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< User:Cnaym
Revision as of 21:33, 15 June 2020 by Cnaym (talk | contribs) (First draft put online, introduction, concept, structure)
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WIP Ignore for now.

Access: Your host, your hosts access
Qualifications: Not defined
Employers: Not defined
Supervisors: Not defined
Duties: Ensure your species survival and spread.
Guides: No external guides.

"After years of hiding we have finally found a new host. They will follow our will or be absorbed into the hive." -Unknown.

Borers are a unique species of parasites that uplift or crush entire civilizations at their whim. As part of the hive you may call upon your fellow borers for help or pursue your own goals. Unlike your gory counterpart a borer on their own is rather weak and requires a strong host to survive and grow.

Extended skillset - You aren't held to conventional standards on skills.

Your host is your castle

As a borer, it is mandatory to take good care of your host, as your host will in return take good care of you. A chemical compound injected into them allows you to influence their decisions and actions. While strong minds might try to resist you, everyone else is required to follow your command or risk having their brain wiped clean and body directly taken over by you. Your species outside of a host is weak, but with the right strategy survival and spread are possible. While some may fear the loss of autonomy others may be convinced to accept you in exchange for your unique powers. Enabling a host to use advanced psionics is only one of the many ways to convince another host to join the collective. If diplomacy fails, forcing your host to take someone by force is also an option.

Hiding in plain sight

Convincing your host that you mean no harm or that their brain is now your hostage can develop a unique relationship between the two of you. While inside a host, they are forced to follow your commands. Should you ever be forced to leave or change a host, having a build a good relationship with them can make the difference between survival and death. While some may feel rapid signs of withdrawel such as a sudden loneliness, others may be disgusted by what happened to them and seek medical attention. A medical scanner is able to identify a borer as unknown mass and should be avoided at all costs. If found to be hostile, crew may try to force scans upon people and rot out any remaining borers, while a peaceful approach may lead to crew following first contact protocols and becoming more helpful without being forced. Choice of host should be considered carefully. A janitor can go almost everywhere without raising an eyebrow, while a doctor shredding a dozen scans might raise suspicion. If you are ever forced to leave your host, keep in mind that your small size enables you to hide in vents, under tables or even inside the pockets of your hosts jacket.

The hive and you

The Borers mastery of inflitration and the shared hivemind make them a strong force when working together. You can use ,x to communicate with other bores that may be nearby. While usually friendly and helpful towards each other, some might wait their time before helping you out of a tight spot or outright harm your host to keep the hive hidden. It is often more useful to spend some brig time than endanger your entire hive by exposing yourself. Social sensitivity is vital to this, since an officer known for overstepping regulations will raise less suspicion when tazing someone than a pacifistic CMO suddenly demanding field executions for theft. Keep in mind that a single borer with a host is enough to regrow your hive and find new hosts.

Uplifting a host

Why and how, risks and benefits


General skills and functions from borer perspective, host maintenance and healing


Overview, psionic skill brackets, process of leveling those

Using a host

Why and how, costs and benefits

Direct control

Duration and control, emergency eject

Spread your hive

Spawn borers, find hosts, capture the unwilling

Nothing to waste

Brain eating and other useful functions of a having a corpse

Mixed Gamemodes and AOOC

Borer is frequently played along other gamemodes such as mercenary. Decide at round start if you will work together or fight it out on the unsuspecting Aurora. AOOC is an OOC channel that is exclusive to those playing antags, it is a very good way to make gimmicks and plan your round with the other antags. The possibilities are endless when it comes to telling a story, just remember to stay in the bounds of the game and follow the Server Rules about IC in OOC. Remember to ahelp if you have a question.

Antagonist roles
Antagonists Traitor - Mercenary - Ninja - Changeling - Vampire - Revolutionary - Raider - Cultist - Cortical Borer - Loner - Technomancer
Jobs on Aurora
Command Captain - Executive Officer - Head of Security - Chief Engineer - Research Director - Chief Medical Officer - Operations Manager
Command Support Corporate Liaison - Consular Officer - Bridge Crewman
Security Security Officer - Warden - Investigator - Security Cadet
Engineering Engineer - Atmospheric Technician - Engineering Apprentice
Medical Surgeon - Physician - Paramedic - Psychologist - Pharmacist - Medical Intern
Research Scientist - Xenobiologist - Xenobotanist - Lab Assistant
Operations Hangar Technician - Shaft Miner - Machinist
Service Assistant - Off-Duty Crewman - Passenger - Bartender - Chef - Chaplain - Librarian - Janitor - Botanist - Corporate Reporter
Non-human AI - Cyborg - Personal AI
Special Merchant - Ghost Roles