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'''Psionics''' are the manipulation of metaphysical forces through concentrated effort employing the '''Zona Bovinae'''.<!-- Prior sentence from skrell page. Rewrite if permission is not given to use it !--> The manipulation of these forces is, in practice, the use of influence over a '''Psionic Wake''', also known as the [[Skrell#Nlom|Nlom]]. The only known sentient species with a naturally developed Zona Bovinae are the [[Skrell]]. However, some [[Borer|undiscovered species]] also possess a developed Zona Bovinae, and classified technologies exist which allow for [[Loner|other species]] to influence the Nlom as well.
The alert system is a standardized system of 5 security levels that details the status of the ship, the dangers it faces, and the permissions and access granted to certain parts of the crew. The alert level is chosen by the Command team as they see fit to address any issues aboard. This is done via the Communication program on command-level devices, or, for higher levels, the Keycard Authentication Device.

All organic life originating from the Spur possesses a Zona Bovinae, and sequentially, can be affected by Psionics.<!-- Prior sentence from skrell page. Rewrite if permission is not given to use it !--> Research into the field has show, however, that strong exposure to Psionics can cause long-lasting damage both mentally and physicially. As such, laws restricting the use of Psionics have been almost universally adopted across the spur. Generally, the unconsented usage of Psionics on an individual is considered '''[[Corporate Regulations|battery or assault]]''', depending on the severity. Those fitted with '''Psionic Receivers''' are considered allowed bodies to send '''Psionic Communications''' to, but any other actions require explicit consent by the receiver.
==<span style='color: green'>Green Alert</span>==
A green alert status indicates that the ship is operational without any present danger or elevated privileges. This is the status that the ship is expected to be running under, and Command must work towards a return to this status should it ever change.

==Using the Nlom==
During a green alert, all privacy laws are enforced and no additional privileges are provided to personnel. Security staff must not have weapons visible, may not conduct searches or arrest crew members without an applicable authorised warrant (exceptions apply). Camera access for non-Command personnel are limited to their own department. Suit sensors are not mandatory, and may be set to any setting based on the individual's personal preferences.
[[File:PsiBrain.png|thumb|The Psionic Brain]]
The fundamental elements in the use of psionics are '''Psionic Stamina''' (Psi-Stamina) and '''Psionic Powers'''. Psionic Powers use up Psionic Stamina. As powers are used, you Psionic Stamina lowers. Over time it will regenerate, however it is not at a rate able to keep up with constant Psionic use. Over use of your Psionic Powers will lead to '''Psishock''', a state which stuns and damages you through overuse of your Zona Bovinae.

[[File:PsiPowers.png|thumb|The default Psionic Powers given to Skrell.]]
==<span style='color: blue'>Blue Alert</span>==
Keeping track of your Psionic Stamina is essential, as well as access the '''Psionic Shop''' to acquire Psionic Powers. On the right of the HUD, a brain icon is present. Just below this icon is a number representing your current Psionic Stamina. By '''left-clicking''' the brain icon, you can access the Psionic Shop.
A blue alert status indicates that there is a high potential or unknown danger on the ship, or high potential for hostile encounters. This alert is used to assist Security personnel with identifying a potentially major threat, or to prepare the ship for hostile encounters. Security personnel are authorized to wear complete armor sets, helmets, and display weaponry at all times. Random searches of crew are permitted within reason. Locational searches are also permitted with probable cause, however Command Staff may shut down a locational search of an area under their authority. This includes but is not limited to: their own department, the bridge, vault, or any other shared command-restricted location. In both cases, it is the right of the department head, or the individual receiving the search to know the reason of said search.

Psionic Powers appear in the top right of the HUD. You can use an ability by clicking on it, and using the item which spawns on either yourself, someone else, or using it in-hand. By shift-clicking the Psionic Powers, you can see what the ability does.
Blue alert unlocks additional access privileges for personnel. Security will obtain access to the entire ship's camera network, and maintenance airlocks will lose their access restrictions.

===Psionic Ranks===
It is an expectation for Command staff to raise the security level to blue if there is a suspected danger aboard the SCCV Horizon, however if the situation can be handled through warrants and is not evolving rapidly, then green alert should be preferred over blue.
'''Psionics Ranks''' are a mechanical method for describing how developed and sensitive someone's Zona Bovinae is. These ranks define and limit what powers can be bought from the Psionic Shop, and also define how many '''Psipoints''' you have to gain Psionic Powers.
[[File:PsiShop.png|thumb|The Psionic Shop where you can acquire new abilities.]]
The ranks are:
*'''Sensitive:''' 0 Psipoints. Skrell are at this rank.
**Skrell spawn with 4 Psionic Abilities by default, however they have 2 additional points for use in a limited Psionic Shop.
*'''Harmonious:''' 10 Psipoints. Antagonists are at this rank, and some event Skrell.
*'''Apex:''' 14 Psipoints. This rank is limited to event characters only.
*'''Limitless:''' 40 points. Admin-only.

===Psionic Powers===
==<span style='color: red'>Red Alert</span>==
Powers are generally split between '''Canon''' and '''Non-Canon''' powers. Canon powers are powers that can be used by either ship characters, event characters, or both. Non-canon abilities are exclusively antag abilities and not considered real powers in lore. Within these non-canon powers, some may even be limited on Psionic Rank depending on how powerful they are.
A red alert status indicates that there is a confirmed and immediate threat to the ship. Authorising a red alert status requires two Command personnel to swipe their ID cards on keycard authorisation terminals located within their offices simultaneously.  

The key components of a Psionic Power is its '''Point Cost, Psi-Stamina Cost,''' and '''Cooldown'''. The Point Cost is how many Psipoints you need to gain the ability from the Psionic Shop. After gaining the power, you can use it for the Psi-Stamina Cost, which will lower your Psi-Stamina by that amount. After use, you must wait for however many seconds the Cooldown is before it may be used again.
Red alert provides additional expectations and privileges to personnel. All on-board staff are required to set their suit sensors to maximum, and may be charged with Failure to Execute an Order if they are deemed non-compliant. Security may now have weapons unholstered at all times. Tau Ceti Basic is '''required''' on public channels.

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:75%; text-align:left; border: 3px solid #ccddcc; cellspacing=0; cellpadding=2; background-color:white;"
A red alert status may only be used if there is a confirmed, active and immediate danger aboard the ship, and Command are expected to work towards lowering the status and resolving the danger as soon as possible. If the ship remains on Red alert for a significant amount of time, a situation report must be faxed to CCIA to provide an update.
! scope="col" style='width:150px; background-color:#eeffee;'|Name
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#eeffee;'|Availability/Canonicity
'''Warning: Red Alert blocks any vote to end the round. Only remain on Red Alert for as long as is strictly necessary.'''
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#eeffee;'|Description/Use
! scope="col" style='background-color:#d5eaff;'|Point Cost
==<span style='color: orange'>Yellow Alert</span>==
! scope="col" style='background-color:#d5eaff;'|Psi-Stamina Cost
A yellow alert indicates a confirmed biological hazard onboard the ship. All crew are to follow command instruction in order to ensure a safe return to standard operations.
! scope="col" style='background-color:#f7f4cb;'|Cooldown
Code Yellow should be used for hazards such as carp, greimorians, vines, drones, blobs or any other hazard on the ship. It will give Command and any relevant departments the required flexibility (for example allowing officers to carry weaponry during a greimorian outbreak) to deal with any biological hazard threats, without sacrificing privacy rights or giving the Security Department the means to arrest/search crew without a warrant.
| Air Bullet
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
==<span style='color: indigo'>Delta Alert</span>==
| Wrap air in a psionic bubble, compress it, then send it flying at your enemies. Activate the spell in hand to create up to six air bullets, then fire them by clicking something.
The ship has been compromised, and is beyond saving. This alert level can only be issued by the captain and admins, by following the protocol outlined on the [[Captain|Captain's page]]. Regulations are sidelined, security and command may do whatever is necessary to guide people to the escape pods and contain the threat long enough for the ship to be destroyed. Pray you might survive.
| 3
| 0
| 5
| Assay
!style='background-color:#c9e5f5;'| Automatically given to all Psionic users, Canon
| Read someone's psionic potential.
| N/A
| 2
| 10
| Barrier
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Activate in hand to give yourself psionic armour. This armour is slightly worse than generic heavy armour, and has a small passive upkeep.
| 1
| 30
| 20
| Bubble
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Create a protective bubble around you that removes your need to breathe or wear voidsuits in EVA.
| 1
| 10
| 10
| Charge
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Use this spell on an item with a cell to charge it.
| 1
| 5
| 5
| Commune
!style='background-color:#c9e5f5;'| Automatically given to all Psionic users, Canon
| Psionically commune with the target.
| N/A
| 10
| 15
| Electrocute
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Administer a painful amount of psionic shock to the nervous system of a foe in melee range, causing burn and agony damage.
| 2
| 5
| 10
| Emotional Suggestion
!style='background-color:#c9e5f5;'| Psionic users, Canon
| Allows you to psionically commune with the target and suggest an emotion.
| 1
| 15
| 10
| Focus
!style='background-color:#c9e5f5;'| Event characters, Canon
| Activate this spell in your hand to generate five units of synaptizine in your bloodstream.
| 1
| 20
| 50
| Grip
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Grip a victim with psionic energy. You can squeeze your grip to crush them. Drop your spell to undo the stasis.
| 3
| 10
| 20
| Hollow Technique: Purple
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Automatically given to Limitless users, Non-canon
| Purple is an extraordinarily destructive energy wave of annihilation that rips whatever it hits from existence.
| N/A
| 50
| 10
| Ion Blast
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Activate in hand to release a 3x3 ion blast around you. Be careful, this ability is expensive to use.
| 3
| 30
| 20
| Jump
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Loner only, Non-canon
| Teleport to a destination you click on.
| 3
| 25
| 50
| Lightning
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Automatically given to Apex users, Non-canon
| Fire a concentrated lightning bolt. Activate this spell in hand to switch to a second mode that hits living beings in a 4x3 area in front of you.
| N/A
| 15
| 10
| Mend
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Mend a creature's wounds. This handles internal wounds as well, such as ruptured organs and broken bones.
| 2
| 30
| 50
| Mind Muddle
!style='background-color:#c9e5f5;'| Event characters, Canon
| Use this at range to confuse a target and give them a little bit of pain.
| 1
| 10
| 20
| Mirror Shade
!style='background-color:#c9e5f5;'| Event characters, Canon
| Activate this spell to generate two psionic copies of yourself that will attack nearby mobs. These clones are not dense, will deal pain damage, and disappear after thirty seconds.
| 2
| 20
| 100
| Nlom Eyes
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Roughly locate a mob on your z-level.
| 2
| 5
| 10
| Psi-Awaken (Awaken)
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Automatically given to Apex users, Non-canon
| Stimulate a living being's Zona Bovinae and bring them to Psionically Harmonious rank.
| N/A
| 100
| 20
| Psi-Drain
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Automatically given to Apex users, Non-canon
| Drain psi-stamina from a living being. This can be used both in melee and at range.
| N/A
| 5
| 10
| Psi-Punch
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Imbue your fists with psionic power.
| 2
| 3
| 0
| Psionic Recovery
!style='background-color:#c9e5f5;'| Automatically given to all Psionic users, Canon
| Activate in hand to regenerate psi-stamina.
| N/A
| 0
| 5
| Psionic Search
!style='background-color:#c9e5f5;'| Automatically given to all Psionic users, Canon
| Scan your Z-level for Nlom signatures. The distance will be slightly inaccurate for weak signatures
| N/A
| 10
| 5
| Psi-Stamina Weave
!style='background-color:#c9e5f5;'| Psionic users, Canon
| Activate this spell in your hand to regenerate your psi-stamina a little bit.
| 1
| 0
| 0
| Psi-Sunder (Sunder)
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Automatically given to Apex users, Non-canon
| Destroy a living being's Zona Bovinae. This will make them psionically deaf.
| N/A
| 20
| 30
| Psionic Suppression
!style='background-color:#c9e5f5;'| Psionic users, Canon
| Hold in one of your hands to make yourself invisible to Psi-Search.
| 1
| 5
| N/A
| Psi-Sword
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Create a psionic sword.
| 3
| 5
| 10
| Psi-Tool
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Create a psionic tool that can change into a screwdriver, crowbar, wrench or wirecutters.
| 1
| 5
| 10
| Pull
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Pulls the target straight towards the user, smashing windows along the way. If it can be held in your hands, it goes straight to your hand. Note that you can catch items you pull to yourself if you toggle throw mode before pulling an item.
| 2
| 10
| 50
| Read Mind
!style='background-color:#c9e5f5;'| Psionic users, Canon
| Rip thoughts from someone's mind. If your rank is Psionically Sensitive, you may only skim the surface thoughts from a person's mind. If your rank is Psionically Harmonious or above, your target is forced to respond to a five-word question with the truth.
| 1
| 50
| 10
| Rejuvenate
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Restore a creature's blood.
| 1
| 30
| 50
| Rend
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Activate it in your hand to switch to a structure mode, in which you cannot target living beings (synthetics included) but you can tear apart walls and airlocks much faster.
| 3
| 35
| 30
| Shockwave
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Create a wave of telekinetic energy to pummel the ground in a straight line in the direction you're facing. Anyone caught in it falls over unless wearing magboots.
| 2
| 20
| 50
| Singularity
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Creates a psionic illusion. Anyone within four tiles of it is forced to walk towards it. It will dissipate after ten seconds.
| 2
| 20
| 100
| Skinsight
!style='background-color:#c9e5f5;'| Psionic users, Canon
| Get information on a creature's vitals. Activate in your hand to switch between a normal mode or a slower, more detailed mode. Note that the body scan mode is not 100% accurate with the numbers given.
| 1
| 10
| 10
| Spasm
!style='background-color:#c9e5f5;'| Event characters, Canon
| Force a target to drop the items in its hands.
| 1
| 20
| 100
| Stasis
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Condenses the Nlom field around one person at a time. This immobilises them like an energy net and also applies stasis to them.
| 2
| 20
| 100
| Throw
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| "Click this spell with an item to prepare it to be thrown, then use the spell to throw the item with lethal force.
| 3
| 20
| 20
| Time Stop
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Antag only, Non-canon
| Freeze living beings around you in a 5x5 area. This ability is very expensive, so be careful.
| 2
| 30
| 10
| Warp
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Loner only, Non-canon
| Warp through objects.
| 4
| 10
| 50
| Zona Absorption
!style='background-color:#f5d7d7;'| Admin-spawn only, Non-canon
| Absorb a psionic energy from a being's Zona Bovinae, granting you an extra point to be used in the Point Shop.
| N/A
| 10
| 30

Latest revision as of 04:12, 2 August 2024

The alert system is a standardized system of 5 security levels that details the status of the ship, the dangers it faces, and the permissions and access granted to certain parts of the crew. The alert level is chosen by the Command team as they see fit to address any issues aboard. This is done via the Communication program on command-level devices, or, for higher levels, the Keycard Authentication Device.

Green Alert

A green alert status indicates that the ship is operational without any present danger or elevated privileges. This is the status that the ship is expected to be running under, and Command must work towards a return to this status should it ever change.

During a green alert, all privacy laws are enforced and no additional privileges are provided to personnel. Security staff must not have weapons visible, may not conduct searches or arrest crew members without an applicable authorised warrant (exceptions apply). Camera access for non-Command personnel are limited to their own department. Suit sensors are not mandatory, and may be set to any setting based on the individual's personal preferences.

Blue Alert

A blue alert status indicates that there is a high potential or unknown danger on the ship, or high potential for hostile encounters. This alert is used to assist Security personnel with identifying a potentially major threat, or to prepare the ship for hostile encounters. Security personnel are authorized to wear complete armor sets, helmets, and display weaponry at all times. Random searches of crew are permitted within reason. Locational searches are also permitted with probable cause, however Command Staff may shut down a locational search of an area under their authority. This includes but is not limited to: their own department, the bridge, vault, or any other shared command-restricted location. In both cases, it is the right of the department head, or the individual receiving the search to know the reason of said search.

Blue alert unlocks additional access privileges for personnel. Security will obtain access to the entire ship's camera network, and maintenance airlocks will lose their access restrictions.

It is an expectation for Command staff to raise the security level to blue if there is a suspected danger aboard the SCCV Horizon, however if the situation can be handled through warrants and is not evolving rapidly, then green alert should be preferred over blue.

Red Alert

A red alert status indicates that there is a confirmed and immediate threat to the ship. Authorising a red alert status requires two Command personnel to swipe their ID cards on keycard authorisation terminals located within their offices simultaneously.

Red alert provides additional expectations and privileges to personnel. All on-board staff are required to set their suit sensors to maximum, and may be charged with Failure to Execute an Order if they are deemed non-compliant. Security may now have weapons unholstered at all times. Tau Ceti Basic is required on public channels.

A red alert status may only be used if there is a confirmed, active and immediate danger aboard the ship, and Command are expected to work towards lowering the status and resolving the danger as soon as possible. If the ship remains on Red alert for a significant amount of time, a situation report must be faxed to CCIA to provide an update.

Warning: Red Alert blocks any vote to end the round. Only remain on Red Alert for as long as is strictly necessary.

Yellow Alert

A yellow alert indicates a confirmed biological hazard onboard the ship. All crew are to follow command instruction in order to ensure a safe return to standard operations.

Code Yellow should be used for hazards such as carp, greimorians, vines, drones, blobs or any other hazard on the ship. It will give Command and any relevant departments the required flexibility (for example allowing officers to carry weaponry during a greimorian outbreak) to deal with any biological hazard threats, without sacrificing privacy rights or giving the Security Department the means to arrest/search crew without a warrant.

Delta Alert

The ship has been compromised, and is beyond saving. This alert level can only be issued by the captain and admins, by following the protocol outlined on the Captain's page. Regulations are sidelined, security and command may do whatever is necessary to guide people to the escape pods and contain the threat long enough for the ship to be destroyed. Pray you might survive.

Guides of the Horizon
Game Mechanics Getting Started - Guide to Combat - Guide to EVA - Guide to Piloting - Guide to Gunnery - Guide to Communication - Corporate Regulations - Stellar Corporate Conglomerate Occupation Qualifications
Command Guide to Command - Guide to Paperwork - Guide to Standard Procedure - Guide to Faxes
Security Guide to Security - Guide to Contraband - Corporate Regulations - Guide to Cadavers
Engineering Guide to Construction - Guide to Advanced Construction - Hacking - Guide to Atmospherics - Supermatter Engine - INDRA Engine - Setting up the Solar Array - Telecommunications - Shields
Medical Guide to Medicine - Guide to Surgery - Guide to Chemistry
Research Guide to Research and Development - Guide to Xenobiology - Guide to Xenobotany - Guide to Xenoarchaeology - Guide to Robotics - Guide to Telescience
Operations Guide to Mining - Guide to Robotics
Civilian Guide to Food - Guide to Drinks - Guide to Hydroponics - Guide to Piloting
Non-human cyborg - AI - Guide to Psionics
Special Mercenary - Ninja - Changeling - Vampire - Raider - Revolutionary - Cultist - Technomancer - Guide to Improvised Weapons - Uplink
Jobs on Aurora
Command Captain - Executive Officer - Head of Security - Chief Engineer - Research Director - Chief Medical Officer - Operations Manager
Command Support Corporate Liaison - Consular Officer - Bridge Crewman
Security Security Officer - Warden - Investigator - Security Cadet
Engineering Engineer - Atmospheric Technician - Engineering Apprentice
Medical Surgeon - Physician - Paramedic - Psychologist - Pharmacist - Medical Intern
Research Scientist - Xenobiologist - Xenobotanist - Lab Assistant
Operations Hangar Technician - Shaft Miner - Machinist
Service Assistant - Off-Duty Crewman - Passenger - Bartender - Chef - Chaplain - Librarian - Janitor - Botanist - Corporate Reporter
Non-human AI - Cyborg - Personal AI
Special Merchant - Ghost Roles