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= List of known contraband =
So, you're a fresh security officer with a charged baton and a mind to enforce '''[[Corporate Regulations|THE LAW?]]''' This page provides guidelines on what to confiscate when you search someone.
The following is an extensive list of known contraband. It doesn't contain everything that should be contraband. Just anything that someone may be aware of. For example, human meat, or cosmic brownie dishes should be contraband, but most look like other normal meat dishes or just plain brownies. An certain antags exist outside known information or have disguised gear, while it should be contraband, it is not known or is not a common risk and will not be on this list, like the syringe pen or radio jammers.
Due to the situation context of some things being contraband and the knowledge base one would need to possess to identify them, the list has been broken down with descriptions and caveats.
== Melee Weaponry ==
Melee weaponry in a complicated many faceted issue, best broken down. There are varying degrees of knowledge any one person could know about an individual item, however given the size of most things on this list they are easily noticeable, if not identifiable in the specifics. The categories are as follows.
=== Utility ===
Items that may be found in the normal course of day to day duties by some staffers, or even normally carried. Nothing overly suspicious if the tool fits the task or role, but if it is openly carried in a group of people or in irrelevant circumstances, it is best looked into. The ability to charge someone with contraband is situational at best.
Meat hook

Butcher's cleaver
==General Contraband Guidelines==
Access to the AI
The term '''contraband''' applies to items in the illegal possession of people aboard the station. Generally speaking, “illegal possession” refers to:

* '''Obviously dangerous items that a crew member should not possess without the appropriate qualifications.''' Examples of this include a botanist handling an ion rifle, a cargo tech with a chainsaw, or a chef with a chemical grenade. Don't be overly critical of that engineer with a fireaxe - it makes more sense for them to carry one than the Chaplain.

* '''Items that have been crafted for the explicit appearance of/use as an improvised weapon, or items with an obvious combat application.''' This includes things like pneumatic cannons, makeshift spears, and improvised armor. It does ''not'' necessarily include things like military uniforms, costumes, holsters, or other accessories. The item should appear to pose a potential threat to be treated as one, and should only be confiscated if it turns out to have that potential.

* '''Items that are restricted in Tau Ceti by law.''' Examples of this include military-grade equipment, federally controlled pharmaceuticals, and banned literature. Many [[Uplink|antagonist gadgets]] are examples of tech that is illegal for the average citizen to own, but not all are visually identifiable.

=== Improvised ===
* '''[[Drug Law|Drugs and medicines]] may be illegal, legal, legal with a prescription, or prohibited while on-duty.
Crafted or found items to be used as a weapon of varying effectiveness. Most are potentially deadly. No one should be normally carrying any of these around. Outright contraband, though many unathi may find themselves flaunting this restriction to go /fishing/ much to the detriment of themselves and the chagrin of other crew.
Baseball bat


There are also circumstances in which an item should not be considered contraband because it is not illegally possessed:

Stun gloves
* '''When someone is authorized to possess an item''' via a correctly filled out and stamped '''NFC-0106 Executive Permission''' form or '''NFC-0210 Weapons Permit''' form, it is legally possessed. The Head of Staff responsible for this authorization may be liable for misuse of the item.

=== Concealed  ===
* '''When an otherwise contraband item is protected by [[Guide to Standard Procedure|Standard Procedure]].''' This includes the items stored in the Operations warehouse, experiments within the Research department, and the [[Merchant|Merchant’s]] wares or personal weapon.
If they are making an effort to hide it, then they really shouldn't have it. Contraband all over. However the energy sword is not readily identifiable. Especially if drawn on the holodeck.
Butterfly knife

* '''When an item is misused, but by someone who is otherwise qualified to possess it.''' A botanist who attacks someone with a hatchet would be liable for the assault, but the hatchet is simply a legally possessed item used in an illegal way. It's reasonable for people to be walking around with items generally found in their departments, unless they are particularly dangerous or otherwise restricted.

Energy sword (Visually similar to a toy and holosport blades)

Hidden sword
As with all things, some common sense is required when making determinations of contraband. A plastic eating knife is a knife, but is unlikely to be considered a "dangerous item" by an average person. The delicious-looking sandwich the Executive Officer just ordered from the kitchen should not be confiscated due to security somehow justifying that it has an "obvious combat application." The janitor running around in a soviet army costume with a holstered banana is not actually an armed soldier, and doesn't need to be processed for "illegal" items (though uniform regulations may apply). Officers may be liable for illegal detention if they process people for contraband incorrectly.

=== Pacification & Cultural  ===
==On Antagonist And Supernatural Items==
Weapons that are currently or used to be the norm for enforcement or cultural roles, modern versions should not be seen outside of approved users, and antiques should have carrying permits for show only, less they be confiscated as contraband.

Antagonists have access to a variety of items that are either designed to deceive people, or appear otherwise unknowable or strange. Generally speaking, these items should not be treated as contraband unless they fit one of the above guidelines. For example, a Syndicate revolver or energy sword are obvious deadly weapons and should be controlled, while a parapen looks like a regular pen to the naked eye and would probably be ignored unless special attention is called to it.

Wooden police baton
For magical or [[Cult|religious]] items, it is better to assume that they are mundane until their powers are witnessed. A cultist’s tome is just a nonsensical book to the uninitiated. Generally speaking, until the crew sees magic or powers that they can connect to those items, they should not be considered very suspicious or dangerous things on their own.

Ritual knife
Remember that '''the true nature of most antagonist equipment is not common knowledge''', and roleplay accordingly. The [[Uplink]] page offers a quick reference for traitor items that may appear immediately suspicious.

Duelling knife
==Regarding Station-bound Recognition of Contraband==

As a general rule, the [[AI]] and its [[Cyborg]] minions should not be actively attempting to inform the crew regarding contraband items, but only in response to a request. Additionally, some devices' functions based on their appearance should be immediately obvious. For instance, if someone attempts to show you a sleepypen to analyze it, simply state that it looks like a pen, so it must be a pen. If the individual demonstrates its purpose onto another person, and the other person you are observing falls over, you can then qualify the pen as a hypodermic dispensary, because you just witnessed that demonstration. There are several other items with similar intricacies, and likewise station synthetics which are designed more like logical computerized intelligence should follow the same logic, so as to immerse yourself in the role while also not actively trying to give people information they want to hunt antagonists.

Telescopic baton
Chain of command
=== Military & Exotic ===
Killing tools. Plain and simple. Modern versions should not really be seen outside of military or ERT personnel. Antiques could garner carry permits for show or parade, but normally fall under restricted items due to their only function being to kill others. Most crew wouldn't be able to identify it past it being a sword or an axe unless they are an archaeologist, a medieval or high fantasy enthusiast, or really nerding it up in D&D.
Trench knife
Battle axe
Tactical knife
Kneebreaker hammer
Energy glaive (Visually similar to holosport blades)
Energy axe (Visually similar to holosport blades)
Thermal knife
== Projectile Weaponry  ==
Projectile weaponry, like melee is a complicated issue, due to the many nuances for various weapons, and the varying degrees of knowledge any one person could know about them, as such projectile weaponry has been broken down into multiple categories.
=== Nonlethal (NL)  ===
Basic normally safe weapons, that pose little threat, but would still be contraband to those without weapon permissions.
PTR-7 tranquilizer rifle
- Single round 0.50 cal PPS shell
Net gun
NanoTrasen Mk30 NL taser gun
Stun revolver
=== Less Than Lethal (LTL) ===
Similar to Nonlethal except they have the potential to harm or kill the target normally, to be regarded with more suspicion should anyone be seen openly carrying one.
Syringe gun
- Single round 150ml syringe cartridge
Mini energy-crossbow (Visually similar to a toy)
Energy crossbow
NanoTrasen Mk60 EW Halicon ion rifle
=== Self Defence ===
Weapons capable of doing significant harm or have moderate stopping power meant for protection only. Depending on the ammo or setting they are fully capable of killing a target,  anyone not expected to carry a self defence armament applicable to the role in the line of duty should be treated with extreme suspicion.
NanoTrasen Mk58 pistol
- 7 round 0.45 cal magazine
Necropolis Industries Tanto .40 pistol
- 12 round 10mm magazine
Martian knock-off Colt M1911 pistol
- 7 round 0.45 cal magazine
Martian knock-off Smith & Wesson Model 10 revolver
- 6 round 0.38 cal speed loader
Deckard .44 revolver
- 6 round 0.38 cal speed loader
Double-barrelled shotgun
-  2 chamber, single 12ga shell/slug
Energy pistol
Antique laser gun
Proto-kinetic accelerator
=== Lethal ===
What you reach for when you are looking to kill something. These should only be out and about in code blue and higher, and then only in the hands of trained personnel with a reason to carry them. Ammo and setting can bring them down to Less than or non lethal, but should be assumed lethal at all times.
Necropolis Industries 550 Saber machine pistol
- 20 round 9mm top mounted magazine
UZI machine pistol
- 16 round 0.45 cal stick magazine
Magnum desert eagle pistol
- 7 round 0.50 Action Express magazine
X9 tactical automatic pistol
- 16 round 0.45 cal magazine
Necropolis Industries revolver
- 7 round 0.357 cal speed loader
Mateba revolver
- 7 round 0.357 cal speed loader
12ga pump shotgun
- 1 chamber, 4 shell/slug 12ga rack
Energy carbine
Hephaestus Industries G40E laser rifle
=== Military Grade ===
The big guns, what we use for war. Not really anything that should normally be found on the station, and if it is, not out and about until code red is active. ERT and soldiers are likely the only people would be armed this way, anyone else could be considered eminently hostile.
Scarborough Arms C-20r submachine gun
- 20 round 10mm magazine
Aussec Armoury L6 SAW light machine gun
- 50 round 7.62mm ammo box
Zendai Foundries Z8 Bulldog bullpup assault carbine
- 10 round 5.56mm magazine
Neyland 556mi 'Ranger' scout rifle
- 10 round 5.56mm magazine
PTR-7 anti-materiel rifle
- single round 14.5mm shell
Hephaestus Industries KS-40 combat shotgun
- 1 chamber, 7 shell/slug 12ga rack
Grenade launcher
- 1 chamber, 5 grenade revolving magazine
Laser cannon
Energy Rifle
Advanced energy gun
Pulse rifle
Hephaestus Industries L.W.A.P. marksman energy rifle
=== Prototype ===
The exotic things cooked up in a lab, low production rarities, or barely on the military showroom weapons. Mostly not seen outside of research. Advanced knowledge in projectile weaponry and/or science should be needed for you to be aware of what these are, and even more so for details about them. Possessing knowledge about some of these items is suspicious. Outside of someone who studies the field, is a massive nerd for military hardware, or is actively developing them in a lab. Knowledge would be severely limited and most officers would only be able to define it as human technology, out of place, and potentially dangerous.
NanoTrasen Prototype SMG
- 22  round 9mm speedloader
Necropolis Industries terminator rifle
- 40 flechette magazine
- 10 explosive flechette magazine
- 2 hyperdense tungsten rod magazine
Gyrojet pistol
- 4 round 20mm self propelled round magazine
Semi-automatic assault shotgun
- 8 shell/lug 12ga magazine
Syringe gun revolver
- 5 round 150ml syringe cartridge revolving magazine
X-ray laser rifle
Pulse destroyer
Quad-beam 'shotgun' laser
Lawgiver Mk II
Phoron pistol
Freeze ray
=== Improvised ===
These weapons slapdash, probably shoddy, potentially more dangerous to the user. It may be a crude gun or look more like a bit of pipe with a handle and something to pull on. They have no business being on this station. An officer is most likely able to tell it is an improvised projectile device, but even in handling may not be able to tell the type of projectile it will deliver. Given that the harder to tell what it is, the more likely it will blow you up if you try to test it and find out. It is better labelling it an IPD and filing it away for the good of everyone involved.
Improvised machine pistol
- 16 round 0.45 magazine
Zip gun
- Non-standard calibre
improvised handgun
- 7 round 0.45 magazine
Improvised shotgun
- 1 chamber, 1 shell/slug 12ga rack
Sawn-off improvised shotgun
- 1 chamber, 1 shell/slug 12ga rack
- Phoron tanks
Pneumatic cannon
- Non-standard ammunition, Compressed gas tanks.
=== Frontier ===
Not the sort of weaponry you expect to see around these sectors, standard fare for pirates, raiders, and other ne'er-do-wells. As well as just about anyone out on the fringes from a farmer, to his mum. Ranging from threats, personal defence, to a tool of rampant murder. Outsiders may carry them in spades, but it is suspicious that any outsiders in this sector would be carrying in this manner. It would be very abnormal for any crew to carry any of these past a miner or engineer with a plasma cutter. Most of these are older weapons, and likely not fully identifiable by eye unless you are a frontiersman/woman yourself, or a history buff on weapons. Though anyone proficient in projectiles could identify features of them if they have them in hand.
Thompson submachine gun
- 20 round 0.45 cal magazine
- 50 round 0.45 cal drum magazine
Assault rifle
- 20 round 7.62mm magazine
Standard/Obrez bolt action rifle
- 5 round 7.62mm clip
Stechkin automatic pistol
- 10 round 9mm magazine
Derringer revolver
-  2 chamber, single 0.357 round
Dragunov sniper rifle
- 10 round 7.62mm magazine
Double-barrelled sawn-off shotgun
-  2 chamber, single 12ga shell/slug
Powered crossbow
- Single groove, superheated bolt
Retro laser
Plasma cutter
=== Alien ===
Strange, out of place and unusual as hell. Unless you know a member or study the given race, odds are you have little to no idea what the hell that is. An chances are even if a humanoid hand could fire it, you would have little idea how to go about using it. They are identifiable as weapons to the layman, their degree of danger unknown.
Vox dart gun
- 5 dart 150ml cartridge
Vox spike thrower
- 3 spike chamber
Vaurcae bio-force gun 9000
Vaurcae gatling laser
Vaurcae Zo'ra blaster
Vaurcae thermal lance
Vaurcae thermal drill
Vox armalis heavy noise cannon
== Ammunition & Grenades ==
If you shouldn't have the weapon the ammo is for, they should not really be carrying the ammo either.
=== Bullets, shells, & slugs ===
0.357cal bullet - Lethal
0.38 cal bullet - Lethal, rubber, haywire
0.45 cal bullet - Lethal, practice, rubber, flash
0.50 cal Action Express bullet - Lethal
5.56mm bullet  - Lethal, armour piercing, practice
7.62mm bullet  - Lethal
9mm bullet  - Lethal, flash, rubber, practice
10mm bullet - Lethal, rubber
12ga slug - Lethal, Haywire
12ga shell - Lethal, blank, practice, beanbag, stun, flash, incendiary
14.5mm shell - Lethal
=== Non-standard ammunition ===
0.50 cal PPS dart - Nonlethal tranquilizer
20mm Self Propelled Round - Explosive
150ml syringe cartridge - Variable
150ml dart - Variable
Hyperdense tungsten rod - Lethal
Flechette - Lethal, explosive
Bolt - Lethal
=== Grenades ===
A grenade is grenade shaped, it can be hard to tell what it is, especially after it is tossed. While those permitted to use utility grenades should warn anyone around before use. Random personnel should not be carring these devices. Pacification grade grenades may be used by security, however given the damage it can cause to personnel with weaknesses, and the capacity for friendly fire care should be taken with their use. Only ISDs should have their hands on these tools. Military grade grenades can outright kill or cause significant hazards, no one should be carrying these weapons outside of ERT or soldiers. Prototype grenades are just that, odd and unusual, you should not know what they do, just that they are a triggerable throwing device.
Metal-foam grenade
Weedkiller grenade
cleaner grenade
Smoke bomb
NanoTrasen. 53 'Sandman' grenade
tear gas grenade
Incendiary grenade
EMP grenade
fragmentation grenade
Photon disruption grenade
Manhack delivery grenade
== Clothing & Items ==
The horrible yellow tie, mankini are crimes against fashion and decency. Only the vilest of scum would dare ware these abominations.
Armpit, waist, hip, thigh holsters. They are used to carry weapons, if they should not have a self defence side arm, they should not be wearing one.
AI Modules, no one should really need to tamper with the AI in any fashion, even those approved to work on the AI should not be carrying these in normal circumstances.
== Consumables ==
=== Liquids ===
Drinks, controlled substances or considered dangerous for consumption, they should not be served or drunk by anyone.
Drugs, banned substances. Should not be seen outside of controlled environments where they are being processed. Officers would be aware of them by street names.
Utility, Used by military or in various departments. They should be considered controlled substances, and possession by unapproved personnel, or outside of approved areas it should be considered contraband. Exceptions should be made for them in transit to approved areas.
Toxins, A detective might know them bad by name only. For real information on identification of these you will need a chemist, or a specialised scientist. The lay officer or crewman will have little knowledge of anything outside of Cyanide from movies and the like. While toxin in game is very specific is a catch-all for various minor toxic compounds, being man made or organically produced. When injured in certain ways the body can build up the toxin chemical within them.
Hippies Delight
Thirteen Loko
Mercury Mono lithium Sucrose (Space Drugs)
Mindbreaker Toxin
Unstable mutagen
Chloral Hydrate
Condensed Capsaicin
Potassium Chloride
Tetrodotoxin (Zombie Powder)
Slime Jelly
Slime Toxin
=== Food ===
Plants, they either contain controlled substances, toxins or in the case of kudzu a noxious pest. Consumption is illegal and potentially harmful. Botanists, Xenobotanists and Cooks are free to use them in the process of their work but not dispense, or consume them themselves. Lay officers may struggle to identify more exotic plants.
Spider meat contains dangerous acids. They should not be dished without being processed to be made safe. They should not be considered contraband until dished, and tested as unprocessed.
Carp and amanita dishes contain toxins. Unathi are immune to carpotoxin and may have unprocessed dishes set aside for them in specified areas like ko'is dishes. General serving should have the dishes processed to be made safe for consumption.
Narcotic dishes are probably known as risky dishes to some officers. Even processed, and safe, which would make them not contraband, expect possible interruptions if you are thinking of taking a bite.
Ambrosia Vulgaris
Ambrosia Deus
Destroying Angels
Fly Amanitas
Liberty Cap
'''Spider meat dishes'''
Wing Fang Chu
'''Space carp dishes'''
Fish & Chips
Fish Fingers
Fillet -o- Carp Sandwich
Cuban Carp
'''Fly amanita dishes'''
Amanita Jelly
Amanita Pie
'''Narcotic dishes'''
Spacy Liberty Duff
Valid Salad
Aesir salad

Latest revision as of 04:25, 2 August 2024

So, you're a fresh security officer with a charged baton and a mind to enforce THE LAW? This page provides guidelines on what to confiscate when you search someone.

General Contraband Guidelines

Access to the AI The term contraband applies to items in the illegal possession of people aboard the station. Generally speaking, “illegal possession” refers to:

  • Obviously dangerous items that a crew member should not possess without the appropriate qualifications. Examples of this include a botanist handling an ion rifle, a cargo tech with a chainsaw, or a chef with a chemical grenade. Don't be overly critical of that engineer with a fireaxe - it makes more sense for them to carry one than the Chaplain.
  • Items that have been crafted for the explicit appearance of/use as an improvised weapon, or items with an obvious combat application. This includes things like pneumatic cannons, makeshift spears, and improvised armor. It does not necessarily include things like military uniforms, costumes, holsters, or other accessories. The item should appear to pose a potential threat to be treated as one, and should only be confiscated if it turns out to have that potential.
  • Items that are restricted in Tau Ceti by law. Examples of this include military-grade equipment, federally controlled pharmaceuticals, and banned literature. Many antagonist gadgets are examples of tech that is illegal for the average citizen to own, but not all are visually identifiable.
  • Drugs and medicines may be illegal, legal, legal with a prescription, or prohibited while on-duty.

There are also circumstances in which an item should not be considered contraband because it is not illegally possessed:

  • When someone is authorized to possess an item via a correctly filled out and stamped NFC-0106 Executive Permission form or NFC-0210 Weapons Permit form, it is legally possessed. The Head of Staff responsible for this authorization may be liable for misuse of the item.
  • When an otherwise contraband item is protected by Standard Procedure. This includes the items stored in the Operations warehouse, experiments within the Research department, and the Merchant’s wares or personal weapon.
  • When an item is misused, but by someone who is otherwise qualified to possess it. A botanist who attacks someone with a hatchet would be liable for the assault, but the hatchet is simply a legally possessed item used in an illegal way. It's reasonable for people to be walking around with items generally found in their departments, unless they are particularly dangerous or otherwise restricted.

As with all things, some common sense is required when making determinations of contraband. A plastic eating knife is a knife, but is unlikely to be considered a "dangerous item" by an average person. The delicious-looking sandwich the Executive Officer just ordered from the kitchen should not be confiscated due to security somehow justifying that it has an "obvious combat application." The janitor running around in a soviet army costume with a holstered banana is not actually an armed soldier, and doesn't need to be processed for "illegal" items (though uniform regulations may apply). Officers may be liable for illegal detention if they process people for contraband incorrectly.

On Antagonist And Supernatural Items

Antagonists have access to a variety of items that are either designed to deceive people, or appear otherwise unknowable or strange. Generally speaking, these items should not be treated as contraband unless they fit one of the above guidelines. For example, a Syndicate revolver or energy sword are obvious deadly weapons and should be controlled, while a parapen looks like a regular pen to the naked eye and would probably be ignored unless special attention is called to it.

For magical or religious items, it is better to assume that they are mundane until their powers are witnessed. A cultist’s tome is just a nonsensical book to the uninitiated. Generally speaking, until the crew sees magic or powers that they can connect to those items, they should not be considered very suspicious or dangerous things on their own.

Remember that the true nature of most antagonist equipment is not common knowledge, and roleplay accordingly. The Uplink page offers a quick reference for traitor items that may appear immediately suspicious.

Regarding Station-bound Recognition of Contraband

As a general rule, the AI and its Cyborg minions should not be actively attempting to inform the crew regarding contraband items, but only in response to a request. Additionally, some devices' functions based on their appearance should be immediately obvious. For instance, if someone attempts to show you a sleepypen to analyze it, simply state that it looks like a pen, so it must be a pen. If the individual demonstrates its purpose onto another person, and the other person you are observing falls over, you can then qualify the pen as a hypodermic dispensary, because you just witnessed that demonstration. There are several other items with similar intricacies, and likewise station synthetics which are designed more like logical computerized intelligence should follow the same logic, so as to immerse yourself in the role while also not actively trying to give people information they want to hunt antagonists.

Security Department
Head of department Head of Security
Personnel Security Officer - Warden - Investigator
Useful guides Guide to Contraband - Corporate Regulations - Guide to Forensics - Guide to Cadavers
Guides of the Horizon
Game Mechanics Getting Started - Guide to Combat - Guide to EVA - Guide to Piloting - Guide to Gunnery - Guide to Communication - Corporate Regulations - Stellar Corporate Conglomerate Occupation Qualifications
Command Guide to Command - Guide to Paperwork - Guide to Standard Procedure - Guide to Faxes
Security Guide to Security - Guide to Contraband - Corporate Regulations - Guide to Cadavers
Engineering Guide to Construction - Guide to Advanced Construction - Hacking - Guide to Atmospherics - Supermatter Engine - INDRA Engine - Setting up the Solar Array - Telecommunications - Shields
Medical Guide to Medicine - Guide to Surgery - Guide to Chemistry
Research Guide to Research and Development - Guide to Xenobiology - Guide to Xenobotany - Guide to Xenoarchaeology - Guide to Robotics - Guide to Telescience
Operations Guide to Mining - Guide to Robotics
Civilian Guide to Food - Guide to Drinks - Guide to Hydroponics - Guide to Piloting
Non-human cyborg - AI - Guide to Psionics
Special Mercenary - Ninja - Changeling - Vampire - Raider - Revolutionary - Cultist - Technomancer - Guide to Improvised Weapons - Uplink