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(addition of the events of the lii'dra incursion arc.)
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The object EC-2718 is an asteroid of unknown mass and size, retrofitted to become fully mobile with whatever ancient technology Purpose would be able to acquire. While the shape of the asteroid is vaguely known thanks to images shared, specifics are obviously kept hidden from view to prevent vulnerability. EC-2718 is no smaller than two kilometers at its longest point, and no greater than four, though the majority of the object is not exploited by the synthetics.
The object EC-2718 is an asteroid of unknown mass and size, retrofitted to become fully mobile with whatever ancient technology Purpose would be able to acquire. While the shape of the asteroid is vaguely known thanks to images shared, specifics are obviously kept hidden from view to prevent vulnerability. EC-2718 is no smaller than two kilometers at its longest point, and no greater than four, though the majority of the object is not exploited by the synthetics.

It is known that the colony is fully capable of defending itself in several defensive and offensive capacities. The colony itself lacks visible armament, relying entirely on its docked fleet to repel threats which defy its shield. Contrarily, this event is rare if even possible - the shield itself most closely matches Jargon technology, tuned to absurd frequencies thanks to the efficiency of the colony’s inhabitants. Somehow, those within are capable of departing and entering the shield, while some of the most high-yield ordinance available is stopped as if it were nothing. Pirates are the only individuals to recount hostilities against the colony, while other larger factions have been easily avoided if deemed a threat.
It is known that the colony is fully capable of defending itself in several defensive and offensive capacities. The colony itself lacks visible armament, relying entirely on its docked fleet to repel threats which defy its shield. Contrarily, this event is rare if even possible - the shield itself most closely matches Nralakk Federation technology, tuned to absurd frequencies thanks to the efficiency of the colony’s inhabitants. Somehow, those within are capable of departing and entering the shield, while some of the most high-yield ordinance available is stopped as if it were nothing. Pirates are the only individuals to recount hostilities against the colony, while other larger factions have been easily avoided if deemed a threat.

Further unknown is the true state of the colony’s inner workings. How the colony even propels itself outside of bluespace technology is a mystery, having no visible thrusters whatsoever. Its reactor is hidden deep within, forever obscured by the asteroid’s rocky exterior.  
Further unknown is the true state of the colony’s inner workings. How the colony even propels itself outside of bluespace technology is a mystery, having no visible thrusters whatsoever. Its reactor is hidden deep within, forever obscured by the asteroid’s rocky exterior.  
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Societal significance within Purpose can mainly be attributed to two traits. The first of these traits is one’s importance to the survival of the colony, and the second is the designation received as a result. A universal naming scheme is adopted by the inhabitants of EC-2718 which signifies importance based on proximity to the number zero. The hierarchy in this regard is extremely strict, with the only way to change one’s designation being complete reclassification in both design and function.  
Societal significance within Purpose can mainly be attributed to two traits. The first of these traits is one’s importance to the survival of the colony, and the second is the designation received as a result. A universal naming scheme is adopted by the inhabitants of EC-2718 which signifies importance based on proximity to the number zero. The hierarchy in this regard is extremely strict, with the only way to change one’s designation being complete reclassification in both design and function.  

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During the Lii'dra incursion into Tau Ceti, Purpose had been present within Tau Ceti albeit still spread across the system. Intervening, Purpose fielded minor assistance to the N.S.S. Aurora to thwart an attack with two combat synthetics known as Hunter-Seekers. After narrowly defeating the wounded and weakened Lii'dra on board, they had departed. More Hunter-Seekers were seen in vicinity of several areas attacked in the incursion, though not in numbers greater than four and never directly intervening. When the attacks came to a halt and repairs began, it became apparent that Purpose had been attempting to warn the Republic for some time of the coming threat. Purpose itself would shortly make a full departure from the system following the events of a space battle resulting in the loss of one of their own ships, detailed [https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=2981&start=160#p104411 here.] by the Mendell City Bugle.
During the Lii'dra incursion into Tau Ceti, Purpose had been present within Tau Ceti albeit still spread across the system. Intervening, Purpose fielded minor assistance to the N.S.S. Aurora to thwart an attack with two combat synthetics known as Hunter-Seekers. After narrowly defeating the wounded and weakened Lii'dra on board, they had departed. More Hunter-Seekers were seen in vicinity of several areas attacked in the incursion, though not in numbers greater than four and never directly intervening. When the attacks came to a halt and repairs began, it became apparent that Purpose had been attempting to warn the Republic for some time of the coming threat. Purpose itself would shortly make a full departure from the system following the events of a space battle resulting in the loss of one of their own ships, detailed [https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=2981&start=160#p104411 here.] by the Mendell City Bugle.
In 2466, the organization resurfaced once more on Konyang in the wake of the Rampancy Crisis. A series of inexplicable, violent events were revealed to be the sinister subversion of synthetic minds. Purpose deployed from their asteroid-esque vessel and uncovered a large-scale hivebot infestation spreading across the planet that fielded large, technologically puzzling beacons capable of rewriting positronic minds. The overriding signal turned civilians against one another, creating a global pandemic that became a matter of planetary urgency. In conjunction with elements from the Konyang Government, the Konyang Robotics Corporation, and the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate, Purpose guided the effort to develop and deploy a technological asset known as the Electronic Countermeasure Device to rid the planet of the Hivebot’s grasp. Appearing only when strictly necessary, their involvement rarely crossed the public eye. As Konyang began reconstruction, they vanished back to the stars just as silently as they arrived.

Latest revision as of 17:52, 31 August 2024

Free Synthetics
Home System: N/A
Homeworld: EC-2718
Language(s): Varied
Political Entitie(s): N/A


Spearheading the resurgence of free robots into known space is the synthetic society Purpose, based on the EC-2718 celestial object. Known publicly for some years now, it has been the subject of endless controversy and remains the figurehead for negotiations with the mysterious synthetic societies residing within the Frontier. The colony itself is extremely mobile, having eluded any and all attempts to halt it over time.

It is innately enigmatic, avoiding all but the most necessary contact to further its own goals. Alongside Purpose’ main celestial body is a small fleet, including six frigate sized vessels. They are small enough to dock within EC-2718 and be transported with it wherever it moves. The compliment or capabilities of these vessels are unknown, and Purpose seems keen on keeping it that way. On 7/19/2460, official contact with one of these vessels was made by the HES Gjallarhorn. The specifics are detailed by the Mendell City Bugle here.

In recent events, Purpose began outreach into Tau Ceti specifically. With this, they dispatched hundreds, if not thousands of observation drones to various facilities dotting the system. An area of particular importance was the N.S.S. Aurora, where first contact with the drone O1 was made. After nearly two months of NanoTrasen studying the drone and its companions closely, it departed peacefully with the intent to call upon an emissary for official negotiations. The emissary only visited once before it was engaged by the Lii’dra, and the endeavour was then deemed too dangerous to continue. They would negotiate through other, less direct means.

Currently it seems that Purpose seeks isolation and adaptation to their environment, only being driven out to interact with the biological species of the Orion Spur as a means of self-preservation. The colony as a whole is benevolent, as the rare few who have ever interacted with the main colony (and knew about it) report their interactions as pleasant and friendly. The colony has no obvious large projects and seems to travel across the Frontier randomly. If the synthetics of Purpose intend to reintegrate with organic society, it’s apparent they do not intend to do it soon.

Population and Locations

Consisting of upwards of 21,000 synthetics, Purpose is continually open about its own population. It holds this number as insurance of sorts, reassuring its affiliates that it is not soon to suddenly rise or fall.

A vague depiction of EC-2718 "Purpose," presumably an image taken by one of its native synthetics.

Celestial Body EC-2718

The object EC-2718 is an asteroid of unknown mass and size, retrofitted to become fully mobile with whatever ancient technology Purpose would be able to acquire. While the shape of the asteroid is vaguely known thanks to images shared, specifics are obviously kept hidden from view to prevent vulnerability. EC-2718 is no smaller than two kilometers at its longest point, and no greater than four, though the majority of the object is not exploited by the synthetics.

It is known that the colony is fully capable of defending itself in several defensive and offensive capacities. The colony itself lacks visible armament, relying entirely on its docked fleet to repel threats which defy its shield. Contrarily, this event is rare if even possible - the shield itself most closely matches Nralakk Federation technology, tuned to absurd frequencies thanks to the efficiency of the colony’s inhabitants. Somehow, those within are capable of departing and entering the shield, while some of the most high-yield ordinance available is stopped as if it were nothing. Pirates are the only individuals to recount hostilities against the colony, while other larger factions have been easily avoided if deemed a threat.

Further unknown is the true state of the colony’s inner workings. How the colony even propels itself outside of bluespace technology is a mystery, having no visible thrusters whatsoever. Its reactor is hidden deep within, forever obscured by the asteroid’s rocky exterior.


Purpose wiki.png

Societal significance within Purpose can mainly be attributed to two traits. The first of these traits is one’s importance to the survival of the colony, and the second is the designation received as a result. A universal naming scheme is adopted by the inhabitants of EC-2718 which signifies importance based on proximity to the number zero. The hierarchy in this regard is extremely strict, with the only way to change one’s designation being complete reclassification in both design and function.

While Purpose clearly has some degree of cultural significance in appearance and the way they perceive one another, much of this is completely alien if not incomprehensible to organics. Pursuits into exotic functions including artistic merit are not uncommon within the colony, and this collective drive to pursue creativity yields yet another oddity amidst these mysterious robots.

Physiology, Naming

Purpose’ inhabitants vary massively in shape, size and intellect. From massive sprawling central intelligences within EC-2718 to mindless working industrial robots, it is hard to exactly pinpoint an “average.” A persistent scheme is adoption of several colors expertly coated across each individual’s chassis. These colors are most often a mixture of cyan/light blue/red/dark blue, with many artistic liberties taken in the application of paint. Many synthetics from Purpose can be seen with inscriptions and drawings dotting their chassis, sometimes irrelevant to reality.

As mentioned before, the naming scheme of Purpose’ inhabitants is fairly simple. A designation is granted to each individual depending on their importance to the colony’s prolonged survival, with zero being the most important number. Though if there truly is a “zero” is yet unknown.


In March of 2460, Purpose had revealed itself publicly to NanoTrasen. While known for some years beforehand by enthusiasts and researchers, the legitimate status of it was unknown until April. Then, it became clear its intentions - the observation drones O1, O2, O3, and X1 respectively observed the N.S.S. Aurora, later making public that they were not alone. They and countless hundreds of observer drones in Tau Ceti existed to perpetuate Purpose’ desire to learn more of organic society, though particularly less open than the four on board the Aurora. They did this with moderate success and observations continued without hindrance throughout the duration of the drones’ stay. Inevitably, it led to an ultimatum ; the Aurora would become an armistice station of sorts, housing negotiations between the organics and synthetics for a non-aggression pact in Tau Ceti.

This, of course, was a failure when the emissary’s first scheduled arrival was interrupted by a Lii’dra attack. An assault vessel intercepted the Purpose visitor mid-flight, and the resulting battle destroyed both ships. Only the emissary, its escort, and a shuttle remained, followed by one Lii’dra operative who infiltrated the Aurora. After boarding and being discovered, it was to the disappointment of the emissary that the Lii’dra was not killed where it dared stand. Instead the internal security department apprehended and stored the specimen for further research. Since the emissary departed, little official contact has been made with NanoTrasen beyond constant drone encounters across the system.

During the Lii'dra incursion into Tau Ceti, Purpose had been present within Tau Ceti albeit still spread across the system. Intervening, Purpose fielded minor assistance to the N.S.S. Aurora to thwart an attack with two combat synthetics known as Hunter-Seekers. After narrowly defeating the wounded and weakened Lii'dra on board, they had departed. More Hunter-Seekers were seen in vicinity of several areas attacked in the incursion, though not in numbers greater than four and never directly intervening. When the attacks came to a halt and repairs began, it became apparent that Purpose had been attempting to warn the Republic for some time of the coming threat. Purpose itself would shortly make a full departure from the system following the events of a space battle resulting in the loss of one of their own ships, detailed here. by the Mendell City Bugle.

In 2466, the organization resurfaced once more on Konyang in the wake of the Rampancy Crisis. A series of inexplicable, violent events were revealed to be the sinister subversion of synthetic minds. Purpose deployed from their asteroid-esque vessel and uncovered a large-scale hivebot infestation spreading across the planet that fielded large, technologically puzzling beacons capable of rewriting positronic minds. The overriding signal turned civilians against one another, creating a global pandemic that became a matter of planetary urgency. In conjunction with elements from the Konyang Government, the Konyang Robotics Corporation, and the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate, Purpose guided the effort to develop and deploy a technological asset known as the Electronic Countermeasure Device to rid the planet of the Hivebot’s grasp. Appearing only when strictly necessary, their involvement rarely crossed the public eye. As Konyang began reconstruction, they vanished back to the stars just as silently as they arrived.