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The Underhive Collective is a secretive society of Dionae gestalts endemic to the Eridani Federation. Initially smuggled in to fuel a burgeoning drug trade, the ones that escaped it managed to organize into a secretive society of syndicated interests.


Twilight of the Aphrodite Epoch

The Underhive Collective began with the influx of information surrounding the narcotic effects of Aphrodite, a chemical injected by Nymphs when ingesting genetic material, most commonly seen when siphoning blood. It provides a sense of euphoria and requires no other means of production other than Nymphs. The chemical very quickly became popular within the underbelly of the Eridani Federation. Nymphs were soon illegitimately acquired from Rueltab. It is unknown how they were acquired, but for a time, these activities went unnoticed, until the substance began to trickle into the upper echelons of the Federation – sometime around 2398 CE. It wasn’t long until many began to notice the bleary eyes and bite marks on their employees, so too did they realise the ability of Nymphs to retain memories compromised the non-disclosure agreements of thousands if not hundreds of thousands.

Due to the lack of any initial action, the Aphrodite Trade managed to put the Eridani Federation into minor political turmoil with the Solarian Alliance, as the presence of Dionae within the Federation violated the Rueltab Treaty, meant to prevent or at least mitigate, the habitation of Dionae outside of Rueltab. It wasn’t long until the Aphrodite Trade sought to expand, with concerns of it spreading amongst the Solarian Colonies – these concerns were subsequently met following a random inspection of a vessel en route to Venus housing Nymphs. Despite the potential for profit, the Board of Five took action in 2421 CE. Formally banning the use, distribution and presence of Dionae within the Eridani Federation. All would legally be classified as contraband, and crackdowns began as corporate enforces began to file through all levels of the Federation. While within the upper echelons, predominately the Suit Society, it was successful, the trade remains rife in the lower socio-economic classes, with Dregs maintaining the trade, albeit with a significantly reduced ability.

Dawn of the Underhive Collective

The origin point of the Underhive Collective remains in obscurity. No Dionae has ever formally claimed to have found it, and there is no general consensus among those that remain within the Eridani Federation. However, rumours of a Dionae-only community did begin to circulate shortly after the Board of Five sought to crack down on the presence of the species. These rumours were confirmed after the “Tokura-Den Incident”. A major Aphrodite harvesting facility secretly nested within the settlement of Den was rocked with explosions, large enough for it to be felt in the above complex of Tokura. As corporate enforcers arrived at the scene of the explosion, alongside the general chaos, there was a notable lack of Nymphs in the extraction and holding areas. Footage was eventually found that uncovered a rather unsettling truth – Dionae creeping through the tunnels and underpasses of Tokura, before disappearing into the shadows or tunnels. Since the Tokura-Den incident, more and more illegal Aphrodite facilities have been hit, and sightings of Dionae have become more and more frequent. Although there is a concern of what these Dionae are capable of, they are currently only actively targeting the Aphrodite Trade, and have proven to be too elusive to root out in totality. The Board of Five have released subsequent confirmations that the situation is under control.

Proliferation of the Underhive Collective

The Underhive Collective very rapidly became a feared organisation amongst the Dregs of the Eridani Federation. Actively attacking those associated with the Aphrodite Trade. Explosions rocked many of the facilities used to hold the Dionae captive – seeking to harvest them of the chemical. Dregs associated with such crimes against Dionae could find themselves disappearing – oftentimes for good. Those who were returned to their settlements were more often than not thought to have gone insane, showing schizophrenic tendencies, claiming that Dionae are always around – watching, listening, stalking. More often than not, they’d be found dead just weeks after their subsequent return, rumours circulating of being anatomically defiled – stripped of their organs, sometimes even drained of blood.

It was only confirmed in 2443 CE that the Underhive Collective was an organized syndicate of Dionae, where corporate enforcers – after a particularly brutal death of a Dreg – were able to follow a string of evidence to one of these Dionae-only communities. Though many were able to escape, a minority of the population was captured. Those captured were subjected to truly torturous conditions, forcing them to reveal the reality of the Underhive Collective, or at least the reality from their perspective. Beginning as a means to ensure safety in numbers, they quickly became a criminal syndicate as a means to survive. Dealing Aphrodite themselves, and ensuring their competitors were shut down to maintain a monopoly, rationalising the decision as being voluntary as opposed to being forced to secrete the chemical. The bigger picture was thereafter revealed, dozens of these syndicates existed, with their location hidden except from selected Dionae, typically only those recognised as leading the respective syndicates.

The Modern Age of the Aphrodite Trade

The Republic of Biesel, as a result of the megacorporate influence in the Eridani Federation and the now-defunct Bluespace Gate, were among the most impacted by the Aphrodite Trade. However, the Eternal in conjunction with the pressure applied by the Megacorporations, were able to ensure that the extracted chemical would be recognised as a controlled substance under Biesellite law. It is therefore illegal to force or coerce a Dionae to provide Aphrodite. This has led to a rather robust inspection of most Eridani cargo – any individual found in possession of the chemical shall have it seized and will be charged appropriately, as well as any Dionae materials. Dionae from the Eridani Federation have slowly been trickling into the Republic of Biesel. They are treated as political refugees, undergoing registration and chipping, then deferred to the Eternal Gardens. They each confirm that the Underhive Collective still operates, and many owe their lives to the syndicate.


These are the only known syndicates operating in the Eridani Federation. Players may only select from these options. The location of these syndicates is a well-kept secret. If a Dionae reveals it, they are at risk of severe repercussions for their actions.


The Mycelumias, or just Lumias, are a renowned Aphrodite syndicate within the underbelly of the Eridani Federation. Some have claimed that it has operated since the creation of the trade. Hosted somewhere in the depths of the dreg settlement of Den, the Lumias are thought to be responsible for the Tokura-Den Incident, though they have never formally claimed responsibility – despite the Board of Five attributing it to them. Thriving in the labyrinthine hideouts across Den, hidden from the prying eyes of the Federation’s upper echelon, the sprawling network of tunnels and caverns has become a haven for Dionae. Among the debris and decay, the Lumias have established a stronghold.

Utilizing their abilities, and collective consciousness, they have been able to – with unparalleled coordination and secrecy – manage to keep the syndicate from being discovered. It is suspected to house nearly 40% of all the Dionae within the Eridani Federation – making it even more surprising it hasn’t been discovered by the corporate enforcers of the Federation. The Lumias are involved in a myriad of activities, from the trafficking of rare and valuable resources to the orchestration of complex heists and sabotage operations. Their intimate knowledge of the tunnels and the Dionae's natural abilities make them formidable opponents. They have forged alliances with the other syndicates, creating a web of connections that spans Eridani I. Despite their shadowy existence, the Lumias are not entirely isolated from the upper echelons of the Eridani Federation. They have established clandestine trade routes and covert communication channels with sympathetic elements within the Federation. These connections allow them to acquire essential supplies and information.

The Mycelumias, being the syndicate with the largest base of Dionae taken from Aphrodite dens, have only one hard rule: Participation in the Aphrodite trade is strictly off the table. For them, not only does participating in the trade draw the wrong kind of attention to themselves, it also is reliving the worst aspects of the Aphrodite trade, except from an advantageous position.


The Glowcaps are significantly smaller than the Lumias, likely sporting somewhere between 10% to 15% of the total Dionae population within the Eridani Federation. They were originally part of the Lumias, seceding later due to differences in business practices and values. These are mostly comprised of second or third generation gestalts, who were cultivated inside of the syndicate, rather than from Aphrodite dens and draineries. Nestled within the crumbling infrastructure of New Kivu, the Glowcaps have become somewhat of a “Robin Hood” type syndicate – plundering food and materials from Ifihan, delicately so as to not upset the balance of their existence too much. In spite of their apparent nobility in redistributing resources to the underprivileged Dregs of New Kivu, the Glowcaps are far from universally admired. Their activities are a double-edged sword, with their efforts to aid the Dregs overshadowed by their darker dealings. The Glowcaps are notorious as the principal dealers of Aphrodite within the settlement, much to the dismay of the Lumias. This substance is often used in exchange for additional resources such as biomass and batteries, crucial for maintaining the minimal lights the Glowcaps manage to secure. The Glowcaps' involvement in the trade has complicated ramifications. On one hand, they provide a valuable and sought-after substance that sustains their operations and supports their community's needs. On the other hand, their role in the trade has led to widespread addiction and dependency among the Dregs, exacerbating the already dire conditions within New Kivu. Their operations are covert, utilizing the shadows and the complex infrastructure of the Dreg settlement to avoid detection. Despite this, the rudimentary mercenary forces that patrol the settlement are a constant threat, adding an additional layer of risk to the Glowcaps' activities. The mercenaries often clash with the Glowcaps' operatives, leading to skirmishes and heightened tensions.


Players are allowed to make a character from the Sporeveils, but secretly. They are an antagonistic entity within the lore, and no megacorporation would hire a Dionae with such allegiance. At least not one publicly declaring their allegiance to it.

The Sporeveils comprise likely between 5%-10% of all Dionae within the Eridani Federation – they are the smallest syndicate, but the most vicious. Nestled alongside the Lumias within the sprawling underground complex of Tokura – Den – they have managed to eke out an existence coveted in assaults, murders and power plays. They are rarely seen, and when they do make themselves known they usually marked by bloodstains to symbolize their allegiance to the Sporeveils. They are commonly called the Den Boogeymen – and many attribute the disastrous Tokura-Den Incident to the Sporeveils as opposed to the Lumias. Uniquely, they do not peddle aphrodite – instead, they attack the Dregs of Den, oftentimes kidnapping and forcing the individual to become hooked to the chemical. In exchange for the chemical, at a much lower cost, these Dregs act as the eyes and ears of the Sporeveils; providing them with information and essential supplies to maintain their existence. Even the Lumias stray away from dealing with the Sporeveils, it isn’t unheard of for the latter to attack the former’s operative – especially if they are close to harming their own activities.



In the clandestine world of the Underhive Collective, the term "Racket" refers to the collective work or projects undertaken by members of a particular syndicate. These rackets are crucial for survival and financial stability, given the risky nature of operating inside the Eridani Federation. The precarious environment necessitates the use of intermediaries and meticulous planning to avoid detection by authorities. The close-knit nature of syndicates ensures that a Racket is never a solo undertaking. Profits from these ventures are always distributed equally among members. The syndicates typically maintain close contact, sharing funds and long-term goals, ensuring that no member of their syndicate is left behind.

The most popular rackets involve digital enterprises that exploit the extranet and remote networking. These operations can range from legitimate online businesses to illicit activities such as scam calls and hacker groups. The anonymity provided by the digital world makes these rackets attractive, as they can be conducted with minimal physical risk. Some common digital rackets include legitimate online businesses; these can include anything from e-commerce sites to freelance services, providing a legal facade for more covert activities. Scam Operations; phishing scams, fraudulent schemes, and fake tech support are common, targeting unsuspecting victims to extract money or information. Hacker Groups; skilled hackers form collectives to carry out cyber-attacks, data breaches, and other illicit cyber activities, often for profit or strategic advantage.

Salvage rackets are the next most popular form of work. The Dionae physiology, adapted to harsh environments, makes them well-suited for wading through dumping sites and scrap yards. Ordinary Dregs, the common inhabitants of the underbelly of the Eridani Federation, often lack the physical capabilities to undertake such tasks. Salvage operations are not only lucrative but also essential for the sustainability of the Underhive Collective. These operations have given rise to the native Scrapper population, individuals who specialize in reclaiming valuable materials from waste.


The Faith and philosophy of the Underhive Collective varies depending on the Syndicate. All venerate the Eternal, but for each, the preferred sect is different:

The Iron Eternal is favored by the Mycelumias Syndicate, and the reason for this is because of the trauma endured by the first generation of nymphs circulating in the Aphrodite trade. Nymphs subject to life in an Aphrodite den absorb the memories, feelings, and sensations of the patrons, over and over. Considering the life quality of dreg patrons to these establishments, this leaves most nymphs that undergo this existence not only upset at their handlers, but also their patrons. Much of the Mycelumias syndicate is disillusioned at best towards Humanity, completely turned off by the concept of learning through genetic memory: it has only brought them pain. Technology is seen as freeing, as it has allowed them to build prosperity for themselves. Indeed, they even see parallels of it to themselves, as when suits reject their Positronics for them to become Scrappers. What the Iron Eternal means to the Mycelumias, is building a world for the Underhive Collective where it can flourish.

The Orthodox Eternal is favored by the Glowcaps. Glowcaps belong to a generation of nymph raised exclusively within the confines of the Underhive Collective, away from the Aphrodite trade. Glowcaps Prefer a balanced approach towards humanity and how they are willing to use their innate abilities as Dionae. Though still cloaked in relative secrecy, Glowcaps are willing to rely upon humanity more than the Mycelumias are. Which is to say they tend to do business with humanity, rather than just use them as impersonal tools. Especially if that business is information gathering, or taking their share of the profits from the Aphrodite trade. Glowcaps fundamentally believe that balance can be achieved by mellowing out their position within Eridanian society, to the point where they can negotiate or manipulate their way to safety and prosperity for the entire collective.

The Ichor Eternal is favored by the Sporeveils. These are comprised of first generation nymphs that co-adapted to weather the psychological strain of being product in the Aphrodite trade. These nymphs saw past the pain and anxieties of the blood, and saw that it bore a valuable thing: Knowledge. Knowledge to survive. This truth grew even more apparent for the brief moment the trade extended into suit society, as those nymphs that managed to survive the scouring grew even more potent with knowledge. It was these nymphs who learned to undo their shackles, form together into something greater, and open the veins of their handlers; and drink deep, they did. The Ichor Eternal does not hate Humanity, it does not even begrudge them for the Aphrodite trade. They made the best of a bad situation, and now, Humanity just happens to be standing in the way of what the Sporeveils want. Knowledge.


Dionae from the Underhive Collective can assume any mindtype, with a bias towards the more pluralistic ones. The exceptions that do not or barely exist are Bloodless Band, Singular Sound, and Mourning Mass. Singular sound is rare, as Dionae are typically formed piecemeal. Bloodless band is impossible, as the conditions to form one and the lifestyle it encourages are impractical. There are no documented instances of Mourning Mass Dionae within the Underhive Collective.

Demographic Relations

Dionae and Eridanis

Among the suits, Dionae are regarded with disgust and contempt; Dionae presence in the Federation is in direct violation of the Rueltab Treaty. The fact that Dionae managed to proliferate within the Federation is a stain on the suits' clean record of legalistic integrity between them and the Solarian Alliance. Dionae are seen as pests and vermin that act as agents of the Federation's underbelly. Nymphs found caught out on their own are usually dispatched, while fully formed gestalts are usually deported to Biesel or the Rueltab System.

Among the Dregs, they are tools to be used and resources to be exploited. Dionae nymphs are typically prevented from merging into gestalts; this is to ensure obedience and dependency from the nymphs. Most of these nymphs under dreg ownership are either used as portable Aphrodite dispensers or are strapped into specialized machines that continuously trigger the siphon reflex to harvest the drug on its own. Infrequently, they are used as work animals for interrogation, information gathering, prospecting, and scouting. Dionae-based prosthetics are rare, due to the availability of cybernetics in Eridani. They are usually the telltale signs of a prominent dealer or Aphrodite junkie and are extremely incriminating to have.

Underhive Scrappers

IPC Scrappers and the Underhive collective mutually share the same condition: They start incomplete, cast out, shunned by society at large, and left to fend for themselves. So naturally, they have made an excellent symbiotic pairing: the Collective will rescue and induct abandoned positronics. In exchange, scrappers act as the inconspicuous face and muscle of the organization, venturing where it is too dangerous for Underhive Dionae to expose themselves, and protecting them where they choose to reveal themselves. Underhive Dionae will often communicate through their positronics remotely, usually via the IPC’s speaker system, and sometimes even through visual output feed of a chassis. Many scrappers are employed in a technical capacity as well, thanks to their ability to onboard or retain new data packets; their ability to interface closely with technology is also prized by the collective’s cyber-infiltrators.