Moghresian Dionae

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A budding population of Dionae exist across the Wasteland, with some even making their way into the Hegemony's sphere of influence. Crashing down on the planet following a perceived meteor shower in the early 2450s, the presence of Dionae across Moghes has become apparent to the Hegemony and the wider interstellar community. Dionaehave maintained coexistence with the Unathi, primarily Wastelanders, borrowing heavily from Unathite culture, using their unique properties to serve the communities they're a part of. However, more sinister Unathi have begun to cultivate, and subsequently, trade the species due to their usefulness.


The introduction of Moghes to the greater interstellar community, following first contact, brought with it a plethora of species already incorporated – particularly the Dionae of the Nralakk Federation. The Federation’s involvement with the Izweski Hegemony prior to the establishment of the Ouerean Confederation allowed for Dionae to already become a somewhat known species – though obviously only to those within the upper echelons of the Hegemony’s political sphere. Despite Dionae already being introduced to the Hegemony prior to the Contact War, the arrival of the species as they are currently known occurred in 2451 CE after a perceived meteor shower scattered thousands of seeds across the Wastelands of Moghes. These seeds created oases in previously uninhabitable, irradiated areas of the Northern Wastelands, turning them into thriving ecosystems. The Unathi had initially believed these changes were miraculous but eventually discovered that the Dionae were responsible for cleansing the radiation. As the Unathi learned to communicate with the species, a symbiotic relationship developed: the Dionae purified the land in exchange for care, leading to their integration into Unathite society, however, some were captured and the commencement of Dionae trading spurred across Moghes.


Syncretism of the Eternal & Unathi Faiths


The Ichor Eternal and Th’akh faiths seamlessly blend into the naturalistic reverence of Th’akh with the transformative ideals of the Ichor Eternal – the Dionae, who embody both the primal forces of nature and the potential for endless evolution, find that the syncretism between the faith a path that honours their existence and growth. It is believed that the “Ichor” is the life-giving essence that flows through all living things – this is where the moniker of “Blood Eternal” originates from. This essence is believed to not merely be physical, but also spiritual, connecting all beings in a vast web of life. The Ichor is both the source of life and the conduit through which spiritual energy flows, embodying the life cycle that Th’akh venerates. The unique existence of Dionae as a collective organism is seen as the perfect manifestation of both faith’s ideals – just as the Dionae come together to form a greater whole, it is taught within Th’akh that all life is interconnected, and true spiritual fulfilment comes from the harmony between the individual and collective, nature and technology and past and future. Unique to those on Moghes, the Eternal Path – or the Th’akh Cycle – teaches that life is an endless cycle of growth, decay and rebirth. The Ichor, as the essence of life, is ever-changing, flowing through different forms and experiences. It is believed that by embracing change and growth, Dionae shall then honour this cycle and contribute to the eternal flow of the Ichor. The philosophy of the faith’s syncretism is that life is a journey of growth and transformation, where every being plays a part in the greater cycle of existence. By embracing both the natural world and the potential for evolution, it is believed that the Dionae are the ultimate expression of these ideals, with their ability to exist as both individuals and as a collective – through their practices and beliefs, they hold the ever-flowing essence of the Ichor and Th’akh.


Given the deep connection between the beliefs of Dionae and their reverence for nature and balance, it isn’t surprising that Sk’akh has connected with some tenets of the Eternal – primarily Ichor. The syncretic belief system combines the Sk’akh reverence for order and the cosmos with the Th’akh focus on spirits, nature and personal harmony – mostly rooted in the fact that Dionae were first introduced to Th’akh, before Sk’akh. It is viewed by Dionae with this belief that the universe is a carefully maintained balance of forces, guided by the divine order of Sk’akh, and its Elders, while also embracing the fluidity and interconnectedness of the spirit world emphasized by Th’akh. The universe is a grand design maintained by Sk’akh, whose influence is seen in the natural cycles and the cosmic order, Dionae believe that their harmonious existence with nature is therefore part of this cosmic order. The balance between the material plane and spirit world is crucial, and Dionae act as guardians of this balance, using their unique connection to nature and the spiritual to maintain harmony – thanks to their unique genetic absorption abilities. The Dionae believe that the Beastlands are seen as a paradise, not just for the Unathi, but for all beings who live in harmony with Sk’akh’s order; it is often depicted as a place where nature thrives in its purest form – directly opposite to the Chained Wastes, often characterised by those seeking to disrupt the balance, but uniquely, it is not seen as a punishment by Dionae. It is thought to be a necessary part of the cosmic order to ensure that chaos does not reign. Borrowed from their Th’akh foundations, Dionae believe that the Ichor of a person can return to the material plane – usually after some kind of purification, to continue their growth and maintain the balance sought by Sk’akh. Ichor, as similarly seen in the Th’akh syncretism, is seen as the lifeblood of the universe, a sacred substance that flows through all living things, connecting them to both Sk’akh and the material plane – it is revered in rituals, symbolizing the connection between body, spirit and the cosmos. It is believed that the purity of a person’s ichor is a reflection of their spiritual harmony and connection to Sk’akh. Rituals involving the consumption or offering of Ichor are central to their practices, seen as acts of devotion and balance. Similarly to Unathi, Dionae will perform tributes and dedications to the Fisher, Healer and Warrior. The Church has yet to take a stance on Dionae.


The syncretism between Si’akh and the Eternal emerged following the co-existence between Unathi and Dionae in close proximity following the Contract War. It blends the Dionae’s reverence for genetic learning with the emphasis of Si’akh’s spiritual purification and asceticism – at its core, it teaches that true enlightenment and salvation and achieved through the amalgamation of ancestral knowledge, and purification of one’s soul through trials – with the former having an emphasis on genetic sampling. It is believed that by ingesting genetic material – such as blood – they can access the memories, experiences and wisdom of their predecessors, which has seen utilisation by Unathi – who consider such ritual to be a sacred rite, enabling adherents to carry the “Echoes” of their ancestors within them. Emulating the ascetic traditions of Si’akh, Dionae lead lives of simplicity and restraint, in which they abstain from indulgent behaviours, focusing instead on spiritual growth and community service – this is the ultimate goal, to reach a transcendental state where the Dionae becomes a collective consciousness with the ancestors, enriched by accumulated knowledge. It is largely thought that forceful acquisition of genetic material is not to show restraint, and any form of coercion, kidnapping or unethical extraction is considered taboo, tarnishing the purity sought through Si’akh – Dionae must be taught to seek willing donors and to honour the gift of their genetic abilities with profound respect and gratitude.


As far as parallels go, Aut'akh and Iron Eternal are the most similar - other branches tend not to align with the Aut'akh, nor do they seek to support them, particularly when confronted with the threat of termination through association with the Aut'akh. In its present form, the religion fuses the Aut’akh desire to attain self-actualization through augmentation, the Iron Eternals' belief that technology is essential for spiritual growth, and a shared reverence for the fusion of flesh, spirit, and machine. Although it is predominantly practised by the Dionae, some Sinta have begun to follow it as well – particularly those seeking to transcend the limitations of flesh and spirit with technological integration while maintaining their distinctive spiritual traditions. Additionally, it is largely decentralized, since many Moghes inhabitants who follow such faith can find themselves in hot water with the local population, especially those who follow the Sk'akh or Th'akh faith. In addition to traditional Th'akh and Sk'akh followers, who oppose these beliefs, megacorporations and governments view these beliefs as subversive – an unfortunate byproduct of Aut'akh values.

Way of Life

Unlike other locations within the greater Spur, the way of life for Dionae within the Izweski Hegemony can vary greatly. Depending on the geography of one’s birth, a Dionae can find themselves bred for cultivation, and subsequently trading, or even within the annals of a Clan becoming their Chronicler – at least those that have. Though the population of Dionae continues to grow as their presence becomes more cemented within the Hegemony, they are still a rather infrequent sight – vast majorities of the Unathi across the Hegemony have laid their eyes on the species, at least not in the flesh. Stories are carried along the rumour mill of their abilities, some contorting them into nightmarish tales as a method to urge Unathi to be wary within the Wastelands, which typically ushers many of the lower-born Unathi to seek the species to “realize” for themselves, their standing on the species.

Though rare, Dionae are slowly becoming a rather substantive population within the Hegemony – thanks to their asexual reproductive abilities, and abundance of radiation within the Wasteland – and are expected to become the second-highest population of non-Unathi within the next three decades. The Hegemony has not taken any official stance on the species, despite their growing numbers, which places them in a rather weird position with the greater Hegemony, and the sub-factions within. Each has a unique approach to the species and uses them for its own advantages. However, as time marches on, it is clear that the Hegemony will soon have to make a decision on Dionae – whether it be for good, or for bad – as time is running out on how to handle their presence.

Exploitation of Dionae extends beyond their cultivation and trading; it is embedded in the very fabric of their existence within the Hegemony. As a species that thrives on symbiosis and collective growth, the Dionae are often perceived as tools or resources to be exploited rather than sophonts deserving of autonomy and rights. Moghes’ harsh labour conditions in resource-rich but dangerous environments often see Dionae being exploited for their regenerative capabilities. Dionae are expected to endure gruelling work that would be lethal to other species. While their ability to regenerate might allow them to survive, the psychological and physical toll is immense. These conditions, coupled with the lack of any official recognition for their sentience and rights, make the Dionae particularly vulnerable within the Hegemony.


Code of the Bz’tnzai

Dionae that find themselves elevated to Bz’tnzai are designated as cultivators of the next generation of beings; they are to hold the utmost respect for their Clan, and ensure that their actions are in alignment with the desires of the Clan Head. They are the stewards of growth, and protectors of the harmonic life cycle – they are oftentimes even viewed as performing the work of the respective Unathi religions.

Code of the Bz'ntzai

I. Stewardship of Growth

In order to preserve life, the Bz'tnzai are charged with cultivating and nurturing new Dionae. Throughout the growth of each sapling, from its earliest sprout to its full maturity, it must be nurtured and cared for with unwavering dedication.

II. Preservation of Harmony

Bz'tnzai must maintain a balance between Dionae and Unathi. As caretakers of both species, they must meet the needs of the Unathi, respecting their traditions and well-being.

III. Guardians of Knowledge

In a similar vein to the Chronicler, the Bz’tnzai are keepers of the knowledge of Dionae cultivation. They must ensure that the teachings given to them are preserved and imparted to new generations, ensuring the continuity of the practice.

IV. Sacrifice for the Greater Good

When the community is threatened, the Bz’tnzai must be prepared to sacrifice for the greater good. Whether it be time, resources, or even their own lives, they must place the welfare of the many above the needs of the few, ensuring the survival and prosperity of all.

V. Honouring the Cycle of Life

Bz’tnzai must understand that life is a cycle of growth, decay, and renewal. They must honour this cycle, ensuring that the passing of life is met with dignity and that the remnants of the old nourish the new, continuing the eternal dance of existence.

Code of the Sentinel

A Gestalt following the Sentinel Code is often concerned with precedent and the security of the community. Dionae who follow this path are beings of action. A Gestalt who manifests this aspect is encouraged to make sure that their actions speak for themselves and to be candid and direct. Since the Sentinel expresses itself by taking action.

Code of the Sentinel

I. Righteousness Above All

The Sentinel places the truth as seen before them above all else. Their actions must reflect this unwavering commitment to Righteousness. They stand as beacons of fairness and honesty, never disguising their motives or obscuring facts. Righteousness guides all other principles, shaping the path the Sentinel follows.

II. Mercy for the Weak

The Sentinel protects those who cannot protect themselves, offering Mercy to the weak and innocent. They do not harm the defenceless or take advantage of the vulnerable. Surrender to a Sentinel is an act of honour, ensuring fair treatment and respect. Mercy is shown even in battle, where honour dictates the restraint of power over those who are subdued.

III. Integrity of Word

A Sentinel's word is their bond, carrying the weight of their Integrity. Once a commitment is made, the Sentinel ensures that reality conforms to their promise. Integrity is the balance to Righteousness, demanding that the world itself be shaped to honour the Sentinel's word.

IV. Loyalty to Leadership and Kin

Loyalty binds the Sentinel to their superior, be it a Lord, clan leader, or partner. A Sentinel would willingly sacrifice their life for the protection of their leader or kin. However, Loyalty is not blind; if obeying an order would violate any of the other tenets, the Sentinel is duty-bound to refuse in order to maintain their honour.

Code of the Chronicler

The Code of the Chronicler represents the embodiment of wisdom, memory, and the pursuit of knowledge within the Dionae. Chroniclers are the living repositories of a Clan’s history, wisdom, and cultural identity, and they dedicate their existence to the cultivation of knowledge and the guidance of future generations.

Code of the Chronicler

I. The Pursuit of Knowledge

Chroniclers are driven by an insatiable desire to gather knowledge from every corner of the cosmos. They are beings of contemplation, preferring to observe, listen, and learn before they speak. Their curiosity knows no bounds, and they seek to understand not just the physical world, but the spiritual, cultural, and emotional dimensions of existence as well. Every piece of information, every memory absorbed, is a treasure that adds to the vast library of knowledge that Chroniclers maintain within themselves and their clan.

II. The Guardian of Wisdom

As the custodians of their clan's collective memory, Chroniclers bear the immense responsibility of safeguarding the wisdom of the past. This role is not merely about hoarding knowledge but also about interpreting it and applying it to guide others. Chroniclers are expected to use their accumulated wisdom to enrich their communities, ensuring that the lessons of history are passed down and that the knowledge they possess benefits all. They teach, advise, and mentor, raising clusters of gestalts to independence and preparing them for the challenges of life.

III. The Ethical Use of Knowledge

Knowledge is power, but it is also a responsibility. Chroniclers adhere to a strict ethical code, ensuring that the knowledge they possess is never used for personal gain or to further selfish ambitions. It is a grave taboo for a Chronicler to exploit their vast stores of information for their own benefit. Instead, they seek to find champions—individuals or causes worthy of their knowledge and guidance. By sponsoring and advising these champions, Chroniclers ensure that their wisdom is put to noble use, serving the greater good of the clan and the broader community.

IV. The Role of the Mentor

Chroniclers are more than mere advisors; they are mentors and spiritual guides. Within the Oasis clans, Chroniclers are revered as the caretakers of the mental and spiritual well-being of the gestalts. They provide counsel not just in matters of knowledge, but in matters of the soul, helping their kin navigate the complexities of existence. They nurture the growth of young gestalts, helping them find their place within the clan.

V. The Keeper of Memory

True to their name, Chroniclers are the archivists of their clan's history. They meticulously record and preserve the memories of their people, ensuring that nothing is lost to the sands of time. Their stories are more than just entertainment; they are the lifeblood of the clan's cultural identity, connecting the present with the past and providing a sense of continuity and purpose. Chroniclers are renowned for their storytelling abilities, weaving tales that are rich in wisdom and filled with the echoes of countless lives.

VI. The Legacy of the Chronicler

A Chronicler's ultimate goal is to leave a legacy of wisdom that will endure long after they have passed into the collective memory of the Dionae. This legacy is not measured in material wealth or personal achievements, but in the lives they have touched, the knowledge they have preserved, and the wisdom they have imparted. A Chronicler lives on in the stories they tell, the advice they give, and the generations they raise to carry forward the torch of knowledge.

VII. The Eternal Observer

Chroniclers are eternal observers, ever watchful and ever learning. They are patient, knowing that the pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey with no end. They take the long view, understanding that wisdom is not just about knowing facts, but about understanding the deeper truths that lie beneath the surface. As they observe the world around them, they remain committed to the principles of their code, always seeking to use their knowledge to serve others and to guide their clan toward a brighter future.


The use of Nymphs as makeshift prosthetics is a rare practice, but one which is more common on Moghes than most other locales in the Spur. The first reports of Dionae symbiosis came from the Clan Dorviza of the Wasteland, and were first dismissed as outlandish tales - only to be confirmed. Though the general Unathi skepticism of cybernetics meant many were wary as to this new development, it was broadly agreed at the Hegemon’s great religious conclave that symbiosis was not damaging to the soul. The practice is still rare, and mostly contained to the Wasteland - though the House of Medicine has on occasion sold specially-grown Nymphs as prosthetics. Due to the rarity of Dionae and the difficulty of preparing a symbiote, this procedure is rare and extortionately expensive. In the Wasteland it is more common, though still an oddity, and largely practised by the Dorviza - though the continued growth of Dionae in the region has led to symbiosis occurring among several of the prominent Wasteland groups. Largely, symbiosis occurs in the form of replacement limbs - though experiments have been carried out on deeper or more extensive forms of the process, with the Skalamar University of Medicine carrying out several trials on the usage of purpose-grown nymphs as replacement organs. The renowned scholar Tarskin Tarwa led the first round of these trials, and reportedly had great success - until the truth of his experiments in Sinta-Diona compatibility came to light. Though the specifics of his process were sealed by order of the University’s administration, he was charged with gross violations of University ethical standards and expelled, fleeing Moghes to avoid criminal prosecution. Skalamar urban legends claim that Tarwa was mad, seeking immortality through unnatural and bloody experiments - and that he continues his dark research on the edge of space, even now. Though Tarwa’s research never saw the light of day, the Hegemony remains at the forefront of research into Dionae symbiosis, with some experiments continuing at the Skalamar University of Medicine - though carefully, and with controlled supervision from Hegemony officials.

Cultivation & Trading

Captured by Unathi upon the discovery of their “healing” capabilities to Moghes following its’ nuclear cataclysm, Dionae have become a valuable commodity across the Wastelands – leading to their cultivation and subsequent trafficking. Depending on the Clan, Dionae may either be seen as gifts of incredible value – or even those comparable to other Unathi and therefore find themselves accepted as a member of the Clan as individuals in their own right – this does not negate that Dionae from Moghes may have had a significantly different “upbringing” as opposed to its other barky kindred.


Similarly to Dionae in the Nralakk Federation, there exist individuals who focus on the tendering of nymph pods referred to as Bz’tnzai, when translated literally into Tau Ceti Basic meaning “Growers”, using Bz’ntzai Realms which exist merely as places of high radiation where maturation of pods occurs much quicker. Through this practice, the lifespan and health of Bz’ntzai are plagued by the byproducts of radiation exposure slowly resulting in a decrease of Unathite Bz’tnzai but instead being replaced by Dionae who have either been trained or taught through consumption of the deceased Bz’tnzai on the methods of cultivation. This has resulted in an increase of the Mourning Mass being found across Dionae Bz'tnzai.

In particular, Clan Dorviza has become renowned through the Wastelands for their rearing of Dionae, and in particular, the methods they employ as to ensure a Gestalt is able to find itself managing the Wastelands, and its integration into the greater Hegemony; through specialising in the biomatter available to each cultivated Bz’ntzai Realms allowing “particular expertise” to be taught to Dionae subsequently also raising the value of the “commodity” where the Clan elects to instead gift or sell the Dionae as opposed to integrating them as a member of Dorviza. Oftentimes Clan Dorviza will utilize the Dionae as limbs – grafting them onto stumps where limbs existed previously, giving a new lease on life to those who previously found themselves confined to conventional means of living with their disabilities.

Though there exists purposeful cultivation of Dionae, there also exists natural cultivation, often by Dionae wandering the Wastelands electing to disgorge seeds in areas of particularly high radiation – recognising within themselves the possibility to clean the area as a way to offer assistance to the Unathi, but more so provide a stable and nutritious spawning area for the next generation of nymphs that its’ seeds will yield. These unkept cultivation areas often find themselves preyed upon by Siro circling overhead, or even Unathi that see an opportunity to capture and trade away the nymphs to ensure their survival as the Wasteland continues to grow and make life scarce.


Though there exist countless Gestalts that exist free of having been traded, there exist those that have had an upbringing subject to specific cultivation so that they may be traded away in exchange for particular commodities. This primarily occurs within the Wastes, with Clan Dorviza being the primary culprit for the advent of Dionae trading, there have been sightings of the trading extending into the eastern cities, in particular, Baandr, Res’karum and Mudki. However, the value is primarily dependent on what skills the Dionae has, with the continuously fluctuating value sometimes resulting in a Gestalt costing several Azkrazal and sometimes even just a few bottles of Xuizi Juice.

The trafficking conduct of those within the Dionae trade varies it primarily strays away from abusive treatment, mostly due to it resulting in less value gained when trading the Gestalt – where one has had their personality altered or injured to a degree that they no longer have usefulness to the one gaining the Gestalt. It primarily resembles as to how Unathi treat their domestic fauna such as the Tul.

Trading “Guilds” or “Clans”

Clan Dorviza is largely regarded as the leader of trading Dionae, utilizing those cultivated by its Bz’tnzai to those passing through the Oases – offering them as gifts to other Clans to ensure good relations and promote community among the population centres across the oases, but sometimes even exchanging them to get commodities that would otherwise not make their way to the Wasteland Clan’s little corner of the world, or in particular scarcity, such as S’erki Flowers or S’th Berries.

Reclaimers have been known to utilize the Dionae they have traded for to make more radioactive pre-war ruins safer to plunder, using the species' biological advantages of mimicry and soaking up of the dangerous elements to be able to claim riches that they assert as theirs. Outside of their use for scavenging, they have been also used to get into the nitty-gritty of the machinery utilized by the Reclaimers, oftentimes becoming engineers and members of the group as opposed to mere property, shifting into compartments that would otherwise cause a substantial loss of time for the Reclaimers had they had to search and eventually fix the problem.

Clan Vihnmes regularly utilizes their gifted Dionae from Clan Dorviza for menial work, and sometimes as glorified composters for the byproducts of their taverns – as well as their inns. Though rather demeaning, this is typically better than the hard labour that many Dionae found themselves put to work, cultivating or even maintaining what little agricultural sectors exist on Moghes – or moving large quantities of goods as glorified merchant wagons

Clan Ozeuoi takes advantage of the species’ ability to mimic shapes, structures, and knack for being able to learn from genetic material, to ensure their defences remain well-maintained and that their allies’ modes of transport see repairs where needed. Though their isolation has stunted the number of Dionae within the Clan, there still exists a number that seems to be consistently growing, with the Reclaimers making use of their existing relationship to pawn off any “unnecessary” Dionae to Clan Ozeuoi.

Clan Gawgaryn is also yet another group that finds themselves either stumbling on natural clusters or pillaging Dionae from their rightful Clans, to make use of them to assist in their raids and pillaging – in worse cases, as a way to taunt Unathi that they have kidnapped, claiming to throw them into cages of starved Gestalts with an insatiable hunger. Those that have been rescued, either through escaping or by being freed, sometimes reflect that there exist Voided Vocals and even Scarlet Scores within the confines of the Clan’s grips, offering a glimpse into the operations of Clan Gawgaryn that there exists truth of offering its unwilling or uncooperative hostages to starved Dionae.

Res’karum existing as a thorough-fare between the Zazalai Mountains has inevitably become a key player in Dionae trading, where within the city’s markets it isn’t uncommon to find Dionae being auctioned off to the highest bidder, with even peasants attempting to negotiate personal items with a willing merchant for a Nymph, sometimes entire livelihoods when concerning a Gestalt. Acclaimed as being “creatures of good fortune” due to their work in the Wastelands, and ability to be rather useful in almost any situation, some have found themselves becoming serfs to the peasants that acquire them – cleaning the home or even maintaining their grounds. It isn’t unheard of either for those chartered by the Guilds to make their way to Res’karum to purchase Dionae, where the Guilds induct them into their specialities – in particular, the Miner’s Guild due to the lesser necessities, really only needing ultra-violet lights reasonably provided by Hephaestus Industries, in order to perform mining work.

Dionae in the Unathi Sphere of Influence

Dionae in the Izweski Hegemony

The Guilds

The major guilds of the Hegemony were quick to take advantage of the nascent Diona trade, with many among them realizing the immense utility that gestalts offered as workers. These gestalts were almost never granted full membership in the Guilds, though their general rarity meant that they were highly prized regardless. The Miners’ Guild purchased many gestalts for their advantages in the void of space, while some chapters of the House of Medicine found that Aphrodite proved a cheap and effective painkiller. These chartered gestalts were still paid, though nowhere close to a full guildsman’s wage. The only guild on Moghes to welcome Dionae as full members was Hephaestus Industries, which already employed many gestalts elsewhere. When Hephaestus acquired most of the major guilds in 2465, the chartered gestalts were presented with the opportunity. Many were able to leave their Guilds in search of direct employment with Hephaestus, and those that remained found themselves reluctantly offered similar terms. Though Dionae guildsmen are rare, they are known to exist throughout Hephaestus’s subsidiary guilds, and the growing presence of Dionae in the Hegemony is slowly making them a more common sight.

The Izweski Military

The armed forces of the Hegemony do not have an official policy on the use of Dionae - they have been rare enough within the Hegemony, and their general pacifism means that there is little interest in expanding their military role. The most common military use of Dionae is at the various Wasteland outposts, where gestalts are sometimes chartered by patrols as guides or assistants. While these gestalts are not formally part of any armed force, many units in the Wasteland have grown attached to specific gestalts, and it has reportedly become a common superstition at Camp Integrity that taking a Nymph with you will bring good fortune while wandering the desert. Due to security risks, symbiosis is not permitted for the warriors of the Izweski Navy. For ground forces, regulations vary from lord to lord and regiment to regiment, with nymph prosthetics being used on occasion by Izweski forces at Camp Integrity and other Wasteland outposts. The Kataphracts have no official policy forbidding symbiosis, and neither do the mercenaries of Dagamuir Freewater Private Forces.

Dionae in the Ouerean Confederation

Dionae are rare on Ouerea, though it was the first point of contact between them and the Unathi. The first gestalts introduced to Ouerea largely originated from the Nralakk Federation, though they were a small population in comparison to the Skrell immigrants. While many of these gestalts departed when the Federation withdrew, some remained behind in Ouerean Skrell communities. The Dionae of Ouerea are a small minority, usually lumped in with the Skrell population, and have little in the way of political influence in their own right. Few gestalts were recorded as taking part in the Ouerean Revolution directly, though several of the Unathi and Skrell veterans of the conflict used symbiosis to treat their serious injuries. The Ouerean Dionae population was, for many years, the only readily available sample of the species for Unathi xenobiologists to study. This led to a strong academic interest from Moghresian and Ouerean scholars, and some among the more scholarship-inclined gestalts quickly made names for themselves in Unathi academia. At the New Skalamar Pioneers’ Seminary, the xenobiology department is presided over by Contemplating Patterns Within Flesh, a Cyclops gestalt which made several impressive contributions to the study of Ouerean native fauna during the early colonization period.

Dionae in the Wasteland

The Wasteland is home to the largest Dionae population in the Hegemony, though they are scattered far and wide. The lingering radiation of the Contact War has rendered the Wasteland an ideal habitat for the growth of Nymphs, and many of the Wasteland factions make use of Dionae in their own manner. The Clan Dorviza has perhaps the most widespread use of Dionae, making use of gestalts to cleanse lingering radiation around their settlements - a practice which has spread to other oasis clans since the arrival of Dionae. The Dorviza hold Dionae in particularly high esteem, considering them a blessing of one of their gods, the Saint of Ceaseless Growth. Some smaller and more isolated communities have also found Dionae to be of use in their survival. In the vast deserts of the Eastern Wasteland, the strange Th’akh monks known as the Order of the Deathless venerates a Voided Vocals gestalt, believing its ramblings to be the sacred wisdom of the dead. The Reclaimer Clans often make use of Dionae for the maintenance of their crawlers, taking advantage of their ability to squeeze into the tightest corners of the vast machines. Some groups of Gawgaryn are rumored to use Scarlet Score gestalts as living weapons, unleashing them to devour their foes.

The Queendom

The Queendom of Sezk-Hakh has made use of Wasteland Dionae, immediately seizing the advantage that their abilities could provide in the realm’s survival. In Yu’kal, Queen Lazak has converted large sections of the Royal Conservatory into a centre of Dionae cultivation, and has already made use of some of these gestalts in cleansing the city’s farmland - perhaps saving her realm from famine during the economic turmoil of recent years. The people of the Queendom tend to view Dionae positively, due to this contribution to their land’s wellbeing. The Queendom has become a large component of the Diona trade, with Queen Lazak buying as many gestalts as she can to continue cleansing her lands. The city of Arch’ozal is where most of these gestalts are sent, cleansing the last of the radioactive debris that has been a consistent thorn in the rebuilding of the city.