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[[Guide_to_Advanced_Construction|Advanced Construction]]
The alert system is a standardized system of 5 security levels that details the status of the ship, the dangers it faces, and the permissions and access granted to certain parts of the crew. The alert level is chosen by the Command team as they see fit to address any issues aboard. This is done via the Communication program on command-level devices, or, for higher levels, the Keycard Authentication Device.

==<span style='color: green'>Green Alert</span>==
A green alert status indicates that the ship is operational without any present danger or elevated privileges. This is the status that the ship is expected to be running under, and Command must work towards a return to this status should it ever change.

During a green alert, all privacy laws are enforced and no additional privileges are provided to personnel. Security staff must not have weapons visible, may not conduct searches or arrest crew members without an applicable authorised warrant (exceptions apply). Camera access for non-Command personnel are limited to their own department. Suit sensors are not mandatory, and may be set to any setting based on the individual's personal preferences.
<small><i>A selection of materials made from base construction materials.</i></small>
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===[[File:Rods.png]] Metal Rods===
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Rods are equally as useful as steel. They are used to make a wide variety of useful items that are commonly used around the vessel.  
:To make metal rods:
#Use[[File:Metal.png]]steel in your active hand to open the construction menu
#Select “Construction Recipes”
#Select “Metal Rod”
From there, you can use the metal rods as needed. They have their own construction menu as well.  
To deconstruct metal rods back into steel:
:*Click on the stack of rods with a[[File:Welderon.gif]] Welder
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===[[File:Floor_tile.png]] Floor tiles===
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As the name implies, these are used to cover plating with tiles that are nicer to look at.  
To make floor tiles:
#Use[[File:Metal.png]]steel in your active hand to open the construction menu
#Select “Construction Recipes”
#Select either “regular floor tile” or “full regular floor tile”. The difference is looks, primarily.
#Floor tiles '''CANNOT''' be deconstructed after they are made. Make sure you do not make too much!
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===[[File:Glass_r.png]]Reinforced Glass===
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Reinforced glass is used in almost the exact same way as standard glass, however it is stronger and is typically the only form of glass used on ship (aside from broscillate glass).
To make reinforced glass:
:*Use a stack of [[File:Rods.png]] Rods on[[File:Glass.png]]Glass
:*Reinforced Glass '''CANNOT''' be separated back into [[File:Rods.png]] metal rods and[[File:Glass.png]]glass after it is made. However, reinforced glass is used far more than regular glass.

==[[File:Flooring_and_support.gif]]Flooring and Support==
==<span style='color: blue'>Blue Alert</span>==
<small><i>The what and how that keeps you grounded.</i></small>
A blue alert status indicates that there is a high potential or unknown danger on the ship, or high potential for hostile encounters. This alert is used to assist Security personnel with identifying a potentially major threat, or to prepare the ship for hostile encounters. Security personnel are authorized to wear complete armor sets, helmets, and display weaponry at all times. Random searches of crew are permitted within reason. Locational searches are also permitted with probable cause, however Command Staff may shut down a locational search of an area under their authority. This includes but is not limited to: their own department, the bridge, vault, or any other shared command-restricted location. In both cases, it is the right of the department head, or the individual receiving the search to know the reason of said search.
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===[[File:Lattice.png]] Lattice===
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The lattice is the most basic for of support. It is just a collection of rods connected together that allow you to stand. You can move down through lattices, although this comes at the cost of not being airtight.
To make a lattice:
*Use [[File:Rods.png]] Rods on open space.
To deconstruct a lattice:
*Use a[[File:Welderon.gif]] Welder on the [[File:Lattice.png]] Lattice.
*The lattice will turn into [[File:Rods.png]] Rods.
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===[[File:Plating.png]] Plating===
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Plating is the bare minimum for airtight flooring. Similar to [[File:Lattice.png]] lattices, you can stand on plating, however you cannot move down through lattices. Plating is airtight, however.
To make plating:
*Use [[File:Floor_tile.png]] floor tiles on a [[File:Lattice.png]] lattice.
To deconstruct plating:
*Unfortunately, the only way to remove plating is via an RCD, which can either be found, purchased from a [[Merchant]], or the RCD that the [[Chief Engineer]] spawns with.
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Every kind of flooring is constructed in the same way:
#Create floor tiles using their respective material, as shown [[#Materials|before]].
#Use the floor tiles on bare [[File:Plating.png]] plating.
While the way of placing flooring is the same, the process of removing it is different for different types of flooring.
Note that typically, removing flooring will give back one tile of that piece of flooring. If the floor is too damaged, however, no tiles will be returned.
*[[File:Floor.png]] Steel Floors: [[File:Crowbar.png]] Crowbar
*[[File:WoodFloor.png]] Wood Floors: [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] Screwdriver
*[[File:Enginefloor.png]] Reinforced Floors: [[File:Wrench.png]] Wrench
If you are unsure how to remove a certain type of flooring, just examine the floor. Towards the bottom of the examine message, the required tool will be listed.

==[[File:Walls_and_structures.gif]]Walls and Structures==
Blue alert unlocks additional access privileges for personnel. Security will obtain access to the entire ship's camera network, and maintenance airlocks will lose their access restrictions.
<small><i>The number 1 rated way to keep the void out and oxygen in!</i></small>
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===[[File:Wall_generic.png]] Wall===
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This is a standard steel wall. It prevents passage, blocks vision, and can contain atmosphere within a room.
To make a steel wall:
*Stand in the location you want the wall
*Use [[File:Metal.png]] steel in your hand
*Select "Construction Recipes"
*Select "Wall Girders"
*Use at least 2 sheets of [[File:Metal.png]] steel on the girders
A wall can be damaged by numerous items and events. To repair a wall:
*Use a [[File:Welderon.gif]] welder on the damaged wall
To deconstruct a wall:
*Use a [[File:Welderon.gif]] welder to cut away the wall's plating
**Note that if the wall is damaged you have to repair the wall before deconstructing it
*Either use a [[File:Crowbar.png]] crowbar to dislodge the girder allowing it to move, or use a [[File:Wrench.png]] wrench to disassemble the girder back into [[File:Metal.png]] steel
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===[[File:Wall_reinforced.png]] Reinforced Wall===
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The reinforced wall is much like the standard wall. The primary difference, aside from looks, is that the reinforced wall is sturdier and can take more damage, and also takes longer to deconstruct.
To make a reinforced wall:
*Make a wall girder, as described above
*Use a [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] screwdriver on the girders
*Use [[File:Metal_r.png]] plasteel to reinforce the girder
*Use [[File:Metal_r.png]] plasteel again to reinforce the wall again and finish the wall
To repair a reinforced wall, use the same method as a standard wall.
To deconstruct a reinforced wall:
*Use [[File:Wirecutters.png]] wirecutters to cut the outer grille
*Use a [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] screwdriver to expose the reinforced cover
*Use a [[File:Welderon.gif]] welder to cut the reinforced cover
*Use a [[File:Crowbar.png]] crowbar to remove the reinforced cover
*Use a [[File:Wrench.png]] wrench to loosen the support rods
*Use a [[File:Welderon.gif]] welder to cut the support rods
*Use a [[File:Crowbar.png]] crowbar to remove the inner cover
*Use a [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] screwdriver to unsecure the inner supports
*Use [[File:Wirecutters.png]] wirecutters to cut the inner supports
*Use a [[File:Wrench.png]] wrench to disassemble the girder
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===[[File:Grille.png]] Grille===
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A grille is a pattern of overlapping metal rods. They are most commonly used in a role similar to fencing, protecting external parts of the vessel that need to be exposed to the void but also need to be physically protected. Light and atmosphere can pass through grilles, however physical objects cannot.
To construct a grille:
*Use [[File:Rods.png]] rods in hand
*Select "grille"
Grilles cannot be repaired, and deconstructing them is as easy as constructing them.
To deconstruct grilles:
*Use [[File:Wirecutters.png]] wirecutters on the grille
*Or use brute force and hit the grille until it breaks
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===[[File:False_Wall.gif]] False walls===
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False walls look and act like normal walls in every way except they can be opened when someone pushes on them. Useful for making secret hideouts or being an overachiever.
To construct a false wall:
*Make a wall girder as shown above
*Use a [[File:Crowbar.png]] crowbar to displace the girder
*Use [[File:Metal.png]] steel to finish the wall
To construct a 'reinforced' false wall:
*Make a wall girder as shown above
*Use a [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] screwdriver on the girder
*Use a [[File:Wrench.png]] wrench to displace the girder
*Use [[File:Metal_r.png]] plasteel to reinforce the girder
*Use [[File:Metal_r.png]] plasteel on the girder again to add the external cover
:Deconstructing false walls uses the same method as their normal versions

It is an expectation for Command staff to raise the security level to blue if there is a suspected danger aboard the SCCV Horizon, however if the situation can be handled through warrants and is not evolving rapidly, then green alert should be preferred over blue.
<small><i>Like a wall, but weaker and see through. Look at those pretty stars!</i></small>
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===[[File:Glass_panel.png]] Glass Panel===
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A glass panel is as it appears, a thin sheet of glass that faces one direction. They are useful as dividers within a room but are weak and not generally used beyond that role. They can hold an atmosphere, although glass panels should never be relied on for that.
To construct a glass panel:
*Use either [[File:Glass.png]] normal glass or [[File:Glass_r.png]] reinforced glass in your active hand
*Face the desired direction for the glass panel
*Click "One Direction"
*If the panel is facing the wrong direction, right-click and select rotate or alt-click on the panel to change its direction
*Use a [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] screwdriver to fasten the panel down
*Use either [[File:Glass.png]] standard glass or [[File:Glass_r.png]] reinforced glass on a [[File:Grille.png]] grille
*Right-click and select rotate or alt-click the panel until it is facing the correct direction
*Use a [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] screwdriver to fasten the panel down
To deconstruct a glass panel:
*Use a [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] screwdriver to unfasten the panel
*Use a [[File:Wrench.png]] wrench to disassemble the glass panel
*Use an object to smash the panel
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===[[File:Windoor.png]] Windoor===
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The windoor is similar in size to a glass panel except it can open and close like an airlock. It is very useful for smaller areas where an airlock may too large, or as a way to keep an area open while still have ID restrictions on certain areas, like the medical lobby. They are best used alongside glass panels.
To construct a windoor:
*Use [[File:Glass_r.png]] reinforced glass in your hand. Windoors can '''only''' be made with reinforced glass
*Click on "Windoor" while facing the desired direction of the door
*Use a [[File:Wrench.png]] wrench to secure the windoor frame
*Use [[File:Rods.png]] rods to make a 'secure windoor'
*Use [[File:Cable-coil.png]] cable coil to wire the windoor
*Insert a [[File:Airlock_control.png]] airlock control circuit
**If you want to add ID restrictions to the door, use a [[File:multitool.gif]] multitool on the [[File:Airlock_control.png]] circuit and set the restrictions before inserting it
*Use a [[File:Crowbar.png]] crowbar to secure the electronics and engage the windoor
To deconstruct a windoor:
*Hit the windoor with a blunt or sharp object, or a welder until it shatters
*There is no other way to deconstruct a windoor
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===[[File:Full_window.png]] Window===
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The window is the second most common structure type. It acts like a wall in that it can hold an atmosphere and takes effort to deconstruct. However, unlike a wall, it allows lasers to pass through and hit anything on the other side.
To construct a window:
*Use [[File:Metal.png]] steel in your active hand
*Click on "construction recipes"
*Select "steel window frame"
*Use either [[File:Glass_r.png]] reinforced glass or [[File:Phoron_glass_r.png]] reinforced broscillate glass (the latter is stronger) on the frame
To deconstruct a window:
*Use a [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] screwdriver to unfasten the window
*Use a [[File:Crowbar.png]] crowbar to pry out the glass
*Use a [[File:Wrench.png]] wrench to undo the safety bolts and remove the glass
This will leave the frame. To remove the frame:
*After removing the glass, use a [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] screwdriver to unfasten the frame
*Use a [[File:Welderon.gif]] welder to cut the frame back into [[File:Metal.png]] steel

==<span style='color: red'>Red Alert</span>==
<small><i>Reminder that interior decoration is not required skill for engineers.</i></small>
A red alert status indicates that there is a confirmed and immediate threat to the ship. Authorising a red alert status requires two Command personnel to swipe their ID cards on keycard authorisation terminals located within their offices simultaneously.  
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===[[File:Chair.png]] Chairs===
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Chairs are perhaps one of the more useful pieces of furniture around and are easy to make. Why grab a chair when you can make it?
To construct a chair:
*Use a material in your active hand, this is most commonly [[File:Planks.png]] wood or [[File:Metal.png]] steel
*Select "Generic Construction"
*Select "(Material name) Chair"
There are other types of chairs that can be made as well. Steel can make office chairs and padded chairs alongside the standard chair from above.
To construct office chairs and padded chairs:
*Use [[File:Metal.png]] steel in your active hand
*Select "miscellaneous construction"
*Select either "dark office chair", "light office chair", or "plain padded chair"
**Similar to the office and padded chair, steel can also make sofas. Sofa, unlike chairs, have different parts allowing you to make as long or short of a sofa as you want
**Within the "miscellaneous construction" menu, you can select the left, right, middle, and corner sofa options to make a sofa of any length
*Both padded chairs and sofas are constructed without padding. To add padding (and color) to both, use either leather, cloth, or carpet on the chair or sofa
To deconstruct a chair:
*Use a [[File:Wrench.png]] wrench on the chair to deconstruct it back into its base material
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===[[File:Table.png]] Table===
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A common piece of furniture that allows items to be placed on top. Tables can also be flipped over as improvised pieces of cover.
The following list of materials can be used to create a table:
*[[File:Metal.png]] Steel
*[[File:Planks.png]] Wood
*[[File:Glass.png]] Glass
*[[File:Marble.png]] Marble
*[[File:Plastic.png]] Plastic
*[[File:Sandstone.png]] Sandstone
*[[File:Carpet.png]] Carpet (when added to a wood table)
To construct a table:
*Use [[File:Metal.png]] steel in your active hand
*Click on "construction recipes"
*Select "table frame"
*Use you desired material on the frame
To deconstruct a table:
*Use a [[File:Wrench.png]] wrench on the table to remove the covering
*Use a [[File:Wrench.png]] wrench again to disassemble the frame
Tables can also be [[File:R-table.png]] reinforced
To construct a reinforced table:
*Follow the same steps for a normal table
*Click and drag the reinforcing material onto the table
To deconstruct a reinforced table:
*Use a [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] screwdriver to remove the reinforcement
*Follow the same deconstruction steps for a normal table

==Machinery and Electronics==
Red alert provides additional expectations and privileges to personnel. All on-board staff are required to set their suit sensors to maximum, and may be charged with Failure to Execute an Order if they are deemed non-compliant. Security may now have weapons unholstered at all times. Tau Ceti Basic is '''required''' on public channels.
<small><i>Batteries not included.</i></small>
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The Area Power Controller (APC) is what powers each room around the vessel. Every piece of machinery from guns to newsreaders and even doors pull power from APCs. In turn, APCs draw power from the vessel's power grid.
These are most often where electrical issues lie, whether they be a virus that blue-screens the controller to an imbalance if input-output.
To construct an APC:
*Use [[File:Metal.png]] steel in your active hand
*Select "construction recipes"
*Select "apc frame"
*Use the apc frame on the desired wall
*Use [[File:Cable-coil.png]] cable coil to wire the APC to the electrical grid
**'''Important:''' Green wires are used for 'department' grids which connect to the associated department sub station. Red wires are the 'main' grid which connects to the engine. '''Always''' connect APCs to the green department grid unless it is an emergency.
*Fit a [[File:Circuit_board.png]] power control board into the frame
*Use a [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] screwdriver to secure the electronics
*Insert a [[File:Power_cell.png]] power cell into the frame
*Use a [[File:Crowbar.png]] crowbar to shut the cover and finish the APC
**Note: New APCs start with a locked cover and with the main breaker off. Use your ID to unlock the interface and cover.
**Another note: APCs can only be built where there is a defined Vessel Area that does not already have an APC. To make a new Vessel Area, use the Chief Engineer's blueprints (although bear in mind that this may cause issues with the server. Use sparingly, please)
To deconstruct the APC while it is '''broken''':
*Use a [[File:Welderon.gif]] welder to cut open the broken cover
*Pull out the [[File:Power_cell.png]] with a free hand
*Use a [[File:Crowbar.png]] crowbar to pry out the broken electronics
*Use a [[File:Crowbar.png]] crowbar again to remove the flooring beneath the APC
*Use [[File:Wirecutters.png]] wirecutters to disconnect the APC terminal
*Use a [[File:Welderon.gif]] welder to clear off the broken frame
If the APC is '''NOT broken''':
*Use an [[File:Id_regular.png]] ID to unlock the APC and its cover
*Use a [[File:Crowbar.png]] crowbar to pry open the cover
*Pull out the [[File:Power_cell.png]] power cell with an open hand
*Use a [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] screwdriver to remove the electronics
*Use a [[File:Crowbar.png]] crowbar to remove the flooring beneath the APC
*Use [[File:Wirecutters.png]] wirecutters to disconnect the APC terminal
**'''Note:''' If the grid the APC is connected is live, wear [[File:Gloves_insulated.png]] insulated gloves to not get shocked
*Use a [[File:Crowbar.png]] crowbar to pry out the [[File:Circuit_board.png]] power control board
*Use a [[File:Welderon.gif]] welder to cut apart the APC frame
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===[[File:Airalarm.gif]]Air Alarm===
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Air Alarms are the main device which manages a rooms atmosphere. These useful machines check the atmosphere's contents for any harmful gases or for the lack of oxygen. It controls the vents and scrubbers in the room. They can only work in designated areas, however, so keep that in mind when making new ones.
To construct an air alarm:
*Use [[File:Metal.png]] steel in your active hand
*Select "construction recipes"
*Select "air alarm frame"
*Use the frame on whichever wall surface you would like
*Fit in the [[File:Circuit_board.png]] circuit board into the frame
*Use [[File:Cable-coil.png]] cable coil to wire the frame
*Use a [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] screwdriver to close the frame
To deconstruct:
*Use a [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] Screwdriver to open the cover
*Interact with the Air Alarm using an empty hand and cut all wires using [[File:Wirecutters.png]] Wirecutters
*Cut the remaining wires by using [[File:Wirecutters.png]] Wirecutters on the Air Alarm
*Use a [[File:Crowbar.png]] Crowbar to remove the [[File:Circuit_board.png]] circuit board
*Use a [[File:Wrench.png]] Wrench to remove the frame from the wall
*Use a [[File:Wrench.png]] Wrench to turn the frame into [[File:Metal.png]] sheets

A red alert status may only be used if there is a confirmed, active and immediate danger aboard the ship, and Command are expected to work towards lowering the status and resolving the danger as soon as possible. If the ship remains on Red alert for a significant amount of time, a situation report must be faxed to CCIA to provide an update.
{{Gameplay Guides}}
'''Warning: Red Alert blocks any vote to end the round. Only remain on Red Alert for as long as is strictly necessary.'''
==<span style='color: orange'>Yellow Alert</span>==
A yellow alert indicates a confirmed biological hazard onboard the ship. All crew are to follow command instruction in order to ensure a safe return to standard operations.
Code Yellow should be used for hazards such as carp, greimorians, vines, drones, blobs or any other hazard on the ship. It will give Command and any relevant departments the required flexibility (for example allowing officers to carry weaponry during a greimorian outbreak) to deal with any biological hazard threats, without sacrificing privacy rights or giving the Security Department the means to arrest/search crew without a warrant.
==<span style='color: indigo'>Delta Alert</span>==
The ship has been compromised, and is beyond saving. This alert level can only be issued by the captain and admins, by following the protocol outlined on the [[Captain|Captain's page]]. Regulations are sidelined, security and command may do whatever is necessary to guide people to the escape pods and contain the threat long enough for the ship to be destroyed. Pray you might survive.

Latest revision as of 03:12, 2 August 2024

The alert system is a standardized system of 5 security levels that details the status of the ship, the dangers it faces, and the permissions and access granted to certain parts of the crew. The alert level is chosen by the Command team as they see fit to address any issues aboard. This is done via the Communication program on command-level devices, or, for higher levels, the Keycard Authentication Device.

Green Alert

A green alert status indicates that the ship is operational without any present danger or elevated privileges. This is the status that the ship is expected to be running under, and Command must work towards a return to this status should it ever change.

During a green alert, all privacy laws are enforced and no additional privileges are provided to personnel. Security staff must not have weapons visible, may not conduct searches or arrest crew members without an applicable authorised warrant (exceptions apply). Camera access for non-Command personnel are limited to their own department. Suit sensors are not mandatory, and may be set to any setting based on the individual's personal preferences.

Blue Alert

A blue alert status indicates that there is a high potential or unknown danger on the ship, or high potential for hostile encounters. This alert is used to assist Security personnel with identifying a potentially major threat, or to prepare the ship for hostile encounters. Security personnel are authorized to wear complete armor sets, helmets, and display weaponry at all times. Random searches of crew are permitted within reason. Locational searches are also permitted with probable cause, however Command Staff may shut down a locational search of an area under their authority. This includes but is not limited to: their own department, the bridge, vault, or any other shared command-restricted location. In both cases, it is the right of the department head, or the individual receiving the search to know the reason of said search.

Blue alert unlocks additional access privileges for personnel. Security will obtain access to the entire ship's camera network, and maintenance airlocks will lose their access restrictions.

It is an expectation for Command staff to raise the security level to blue if there is a suspected danger aboard the SCCV Horizon, however if the situation can be handled through warrants and is not evolving rapidly, then green alert should be preferred over blue.

Red Alert

A red alert status indicates that there is a confirmed and immediate threat to the ship. Authorising a red alert status requires two Command personnel to swipe their ID cards on keycard authorisation terminals located within their offices simultaneously.

Red alert provides additional expectations and privileges to personnel. All on-board staff are required to set their suit sensors to maximum, and may be charged with Failure to Execute an Order if they are deemed non-compliant. Security may now have weapons unholstered at all times. Tau Ceti Basic is required on public channels.

A red alert status may only be used if there is a confirmed, active and immediate danger aboard the ship, and Command are expected to work towards lowering the status and resolving the danger as soon as possible. If the ship remains on Red alert for a significant amount of time, a situation report must be faxed to CCIA to provide an update.

Warning: Red Alert blocks any vote to end the round. Only remain on Red Alert for as long as is strictly necessary.

Yellow Alert

A yellow alert indicates a confirmed biological hazard onboard the ship. All crew are to follow command instruction in order to ensure a safe return to standard operations.

Code Yellow should be used for hazards such as carp, greimorians, vines, drones, blobs or any other hazard on the ship. It will give Command and any relevant departments the required flexibility (for example allowing officers to carry weaponry during a greimorian outbreak) to deal with any biological hazard threats, without sacrificing privacy rights or giving the Security Department the means to arrest/search crew without a warrant.

Delta Alert

The ship has been compromised, and is beyond saving. This alert level can only be issued by the captain and admins, by following the protocol outlined on the Captain's page. Regulations are sidelined, security and command may do whatever is necessary to guide people to the escape pods and contain the threat long enough for the ship to be destroyed. Pray you might survive.

Guides of the Horizon
General Getting Started - Guide to Combat - Guide to EVA - Guide to Piloting - Guide to Gunnery - Guide to Communication - Corporate Regulations - Stellar Corporate Conglomerate Occupation Qualifications
Command Guide to Command - Guide to Paperwork - Guide to Standard Procedure - Guide to Faxes - Chain of Command
Security Guide to Security - Guide to Contraband - Corporate Regulations - Guide to Cadavers
Engineering Guide to Construction - Guide to Advanced Construction - Hacking - Guide to Atmospherics - Supermatter Engine - INDRA Engine - Setting up the Solar Array - Telecommunications - Shields
Medical Guide to Medicine - Guide to Surgery - Guide to Chemistry
Research Guide to Research and Development - Guide to Xenobiology - Guide to Xenobotany - Guide to Xenoarchaeology - Guide to Robotics - Guide to Telescience
Operations Guide to Mining - Guide to Robotics
Civilian Guide to Food - Guide to Drinks - Guide to Hydroponics - Guide to Piloting
Non-human cyborg - AI - Guide to Psionics
Special Odyssey - Mercenary - Ninja - Changeling - Vampire - Raider - Revolutionary - Cultist - Technomancer - Guide to Improvised Weapons - Uplink
Jobs on Aurora
Command Captain - Executive Officer - Head of Security - Chief Engineer - Research Director - Chief Medical Officer - Operations Manager
Command Support Corporate Liaison - Consular Officer - Bridge Crewman
Security Security Officer - Warden - Investigator - Security Cadet
Engineering Engineer - Atmospheric Technician - Engineering Apprentice
Medical Surgeon - Physician - Paramedic - Psychologist - Pharmacist - Medical Intern
Research Scientist - Xenoarcheologist - Xenobiologist - Xenobotanist - Research Intern
Operations Hangar Technician - Shaft Miner - Machinist
Service Assistant - Off-Duty Crewman - Passenger - Bartender - Chef - Chaplain - Librarian - Janitor - Botanist - Corporate Reporter
Non-human AI - Cyborg - Personal AI
Special Merchant - Ghost Roles