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== Th'akh on Ouerea ==
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Most of the followers of [[Th'akh]] on Ouerea arrived in the post-contact wave of colonists, with settlers from across the Hegemony recruited to settle the new world. As such, Ouerea is home to nearly every variation of Th’akh found on Moghes, though with those practiced in the regions of the former Traditionalist Coalition being less common. Shrines can be found across the planet dedicated to the Court of Stars, the Stone Lords of the [[Zazalai Mountains]], the River Court of the [[Southlands]] and a thousand other variations of the faith. While many keep to the traditions and rituals of their ancestors, the cosmopolitan and independent culture of Ouerea has shaped the practice of Th’akh on the planet.
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<div style="font-size:162%; border:2px solid #dca200; margin:0; background:#29870e; padding:.1em; color:#fff;">New Blades, Old Wounds</div>
{{Template:2024 Event Timeline}}
<div style="font-size:110%; border:2px solid #dca200; margin:0; background:#29870e; padding:.1em; color:#fff;">This is the overview and timeline page for the '''New Blades, Old Wounds''' Arc which began on '''April 20, 2024''' and pertains largely to '''[[Unathi]] and [[Skrell]] lore.'''</div>
<div style="font-size:110%; border:2px solid #dca200; margin:0; background:#29870e; padding:.1em; color:#fff;">It is centered around the relationship between the [[Izweski Hegemony]] and the [[Nralakk Federation]], and their joint humanitarian efforts on the planet [[Moghes]].</div>
<div style="font-size:110%; border:2px solid #dca200; margin:0; background:#29870e; padding:.1em; color:#fff;">Below is a summary of the arc's applicable news articles, and additions.</div>

There is much less of a focus on particular holy sites and ancestral spirits in Ouerean Th’akh - the Unathi on this world are the first and second generation of colonists. There are no honored ancestors who have walked before them on this world, and most believe that, while they watch Ouerea from the spirit world, their ancestors remain on Moghes. For better or for worse, Ouerean Th’akhists know that they will be the ancestors whose spirits are invoked by future generations, the founders of a new civilisation and a new world. This has led to the rise of what is known as Ouerean Syncretism by theological scholars, and simply ‘Ouerean Th’akh’ by others.
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=Hegemon Announces Talks With Skrell!=
'''News Article'''
'''Publisher: Sinta Articles'''
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''
'''Editors: Triogenix'''
''"Awake, dear heart, awake."''<br>
-The Tempest, Act I Scene II

Ouerean Th’akh is a synthesis of a thousand variations on the faith - while the colonists all have their own spirit-gods and sacred rituals, their own clans and honored ancestors, they are all equally outsiders now, facing new spirits of a strange new world. The spirits of Ouerea are viewed as wilder and more primal forces than those of Moghes, solely forces of the elemental nature of the planet uninfluenced by the Sinta’Unathi. As such, many Th’akh shamans on Ouerea are equal parts teacher, preacher and survivalist - exemplifying the pioneering spirit of the first Ouereans in learning to work with the spirits of the new world, naming them and seeking to shape a harmonious relationship. Some of the more prominent among these shamans have been vocal in opposition to Hephaestus Industries’ expansion onto the planet, believing that their exploitation of Ouerea will lead to great spiritual misfortune across the planet.
Hegemon Not'zar reaches out to the Nralakk Federation, hoping that [[Change on the Horizon Arc|recent upheavals]] will allow old grudges to be laid to rest.
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Respect for both the old spirits of Moghes and the new spirits of Ouerea is the duality that shapes Ouerean Th’akh - its shamans teach that the colonists have brought their spirits with them in part, and that only through achieving a peace between the old and the new can one reach true harmony. Those who abandon their old ways and traditions completely may be dishonorable and bring shame to their ancestors - but those who cling to them and refuse to adapt will surely invite the wrath of the Ouerean spirits upon themselves. Widespread exposure to human and Skrell culture has also shaped Ouerean Th’akh in a way that most other variations of the faith have not yet seen. Humans and Skrell are recognized as having their own spirits that they carry with them, both ancestral and reflected in the Th’akh understanding of the alien religions. While there are no known alien converts to Th’akh, the shamans of the faith often seek to work closely with alien religious figures in furthering mutual understanding of both each other, and the world they must share.
In a surprising announcement from Skalamar today, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski announced that he intends to hold a diplomatic summit with the Nralakk Federation, which will be led by High Speaker Seleta Sarnac. The office of the High Speaker followed up on this, stating that Hegemon Not’zar understands that there is a long and often-troubled history between Sinta and Skrell, and he hopes that the two nations can enter into a more prosperous relationship in future.  

Due to the nature of Th’akh, human and Skrell faiths are generally acknowledged as being equally real to Unathi ones - the Qebalak ‘spirits of the stars’ and the deities of the various human faiths are considered to be alien spirits brought here by their followers. They are not venerated by Ouerean Th’akhists, but offerings are sometimes given to them by Unathi who wish to gain their favor for dealing with Skrell and humans.
The talks are set to take place on Ouerea, in several weeks’ time. Many have speculated as to the Hegemon’s choice to invite the Skrell delegation to Ouerea rather than Moghes - while some believe it is simply due to the planet’s large Skrell population, others believe that the Hegemon intends to call the Skrell to account for the planet’s occupation during the Contact War.

===Spirits of Ouerea===
The Skrell delegation’s agenda, as well as who their representative will be, remains to be seen. The office of the High Speaker confirmed to us this morning, however, that the Nralakk Federation has accepted the Hegemon’s invitation. Their envoys will likely be en route to Uueoa-Esa already, and many wait apprehensively to see what the Federation hopes to get from these talks.
==== Azsaei Zis Azua (Crimson-Toothed Liberty) ====
''“Red the blades and red the fires,''<br>
''Let our struggle only grow,''<br>
''Aid us ‘gainst the tyrant’s ire,''<br>
''Red your teeth that find his throat.”''<br>
-A common prayer to Azsaei Zis Azua from the days of the Revolution.

A new spirit that emerged during the years of feudal oppression, Azsaei Zis Azua (Sinta'Unathi: Crimson-Toothed Liberty) is believed to have been born on Ouerea, formed from the spirits of those who died at the hands of the tyrant Yiztek. It is a spirit of freedom, justice, change, and revolutionary violence. It is usually depicted as a young, androgynous Unathi, holding a flaming spear in one hand - though occasionally as a human or Skrell, as their souls are believed to have become part of Azsaei Zis Azua as they perished in the struggle against oppression.
Some among the nobility have been outspoken against the Hegemon’s decision, however - with many protesting the inviting of Skrell to Izweski space, blaming them for everything from the Ouerean Rebellion to the Contact War itself. Perhaps the most outspoken of these was Lord Juyzi Izaku of Mudki, who invited representatives of Sinta Articles to a press conference in the city to issue his statement.  

Shrines to this Zyola are often built upon battlefields or sites of import to the Ouerean Revolution. It is often invoked in remembrance of the Ouerean people’s struggle for freedom, and Ouerean Unathi who feel they have been wronged in some way will often call upon it to grant them justice or vengeance. A statue of Azsaei Zis Azua, in its Unathi form, marks the entrance to the Synod of Scales - a solemn reminder to the new government that the freedom Ouerea prizes was not given, but won by blood. Shamans dedicating themselves to Crimson-Toothed Liberty are often political radicals, striving for further liberation of the Ouerean people whether by word or by blade. The spirit is often venerated by members of the Warriors of Liberty, and the party's official symbol is a stylized depiction of Azsaei Zis Azua's burning spear.
Lord Izaku was certainly passionate on the matter, claiming that ''"The Skrell, they get inside a man’s thoughts, to twist his mind and strip his honor! You see them, small and weak as they are, and you think they are harmless, but they can manipulate your very spirit - look at the slaughter on Ouerea, barely more than five years ago! It was driven by them, twisting innocent Sinta to anarchy and murder, and now the Hegemon wishes to treat with them? He must be careful, lest he find himself dancing on their vile and twisted strings.”''

==== The Izoaei ====
While the Lord of Mudki is certainly the most outspoken, he is not the only one of the nobility to object to these talks. Several among the nobility have petitioned the Hegemon to turn away from this plan, citing the occupation of Ouerea and subsequent rebellion as proof that the Skrell cannot be trusted to negotiate in good faith.
A collective name for many of the zo’zyola of Ouerea, the Izoaei (Sinta-Unathi: Primordial) are considered to be formless and wild spirits, manifestations of the raw and elemental forces of the world - spirits of stone and wind and water, free from names or bonds that the spirits of Moghes hold. The shamans of Ouerea believe that it is their responsibility to shape the Izoaei, to keep them appeased and guide them into a new state of being. Shrines are rarely built to these nameless spirits, but offerings are commonplace - with shamans believing that it is important to allow the Izoaei to grow accustomed to the presence of life on their world, lest their wrath spell doom for the colony.

Shamans of the Izoaei are an odd blend of scientist, survivalist, and exorcist. Research and understanding of alien worlds is believed to be a method of both honoring and shaping the Izoaei - as Sinta come to better know their new world, so do the spirits of that world come to better understand Sinta. Many of these shamans will take extensive journeys into the Ouerean wilderness, in the hopes of coming to better know the Izoaei and to shape their presence into one that welcomes alien settlement. Shamans of the Izoaei will also often gather in preparation for or in the wake of natural disasters, providing aid in an attempt to bind or banish hostile Izoaei and to shield Ouerea against their harm. Veneration of the Izoaei has spread from Ouerea, with colonists on various [[Notable Unathi Colonies|other Hegemony worlds]] practicing similar rituals in order to overcome hostile environments.
We at Sinta Articles hope for a resolution that is beneficial to the Hegemony and its people. As always, we shall keep our readers updated on these talks as they develop.

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==== The Founders ====
=Ormish Jrolk Departs For Alien Stars=
The five Unathi who first set foot on Ouerea are viewed with immense respect by Ouerean civilization, often venerated as particularly revered ancestors - though they bear no blood relation to most modern Ouerean Unathi, they are ancestors in spirit to the modern-day colony. Historical sites often hold shrines to the Founders, and even non-Th’akh or even non-Unathi Ouereans will often leave offerings there in honor of the planet’s history.
'''News Article'''
'''Publisher: Warble Enquirer'''
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''
'''Editors: Triogenix, Brotendo'''
''“Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.”''<br>
-The Tempest, Act II Scene II
The Federation's representative departs for Ouerea.
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'''Zuakza Izoki, Speaker of Thunder'''

Born to a prominent Heartland noble clan, Zuakza Izoki was a graduate of the Skalamar Academy of Natural Sciences and one of the foremost astronauts of the Izweski Space Program, having been part of one of the first crews on Izweski Station. When the Ouerean mission was planned, he was reportedly hand-picked by the Hegemon to command it as captain of the IHV Venture. Captain Izoki oversaw the initial establishment of what would become New Skalamar, and lived long enough to see humans and Skrell arrive on the planet. He was one of the founders of the New Skalamar Pioneers’ Seminary, and a statue of him adorns its gates in the modern day. He died of old age in late 2429, with a planetary day of mourning declared in his honor shortly afterwards.
Grand Advisor of Economic Development Ormish Jrolk has announced their temporary departure from Federation space today - leading a delegation to the planet Ouerea, a warm and hospitable world currently under the rule of the Izweski Hegemony. The ruler of the Hegemony, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski, extended formal invitations to the Nralakk Federation to send a delegation to Ouerea, in the hopes of laying to rest past hostilities between Unathi and Skrell.
The Unathi, for those of our readers who are not aware, rapidly descended into global nuclear warfare following first contact with the Federation and the Solarian Alliance - during which a delegation of Federation diplomats was sent in the hopes of brokering peace between the two warring sides, and preventing needless loss of life. These delegates were murdered, their shuttle shot down by the group known as the ‘Traditionalist Coalition’ (Unrelated to the Homeworld Traditionalist Coalition party), a radical collection of Unathi micro-states opposed to further dealings with the Federation and humanity.  
Since that day, the Federation has had little contact with the Unathi - though for several decades, Federation officials administrated the colony on Ouerea, due to the Hegemon’s inability to do so during wartime. Following the end of what the Unathi have come to call the ‘Contact War’, the Federation graciously returned control of Ouerea to the Unathi, though a substantial Skrell population remains on the planet.  
Reportedly, the delegation was approved with an overwhelming majority by the Grand Council, with only the Homeworld Traditionalist Coalition voting against. Coalition leader Overseer Nalo Gir-Roq referred to the delegation as “a mistake” during an address to the Council, claiming that for the Federation to involve ourselves further in the affairs of the Spur at large only serves to weaken our position on the interstellar stage. The Coalition was thoroughly outvoted, however, with all other parties standing in favor of the Ouerean talks. Grand Advisor Jrolk and the Federalist League cited the dangers of pirate and Marauder activity on the Federation’s southern border, claiming that forming stronger ties to the nations of the Sparring Sea is a proactive measure to ensure our national security against such threats in future - while voices from the Free Skrell Union cited establishing further connections to Hephaestus Industries as a key reason for building diplomatic ties to the Hegemony.
The talks are scheduled to begin in several weeks' time. Questions of whether these talks will lead to future involvement in Unathi affairs, or further connection with alien nations, remain unanswered for now - though the Federation watches eagerly to see what will come of the Ouerean summit.

His title as a spirit is “Speaker of Thunder” - either in honor of his commanding presence or as a joke from his surviving crewmates about how his way of speaking was extremely irritating over several months in a confined space together, depending on who one asks. He is venerated as a symbol of leadership, courage, and the pioneering spirit of Ouerea. His symbol is a stylized Unathi claw, reaching upwards to grasp at a distant star.
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=Nralakk Delegation Arrives, Talks Begin=
'''News Article'''

'''Kiuhi Ahuos, Watcher of the Dark'''
'''Publisher: Sinta Articles'''

The pilot of the IHV Venture, Kiuhi Ahuos was a distinguished warrior from an Izweski air regiment stationed in the Southlands. As the Izweski Space Program grew, Ahuos found himself working as a test pilot on several of the program’s early missions. He was severely injured during a failed re-entry in the 2460s, which reportedly left him walking with a cane for the remainder of his life. Following the establishment of the Ouerean colony and first contact, he returned to Moghes with honor, continuing to work with the space program on various missions. His final mission was one that would go down in Unathi history, serving as a navigator on the IHRV Uezwik’s Hope - the Hegemony’s first attempt at creating a warp-capable spacecraft. When the warp calculations proved incorrect, Ahuos was killed along with the rest of the ship’s crew.
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''

As a spirit, his title is “Watcher of the Dark”, in reference to his status as one of the Hegemony’s first space pilots. Ouereans working offworld, particularly on spaceships or as pilots, will often make offerings to him to protect them, as his spirit is believed to watch over all Unathi abroad in the vastness of space. His symbol is a black Unathi eye, filled with a field of stars.
'''Editors: Triogenix'''

'''Skiaei Sazs - Bearer of Flame'''

The ship’s engineer aboard the Venture, Skiaei Sazs was a guildsman of the Construction Coalition and one of the space program’s most talented engineers. The Venture itself was a Sazs design, and they were handpicked by Captain Izoki for the mission. Following planetfall, Sazs was responsible for the assembly of the initial colony site, and is believed by some to be the patron spirit of modern New Skalamar itself. Though well into their old age, Sazs was one of the founders of Hegeranzi Starworks, and reportedly turned down the position of guildmaster there several times before their death. Sazs was known to work closely with Hephaestus Industries, and was reportedly an influential mentor of Yukal T’zakal during his early days working with Hephaestus. They perished from old age in 2452, in their office aboard Hegeranzi Starworks.
''“Yet, with my nobler reason 'gainst my fury''<br>
''Do I take part; the rarer action is''<br>
''In virtue than in vengeance.”''<br>
-The Tempest, Act V Scene I

As a spirit, their title is “Bearer of Flame”, in reference to their contributions to interstellar engineering. A shrine to Sazs adorns Hegeranzi Starworks today, and Ouerean engineers will frequently make offerings to their spirit to bless the success of a project. Their symbol is a trail of fire, stretching towards a field of stars.
The talks on Ouerea begin, and speculation abounds on what each side hopes to gain.
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'''Kseok Ssu, Witness of Life'''
The delegation from the distant Nralakk Federation has arrived, entering the Uueoa-Esa system early this morning before landing on Ouerea properly. Led by Ormish Jrolk, their ‘Grand Advisor of Economic Development’ - a role similar to a Master of Rivers - the delegation was promptly shown to a hotel in New Skalamar’s Founding District, where the talks are set to take place.

Originally from a minor noble clan of S’th, Dr. Kseok Ssu was an accomplished biologist from the Skalamar University of Medicine long before she was chosen for the Ouerean mission. After her arrival on Ouerea, Dr. Ssu was responsible for cataloging thousands of new species native to the planet, as well as for the successful introduction of Moghresian plants and animals to the Ouerean biosphere. She is remembered as one of history’s greatest xenobiologists by Unathi even beyond Ouerea, and was granted the position of planetary chapter-master by the House of Medicine for her contributions to the sciences. She traveled extensively following first contact, studying human and Skrell advances in xenobiology for nearly thirty years and giving several guest lectures at human universities - acquiring a reputation as something of a daredevil researcher in interstellar academic circles. Kseok Ssu disappeared in 2438, only a year before the beginning of the Contact War, departing on an expedition to catalog the alien fauna of the Arusha sector. Her title as a spirit is “Witness of Life”, and she is frequently venerated by healers, academics, and explorers on Ouerea - particularly those seeking to study the planet’s ecosystem. Shrines to her can be found in most Ouerean universities, and it is a common practice among students to leave offerings there to improve their academic performance.
High Speaker Sarnac was present to welcome the delegation, along with her entourage. To the clamoring of spectators Unathi, Skrell and human alike, they entered the hotel, where the talks have begun in earnest. Though it is very early in the process, our correspondent on the scene was able to glean some insight as to the agendas from both sides.  

'''Olzahi Ekzur - Eye of Stone'''
It appears that the Hegemon, via the High Speaker, has demanded reparations from Nralakk for the occupation of Ouerea, claiming that they had no right to meddle in that world’s affairs and that it was shameful that his father was forced to resort to drastic measures to reclaim what is rightfully an Izweski colony. The Skrell have not taken this well, with their delegation claiming that the Federation was the only reason Ouerea survived the Contact War at all, and that Hegemon S’kresti’s actions were an act of rash bravado, where he could have instead negotiated with the Federation to ensure a peaceful transfer of power. The Skrell delegation also mentioned a shuttle of their diplomats destroyed by Traditionalists during the Contact War, claiming that as the ruler of all Moghes, Hegemon Not’zar bears an obligation to make amends.

The ship’s surveyor, Olzahi Ekzur was responsible for much of the initial exploration and surveying of Ouerea following planetfall. During her time as a researcher for the space program, she was responsible for the launch of several probes to Ouerea, and selected the initial landing site personally. Following planetfall, she engaged in extensive study of the area surrounding the landing site, and much of the layout of New Skalamar today is based on her initial blueprints. Ekzur spearheaded much of the initial exploration of Ouerea, and spent a large amount of her time at the Sahhat Geographical Research Complex with visiting Skrell scientists, reportedly fascinated by their culture and advancements. Ekzur’s methodologies for planetary colonization were rapidly adopted, and have since become standard practice by Hegemony colonists throughout the Spur. In 2441, Ekzur was killed in a storm on the Azareazi Sea as part of an ongoing polar expedition. Survivors of the wreck reported that she refused to leave her research or her crew, and returned to the sinking ship several times in order to recover more.
So far, neither side seems to be bending on their demands - though the diplomatic process can be a lengthy one, and negotiations have only just begun. Rumors abound on the streets of Ouerea, however, with many claiming that Guildmaster T’zakal of Hephaestus Industries may be invited to the talks. As yet, Hephaestus Industries has not made any statement on the matter, and these rumors may have little merit to them.
As always, we at Sinta Articles will keep our readers updated on these talks as they progress, and we express our deepest hope for a mutually beneficial resolution.  

As a spirit, her title is “Eye of Stone”, in reference to her blunt and unemotional demeanor, as well as her contributions to the field of geology. She is viewed as the patron spirit of explorers, scientists, and all those who seek to wander beyond the horizons of the known. Ouerean exploration and research programs often consecrate their missions in her name. Her symbol is a silhouetted Unathi figure, walking towards a stylized horizon.

== Humans on Ouerea ==
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=== History ===
=Talks Continue On Ouerea; Hephaestus, K’lax Invited=
Shortly after first contact in 2403, human settlement of Ouerea began. The humans of Ouerea came in two waves - the first were largely Sol Alliance military personnel, who were permitted to construct several bases and refueling stations on the planet in exchange for Solarian assistance in furthering the Izweski space program. The second and far larger wave was driven by the human megacorporations, with many of them acquiring generous contracts for development of the Ouerean colony. Hephaestus and NanoTrasen were the two largest investors in Ouerean development, though Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals had several research facilities to study the myriad of new organisms found on both Moghes and Ouerea, and Einstein Engines were contracted to assist in the development of warp technology by the Izweski. The vast majority of these workers came from Solarian space, particularly from planets with limited economic opportunity. Ouerea was advertised to Hephaestus and NanoTrasen employees in particular as a land of opportunity and discovery, with many being shipped directly to the planet to assist in its settlement.
'''News Article'''
'''Publisher: Sinta Articles'''

Due to the megacorporate contracts, humans had more contact with Unathi than the initial Skrell settlers, with corporate habitation buildings often being constructed near existing settlements for ease of work. The two groups were far from integrated, however, with distrust of aliens still being heavily present among the Unathi of Ouerea. Sentiment was common in the early days that the human presence on Ouerea was just an alien attempt to take control of an Unathi achievement, especially given the Solarian military bases built on the planet. Humans in this time often found themselves forming their own insular communities rather than integrating with the Unathi ones present.
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''

With the outbreak of the Contact War, the Izweski were unable to govern the colony. The Sol Alliance, alongside the Nralakk Federation, drafted legislation for a temporary provisional government to administrate the colony due to the large human and Skrell populations. After negotiation with local Unathi, the democratic structure of Ouerean society was created, modeled extensively on human society. Largely, the Alliance was hands-off with regards to the administration of Ouerea compared to the Federation, content to observe and to intervene if the situation ever required it. Over this period, human, Skrell, and Unathi communities grew closer as settlements grew larger, with the unique cosmopolitan culture of Ouerea beginning to take root.
'''Editors: Triogenix, Desven'''

Most of the humans settling on Ouerea had had little contact with alien life prior to their settlement, but began to see the benefits of cross-species cooperation. Under the provisional government, the humans of Ouerea came to work closer with their Skrell and Unathi partners, with many of them having come to see Ouerea as their new home since the initial human arrival on the planet. At this point, the human community of Ouerea had been living on the planet for decades, and the idea of an independent Ouerean nation had begun to take root among them - particularly upon witnessing the successful secession of the Republic of Biesel. This idea would be crushed in 2457, when Hegemon S’kresti demanded that Sol and Nralakk return Ouerea to the Hegemony, and the feudal system was imposed on the colonists.

Many humans departed with the Alliance ships, including almost all of the active Solarian government and military personnel on the planet. Those who remained found themselves thrust into an alien model of society, with many of the rights and freedoms they had taken for granted stripped from them by foreign lords. The humans of Ouerea chafed under the Hegemony’s yoke from the beginning, and were near-universally supporters of throwing these foreign overlords from the world which had become their home. When the Revolution finally came, the human population was instrumental in its organization, taking inspiration from hundreds of similar revolutionary movements throughout their own history.
''“The hour's now come;''<br>
''The very minute bids thee ope thine ear.”''<br>
-The Tempest, Act I Scene II

With the Revolution’s victory, the troubles of the Ouerean human community did not end - though the Synod was reestablished, only Unathi were permitted by the Hegemon to hold seats on it, with Skrell being granted observer status due to fear of angering the Nralakk Federation. The human population, however, was largely ignored by the Izweski, which has fueled lingering resentment, and demands for representation have grown louder and louder as the expansion of Hephaestus Industries has driven a wedge between Ouerea and Moghes.
The talks continue, and new faces are seen at the table
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=== Life & Culture ===
The diplomatic talks on Ouerea seem to be making swift progress - while we do not have any further information on how both parties’ agenda is shifting, word from the inside is that attitudes have begun to soften, and that both sides are moving closer to an agreement. What that agreement is, and what it will entail for the Hegemony at large, remains to be seen.

The human population of Ouerea came from a wide range of origins within the Sol Alliance, with the vast majority of them being shipped in by megacorporations as workers. Many of those who signed up for long-term work on Ouerea came from the Middle Colonies or particularly disadvantaged Inner Ring worlds, seeking new opportunities on an untouched and alien world. Though it has been over sixty years since the first humans arrived on Ouerea, many of the modern population retain strong ties to their homes in whatever way they can, with human communities often tending to be enclaves of a specific culture.
Hephaestus Industries has also announced that they will be attending the talks at the Hegemon’s request, with Guildmaster T’zakal issuing a statement that due to the guild’s strong ties to every part of the Hegemonic economy since their recent reorganization of the major Hegemonic guilds, the outcome of these talks is of deep importance to Hephaestus.

Despite their strong ties to their home cultures, Ouerean humans tend to feel more strongly that Ouerea is their home than their Skrell countrymen - while sixty years is not a short time, it is far longer for humans than for Skrell, with the humans who have lived on the planet for decades often viewing Ouerea as the project that they have given much of their life to. This attitude is even stronger among the generation of humans actually born on Ouerea, most of whom have never known another homeworld.
Guildmaster T’zakal arrived on Ouerea yesterday morning, and spent the day touring the recently-completed Aquacultural Center One - before arriving by shuttle in New Skalamar last night, and traveling straight to the site of the talks. What role Hephaestus may play in this negotiation is as of now unknown.  

Humans on Ouerea are often ignored by the Hegemony - while the Skrell have the looming shadow of the Nralakk Federation granting them a measure of political influence, the planet’s human community has little in the way of leverage to gain more representation within the Synod - despite several protests in human communities since the revolution. Since the withdrawal of most megacorporations from Ouerea, humans often had difficulty finding work as the Hegemony’s guilds moved in - with many of them exclusively hiring Unathi, or only hiring humans into underpaid and difficult positions. Though this practice stopped with the Hephaestus acquisition of the guilds, most humans on Ouerea still prefer to patronize Ouerean-run or specifically human-run businesses where possible.
The K’lax Hive have also announced that they will be in attendance at the talks. As one of the largest and most influential vassals of the Hegemon, the Vaurcae of Tret are instrumentally positioned within our nation’s economy, with one of the Hive’s representatives stating that ''“Since our arrival, the K’lax and the Sinta’Unathi have held a shared destiny - and if the Nralakk Federation is to be involved in that destiny, we will be included in the discussions.”''

One thing that the diverse human population of Ouerea tends to have in common is an independent attitude, often perceived as being to the point of stubbornness by other humans. The initial human arrivals on Ouerea viewed themselves as pioneers, an attitude which many of the Unathi colonists shared, and the ideals of self-reliance and independence from foreign authority remain a cultural touchstone of Ouerean humanity. In addition to the common Ouerean distaste for the Hegemony, Ouerean humans tend to have a negative opinion of other human governments - particularly those with roots on planets which had a rocky relationship with the Alliance.
The K’lax delegation at the talks is reportedly being directed by the Queen Vedhra, with representatives of her brood having arrived on Ouerea this afternoon. Sinta Articles reporters attempted to get in contact with the K’laxian delegation in order to elaborate on why the High Queen elected not to send a representative from her own brood, but were unable to clarify. Our correspondents contacted Lady Ta’Akaix’Maz'roth'isek K’lax, the leader of the K’laxian delegation, who stated ''“The High Queen trusts in her servants’ ability in a matter that will affect the Hive in its entirety. Though I serve the Queen Vedhra, my role at this summit is to stand for all the K’lax.”''

With the talks soon to enter their second week, we eagerly await further information. As always, we will keep our readers updated as the situation develops.

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==== Notable Human Enclaves ====
=Senator Trang Condemns Hephaestus Role in Nralakk Summit=
Ouerea is home to many humans from a wide range of planets across the Orion Spur. Many of the human immigrants to Ouerea, particularly among the initial arrivals, found themselves living primarily among other humans from similar backgrounds, forming cultural enclaves on the planet. Thousands of these enclaves are dotted across Ouerea, from hundreds of worlds across Solarian space - but a few of them are particularly large, well-known, or influential. Mostly, these enclaves were founded by megacorporate workers in the initial arrival of humanity on Ouerea, with some of them having stood for decades.
'''News Article'''

'''Publisher: Sol Alliance News Network'''
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''
'''Editors: Triogenix'''
''“The truth you speak doth lack some gentleness''<br>
''And time to speak it in.”''<br>
-The Tempest, Act II Scene I
The Ouerean summit gains attention from across the stars - and not all are happy to see Hephaestus take such a role.
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'''New Olympia, Tr’ha’rem:''' Initially built around Hephaestus Industries employee housing, the district of Tr’ha’rem known as New Olympia was home to a large number of Martian workers employed by the megacorporation, and housed in Tr’ha’rem due to its more moderate climate for humans. Many of these humans worked on the Tr’ha’rem docks, and helped to cement the city’s status as a major port on Ouerea’s seas. The people of New Olympia tend to view Hephaestus favorably and have bitter feelings towards the Solarian Alliance, which were only amplified by the Violet Dawn disaster of 2462. Though many of them have not seen Mars in decades, if at all, they still consider themselves as Martian as they are Ouerean, and many of the locals have donated extensively to relief efforts following the disaster. During the early days of the Ouerean Revolution, New Olympia was home to some of the fiercest human opposition to the Hegemony, with many of its population using their positions in the shipping industry to smuggle arms and supplies to their fellow revolutionaries.

New Olympia is one of the largest human enclaves on Ouerea, and is often viewed as a center of human politics on the planet. Several protests demanding greater human representation in the Synod have been held in the streets of Tr’ha’rem, and the Martian population is known to be a significant voting bloc in local politics. New Olympia is also known to play a key role in Ouerean smuggling rings - an issue which local law enforcement seems content to ignore, with many residents both human and Unathi preferring the status quo. The humans of New Olympia are largely supporters of either Revolution’s Heirs or the Warriors of Liberty, with the ideals of the Ouerean Revolution being firmly held among the locals. Due to the general distaste for the Sol Alliance, support for the Restorationists is almost nonexistent here.
Senator Le Hanh Trang has issued a public statement with regards to recent talks between the Nralakk Federation and the Unathi-ruled Izweski Hegemony, condemning the invitation of Hephaestus Industries. In a live statement from Unity Station today, the senator stated that ''“It is a dark day for the Spur when a megacorporation sits at a table with two nations, and negotiates as an equal. We in the Alliance know too well the damage that these corporations can cause - the actions of NanoTrasen have been devastating to the Alliance and its people, and Hephaestus themselves have exploited my homeworld and its people for generations. While this is not unexpected of the Unathi - a species new to the interstellar stage, who do not understand the danger that unchecked corporate power poses - I would expect more wisdom from our long-time allies in the Nralakk Federation than to allow such a predatory force to influence their affairs. I hope that both sides of these Ouerean negotiations realize the foolishness of their actions, and reconsider inviting Hephaestus to their discussion.”''
Senator Trang has often made such statements against the megacorporations of the Spur, having been a leading figure in the implementation of the Solarian Corporate Authority and the nationalization of corporate assets across the Alliance. SANN reporters reached out to the Nralakk Federation consulate on Unity Station, and received an official response informing us: ''“The Nralakk Federation is well aware of all risks involved in these negotiations, but we do not make our decisions based on fear. Rest assured that our representatives shall act with the wisdom that we pride ourselves on, and that we extend our hopes that ill-founded fear is not allowed to jeopardize the friendship between our two great nations.”''
SANN has also reached out to staff at the Alliance embassy on Moghes for comment, but we have only received a fax informing us that the Alliance has yet to take an official stance on the matter. Time will tell whether or not Senator Trang’s words will reach our allies in the Federation, however - or whether Hephaestus will keep its seat at the negotiating table.

'''Giai Phong, Um’a’yid:''' The district of Giai Phong in Um’a’yid is home to a large number of New Hai Phongese immigrants, initially brought in to aid in the city’s construction by Hephaestus Industries. As the Unathi-dominated Fishing League gained more power in the city, many of the local humans found themselves working tedious and underpaid jobs in the city’s fishing industry, as Hephaestus’s presence in the city diminished. Though Hephaestus’s acquisition of the Fishing League led to the corporation’s return, the corporation’s actions both on Ouerea and on New Hai Phong had done little to win friends among the people of Giai Phong. The district in the modern day is a hotbed of anti-corporate politics on Ouerea, with many of the locals seeing Hephaestus’s growing presence on the planet as a path leading to the rampant corruption and environmental devastation of their homeworld.

Rumored connections between local Giai Phong activists and more radical anti-corporate groups such as the Aut’akh or even the Champions of Moghes is often raised by pro-corporate politicians - but so far, these accusations remain baseless. Many Giai Phong locals fought during the Revolution, most notably being responsible for capturing the ruling lord of Um’a’yid during the initial period of fighting. The humans of Giai Phong are divided between support for the Warriors of Liberty and Restorationists, with the latter forming a small yet noteworthy minority.
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=Agreement Reached on Ouerea!=
'''News Article'''

'''Meonbada, New Skalamar: '''The district of Meonbada in New Skalamar is home to a large number of Konyanger expatriates, initially established as housing for Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals employees. Meonbada served as Zeng-Hu’s planetary headquarters prior to the megacorporation’s withdrawal from the Hegemony, and was home to several xenobiological research laboratories which coordinated most of the planet’s study of the countless new species found in Ouerea’s environment. When Zeng-Hu withdrew from the Hegemony, Meonbada was harshly impacted, with many of the skilled professionals in the district suddenly losing their jobs with the corporation. Some turned to criminal activities, with several now-abandoned facilities turned into drug labs, while others departed the increasingly worsening district for better opportunities elsewhere. Meonbada served as a hotbed of revolutionary activity during the uprising, with Yiztek troops attempting to storm the district in search of rebel leaders and being repelled by locals.
'''Publisher: Sinta Articles'''
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''
'''Editors: Triogenix'''
''“And as the morning steals upon the night,''<br>
''Melting the darkness, so their rising senses''<br>
''Begin to chase the ignorant fumes that mantle''<br>
''Their clearer reason.”''<br>
-The Tempest, Act V Scene I
Old grudges are settled, and new accords are struck.
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The High Speaker has announced that the talks with the Nralakk Federation, which have been ongoing for nearly a month, have reached an end, with both parties finally reaching an agreement. She was photographed with the Skrell representative, Ormish Jrolk, proudly announcing the signing of the newly-named Nralakk-Izweski Mutual Prosperity Agreement.
The agreement is a lengthy one, but our correspondents have gathered the main points that are most likely to impact our readers, and what they may mean for the future of our own nation and our newfound friends in the Nralakk Federation. The agreement entails the following:
* The Nralakk Federation will formally acknowledge its unlawful occupation of Ouerea - while both parties recognise the difficulties the Contact War posed to colonial administration, the Federation will formally acknowledge that control should have been returned immediately following the end of the war on Moghes, and that Hegemon S’kresti should not have had to resort to military action to see our colony returned to us. The Federation has declined to comment on the Sol Alliance’s role in the Ouerean affair, stating that it lies outside the purview of the summit.
* As a form of reparation for their interference in Sinta affairs, the Federation will offer the assistance of its scientists in combating the spreading of the Wasteland, as well as assisting in medical treatment of those harmed by radiation.
* The Hegemon has made a formal trade agreement with the Federation, and is set to begin exporting raw materials to Skrell space soon via Hephaestus Industries. Guildmaster T’zakal has strongly endorsed this announcement, welcoming the opportunity to expand further into alien markets.
* The Hegemony will permit the ships of the Federation’s ‘Qukala’ (their primary military force) to dock at any Izweski colony, station or port. This will allow our new trade partners to assist the Izweski Navy in ensuring that cargo vessels are capable of safely traveling through the Badlands and Sparring Sea without threat of piracy.
While some still remain skeptical of the Nralakk-Izweski Mutual Prosperity Agreement, the mood across the Hegemony overall is one of celebration, as the Federation’s commitment to the restoration efforts on Moghes has been declared.
An initial group of Federation scientists and healers is set to arrive within the month, to begin working to both treat radiation-related disorders among the population and to work with the brightest minds of the Hegemony in accelerating environmental restoration efforts on Moghes. High Speaker Sarnac made a public address from Skalamar, having seen the Skrell delegation safely depart from the system, bound to return to Federation space. From the Izweski keep, the High Speaker addressed the assembled press, stating:
''“It has been a long and arduous negotiation - but both the Hegemon and myself are pleased at this outcome. The rabble-rousing of some who believe the Skrell hold some sort of nefarious agenda can be safely dismissed - and on behalf of myself and Hegemon Not’zar, I wish to welcome the aid of our new allies in the Nralakk Federation in the restoration of our world. May the Great Spirit bless this new agreement, and the wisdom of our Hegemon in seeking such a powerful ally.”''
The Nralakk Federation has also made plans for the reopening of the embassy in Skalamar, having made an agreement with Hephaestus Industries to begin construction on new premises immediately. Though an ambassador has yet to be appointed, Grand Advisor Jrolk did make a brief statement to Sinta Articles earlier today, stating on behalf of the Nralakk Federation their satisfaction with the agreement reached - and that they look forward to the age of future cooperation between our two nations that this agreement heralds.
We at Sinta Articles strongly congratulate the Hegemon for this alliance, as well as the offer of assistance from our new friends in the Federation. As always, we will keep our readers updated as the situation develops further.
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=Chapter I: Strange Bedfellows=
'''Server Event'''
'''Host: RustingWithYou'''
Via Hephaestus, the SCC is invited to participate in the humanitarian program. Fresh from their recent successes on Konyang, the SCCV Horizon is deployed to the Uueoa-Esa system.
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After the Revolution concluded, and the Ouerean Confederation was re-established, the new planetary government began to resume the exploration and research of Ouerea which had stalled under feudal rule. Many of the former Zeng-Hu employees who had stayed in Meonbada suddenly found themselves offered new positions in similar fields to their previous ones. In 2463, the Synod began to invest heavily in cleaning up Meonbada - driving out the criminal activity in the district and repurposing it into a center of scientific research on the planet. The former Zeng-Hu administrative center was reopened, and rapidly became the beating heart of the government’s studies of their homeworld. In the modern day, Meonbada is an odd slice of Konyang transplanted, a district which would not look out of place in Suwon or New Hong Kong. The district remains majority human, though the research industry there has led to growing Unathi and Skrell populations. The humans of Meonbada are largely Revolution’s Heirs voters, with a small bloc of support for the Ouerean Independence Movement - the current status quo has improved the lot of the locals enormously, and most would prefer to preserve it.
The Horizon crew was invited to the Grand Ouerean Hotel in New Skalamar, while humanitarian program representatives inspected the vessel. While the crew enjoyed the hotel's many amenities, command met with representatives of the Hegemony, the Federation, the K'lax Hive, and Hephaestus Industries, who briefed them on the significance of their mission. The Horizon was informed that their first major mission would be to assist the town of Kazseres, located in the southern Tza Prairie.


Latest revision as of 03:48, 3 June 2024

New Blades, Old Wounds
This is the overview and timeline page for the New Blades, Old Wounds Arc which began on April 20, 2024 and pertains largely to Unathi and Skrell lore.
It is centered around the relationship between the Izweski Hegemony and the Nralakk Federation, and their joint humanitarian efforts on the planet Moghes.
Below is a summary of the arc's applicable news articles, and additions.

Hegemon Announces Talks With Skrell!

News Article

Publisher: Sinta Articles

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix


"Awake, dear heart, awake."
-The Tempest, Act I Scene II

Hegemon Not'zar reaches out to the Nralakk Federation, hoping that recent upheavals will allow old grudges to be laid to rest.

In a surprising announcement from Skalamar today, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski announced that he intends to hold a diplomatic summit with the Nralakk Federation, which will be led by High Speaker Seleta Sarnac. The office of the High Speaker followed up on this, stating that Hegemon Not’zar understands that there is a long and often-troubled history between Sinta and Skrell, and he hopes that the two nations can enter into a more prosperous relationship in future.

The talks are set to take place on Ouerea, in several weeks’ time. Many have speculated as to the Hegemon’s choice to invite the Skrell delegation to Ouerea rather than Moghes - while some believe it is simply due to the planet’s large Skrell population, others believe that the Hegemon intends to call the Skrell to account for the planet’s occupation during the Contact War.

The Skrell delegation’s agenda, as well as who their representative will be, remains to be seen. The office of the High Speaker confirmed to us this morning, however, that the Nralakk Federation has accepted the Hegemon’s invitation. Their envoys will likely be en route to Uueoa-Esa already, and many wait apprehensively to see what the Federation hopes to get from these talks.

Some among the nobility have been outspoken against the Hegemon’s decision, however - with many protesting the inviting of Skrell to Izweski space, blaming them for everything from the Ouerean Rebellion to the Contact War itself. Perhaps the most outspoken of these was Lord Juyzi Izaku of Mudki, who invited representatives of Sinta Articles to a press conference in the city to issue his statement.

Lord Izaku was certainly passionate on the matter, claiming that "The Skrell, they get inside a man’s thoughts, to twist his mind and strip his honor! You see them, small and weak as they are, and you think they are harmless, but they can manipulate your very spirit - look at the slaughter on Ouerea, barely more than five years ago! It was driven by them, twisting innocent Sinta to anarchy and murder, and now the Hegemon wishes to treat with them? He must be careful, lest he find himself dancing on their vile and twisted strings.”

While the Lord of Mudki is certainly the most outspoken, he is not the only one of the nobility to object to these talks. Several among the nobility have petitioned the Hegemon to turn away from this plan, citing the occupation of Ouerea and subsequent rebellion as proof that the Skrell cannot be trusted to negotiate in good faith.

We at Sinta Articles hope for a resolution that is beneficial to the Hegemony and its people. As always, we shall keep our readers updated on these talks as they develop.

Ormish Jrolk Departs For Alien Stars

News Article

Publisher: Warble Enquirer

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix, Brotendo


“Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.”
-The Tempest, Act II Scene II

The Federation's representative departs for Ouerea.

Grand Advisor of Economic Development Ormish Jrolk has announced their temporary departure from Federation space today - leading a delegation to the planet Ouerea, a warm and hospitable world currently under the rule of the Izweski Hegemony. The ruler of the Hegemony, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski, extended formal invitations to the Nralakk Federation to send a delegation to Ouerea, in the hopes of laying to rest past hostilities between Unathi and Skrell.

The Unathi, for those of our readers who are not aware, rapidly descended into global nuclear warfare following first contact with the Federation and the Solarian Alliance - during which a delegation of Federation diplomats was sent in the hopes of brokering peace between the two warring sides, and preventing needless loss of life. These delegates were murdered, their shuttle shot down by the group known as the ‘Traditionalist Coalition’ (Unrelated to the Homeworld Traditionalist Coalition party), a radical collection of Unathi micro-states opposed to further dealings with the Federation and humanity.

Since that day, the Federation has had little contact with the Unathi - though for several decades, Federation officials administrated the colony on Ouerea, due to the Hegemon’s inability to do so during wartime. Following the end of what the Unathi have come to call the ‘Contact War’, the Federation graciously returned control of Ouerea to the Unathi, though a substantial Skrell population remains on the planet.

Reportedly, the delegation was approved with an overwhelming majority by the Grand Council, with only the Homeworld Traditionalist Coalition voting against. Coalition leader Overseer Nalo Gir-Roq referred to the delegation as “a mistake” during an address to the Council, claiming that for the Federation to involve ourselves further in the affairs of the Spur at large only serves to weaken our position on the interstellar stage. The Coalition was thoroughly outvoted, however, with all other parties standing in favor of the Ouerean talks. Grand Advisor Jrolk and the Federalist League cited the dangers of pirate and Marauder activity on the Federation’s southern border, claiming that forming stronger ties to the nations of the Sparring Sea is a proactive measure to ensure our national security against such threats in future - while voices from the Free Skrell Union cited establishing further connections to Hephaestus Industries as a key reason for building diplomatic ties to the Hegemony.

The talks are scheduled to begin in several weeks' time. Questions of whether these talks will lead to future involvement in Unathi affairs, or further connection with alien nations, remain unanswered for now - though the Federation watches eagerly to see what will come of the Ouerean summit.

Nralakk Delegation Arrives, Talks Begin

News Article

Publisher: Sinta Articles

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix


“Yet, with my nobler reason 'gainst my fury
Do I take part; the rarer action is
In virtue than in vengeance.”
-The Tempest, Act V Scene I

The talks on Ouerea begin, and speculation abounds on what each side hopes to gain.

The delegation from the distant Nralakk Federation has arrived, entering the Uueoa-Esa system early this morning before landing on Ouerea properly. Led by Ormish Jrolk, their ‘Grand Advisor of Economic Development’ - a role similar to a Master of Rivers - the delegation was promptly shown to a hotel in New Skalamar’s Founding District, where the talks are set to take place.

High Speaker Sarnac was present to welcome the delegation, along with her entourage. To the clamoring of spectators Unathi, Skrell and human alike, they entered the hotel, where the talks have begun in earnest. Though it is very early in the process, our correspondent on the scene was able to glean some insight as to the agendas from both sides.

It appears that the Hegemon, via the High Speaker, has demanded reparations from Nralakk for the occupation of Ouerea, claiming that they had no right to meddle in that world’s affairs and that it was shameful that his father was forced to resort to drastic measures to reclaim what is rightfully an Izweski colony. The Skrell have not taken this well, with their delegation claiming that the Federation was the only reason Ouerea survived the Contact War at all, and that Hegemon S’kresti’s actions were an act of rash bravado, where he could have instead negotiated with the Federation to ensure a peaceful transfer of power. The Skrell delegation also mentioned a shuttle of their diplomats destroyed by Traditionalists during the Contact War, claiming that as the ruler of all Moghes, Hegemon Not’zar bears an obligation to make amends.

So far, neither side seems to be bending on their demands - though the diplomatic process can be a lengthy one, and negotiations have only just begun. Rumors abound on the streets of Ouerea, however, with many claiming that Guildmaster T’zakal of Hephaestus Industries may be invited to the talks. As yet, Hephaestus Industries has not made any statement on the matter, and these rumors may have little merit to them.

As always, we at Sinta Articles will keep our readers updated on these talks as they progress, and we express our deepest hope for a mutually beneficial resolution.

Talks Continue On Ouerea; Hephaestus, K’lax Invited

News Article

Publisher: Sinta Articles

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix, Desven


“The hour's now come;
The very minute bids thee ope thine ear.”
-The Tempest, Act I Scene II

The talks continue, and new faces are seen at the table

The diplomatic talks on Ouerea seem to be making swift progress - while we do not have any further information on how both parties’ agenda is shifting, word from the inside is that attitudes have begun to soften, and that both sides are moving closer to an agreement. What that agreement is, and what it will entail for the Hegemony at large, remains to be seen.

Hephaestus Industries has also announced that they will be attending the talks at the Hegemon’s request, with Guildmaster T’zakal issuing a statement that due to the guild’s strong ties to every part of the Hegemonic economy since their recent reorganization of the major Hegemonic guilds, the outcome of these talks is of deep importance to Hephaestus.

Guildmaster T’zakal arrived on Ouerea yesterday morning, and spent the day touring the recently-completed Aquacultural Center One - before arriving by shuttle in New Skalamar last night, and traveling straight to the site of the talks. What role Hephaestus may play in this negotiation is as of now unknown.

The K’lax Hive have also announced that they will be in attendance at the talks. As one of the largest and most influential vassals of the Hegemon, the Vaurcae of Tret are instrumentally positioned within our nation’s economy, with one of the Hive’s representatives stating that “Since our arrival, the K’lax and the Sinta’Unathi have held a shared destiny - and if the Nralakk Federation is to be involved in that destiny, we will be included in the discussions.”

The K’lax delegation at the talks is reportedly being directed by the Queen Vedhra, with representatives of her brood having arrived on Ouerea this afternoon. Sinta Articles reporters attempted to get in contact with the K’laxian delegation in order to elaborate on why the High Queen elected not to send a representative from her own brood, but were unable to clarify. Our correspondents contacted Lady Ta’Akaix’Maz'roth'isek K’lax, the leader of the K’laxian delegation, who stated “The High Queen trusts in her servants’ ability in a matter that will affect the Hive in its entirety. Though I serve the Queen Vedhra, my role at this summit is to stand for all the K’lax.”

With the talks soon to enter their second week, we eagerly await further information. As always, we will keep our readers updated as the situation develops.

Senator Trang Condemns Hephaestus Role in Nralakk Summit

News Article

Publisher: Sol Alliance News Network

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix


“The truth you speak doth lack some gentleness
And time to speak it in.”
-The Tempest, Act II Scene I

The Ouerean summit gains attention from across the stars - and not all are happy to see Hephaestus take such a role.

Senator Le Hanh Trang has issued a public statement with regards to recent talks between the Nralakk Federation and the Unathi-ruled Izweski Hegemony, condemning the invitation of Hephaestus Industries. In a live statement from Unity Station today, the senator stated that “It is a dark day for the Spur when a megacorporation sits at a table with two nations, and negotiates as an equal. We in the Alliance know too well the damage that these corporations can cause - the actions of NanoTrasen have been devastating to the Alliance and its people, and Hephaestus themselves have exploited my homeworld and its people for generations. While this is not unexpected of the Unathi - a species new to the interstellar stage, who do not understand the danger that unchecked corporate power poses - I would expect more wisdom from our long-time allies in the Nralakk Federation than to allow such a predatory force to influence their affairs. I hope that both sides of these Ouerean negotiations realize the foolishness of their actions, and reconsider inviting Hephaestus to their discussion.”

Senator Trang has often made such statements against the megacorporations of the Spur, having been a leading figure in the implementation of the Solarian Corporate Authority and the nationalization of corporate assets across the Alliance. SANN reporters reached out to the Nralakk Federation consulate on Unity Station, and received an official response informing us: “The Nralakk Federation is well aware of all risks involved in these negotiations, but we do not make our decisions based on fear. Rest assured that our representatives shall act with the wisdom that we pride ourselves on, and that we extend our hopes that ill-founded fear is not allowed to jeopardize the friendship between our two great nations.”

SANN has also reached out to staff at the Alliance embassy on Moghes for comment, but we have only received a fax informing us that the Alliance has yet to take an official stance on the matter. Time will tell whether or not Senator Trang’s words will reach our allies in the Federation, however - or whether Hephaestus will keep its seat at the negotiating table.

Agreement Reached on Ouerea!

News Article

Publisher: Sinta Articles

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix


“And as the morning steals upon the night,
Melting the darkness, so their rising senses
Begin to chase the ignorant fumes that mantle
Their clearer reason.”
-The Tempest, Act V Scene I

Old grudges are settled, and new accords are struck.

The High Speaker has announced that the talks with the Nralakk Federation, which have been ongoing for nearly a month, have reached an end, with both parties finally reaching an agreement. She was photographed with the Skrell representative, Ormish Jrolk, proudly announcing the signing of the newly-named Nralakk-Izweski Mutual Prosperity Agreement.

The agreement is a lengthy one, but our correspondents have gathered the main points that are most likely to impact our readers, and what they may mean for the future of our own nation and our newfound friends in the Nralakk Federation. The agreement entails the following:

  • The Nralakk Federation will formally acknowledge its unlawful occupation of Ouerea - while both parties recognise the difficulties the Contact War posed to colonial administration, the Federation will formally acknowledge that control should have been returned immediately following the end of the war on Moghes, and that Hegemon S’kresti should not have had to resort to military action to see our colony returned to us. The Federation has declined to comment on the Sol Alliance’s role in the Ouerean affair, stating that it lies outside the purview of the summit.
  • As a form of reparation for their interference in Sinta affairs, the Federation will offer the assistance of its scientists in combating the spreading of the Wasteland, as well as assisting in medical treatment of those harmed by radiation.
  • The Hegemon has made a formal trade agreement with the Federation, and is set to begin exporting raw materials to Skrell space soon via Hephaestus Industries. Guildmaster T’zakal has strongly endorsed this announcement, welcoming the opportunity to expand further into alien markets.
  • The Hegemony will permit the ships of the Federation’s ‘Qukala’ (their primary military force) to dock at any Izweski colony, station or port. This will allow our new trade partners to assist the Izweski Navy in ensuring that cargo vessels are capable of safely traveling through the Badlands and Sparring Sea without threat of piracy.

While some still remain skeptical of the Nralakk-Izweski Mutual Prosperity Agreement, the mood across the Hegemony overall is one of celebration, as the Federation’s commitment to the restoration efforts on Moghes has been declared.

An initial group of Federation scientists and healers is set to arrive within the month, to begin working to both treat radiation-related disorders among the population and to work with the brightest minds of the Hegemony in accelerating environmental restoration efforts on Moghes. High Speaker Sarnac made a public address from Skalamar, having seen the Skrell delegation safely depart from the system, bound to return to Federation space. From the Izweski keep, the High Speaker addressed the assembled press, stating:

“It has been a long and arduous negotiation - but both the Hegemon and myself are pleased at this outcome. The rabble-rousing of some who believe the Skrell hold some sort of nefarious agenda can be safely dismissed - and on behalf of myself and Hegemon Not’zar, I wish to welcome the aid of our new allies in the Nralakk Federation in the restoration of our world. May the Great Spirit bless this new agreement, and the wisdom of our Hegemon in seeking such a powerful ally.”

The Nralakk Federation has also made plans for the reopening of the embassy in Skalamar, having made an agreement with Hephaestus Industries to begin construction on new premises immediately. Though an ambassador has yet to be appointed, Grand Advisor Jrolk did make a brief statement to Sinta Articles earlier today, stating on behalf of the Nralakk Federation their satisfaction with the agreement reached - and that they look forward to the age of future cooperation between our two nations that this agreement heralds.

We at Sinta Articles strongly congratulate the Hegemon for this alliance, as well as the offer of assistance from our new friends in the Federation. As always, we will keep our readers updated as the situation develops further.

Chapter I: Strange Bedfellows

Server Event

Host: RustingWithYou


Via Hephaestus, the SCC is invited to participate in the humanitarian program. Fresh from their recent successes on Konyang, the SCCV Horizon is deployed to the Uueoa-Esa system.

The Horizon crew was invited to the Grand Ouerean Hotel in New Skalamar, while humanitarian program representatives inspected the vessel. While the crew enjoyed the hotel's many amenities, command met with representatives of the Hegemony, the Federation, the K'lax Hive, and Hephaestus Industries, who briefed them on the significance of their mission. The Horizon was informed that their first major mission would be to assist the town of Kazseres, located in the southern Tza Prairie.