalts.

====Mythological associations====
While creating a Dionae there are several details about them that you should consider:
Bearing a wood-like appearance, a small bulbous nymph and with the tales of necrophagy, the Dionae have been said to actually have been the species behind several mythical creatures - such as the humans' Green Man and Leshy, and even the Mandragora and Man-Eating Tree. Most notably - it has been linked to a wise, ancient God of Life by some Skrell - the Oernabi (Tree-God), who was said to be benevolent to those seemed worthy. Such a belief spawned the Dienabi religion - the term literally meaning "tree child" - which stipulates that it is possible to ascend to the status of a noble Diona by protecting them with your life - after which they absorb and transform the martyr. Captain Weirun Tup is considered to be the first "ascended" of this kind, earning him almost as much veneration.

*What does their name mean and why did they adopt it?
The Dionae does not have a universal culture - mainly due to the fact that there are several clusters separated by vast distances, and as such Dionae can vary as much between groups as entire species can - the only two common factor being the naming conventions, which when translated seem to be based around actions or experiences (such as "Leaf that Grasps the Sky" or "Wind Howling through Ocean") and the [[Dionaea#Language|Rootsong]].
*Where do they come from? Was it a planet or a cluster? How could it affect their view on other species? Will it affect their bark color?
*What type of mind type do they have? Is it something unique or something listed on the mind type page? Why did they develop it?
*What brought them to work on the station?

Strangely enough - they see each body as an individual - as such, while a larger gestalt can identify with a name, any group that splits from it usually adopt another name, despite the links between the two. It is theorized to be an easy method of categorizing data - by knowing what came from which experience.
===Character concepts===

They do not have any claims on any known world so far (the Epsilon Ursae Minoris world having agreed to be filed under the Jargon Empire), and as such no government or hierarchy - most relations and interactions being based on agreements and non-committed verbal/physical contracts, though many see the bond a gestalt has with it's "offspring" - the fragments of it it sends away - is often seen as their only form, as it is almost absolute.
'''Eternal Adventure Through Void Interrupted By Violent Greed'''
*They are a 898 year old gestalt of a former space whale.
*They have deep dark bark and stand at 5’8”, their bark is grown enough to the point that their mobility out of space is quite limited. They are covered in sharp thorns.
*They are a journalist covering the abuses done by humans to the Dionae species and others in the Spur.
*Due to never taking human blood and the trauma of their greater gestalt being destroyed, they have a deep fear of humans' capacity of violence.
*They are considered a Bloodless Band due to never once imbibing human blood and refusal to spill any.
*Speaks Tau Ceti Basic and Tradeband, due to not taking in much blood and their limited scope of skills.

Furthermore - the Dionaea never have developed any form of media-based communication - all knowledge disseminated to, from and between Dionae is usually made through verbal or physical means, under processes not yet fully understood. They do not have native writing, drawing or any form of tangible "archives" - yet gestalts still show impressive knowledge quite often, pointing towards the species having memory on-par, if not superior, to digital data storage solutions known to species. Most interestingly - the Dionaea have proven to defy known neuroscience by actually being able to learn to write, read and draw from other species, even without their known genetic learning, by simply observing. They are the only species, so far, known to be capable of such a feat - as it was thought that it was necessary to have generations of ingrained manual dexterity and muscle memory in the species to be able to do so.
However, there ARE several known groups with common cultural traits:
===Epsilon Ursae Minor shell===
The first Dionae to have communicated with other sapients, Dionae from EUM have become highly focused on being efficient, having learned and adapted to Skrell culture. Most notably - the system has become notorious for being a checkpoint shipyard as the Dionae there most often specialize in engineering tasks. Of course - the exposition to the Skrell has made them wary of synthetic intelligence. Furthermore, they are the only known group with an unified creation theory - according to them, Dionae have been at home in "the Great Void" - as paraphrased - since the beginning of their existence, and their creation should have been nothing short of impossible.
===Reade Colossus===
Discovered on [[Tau Ceti#Reade|Reade]], this isolated and small group is sometimes seen on facilities across Tau Ceti. They are reported to be highly social, a Biesel bar even boasting an occasional Dionae bartending experience. This particular gestalt seems particularly knowledgeable about the goings of supply and civilian departments - though they are often seen with distrust due to the rumors of Reade.
==="DSS Ophion" Colossus/Shell===
Jokingly given the nickname "Dionae Space Station Ophion, Keeper of Life", the Ophion group is constituted of the "second-discovery" craft. Workers are regularly hauled between Ophion and Tau Ceti - as while they are seen as methodical and even cold, there is no denying their scientific methodology. However - all stations whom host one are instructed to keep an eye on them, should they become hostile for whichever reason.
===Venter's Satellite===
A new discovery, Venter's Satellite is one of the few known Satellite-class Dionaea. Rather reclusive, they seem to have an immense amount of knowledge in atmospheric systems, having designed a circulatory array within themselves. Slow and meticulous - this group has elected to provide the Sol Alliance with Worker bodies in exchange for large amounts of biomass from various species - with supplementary "credit" for sapient specimens. They do not seem to fear extinction at the phase they have found themselves to be in, with "shards" of the gestalt being of almost nil importance.
===Other groups===
Of course, these are the large known groups. There is a total of eighty-one known subgroups with various traits - and an unknown amount of yet undiscovered groups.
While they can understand all languages, if exposed to the genes of a speaker, their physical limitations only allow them to speak a handful; most Dionae that work aboard human facilities only know Common and their language - however they are capable, due to their biological flexibility, to emulate most other languages - Gutter and Tradeband are easily talked (if a little slow with certain subjects who use only one Nymph to communicate), while Sinta'Unathi is spoken perfectly. Their physical slowness, however, makes it difficult to talk Sik'Maas, the meaning sometimes being lost in the slowness of their "ear" and "tail" limbs when grown. And Skrellian is simply out of their range - the speed and pitch variance needed for it is simply impossible to match through regular means. Their speech, regardless of which language they speak (except Rootsong for obvious reasons) sounds airy, with various tones - quite often multiple ones, as a popular means of speaking is by "balancing" words between the various nymphs.
Their language, named "Rootsong" (as translated), uses various limbs and membranes to imitate what most would see as "natural" sounds - leaves whisking in the wind, branches rubbing - and even some instrumental sounds, at times (flute-like sounds and drumming being common). However, to those who can discern it - Rootsong is a true orchestra of language. Syntax and grammar are simply part of the song, reflected in tempo and beats, while emotions are conveyed through pitch and the imitation of weather effects, such as wind and moisture. Most interestingly - the sound itself is only a byproduct of their body structure, as some humans have successfully learned Rootsong (without the emotional intonations) through violin and calliope organs. Xenohistorians often use the Rootsong as evidence that the Dionae evolved in conditions involving an atmosphere.
The Dionae, by virtue of being an unique lifeform, feature an anatomy seen almost nowhere else.
Their base form, the nymph, has very few organs (which have no set structure): the neuralias, which behaves like a cluster of neurons, the chlorodermates which attach together to form a light-sensitive skin that produces usable energy, the optical organs, the glucose sacs that process the sugars made by the chlorodermates, the "motor organs" which allow them (and their growths) to move, and the circulating system - which is equivalent to our heart, veins and arteries combined. While they usually only have a single circulation system and optical organs, the others can find themselves in almost combination of numbers as they dedicate themselves to a task - processing nymphs would have a higher count of neuralias, while those who dedicate to motion would have a higher number of glucose sacs and motor organs. Interestingly, Dionae are perfectly adapted to life in a vacuum environment.
However, it is to be noted that because they dedicate themselves to a task, they all require at least one of each organ to survive, and as such even a basic nymph has rudimentary intelligence, equivalent to a very young human child.
The work form that you all know are actually an amalgam of various nymphs - usually from three to six, and most often with one thought-dedicated linked to an energy-decidated and one to three motion-dedicated nymphs, all working together. Furthermore, this symbiosis means that if a nymph becomes sick - or even dead - it must be treated/removed for the Diona body to be healthy, though interestingly enough they will often reabsorb the dead nymph, with no obvious downsides, to be used as a source of nutrients.
Fortunately, they structure themselves (generally) in a manner that almost emulates most other sapient organisms, and as such surgery is not too complicated - with structures clearly functioning as motor devices, with a skeleton-like substructure made of a material similar to the core of a tower-cap mushroom, which unfortunately takes an extended amount of time to heal, and can be hazardous to nymphs if used regardless - much like the bones of a standard humanoid, down to the fact that they can (and should) be repaired just like one.
Even so, very little is actually known about the function of their larger gestalts - except that Dionae do not have natural deaths, and are functionally immortal as far as is known.
=== Reproduction ===
The Dionae follow a more plant-like reproduction cycle; they are asexual, and approximately once per year, a gestalt will release a large amount of seeds in it's surroundings (regardless of it's location), which will be carrying by whichever forces are applied upon them (the spores having a configuration that is even adequate to be spread by solar winds).
Once the seeds reach an adequate location, the seed anchors itself and starts developing into a Diona replicant pod - which is, in essence, a Diona egg. The pod absorbs the nutrient it needs - water, oxygen, carbon and other elements - from it's surroundings, when available, to grow and eventually hatch. Once hatched, a pod will produce an almost mature nymph.
Given proper conditions, a pod can fully grow a nymph within half an hour - however, should the pod run out, it will go into dormancy until proper conditions are met - and as such, in particularly barren conditions, it can take centuries for a pod to complete development.
=== Metabolism ===
As mentioned, the Dionae can obtain nutrients from any source - including ambient air, to grow. Furthermore, they only need a source of energy - light is by far the safest and most common, but direct electricity has been observed, and one particular case was found of a "Flaming Diona" which self-fed by absorbing nutrients and matter for the fire to burn to provide its energy.
However, it is noted that radiation - lethal to most other forms of life - is EXTREMELY beneficial to Diona, accelerating their growth geometrically, especially if given organic matter to process.
====On Electrical Feeding====
Some studies in Dionae feeding habits has recently shown a very interesting (and, according to leading Skrell scientists and institutions, quite worrying) trait. As electricity is a form of energy, a trained gestalt can, and has, drawn energy from a test rig constituting of a power source (in this case a standard Teranium power cell, identical in make to those in power controller across so many space stations), a resistor and an electrical interface point (in this case, two large copper plates linked together by a series of high-resistance diodes). Further studies would be required to fully understand  the process, level and implications of the phenomena - but some scientists are thinking that adding such a training to the curriculum that some Dionae undertake could result in the pinnacle of engineering crew - a crewmember who needs no special machinery but a power cell to survive the dark, cold vacuum of space.
== Forms ==
The Dionae, being by its very nature a compound creature, comes in several known and theoretical forms with several characteristics:
=== Nymph ===
The default form tackled above. Medium intelligence, extremely curious, extreme learning potential.
=== Worker ===
The most commonly seen form, this occurs when three to six nymphs link together and grow a humanoid body. Highly intelligent.
=== Colossus ===
A rare form, the Diona Colossus is a large network - often upward of a dozen - of nymphs inter-connected, forming a veritable physical and information net. The Skrell are looking into inducing this form and using it as a controlled organic processor for facilities. Very high intelligence, low learning potential.
=== Shell ===
An even rarer form, a Diona Shell is a large-scale structure - the ones found were made of more than hundreds of nymphs - exhibiting advanced intelligence and isolationist tendencies. One particular example was found growing around a derelict space station - it is also believed that the "Organic Craft" that attached itself to the human cruiser reached at least this state. Extreme intelligence, assumed low learning potential.
=== Satellite ===
Only two such forms were ever observed (that being the gestalt above Mralakk, the second being the recent Venter's Satellite), a Diona Satellite is just that - a mass of Diona so immense, in the orders of a million nymphs, that it can be considered a stellar body. The specimen observed seems reluctant to communicate despite showing they are capable, and show a natural (but weak) magnetic field and radiation emission. Unknown capabilities - theorized to be more intelligent than most other forms of intelligences, organic or synthetic. It is suspected that the original Dionae gestalt, where it may be, is at least this form if not the form below.
=== Singularity ===
A theoretical form of the Diona - a planet, or even star-sized diona form consisting of maybe more nymphs than is currently known to exist, may be the pinnacle of organic processing and thought. Uncharted intelligence. The Skrell has an order to destroy any Diona structure that could reach, or has reached, this size due to the inherent risk of intelligence singularity and other classified risks.
==Beyond the Knowledge==
As seen with reports of Ophion and the flaming Dionae, this species is still mostly unknown - in capabilities, origins and intentions. Many scientific organisms are willing to pay a good price for any useful data on the Dionae.
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Revision as of 08:40, 8 April 2024

The cold, desolate void of space, the only home Dionae have always known.


Dionae are a race of slug-like plantoid creatures with advanced intelligence compared to any known animal. They do, however, have two unique aspects that set them apart from most animals or intelligent species in the galaxy: their ability to form together into "gestalts", allowing them to similar if not greater levels of intelligence compared to that of a human and for their ability to gain experiences and memories from the blood and DNA of other intelligent species, meaning in simple terms, they can learn from drinking blood. Dionae also do not need to drink or eat to survive; instead, they need to consume some form of radiation, whether that be alpha radiation or just light from a simple lightbulb. While not required to survive, Dionae are capable of eating or drinking to grow more biomass and may do so before a nymph merges or leaves a gestalt.

Important Notes

Dionae can explore numerous employment opportunities, even that of Command Staff in the ranks of NanoTrasen. Although they are limited, Dionae can be found as Research Directors, Chief Engineers, Chief Medical Officers, Operations Managers, and Executive Officers. They, however, cannot be First Responders due to their severe slowness, risking the life of the patient.

D. Primis
Native Language(s): Rootsong
Faction(s): Xrim, Hieroaetheria, Moghes, Nralakk Federation, Primitive Sirens, Titan Prime and Others.
Location(s): Everywhere


Diona, also referred to as nymphs, are the singular or “baseline” form of a Dionae. They are a slug-like creature very comparable to a plant. On their own and especially after being grown, a nymph’s intelligence is comparable to a dog, although through experiences and genetic learning by absorbing DNA, a Nymph can become about as intelligent as a young child. Nymphs are capable of speaking most human, Unathi, and Skrell languages.

Dionae Gestalts

A Dionae Gestalt is a collection of nymphs who have formed together to create a gestalt. The number of nymphs in a gestalt can vary from only two or three nymphs to upwards of a million, there’s no true known limit to how big a gestalt could be. Each nymph within a gestalt will usually handle tasks to help the whole collective such as helping with movement, acting as a hand, or speaking. However, Dionae Gestalts are not a hive mind. They are a collective and, barring some exceptions depending on the gestalt’s mind type, each nymph may have independent thought. Nymphs in a gestalt will usually confer with each other and come to an agreement on which actions to take such as what to say or where to move to, although sometimes a gestalt may designate some nymphs to make decisions on their own for the whole collective. While each nymph is capable of speaking in a gestalt, how a Dionae may utilize communications can vary from gestalt to gestalt and is dependant on their mind type. Some may elect to have one nymph speak for the entire gestalt while others will have each nymph speak at once, sometimes a bit chaotically.

Multiple forms of Dionae gestalt are defined by the number of nymphs that make up the collective. These have varying levels of intelligence and mobility, with more nymphs generally allowing for greater levels of intelligence within the gestalt but less mobility. The most common and important of these forms are the Cyclops forms, also referred to as the worker form. A Cyclops gestalt is generally made up of half a dozen nymphs that take a very human-like form, usually having two arms and two legs. They are the form seen most employed throughout the galaxy, capable of working most jobs that humans could, barring some that require a quick response time or that may breach their conditional pacifism.

For more information on these forms, see: Dionae Forms.


Unlike most other species of the spur, Dionae are grown already knowing their native language, Rootsong. Rootsong is spoken through a combination of sounds created by limbs, membranes, and movement that all come together to create a “song” that can be understood as words and sentences. To the uninitiated these sounds tend to sound more "natural", with many comparing their songs to an orchestra of leaves rustling in the wind, branches rubbing together, and sometimes softer instrumental sounds such as a noise akin to a flute. Emotion and intent can be understood through pitches and speed of the sounds, with faster, lighter pitches used for happier words, and lower, slower pitches for more negatively-inclined words. While it is impossible for other species to fully understand or speak Rootsong, it is possible to create translators that are capable of translating it to another language or vice-versa.

Dionae are capable of comprehending and oftentimes speaking a plethora of languages found throughout the spur, although they can have some difficulties with speaking languages that require certain facial features or body parts used in motions and gestures whilst speaking. To overcome this Dionae are capable of growing or designating a nymph to create a mimicry of what they’re missing, such as by designating a nymph to act as a tail to assist them in speaking Sinta’azaziba or using biomass to create vines that can act as fingers for sign language. Dionae are capable of understanding and speaking most Human, Skrell, and Unathi languages, although they do require some mimicry to speak Unathi languages. While they can generally understand them, Dionae have some trouble speaking most Tajaran languages due to the difficulties of creating the complex facial features needed to speak the languages properly. Dionae are also completely incapable of speaking in the Vaurca hivenet as they’re incapable of replicating or integrating the required organs needed to communicate within.


Dionae naming conventions vary heavily based on the gestalt, but have one consistency; They do not go by just a first name and last name but instead use experiences, emotions, actions, or ideals as their source of identification. These experiences that define them can change just as the individual changes and therefore can be both literal and metaphorical. Some examples of where these might come from can be from routines in their lives, remembrances of mortals, a particular fascination or emotion, a unique location where an important moment occurred, or even just a defining feature on their body. While there’s no limit on the length of a gestalt’s name, they tend to have them shortened to four to ten words to make them more readable when written.

Individual nymphs normally take a short, less nuanced name only containing one or two words. Younger nymphs tend to use less refined words meanwhile an older, more experienced nymph will have a more nuanced or more complicated name, an example being “Bright warmth” for a younger nymph’s name and “Incandescent Comfort” for an older nymph.

As a player, it is up to you to decide what makes an experience, and you have a whole galaxy of cosmically ageless ideas to choose from. Be creative!

Experience Is What Matters

The only time when one Diona is venerated above any other is when a more experienced and therefore more knowledgeable gestalt is present. This more experienced Diona is seen as more valuable due to their vast stores of knowledge and therefore are protected over less experienced ones in a dangerous situation. A more experienced Diona will often take up the responsibility to educate a new one on their environment- including but not limited to the ways of local alien civilization. This is to simply get the newbie up to speed so they can be quicker on their way to learn more about their particular interests, whatever that may be. More often than not, the older Diona is the more experienced, however, this is not always true as a Diona gestalt may have spent its whole immortal life simply floating in a gas giant until it was scooped up into the fuel tank of a starship.

Signs of Age

As individual nymphs grow older their bark will begin to grow much thicker. Young nymphs tend to only have a very thin layer of bark on them, making them a bit more flimsy but also quicker as they’re not weighed down by excess bark. However, as a nymph grows older and their bark’s thickness grows they’ll begin to become more durable, but at the cost of having slower mobility, with the oldest nymphs becoming nearly if not completely immobile. While there is no known cure or treatment to reverse the process, nymphs who live on light and not radiation tend to grow their bark at a slower rate.

This leads to the communal methods of living where younger gestalts provide for the whole who cannot move, like the Eternal Temple.


Whilst Diona bark is always brown, Diona are capable of being grown with different shades and hues of bark. This is primarily affected by their age and the conditions in their growth site such as temperature and the type of radiation they were exposed to.

The following is a rough idea of what conditions would affect their bark’s shade:

  • Default: Generally grown in a pressurized space station or temperate planet, and being exposed to a mixture of stronger and weaker radiation types.
  • Lighter: Generally grown on warm planets, and being primarily exposed to weaker forms of radiation such as light.
  • Darker: Generally grown in space or colder planets, and being exposed to stronger forms of radiation such as cosmic rays.
  • Green: Younger Diona will generally have a greenish hue to their bark, although this will fade with time.


Dionae differ incredibly compared to other species in terms of their emotions and psychology; primarily in how it affects each nymph and how it would be displayed in a gestalt. Dionae feel a myriad of diverging reactions to certain issues - which is what sets them apart from others. When a Nymph first becomes sentient, and the ability to grasp more intricate and complicated ideas becomes easier, there is a rare chance for complications to arise which are deemed ‘Cognitive Obstacles’ and can easily be seen as mental disorders.

‘Cognitive Obstacles’ parallel mental illnesses that frequently find themselves rooted within other species across the Orion Spur. These ‘Cognitive Obstacles’ affect Dionae uniquely in the sense that each nymph can experience these differently from another. Dionae can form ‘Cognitive Obstacles’ similar to that of PTSD, Anxiety, and Tourettes. It can be expected that Dionae that fall into this category of ‘Cognitive Obstacles’ will have bursts of unintended chirps, additionally coinciding with spasms. Some have noted that they have intense bouts of paranoia and periods where they will experience an existential crisis.

Dionae can also form ‘Cognitive Obstacles’ similar to that of various depressive disorders. These are often seen as a mortal danger - where if an individual nymph begins to feel symptoms similar to the depressive disorders, such as intense periods of feeling impending doom or simply feeling lifeless, will eventually spread these thoughts through a gestalt which will eventually perish. Nymphs that are deemed a hazard to the entire gestalt are usually cast and left to find a treatment or possibly perish if unable to find or receive one.

Splitting Disorder is a temporary disorder that occurs in gestalts that have split off into smaller forms, usually for work purposes (an Argus splitting into Cyclops forms to work in an office). The disorder is characterized by increased anxiety within the Dionae at being apart from each other and intense fear that harm might befall one of the split forms, getting worse the longer the gestalt is split. This fear of danger varies from gestalt to gestalt, with some split forms being “braver” than others. Splitting Disorder can temporarily be relieved by brief re-merging via physical contact. This usually appears to other species as close hugs or hand-holding followed by happy chirping of the nymphs within the gestalt. It can be permanently cured by a full re-merging or after a long period of separation through long periods of separation can instead turn into a Depressive Disorder. The death or injury of a split partner tends to be extremely traumatizing for the other partners, with the level and manner of the trauma dependent on each nymph, with some being “braver” than others.

Violence & Passivism

Dionae manifest behavioural aggression significantly differently compared to other species. Contrary to popular conception, Dionae are not exclusively pacifistic, nor incapable of violence. After all, the interstellar medium is a hostile and unforgiving place loaded with dangerous fauna. More on this can be found here.


There is no known true origin or homeworld of the Dionae, instead, they have only been found spread throughout the known galaxy, generally in a wild and unintelligent state in space. The first discovery of a living Dionae was made by the Skrell in 2217CE when a Skrell Exporalty Vessel discovered a derelict and damaged ship infested by Dionae. Originally, they believed that the Dionae onboard were just some form of plant life, although after discovering a nymph capable of speaking incoherent Nral’Malik, a translator was quickly devised and communication was established between the two species.

Communication would be established with more Gestalts and Clusters over the following years, with many of them being positively integrated into Skrell society. Being the first two species to discover each other in the known galaxy, Dionae and the Skrell developed a somewhat unique bond within the Nralakk Federation.

While Humanity would discover Dionae throughout its exploration and expansion of the Spur, communication would not be made with any Dionae until after Humanity’s first contact with the Skrell.

For a more extensive history of Dionae, see: Dionae History.

Place in the galaxy

As Dionae have no known homeworld, Dionae tend to be very nomadic, spreading throughout the spur and into the nations of other species such as the Republic of Biesel, Nralakk Federation, and within the Moghes Wasteland. While none can claim to be their true homeworld, several planets and nations have been founded by Dionae notably the independent nations of the Hieroaetheria, a collection of smaller nations that have banded together on the planet of Hieroaetheria, as well as Xrim, a planet found within the Nralakk Federation populated primarily by Dionae.

While not an independent nation per se, The Bieslesian Choir and the Eternal Temple, in general, can be considered an important Dionae faction, being an organization and cluster-based around the major Dionae religion, the Eternal. The Eternal believe that Dionae were made to ensure that all things born from the stars are returned to them. They believe that Dionae should spend their time gathering knowledge, experiences, and biomass so that one day a Titan form gestalt can be formed and Dionae can be a star once more. For more information on the Eternal, see: The Eternal

Each human nation treats Dionae in a slightly different way, with some allowing them to be ordinary citizens while others have them strictly banned. For more information on how each nation treats Dionae, see: Dionae Intergration. The human nation with by far the largest population of Dionae would be the Republic of Biesel. Dionae within the Republic are generally treated fairly, although there still tends to be some light discrimination such as a lower wage when compared to a human’s wage. The Republic and most human nations in general that allow Dionae require each nymph to be chipped to differentiate nymphs and to keep track of their splittings and mergings from different gestalts.

Due to the long history between Dionae and Skrell, Dionae are treated extremely well in the Federation. However, This doesn’t mean there aren't’ drawbacks for Dionae in the Federation. Dionae are barred from holding certain jobs in the Federation, especially some high up in the government. Due to the inability for Dionae to use or interact with psionics in any way, Dionae tend to have issues with using some Skrell technology and appliances without assistance.

Character Guide


  • A universal sense of conditional pacifism.
  • Access to the species' unique language, Rootsong with,q prefix.
  • Lives off of light and radiation, will take damage and eventually die if they lack either for too long
  • Heals damage while in light or radiation.
  • Not affected by lack of atmosphere or pressure.
  • Inability to run.
  • Can split a nymph from their gestalt and control it. Can also switch between the split nymph and original gestalt at will, as well as still hear what’s happening near the other.
  • Can split completely into several nymphs through an ability or when they take too much damage, as well as reform into a gestalt with enough biomass.
  • Can regrow limbs with enough nutrients and while exposed to light or radiation, faster with radiation.
  • Can devour certain creatures and objects by grabbing them, aiming for the mouth, and clicking yourself.
  • Can use the Create Structure verb to form their biological mass into a wall, floor, or glowing bulb.
  • In an emergency can absorb the local atmosphere for nutrients.
  • Can be stunned with a flash, causing them to fall down for a few seconds. Cannot be protected against with normal equipment due to the nature of a Dionae’s eyes.
  • Can emote with *chirp and *mchirp.
  • Can feel pain, with Coeus being more sensitive to pain compared to humans and Geras being significantly less.
  • Increased movement speed for Coeus, but reduced movement speed for Geras.

Important things to think about when creating a character

While creating a Dionae there are several details about them that you should consider:

  • What does their name mean and why did they adopt it?
  • Where do they come from? Was it a planet or a cluster? How could it affect their view on other species? Will it affect their bark color?
  • What type of mind type do they have? Is it something unique or something listed on the mind type page? Why did they develop it?
  • What brought them to work on the station?

Character concepts

Eternal Adventure Through Void Interrupted By Violent Greed

  • They are a 898 year old gestalt of a former space whale.
  • They have deep dark bark and stand at 5’8”, their bark is grown enough to the point that their mobility out of space is quite limited. They are covered in sharp thorns.
  • They are a journalist covering the abuses done by humans to the Dionae species and others in the Spur.
  • Due to never taking human blood and the trauma of their greater gestalt being destroyed, they have a deep fear of humans' capacity of violence.
  • They are considered a Bloodless Band due to never once imbibing human blood and refusal to spill any.
  • Speaks Tau Ceti Basic and Tradeband, due to not taking in much blood and their limited scope of skills.