Notable Dionae

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Connected to the Blossoms Beyond

Birthdate: Contended, believed to be around 2365 CE

Connected to the Blossoms Beyond (Connected to the Blossoms Beyond reaching to the Eternal) is the High-Overseer of the Eternal faith, based within the Eternal Temple on Biesel. Connected to the Blossoms Beyond comes from quite a rather distinct lineage - one considered to be the eldest of the entirety of the SASV Ophion. Supposedly capable of being traced back almost six or seven millennia, where seniority is a species concept that is respected by all, it was inevitable that Blossoms would rise and accomplish what they have. Their formative years were spent gathering support, and funds, for the creation of the Eternal Temple whilst on New Gibson - but after resettling themselves to Biesel. The six-decade-long construction efforts would eventually come to a head in 2431 CE and thus push the Argus to become the leader of the entire Dionae community of Biesel. Considered a loving, extremely respected, and well-liked Gestalt, they are known to be extremely pleasant and hospitable, being well-versed in cross-species communication and speaking all known common languages fluently.

Rationing Knowledge of Embodied Sanguis

Birthdate: April, 2332 CE

Rationing Knowledge Of Embodied Sanguis often referred to as Sanguis, is a Geras-form Argus known for the creation of the Ichor Genetic Learning Organisation, a legally-run organization known for gathering blood that can be utilized by Dionae to gain experiences. Sanguis is also the main spokesperson for the organization, quite often going on tours to host blood drives so that the blood they gather can be donated or sold. During more busy months for the organization, Sanguis will usually only send a single nymph or a small collection of them to assist in promoting blood drives in slightly more high-profile areas. They are also the Head of Faith for the Ichor Eternal.

Amplified by Probing Discoverings of Unknown Investigations

Birthdate: Unknown, thought to be around the 2250s.

Originating from the Scorned, an oppressed population within the Covenant of Xrim, they have largely been the greatest contributor to the contemporary iteration of the Iron Eternal. They are amalgamated with dozens of different augmentations, which make it slightly more difficult to merge with the rest of the Omnivirate. Their location is a close-guarded secret across the Covenant of Xrim, in fears that they will be retaliated against by either the Enlighted or the Nralakk Federation due to their support of artificial intelligence. They are a Learning Lyrics-minded Argus.

Embodiment of Tranquil Stewardship

Birthdate: August, 2360 CE

Chairman of the Consortium’s Chambers, a Cyclops-form Gestalt that has been in politics since 2424 CE – having begun as a lowly administrative assistant to a Borough Councillor, following the adoption of the political hierarchy of the Nralakk Federation with the formation of the Consortium. They quickly managed to climb the ranks, before fulfilling the position of Deputy Chairman in 2442 CE. Merely eight years later, they ascended and now lead Consortium First, remaining the incumbent political party. They attended the Gliutip'lyaz University between 2399 CE and 2420 CE; having studied a variety of fields relating to socio-economics. This has led to those from the other factions present on Hieroaetheria to claim they are a political puppet for the Nralakk Federation, despite the Chairman often going against their policies, despite being thankful for what they have given to Hieroaetheria following First Contact – decisively announcing to the Consortium’s Chamber shortly after inauguration that “Hieroaetheria must begin their own path, and give homage to the forebearers of the Consortium and the Commonwealth, but ultimately carve their own existence in the unforgiving Spur.”

Ecclesiarch Sanctified Seeker of Holy Communion

Birthdate: June, 2143 CE

The Ecclesiarch a rather old Dionae, having been grown two centuries before the founding of the Eternal Republic of the Ekane, in 2143 CE. They were critical in the founding of the religious authority that governs the Eternal Republic – as well as the Knights of the Eternal. They are an Argus-form Gestalt and sport a rather dark, brown appearance with a slight golden hue – on their younger Nymphs, incorporated throughout the years to assist in maintaining mobility, as well as to reinvigorate the Gestalt. Though Dionae from the Eternal Republic of the Ekane would not dare insult Ecclesiarch Sanctified Seeker of Holy Communion, they are known to be deceptive and manipulative to get their way, exploiting the concept of their relationship with the Eternal for personal gain, and to sow discord across the Eternal Republic to maintain their religious authority. They do not keep their disdain for non-Dionae a secret either, having interacted with both Skrell and Humans present on Hieroaetheria, who often report back the palpable hatred the Ecclesiarch displays. It is suspected the Ecclesiarch has a Tyrannical Tune mindtype.

Ecclesiarch Devoted Emissary of Divine Benediction

Birthdate: January, 2350 CE

The Ecclesiarch sports a rather youthful appearance, having only been grown a few years prior to the founding of the Eternal Republic in 2350 CE. Chosen by Ecclesiarch Sanctified Seeker of Holy Communion, Devoted Emissary of Divine Benediction has become instrumental in the development of the Eternal Republic’s industry. They do not waste breath on conservation, nor on restriction – merely complete and utter industrialism, in a controlled manner of course, so as to not cause an imbalance of power between the people and the Ecclesiarchs. Sharing Ecclesiarch Sanctified Seeker of Holy Communion, Devoted Emissary of Divine Benediction holds no light to non-Dionae, and rarely if ever interacts with them – going out of their way to ensure the other Ecclesiarchs instead take the reigns on non-Dionae affairs. They are said to hold a Seasoned Song mindtype, despite only being a little of a century old, with the social Nymph being entirely encased in immobilising growths. They are a Cyclops-form Dionae.

Ecclesiarch Hallowed Pilgrim of Redemption's Light

Birthdate: Unknown

The Ecclesiarch is enigmatic, and little is known about the Ecclesiarch despite their role within the Eternal Republic. Some believe they were to have been grown around the same time as Ecclesiarch Sanctified Seeker of Holy Communion, but others indicate the lack of immobilising growths as indicating the Gestalt to perhaps be younger than Ecclesiarch Devoted Emissary of Divine Benediction. Regardless, they have been Ecclesiarch since the founding of the Eternal Republic, and typically handle the external affairs of the nation – engaging with the Consortium and the Union, as well as anything that may involve non-Dionae. They only leave the Eternal Beacon Cathedral when required, otherwise choosing to engross themselves in their worship of the Eternal, or studying its teachings. Their mindtype is not known, despite attempts to uncover it by non-Dionae reporters, who are quickly shut down by the Ecclesiarch’s Knights of the Eternal that maintain an almost consistent guard over the religious authority. They are an Argus-form Dionae.

Paragon Carver of Order for a Unified Future

Birthdate: December, 2391 CE

Paragon of the Union of Gla’orr since its divorce from Consortium-middlings in 2410 CE – in which they rose to power following the forced absorption of their conglomerate’s elected representative to the emissaries from the west, and declaring the creation of a new, sovereign nation that would not bow down to “inferior species believing they may direct our futures”. During the first few years following the inception of the Union, they spread their message across Gla’orr, bringing more and more conglomerates beneath their administration. Despite this, Carver of Order for a Unified Future has admitted the necessity of having diplomatic relations with the Consortium – despite their influence by non-Dionae, claiming it a necessity to strengthen the ties between the nations present on Hieroaetheria – which cannot be done without further attempts to sway the Consortium from their misguided beliefs. It is due to their beliefs of non-Dionae as being inferior, the Union of Gla’orr has structured their political affairs to exclude non-Dionae, as well as persecute them for their mere existence within their borders.

Exarch Imposing Arbiter of Indomitable Persuasion

Birthdate: July, 2369 CE

Largely considered the mind behind the Union’s control techniques – though not as one would think. As opposed to censoring information from the public, Exarch Imposing Arbiter of Indomitable Persuasion upholds a level of unbridled information access; meaning information is neither redacted or censored – merely allowed for any Dionae to explore should they so desire; however, this does not mean it is without its own bias. Information regarding inter-species reliance is often heavily discredited as showing weakness – where they are unable to help themselves and therefore must extend themselves whilst vulnerable to seek help. They have also been known to engage in economic affairs following their appointment as overseer of a Unitary. They are an advocate for a strong Hieroaetheria, one that is overseen by and for Dionae. They are a Cyclops-form and are one of the eldest Exarchs being nearly three centuries old. They are a Competence Choir mindtype and have many different social nymphs to utilize depending on the circumstances.

Exarch Regal Arbiter of Diplomactic Accord

Birthdate: September, 2390 CE

The Union’s leader in diplomacy between other Hieroaetherian Nations, as well as the Covenant of Xrim; however, unlike the other Exarchs, they are more open to limited diplomatic relations to non-Dionae within the Orion Spur, even placing formal protest against Paragon Carver of Order for a Unified Future for not doing their all to strengthen the Union – which led to an intense debate for months between the Exarch and the Paragon, eventually culminating in a limited degree of autonomy awarded to the Exarch to engage with Non-Dionae. They are a Cyclops-form, and are similar in age to Imposing Arbiter of Indomitable Persuasion; really only being a few decades younger than them. They are an Emphatic Echo mindtype and are well versed in several languages despite Rootsong being the only recognised language – such as Nral’malic, Tau Ceti Basic, Solarian Common and of course Rootsong.

Exarch Warforged Sentinel of Unyielding Vigilance

Birthdate: March, 2386

Overseeing the Union’s military capabilities – and is the only known influential Dionae within the Union to have forcefully absorbed another Gestalt to ensure their Cluster would follow Carver of Order for a Unified Future; and as a result is a uniquely seen combination of Chaotic Carcophony and Tyrannical Tune mindtype. The absorption irrevocably changed Exarch Warforged Sentinel of Unyielding Vigilance, removing the affected Nymphs at this point in their lifespan has become impossible, they are more one than they have ever been. They are an Argus-form, and tower over the other Exarchs as they project intimidation; they have contributed significantly to the Union of Gla’orr’s view on non-Dionae, as well as the necessity to join the Commonwealth as to ensure a balanced future. They are amongst the youngest Exarchs, being only eighty years old. They also spearhead the Union’s Sentry Guards.

Arch-Consul Enlightened Into the Truth Known

Birthdate: Publically Unknown

A prominent Dionae figure within the Triumvirate of Xrim, a unique position that bridges the governance of the Covenant of Xrim and its relationship with the Nralakk Federation. This role involves supervising compliance with the Triumvirate's laws and ensuring that the planet adheres to the protocols established by both the Federation and the Triumvirate. The Arch-Consul wields significant influence within the Triumvirate, making their voice one of the most authoritative in the Covenant. The Arch-Consul is an Argus-form Dionae, embodying Emphatic Echo which reflects their ability to synthesize vast amounts of information and discern the truth from it. This mindtype allows them to effectively navigate the complex political landscape of the Covenant and maintain the delicate balance between autonomy and compliance with the Federation's directives. Despite their long tenure, little is known about Enlightened Into the Truth Known's personal history or their formative years. They are enigmatic and they maintain a level of detachment that keeps others from understanding their true motivations. However, their commitment to the Federation's values and their unyielding stance against Glorsh-Omega have made them a key figure in ensuring that the Covenant of Xrim remains aligned with the Federation's broader goals.

Explorers Of An Everchanging Conundrum

Birthdate: February, 2318 CE

Initially from Xrim, Explorers Of A Everchanging Conundrum is a xenobiologist known for their theories and research into the origins and evolution of Dionae, as well as for being the first Dionae to reach Primary Status. Explorers initially served as a representative of Xrim during the Federation’s first contact with the planet, and after being recognized for their intellect and understanding of Xrim’s particular wildlife they were allowed to join some of the more recognized Federation research institutes. They spent most of their time attempting to discover the origin of their species, as well as fully understanding their abnormal biology. Due to their countless contributions to the field and decades of work, they managed to become the first Dionae to achieve Primary status and has become an Idol to other Dionae in the Federation to show that their hard work can pay off.

Connections Of A Familiar Unknown

Birthdate: Unknown

To help with contacting and communicating with the many Dionae gestalts and clusters floating throughout the void the Nralakk Federation employed many Dionae diplomats to aid with first contact, with the most well-known and accomplished Dionae diplomat being Connections Of a Familiar Unknown, a Geras-form cyclops originally from Xrim. Familiar Unknown is one of the most widely known Dionae amongst their species in Federation Space due to the work as one of if not the most accomplished Dionae Diplomats, having been known to initiate first contact and aid in the indoctrination of a plethora of Wild Dionae into the Federation over the years. In 2334, two years after first contact with Humanity, Familiar Unknown retired from their position as a diplomat and took up the work of an artist, focusing their effort on drawing celestial objects, stars, and the cosmos as a whole.

The Silent Friend Embracing The Weeping Souls In A Blanket Of Purity And Love or “Taarazi”

Birthdate: Unknown

Purity And Love, generally just known as Taarazi, is a well-known Argus-form Dionae on Moghes. While not the first Dionae to land on the planet or get in contact with either Wasteland villages or the Hegemony, Taarazi is rather famous for being one of the first Argus-sized Dionae documented on the planet, in addition to stories about them going missing after being found by the Hegemony. This resulted in a massive search and rescue operation that ended with their resurgence. Sometime after High Priest Unzi declared Dionae to be a sacred species worthy of respect, although not worship. Since then Taarazi has remained in the village they were originally found in, with the Dionae becoming a minor tourist attraction for some wasteland wanderers, as well as some Hegemony citizens wishing to see the size of the Dionae. Over the years some nymphs have been grown from Taarazi in order to assist villages in more irradiated locals with radiation cleanup.