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<div style="font-size:162%; border:2px solid #dca200; margin:0; background:#29870e; padding:.1em; color:#fff;">New Blades, Old Wounds</div>
{{Template:2024 Event Timeline}}
<div style="font-size:110%; border:2px solid #dca200; margin:0; background:#29870e; padding:.1em; color:#fff;">This is the overview and timeline page for the '''New Blades, Old Wounds''' Arc which began on '''April 20, 2024''' and pertains largely to '''[[Unathi]] and [[Skrell]] lore.'''</div>
<div style="font-size:110%; border:2px solid #dca200; margin:0; background:#29870e; padding:.1em; color:#fff;">It is centered around the relationship between the [[Izweski Hegemony]] and the [[Nralakk Federation]], and their joint humanitarian efforts on the planet [[Moghes]].</div>
<div style="font-size:110%; border:2px solid #dca200; margin:0; background:#29870e; padding:.1em; color:#fff;">Below is a summary of the arc's applicable news articles, and additions.</div>

== Overview ==
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<center>''"This land is the heart of the Hegemony. So long as it and its people stand, the Izweski shall reign eternal!"'' -Abridged quote from Hegemon Sk'resti Izweski following the end of the Contact War</center>
=Hegemon Announces Talks With Skrell!=
The Izweski Heartland, also known as the Sk’akh Heartland, is a region of Moghes in the Untouched Lands, stretching along the northern coast of the Moghresian Sea. Since the rise of the Izweski Hegemony, this region has been the centre of their power and influence, being nearly entirely spared from the Contact War thanks to Izweski anti-air and missile defence systems. The Heartland’s relevance continues well into the modern day, being the most populous and influential region of Moghes, and home to the Izweski clan themselves.
'''News Article'''

While one might assume that the Heartland is ruled by the Hegemon directly, this is not the case. While Hegemon Not’zar and his clan do primarily reside in Skalamar, his attention is dedicated to the Hegemony as a whole - and as such, the region lies under the rule of Overlord Trikzara Sirax; brother to the Clanmother Izweski and ruler of the Izweski Heartland, from his seat in Skalamar. With the flood of refugees from the Wasteland, Overlord Sirax stands in a difficult situation, as the region grows more and more overpopulated. To many, Skalamar and the Heartland are one and the same - it is the most populous city on Moghes, and the centre of power not just for the region, but for the Hegemony as a whole. The city, however, is overpopulated and dangerous, with large slum districts having risen outside the city’s walls, erected by Wasteland refugees following the Contact War. However, in the Gold District, home to the keeps and palaces of the nobility, some of the most elegant architecture of the city can be found. Rising on the hill that Skalamar is built around, Keep Izweski can be seen - the beating heart of the Hegemony, where Hegemon Not’zar holds his seat of power. A single road leads up to Keep Izweski, heavily secured by the City Watch and the Guwan Guard.
'''Publisher: Sinta Articles'''

Skalamar is by far the place that aliens can be seen the most in the Hegemony - representatives from every brood of the K’lax dwell within the city, as well as hundreds of Vaurca workers and warriors from the Hegemony’s vassal hive. Many humans, usually mercenaries or Hephaestus workers, also make their homes in the city - as well as thousands of traders, tourists and drifters that can be seen in the Skalamar spaceport. While a few from any of the Spur’s species can usually be found in the city, Vaurca and humans are the only ones to make up a significant portion of the population, with Tajara, Skrell, synthetics and Dionae being rare sights. The city also marks the historical centre of the Sk’akh Church, being home to the Third Scept of Sk’akh - rebuilt from the rubble after the Second Scept was destroyed during the Contact War. The city has a vast majority of Sk’akh, with other faiths being barely practised within its walls. Since the exile of High Priest Unzi, however, the Church has been divided and leaderless, and many whisper that its power in the modern age of the Hegemony is gone, never to be recovered.
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''

To the northwest of Skalamar lies the city of To’ha’dat, a sprawling and filthy city, home to most of the industrial base of the Izweski Heartland. While its industry does not compete with the larger manufacturing bases of the Southlands, it still produces much of the Hegemony’s consumer goods, and is a stronghold of many industrial guilds. However, as the Hegemon and Overlord Sirax continue to deal with Hephaestus Industries, more and more of the local guilds find themselves in a struggle for influence against the human megacorporation - one that, if it continues, they will surely lose. To’ha’dat is also a centre of Sk’akh, with its ruler, Lord Glatazk Yu'huni, being fanatically faithful. He has proven fiercely loyal to the Church, even to the extent of raising his banners against the Hegemony during the Izweski Civil War. While he remains a staunch ally for now, he is unhappy with the current state of the Sk’akh Church - and should the Church take action against Not’zar, one of the Heartland’s most powerful nobles may rise with them.
'''Editors: Triogenix'''

Further to the east, at the foot of the mountains separating the Heartland from the Northern Wastes, the city of Imas’hi stands. This city has been the financial heart of the region since the days of the Sarakus Hegemony, when the banking guilds consolidated their power. Even following the Contact War, Imas’hi remains extremely wealthy - though more of this wealth is funnelled to the city’s ruler, the Lady-Regent Amz’izi Kiae, who many suspect of the murder of her husband in a bid for power. Lady-Regent Kiae and her clan have grown incredibly wealthy in recent years, even as the city falls into squalor, with refugees from the Wasteland being thrown into overcrowded slums. In large part due to the influx of Wastelanders, the city is now split evenly between Th’akh, Sk’akh and Si’akh, leading to high rates of religious crime in the slums. However, so long as the credits keep flowing, the Lady-Regent will consider her rule successful - and given her aptitude for the politics of her position, it would take catastrophe to see her unseated.

Near the borders of the Eastern Wasteland lie the cities of S’th and Baandr. These cities have historically been rivals - though following the Contact War, S’th has seized much of Baandr’s lands. While S’th is now the wealthier of the two cities, almost all of that wealth has flowed straight into the hands of its ruler - the corrupt Lord Karkatus. As trade over the Moghresian Sea, and wealth from the stolen lands of Baandr flows in, the Karkatus Clan and their lackey guilds grow rich, even while the peasantry suffers beneath the ongoing famine. While Karkatus is corrupt, and mismanaging his lands extensively, he toes the line enough that he has fallen beneath the notice of Overlord Sirax - at least, for now.
''"Awake, dear heart, awake."''<br>
-The Tempest, Act I Scene II

Baandr, ruled by Lord Mizaruz Izweski, is a smaller city - Lord Mizaruz is not a terribly effective ruler, and is easily overwhelmed by the difficulties of his position. Were he not of the Hegemon’s own clan, he likely would have been unseated by now - but as it is, he holds onto what remains of his lands, and makes plans to take back what is his from the upstart Karkatus to the west. Baandr was once the stronghold of the Marazilite Order, also known as the Iron Masks - but after the exile of High Priest Unzi and the disbanding of the Order, their presence has largely been replaced by Sk’akh Priests of the Warrior. The city is almost entirely and militantly Sk’akh - and while Skalamar is its heart, Sinta historians believe that the region around Baandr is where the religion has its origins. The city is also known for its peculiar vines that cover almost every building. During Versakh, they bloom colourful flowers and become a popular tourist attraction. They are carefully tailored by the local priesthood and inhabitants in general. While pruning is legal, clearing the vines entirely from a building is punishable by exile from the city.
Hegemon Not'zar reaches out to the Nralakk Federation, hoping that [[Change on the Horizon Arc|recent upheavals]] will allow old grudges to be laid to rest.
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== Culture ==
In a surprising announcement from Skalamar today, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski announced that he intends to hold a diplomatic summit with the Nralakk Federation, which will be led by High Speaker Seleta Sarnac. The office of the High Speaker followed up on this, stating that Hegemon Not’zar understands that there is a long and often-troubled history between Sinta and Skrell, and he hopes that the two nations can enter into a more prosperous relationship in future.
<center>''"Sk'akh's scales, you sound just like those Coalition traitors. Alien influence, corruption of Unathi ways, so on, so on. Look around you! If this is what alien corruption is in your eyes, I welcome it."'' -Vharak Kssighriss, Hephaestus shuttle technician, on the prevalence of the human megacorporation in the Heartland</center>

The Heartlands have been known for centuries for their wealth, since before the Izweski ruled, and that is the stereotype that persists about Heartland Sinta, even the lowliest of peasants. It has historically been the first to receive the benefits of any new modernisation, whether by Sinta or alien hands. As such, Unathi from the Izweski Heartland are usually perceived as being worldly and having access to the full benefit of modern technology - which leads many to paint them all as soft and lazy.  
The talks are set to take place on Ouerea, in several weeks’ time. Many have speculated as to the Hegemon’s choice to invite the Skrell delegation to Ouerea rather than Moghes - while some believe it is simply due to the planet’s large Skrell population, others believe that the Hegemon intends to call the Skrell to account for the planet’s occupation during the Contact War.

The Heartland is also known for its intrigue - it has been the centre of power on Moghes for nearly seven hundred years, and the intricate webs that have been spun between the noble clans of the region make the schemes of other Unathi look like child’s play. Even among the peasant clans, life in the Heartland is a constant struggle for advancement in life. As such, those from the Heartland are often viewed as being a proud and ambitious people - or, from a less generous lens, manipulative and untrustworthy.  
The Skrell delegation’s agenda, as well as who their representative will be, remains to be seen. The office of the High Speaker confirmed to us this morning, however, that the Nralakk Federation has accepted the Hegemon’s invitation. Their envoys will likely be en route to Uueoa-Esa already, and many wait apprehensively to see what the Federation hopes to get from these talks.

The Sinta of the Heartland are, perhaps unsurprisingly, some of the most patriotic citizens of the Hegemony. To them, the Izweski are not simply far-off rulers, and they are not simply a part of the Hegemony - it is their Hegemony, and criticism of it is likely to see one ostracised. While there is some criticism of Hegemon Not’zar, in the Heartland he is generally beloved by the peasantry - even as the famine drags on. Izweski banners can be seen flying far and wide across the region, being as common as local clans’ heraldry almost everywhere. Similarly, the Traditionalist Coalition is hated with passion in the Heartland. They are viewed as backwards savages and treacherous cowards, who nearly brought Moghes to ruin by beginning the nuclear war. While many Traditionalist refugees have come to the region since the end of the Contact War, they are often discriminated against and derided by the locals as traitors and the spawn of traitors, and will often be treated as barely a step up from Guwan.
Some among the nobility have been outspoken against the Hegemon’s decision, however - with many protesting the inviting of Skrell to Izweski space, blaming them for everything from the Ouerean Rebellion to the Contact War itself. Perhaps the most outspoken of these was Lord Juyzi Izaku of Mudki, who invited representatives of Sinta Articles to a press conference in the city to issue his statement.  

Nearly every major Hegemonic Guild has widespread holdings within the Heartland, with many of them having their central guildhalls in Skalamar or the surrounding area. While Hephaestus has expanded its operations into the region, and often contends with the Unathi guilds for local contracts, so far it has managed to coexist without much friction.  
Lord Izaku was certainly passionate on the matter, claiming that ''"The Skrell, they get inside a man’s thoughts, to twist his mind and strip his honor! You see them, small and weak as they are, and you think they are harmless, but they can manipulate your very spirit - look at the slaughter on Ouerea, barely more than five years ago! It was driven by them, twisting innocent Sinta to anarchy and murder, and now the Hegemon wishes to treat with them? He must be careful, lest he find himself dancing on their vile and twisted strings.”''

== Faith ==
While the Lord of Mudki is certainly the most outspoken, he is not the only one of the nobility to object to these talks. Several among the nobility have petitioned the Hegemon to turn away from this plan, citing the occupation of Ouerea and subsequent rebellion as proof that the Skrell cannot be trusted to negotiate in good faith.
<center>''"And in those days, when the world was forged anew, the Three in One struck Their hands upon the ground and spoke. 'Here shall be Our temple, and from it shall Our faithful go forth"'' -Quotation from a Sk'akh myth, believed to refer to the founding of the First Scept</center>

The Heartland is overwhelmingly Sk’akh, as the historic centre of the Church’s power. However, there is some presence of other faiths within the region. Imash’hi, due to the influx of refugees from the Wasteland, is evenly divided between Sk’akh, Th’akh and Si’akh - a state of affairs which has caused much tension, as the overcrowded slums frequently give rise to vicious religious violence, which the Lady-Regent seems unable or unwilling to quell.  
We at Sinta Articles hope for a resolution that is beneficial to the Hegemony and its people. As always, we shall keep our readers updated on these talks as they develop.

Though one would not expect to find the Aut’akh in the Heartland, with the faith having been branded as a dangerous cult and outlawed across the Hegemony, one of the largest undercity communes of Moghes lies beneath the streets of Skalamar. The sewer system of the city, an ancient and labyrinthine construction, holds potentially hundreds of cybernetically enhanced Unathi, struggling to survive day by day and grow their faith. For Aut’akh seeking to get offworld, the Skalamar commune is their best bet, as the sheer size of the city’s spaceport makes it easy for them to sneak passage offworld with some of the less-than-reputable captains who dock there.  Overlord Sirax has been trying, to little avail, to crack down on the Skalamar commune - however, the City Watch is already strained to keep the peace as is, and while the Aut’akh faith may be viewed as an abomination, the amount of trouble it causes is relatively small, leading to it being treated as a low priority by local law enforcement.

== Holidays ==
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=Ormish Jrolk Departs For Alien Stars=
'''News Article'''

Victory Day is a holiday of contrasts - a celebration of Izweski victory in the Contact War, and a subdued mourning for the lives lost to what the locals tend to consider solely the crimes of the Traditionalist Coalition. Traditionally, it is a day of rest and respite, with Sinta gathering with their clan-mates and loved ones to remember what they treasure, and spending the night in a quiet and subdued ceremony, to honour the souls of those destroyed in the nuclear exchange.
'''Publisher: Warble Enquirer'''

Traditionally, there are three main holy days of the Sk’akh Church, each dedicated to one of the Great Spirit’s three Aspects. The Day of the Warrior falls in the heat of Versakh, and is generally a time of wild contests of strength and skill, as well as a day when many young men seek to join with the City Guard or their local lord’s personal forces. The Day of the Fisher falls during Kasavakh, and is a day of feasting and merriment, in thanks for the labour of the fishers, which makes life possible for all. The Day of the Healer falls in Travakh, and is a day of reflection on how even in the darkest and coldest of times, Sinta are blessed with Sk’akh’s grace, and the power to bring life into this world.
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''

The anniversary of a Hegemon’s coronation is also customarily a holiday within the Heartland - though the anniversary of Not’zar’s is a mixed occasion, as it reminds all too many of the madness of Hegemon Sk’resti, and the doom he nearly brought to Moghes. However, it is still a joyous occasion, with Izweski banners flying in the streets, many peasants and guildsmen being given time off their work, and celebration of the glory that the Hegemon is sure to bring to all Unathi, in time.
'''Editors: Triogenix, Brotendo'''

== Education ==

The Heartland is one of the most prosperous and developed regions of Moghes, having seen heavy investment from first the Sarakus and then the Hegemony. As a result of this, it has one of the most comprehensive education systems of anywhere on the planet. Early into the reign of the Izweski, they worked to continue the Great Endeavor of their predecessors, establishing a system of public schooling across their lands. Schools in the Izweski Heartland are standardised across the board, running through to the age of sixteen in conjunction with the traditional on-the-job learning seen elsewhere. They cover Moghresian history from the founding of the First Hegemony through to the Contact War, though naturally from a very pro-Izweski point of view, as well as Sinta'Unathi literacy. This school system is part of how the Sinta'Unathi language initially spread so rapidly, with the Hegemony suppressing the use of other languages in the school environment in order to promote the cultural unity provided by Sinta'Unathi - a practice which has largely ceased due to the language's prevalence in the modern day.
''“Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.''<br>
-The Tempest, Act II Scene II

The schools of the Heartland are viewed as a point of pride by many locals, as a sign of the Izweski's care for their subjects and of how their homeland has always been on the forefront of progress. They are viewed less favorably by Unathi from other regions, however, with many non-Hegemony subjects viewing them as little better than a propaganda-pushing vanity project of the Izweski. However, it is indisputable that the average Unathi of the Heartland has a better education than can be found in many less developed regions of Moghes.
The Federation's representative departs for Ouerea.
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After the age of sixteen, most young Unathi will head to work in the traditional trades of their clans - though the Heartland is somewhat unique in the range of opportunities offered, with many of the most prominent Guilds headquartered in the region with keen eyes for new talent, as well as the constant presence of Hephaestus Industries. The human megacorporation may be viewed with suspicion by more conservative Unathi, but to many of the peasantry Hephaestus represents a unique opportunity for bringing wealth and prosperity to their clan and kin. Unathi from the Heartland are seen nearly anywhere that Hephaestus operates in the Spur, with the corporation often shipping them out as migrant workers to their facilities in [[Republic of Biesel|Biesel]], [[Elyra]] or the [[Coalition of Colonies]]. This acts as another avenue for further education, with many Unathi workers gaining valuable skills in their employment with Hephaestus.
Grand Advisor of Economic Development Ormish Jrolk has announced their temporary departure from Federation space today - leading a delegation to the planet Ouerea, a warm and hospitable world currently under the rule of the Izweski Hegemony. The ruler of the Hegemony, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski, extended formal invitations to the Nralakk Federation to send a delegation to Ouerea, in the hopes of laying to rest past hostilities between Unathi and Skrell.  

In terms of higher education, the Izweski Heartland is home to several prestigious universities - the most notable of these being the famed [[Skalamar University Of Medicine]]. Home to some of the brightest medical minds of the age, the Skalamar University of Medicine is the foremost medical institution on Moghes, tied deeply to the [[Unathi Guilds#House of Medicine|House of Medicine]]. Aside from this, Skalamar is also home to the Skalamar Academy of the Natural Sciences, one of the greatest centers of learning on the planet. Scientists from the Skalamar Academy have stood proudly at the forefront of Unathi progress for centuries, and continue to in the modern day, with exposure to alien technology having driven a new age of scientific innovation. It was Academy graduates who designed the crude rockets that bore the first colonists to [[Ouerea]], and who designed many of the weapons used by Unathi military forces in the modern age. In recent years, the Academy has controversially invited several prominent K'lax workers in relevant scientific fields to act as lecturers - a decision which has angered some of the Academy's more conservative donors.
The Unathi, for those of our readers who are not aware, rapidly descended into global nuclear warfare following first contact with the Federation and the Solarian Alliance - during which a delegation of Federation diplomats was sent in the hopes of brokering peace between the two warring sides, and preventing needless loss of life. These delegates were murdered, their shuttle shot down by the group known as the ‘Traditionalist Coalition’ (Unrelated to the Homeworld Traditionalist Coalition party), a radical collection of Unathi micro-states opposed to further dealings with the Federation and humanity.  

Outside of Skalamar, the city of Baandr is home to the Baandr College of Spirits, a Sk'akh institution focusing primarily on theological education and consideration of the higher mysteries of the Three in One. Many of the higher-ranking priests of the Church are graduates of this institution, as well as many of the nobility who consider themselves particularly devout. Outside of the city, the College is often considered to be an outdated institution of mysticism and prophecy, but the Church maintains its benefit to society at large in ensuring the spiritual knowledge and well-being of the Unathi people.  
Since that day, the Federation has had little contact with the Unathi - though for several decades, Federation officials administrated the colony on Ouerea, due to the Hegemon’s inability to do so during wartime. Following the end of what the Unathi have come to call the ‘Contact War’, the Federation graciously returned control of Ouerea to the Unathi, though a substantial Skrell population remains on the planet.  

In Imas'hi, the banking guilds have long operated the Imas'hi School of Business, an institution that has shaped the course of Moghresian economics for decades. Members of many of the prominent Hegemonic Guilds have studied within its halls, with the Merchants in particular favoring it for obvious reasons. Among its most honored graduates is the controversial Yukal T'zakal, Hephaestus Industries' Sector Administrator for the Hegemony - a man who is despised as much as he is admired, and indisputably the architect of Hephaestus's influence in the modern Hegemony. His niece, Azihoa T'zakal, is a recent graduate, who came to prominence in Izweski society after an attempt to court the Hegemon in 2465 - though it remains unclear whether she will follow in her uncle's footsteps and seek to rise within the ranks of Hephaestus.
Reportedly, the delegation was approved with an overwhelming majority by the Grand Council, with only the Homeworld Traditionalist Coalition voting against. Coalition leader Overseer Nalo Gir-Roq referred to the delegation as “a mistake” during an address to the Council, claiming that for the Federation to involve ourselves further in the affairs of the Spur at large only serves to weaken our position on the interstellar stage. The Coalition was thoroughly outvoted, however, with all other parties standing in favor of the Ouerean talks. Grand Advisor Jrolk and the Federalist League cited the dangers of pirate and Marauder activity on the Federation’s southern border, claiming that forming stronger ties to the nations of the Sparring Sea is a proactive measure to ensure our national security against such threats in future - while voices from the Free Skrell Union cited establishing further connections to Hephaestus Industries as a key reason for building diplomatic ties to the Hegemony.

Lastly, S'th is home to the University of S'th, one of the oldest institutions of learning on Moghes - having existed in one form or another since the fall of the Kres'ha'nor Hegemony. This university has, in recent history, largely been viewed as a place for spoiled noble children to waste their family's money on frivolous pursuits - though it has seen a rise in prestige with the ascent of Hegemon Not'zar, unquestionably the university's most famed graduate. The University of S'th has a focus on Sinta'studies, with many of the greatest philosophers and intellectuals of the Hegemony having at some point passed through its doors.
The talks are scheduled to begin in several weeks' time. Questions of whether these talks will lead to future involvement in Unathi affairs, or further connection with alien nations, remain unanswered for now - though the Federation watches eagerly to see what will come of the Ouerean summit.

== Entertainment ==
<center>''"My name, my honor, my birthright... all is stripped from me now, save my vengeance."'' -Jharak Guwandi, The Waste Hunter(2460)</center>

The Heartland has a thriving entertainment industry, having been the centre of Moghes’ television networks since their invention. The Keepers of Heirlooms oversee large parts of this industry, producing most of the movies and television series of the Izweski Hegemony. Some of the most notable productions of the Heartland are:
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=Nralakk Delegation Arrives, Talks Begin=
'''News Article'''

Last Days of Kres’ha’nor - A historical drama series, focusing on the dying days of Hegemon Kres’ha’nor, in the moments before the First Hegemony collapsed. It follows a large cast of courtiers, including the Hegemon’s many vassals and children. The show has become wildly popular among both nobles and peasants, with strong arguments being held on Extranet forums as to which of the Hegemon’s children is most worthy of seizing his power. The show is currently awaiting its third season, with Hegemon Kres’ha’nor having finally died in a shocking moment at the end of the second season.
'''Publisher: Sinta Articles'''

The Waste Hunter - An action movie, focusing on the seasoned warrior Jharak Guwandi. Framed for the murder of the lord he was sworn to protect by his corrupt and villainous brother, Jharak is made Guwandi and exiled to the Wasteland. Swearing to clear his name, he fights against raiders, Traditionalist holdouts, and assassins of the Shadow Service as he works to bring down his brother and restore the rightful heir to his lord’s seat. The film has received mixed reviews, with some saying that Guwandi should not be depicted regaining their honour in any way other than a glorious death - but generally, it is agreed that the fights are impressive regardless.
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''

Venom Hearts - A television series primarily made for women, Venom Hearts is a story about the hardened spy and investigator, Zo’kaa Lhesk Yiia, as she runs her investigative business in the heart of Skalamar, solving crimes too tough for the City Watch. In the show’s many seasons, she has had numerous lovers both male and female, and come up against all sorts of adversaries - from the Shortclaw Clan to corrupt nobles and the assassins of the Shadow Service. The show’s seventh season recently aired, ending with Yiia’s desperate flight offworld, pursuing her arch-rival, a villainous noblewoman turned criminal mastermind, to the Republic of Biesel.
'''Editors: Triogenix'''
''“Yet, with my nobler reason 'gainst my fury''<br>
''Do I take part; the rarer action is''<br>
''In virtue than in vengeance.”''<br>
-The Tempest, Act V Scene I
The talks on Ouerea begin, and speculation abounds on what each side hopes to gain.
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The delegation from the distant Nralakk Federation has arrived, entering the Uueoa-Esa system early this morning before landing on Ouerea properly. Led by Ormish Jrolk, their ‘Grand Advisor of Economic Development’ - a role similar to a Master of Rivers - the delegation was promptly shown to a hotel in New Skalamar’s Founding District, where the talks are set to take place.
High Speaker Sarnac was present to welcome the delegation, along with her entourage. To the clamoring of spectators Unathi, Skrell and human alike, they entered the hotel, where the talks have begun in earnest. Though it is very early in the process, our correspondent on the scene was able to glean some insight as to the agendas from both sides.
It appears that the Hegemon, via the High Speaker, has demanded reparations from Nralakk for the occupation of Ouerea, claiming that they had no right to meddle in that world’s affairs and that it was shameful that his father was forced to resort to drastic measures to reclaim what is rightfully an Izweski colony. The Skrell have not taken this well, with their delegation claiming that the Federation was the only reason Ouerea survived the Contact War at all, and that Hegemon S’kresti’s actions were an act of rash bravado, where he could have instead negotiated with the Federation to ensure a peaceful transfer of power. The Skrell delegation also mentioned a shuttle of their diplomats destroyed by Traditionalists during the Contact War, claiming that as the ruler of all Moghes, Hegemon Not’zar bears an obligation to make amends.
So far, neither side seems to be bending on their demands - though the diplomatic process can be a lengthy one, and negotiations have only just begun. Rumors abound on the streets of Ouerea, however, with many claiming that Guildmaster T’zakal of Hephaestus Industries may be invited to the talks. As yet, Hephaestus Industries has not made any statement on the matter, and these rumors may have little merit to them.
As always, we at Sinta Articles will keep our readers updated on these talks as they progress, and we express our deepest hope for a mutually beneficial resolution.
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=Talks Continue On Ouerea; Hephaestus, K’lax Invited=
'''News Article'''
'''Publisher: Sinta Articles'''
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''
'''Editors: Triogenix, Desven'''
''“The hour's now come;''<br>
''The very minute bids thee ope thine ear.”''<br>
-The Tempest, Act I Scene II
The talks continue, and new faces are seen at the table
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The diplomatic talks on Ouerea seem to be making swift progress - while we do not have any further information on how both parties’ agenda is shifting, word from the inside is that attitudes have begun to soften, and that both sides are moving closer to an agreement. What that agreement is, and what it will entail for the Hegemony at large, remains to be seen.
Hephaestus Industries has also announced that they will be attending the talks at the Hegemon’s request, with Guildmaster T’zakal issuing a statement that due to the guild’s strong ties to every part of the Hegemonic economy since their recent reorganization of the major Hegemonic guilds, the outcome of these talks is of deep importance to Hephaestus.
Guildmaster T’zakal arrived on Ouerea yesterday morning, and spent the day touring the recently-completed Aquacultural Center One - before arriving by shuttle in New Skalamar last night, and traveling straight to the site of the talks. What role Hephaestus may play in this negotiation is as of now unknown.
The K’lax Hive have also announced that they will be in attendance at the talks. As one of the largest and most influential vassals of the Hegemon, the Vaurcae of Tret are instrumentally positioned within our nation’s economy, with one of the Hive’s representatives stating that ''“Since our arrival, the K’lax and the Sinta’Unathi have held a shared destiny - and if the Nralakk Federation is to be involved in that destiny, we will be included in the discussions.”''
The K’lax delegation at the talks is reportedly being directed by the Queen Vedhra, with representatives of her brood having arrived on Ouerea this afternoon. Sinta Articles reporters attempted to get in contact with the K’laxian delegation in order to elaborate on why the High Queen elected not to send a representative from her own brood, but were unable to clarify. Our correspondents contacted Lady Ta’Akaix’Maz'roth'isek K’lax, the leader of the K’laxian delegation, who stated ''“The High Queen trusts in her servants’ ability in a matter that will affect the Hive in its entirety. Though I serve the Queen Vedhra, my role at this summit is to stand for all the K’lax.”''
With the talks soon to enter their second week, we eagerly await further information. As always, we will keep our readers updated as the situation develops.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
=Senator Trang Condemns Hephaestus Role in Nralakk Summit=
'''News Article'''
'''Publisher: Sol Alliance News Network'''
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''
'''Editors: Triogenix'''
''“The truth you speak doth lack some gentleness''<br>
''And time to speak it in.”''<br>
-The Tempest, Act II Scene I
The Ouerean summit gains attention from across the stars - and not all are happy to see Hephaestus take such a role.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Senator Le Hanh Trang has issued a public statement with regards to recent talks between the Nralakk Federation and the Unathi-ruled Izweski Hegemony, condemning the invitation of Hephaestus Industries. In a live statement from Unity Station today, the senator stated that ''“It is a dark day for the Spur when a megacorporation sits at a table with two nations, and negotiates as an equal. We in the Alliance know too well the damage that these corporations can cause - the actions of NanoTrasen have been devastating to the Alliance and its people, and Hephaestus themselves have exploited my homeworld and its people for generations. While this is not unexpected of the Unathi - a species new to the interstellar stage, who do not understand the danger that unchecked corporate power poses - I would expect more wisdom from our long-time allies in the Nralakk Federation than to allow such a predatory force to influence their affairs. I hope that both sides of these Ouerean negotiations realize the foolishness of their actions, and reconsider inviting Hephaestus to their discussion.”''
Senator Trang has often made such statements against the megacorporations of the Spur, having been a leading figure in the implementation of the Solarian Corporate Authority and the nationalization of corporate assets across the Alliance. SANN reporters reached out to the Nralakk Federation consulate on Unity Station, and received an official response informing us: ''“The Nralakk Federation is well aware of all risks involved in these negotiations, but we do not make our decisions based on fear. Rest assured that our representatives shall act with the wisdom that we pride ourselves on, and that we extend our hopes that ill-founded fear is not allowed to jeopardize the friendship between our two great nations.”''
SANN has also reached out to staff at the Alliance embassy on Moghes for comment, but we have only received a fax informing us that the Alliance has yet to take an official stance on the matter. Time will tell whether or not Senator Trang’s words will reach our allies in the Federation, however - or whether Hephaestus will keep its seat at the negotiating table.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
=Agreement Reached on Ouerea!=
'''News Article'''
'''Publisher: Sinta Articles'''
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''
'''Editors: Triogenix'''
''“And as the morning steals upon the night,''<br>
''Melting the darkness, so their rising senses''<br>
''Begin to chase the ignorant fumes that mantle''<br>
''Their clearer reason.”''<br>
-The Tempest, Act V Scene I
Old grudges are settled, and new accords are struck.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
The High Speaker has announced that the talks with the Nralakk Federation, which have been ongoing for nearly a month, have reached an end, with both parties finally reaching an agreement. She was photographed with the Skrell representative, Ormish Jrolk, proudly announcing the signing of the newly-named Nralakk-Izweski Mutual Prosperity Agreement.
The agreement is a lengthy one, but our correspondents have gathered the main points that are most likely to impact our readers, and what they may mean for the future of our own nation and our newfound friends in the Nralakk Federation. The agreement entails the following:
* The Nralakk Federation will formally acknowledge its unlawful occupation of Ouerea - while both parties recognise the difficulties the Contact War posed to colonial administration, the Federation will formally acknowledge that control should have been returned immediately following the end of the war on Moghes, and that Hegemon S’kresti should not have had to resort to military action to see our colony returned to us. The Federation has declined to comment on the Sol Alliance’s role in the Ouerean affair, stating that it lies outside the purview of the summit.
* As a form of reparation for their interference in Sinta affairs, the Federation will offer the assistance of its scientists in combating the spreading of the Wasteland, as well as assisting in medical treatment of those harmed by radiation.
* The Hegemon has made a formal trade agreement with the Federation, and is set to begin exporting raw materials to Skrell space soon via Hephaestus Industries. Guildmaster T’zakal has strongly endorsed this announcement, welcoming the opportunity to expand further into alien markets.
* The Hegemony will permit the ships of the Federation’s ‘Qukala’ (their primary military force) to dock at any Izweski colony, station or port. This will allow our new trade partners to assist the Izweski Navy in ensuring that cargo vessels are capable of safely traveling through the Badlands and Sparring Sea without threat of piracy.
While some still remain skeptical of the Nralakk-Izweski Mutual Prosperity Agreement, the mood across the Hegemony overall is one of celebration, as the Federation’s commitment to the restoration efforts on Moghes has been declared.
An initial group of Federation scientists and healers is set to arrive within the month, to begin working to both treat radiation-related disorders among the population and to work with the brightest minds of the Hegemony in accelerating environmental restoration efforts on Moghes. High Speaker Sarnac made a public address from Skalamar, having seen the Skrell delegation safely depart from the system, bound to return to Federation space. From the Izweski keep, the High Speaker addressed the assembled press, stating:
''“It has been a long and arduous negotiation - but both the Hegemon and myself are pleased at this outcome. The rabble-rousing of some who believe the Skrell hold some sort of nefarious agenda can be safely dismissed - and on behalf of myself and Hegemon Not’zar, I wish to welcome the aid of our new allies in the Nralakk Federation in the restoration of our world. May the Great Spirit bless this new agreement, and the wisdom of our Hegemon in seeking such a powerful ally.”''
The Nralakk Federation has also made plans for the reopening of the embassy in Skalamar, having made an agreement with Hephaestus Industries to begin construction on new premises immediately. Though an ambassador has yet to be appointed, Grand Advisor Jrolk did make a brief statement to Sinta Articles earlier today, stating on behalf of the Nralakk Federation their satisfaction with the agreement reached - and that they look forward to the age of future cooperation between our two nations that this agreement heralds.
We at Sinta Articles strongly congratulate the Hegemon for this alliance, as well as the offer of assistance from our new friends in the Federation. As always, we will keep our readers updated as the situation develops further.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
=Chapter I: Strange Bedfellows=
'''Server Event'''
'''Host: RustingWithYou'''
Via Hephaestus, the SCC is invited to participate in the humanitarian program. Fresh from their recent successes on Konyang, the SCCV Horizon is deployed to the Uueoa-Esa system.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
The Horizon crew was invited to the Grand Ouerean Hotel in New Skalamar, while humanitarian program representatives inspected the vessel. While the crew enjoyed the hotel's many amenities, command met with representatives of the Hegemony, the Federation, the K'lax Hive, and Hephaestus Industries, who briefed them on the significance of their mission. The Horizon was informed that their first major mission would be to assist the town of Kazseres, located in the southern Tza Prairie.

Latest revision as of 03:48, 3 June 2024

New Blades, Old Wounds
2024 Event Timeline
Galactic Events N/A
Major Events Silicon Nightmares Arc · New Blades, Old Wounds Arc
Minor Events Stoking The Flames Arc · Demands of the Three Arc · War in Heaven Arc
This is the overview and timeline page for the New Blades, Old Wounds Arc which began on April 20, 2024 and pertains largely to Unathi and Skrell lore.
It is centered around the relationship between the Izweski Hegemony and the Nralakk Federation, and their joint humanitarian efforts on the planet Moghes.
Below is a summary of the arc's applicable news articles, and additions.

Hegemon Announces Talks With Skrell!

News Article

Publisher: Sinta Articles

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix


"Awake, dear heart, awake."
-The Tempest, Act I Scene II

Hegemon Not'zar reaches out to the Nralakk Federation, hoping that recent upheavals will allow old grudges to be laid to rest.

In a surprising announcement from Skalamar today, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski announced that he intends to hold a diplomatic summit with the Nralakk Federation, which will be led by High Speaker Seleta Sarnac. The office of the High Speaker followed up on this, stating that Hegemon Not’zar understands that there is a long and often-troubled history between Sinta and Skrell, and he hopes that the two nations can enter into a more prosperous relationship in future.

The talks are set to take place on Ouerea, in several weeks’ time. Many have speculated as to the Hegemon’s choice to invite the Skrell delegation to Ouerea rather than Moghes - while some believe it is simply due to the planet’s large Skrell population, others believe that the Hegemon intends to call the Skrell to account for the planet’s occupation during the Contact War.

The Skrell delegation’s agenda, as well as who their representative will be, remains to be seen. The office of the High Speaker confirmed to us this morning, however, that the Nralakk Federation has accepted the Hegemon’s invitation. Their envoys will likely be en route to Uueoa-Esa already, and many wait apprehensively to see what the Federation hopes to get from these talks.

Some among the nobility have been outspoken against the Hegemon’s decision, however - with many protesting the inviting of Skrell to Izweski space, blaming them for everything from the Ouerean Rebellion to the Contact War itself. Perhaps the most outspoken of these was Lord Juyzi Izaku of Mudki, who invited representatives of Sinta Articles to a press conference in the city to issue his statement.

Lord Izaku was certainly passionate on the matter, claiming that "The Skrell, they get inside a man’s thoughts, to twist his mind and strip his honor! You see them, small and weak as they are, and you think they are harmless, but they can manipulate your very spirit - look at the slaughter on Ouerea, barely more than five years ago! It was driven by them, twisting innocent Sinta to anarchy and murder, and now the Hegemon wishes to treat with them? He must be careful, lest he find himself dancing on their vile and twisted strings.”

While the Lord of Mudki is certainly the most outspoken, he is not the only one of the nobility to object to these talks. Several among the nobility have petitioned the Hegemon to turn away from this plan, citing the occupation of Ouerea and subsequent rebellion as proof that the Skrell cannot be trusted to negotiate in good faith.

We at Sinta Articles hope for a resolution that is beneficial to the Hegemony and its people. As always, we shall keep our readers updated on these talks as they develop.

Ormish Jrolk Departs For Alien Stars

News Article

Publisher: Warble Enquirer

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix, Brotendo


“Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.”
-The Tempest, Act II Scene II

The Federation's representative departs for Ouerea.

Grand Advisor of Economic Development Ormish Jrolk has announced their temporary departure from Federation space today - leading a delegation to the planet Ouerea, a warm and hospitable world currently under the rule of the Izweski Hegemony. The ruler of the Hegemony, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski, extended formal invitations to the Nralakk Federation to send a delegation to Ouerea, in the hopes of laying to rest past hostilities between Unathi and Skrell.

The Unathi, for those of our readers who are not aware, rapidly descended into global nuclear warfare following first contact with the Federation and the Solarian Alliance - during which a delegation of Federation diplomats was sent in the hopes of brokering peace between the two warring sides, and preventing needless loss of life. These delegates were murdered, their shuttle shot down by the group known as the ‘Traditionalist Coalition’ (Unrelated to the Homeworld Traditionalist Coalition party), a radical collection of Unathi micro-states opposed to further dealings with the Federation and humanity.

Since that day, the Federation has had little contact with the Unathi - though for several decades, Federation officials administrated the colony on Ouerea, due to the Hegemon’s inability to do so during wartime. Following the end of what the Unathi have come to call the ‘Contact War’, the Federation graciously returned control of Ouerea to the Unathi, though a substantial Skrell population remains on the planet.

Reportedly, the delegation was approved with an overwhelming majority by the Grand Council, with only the Homeworld Traditionalist Coalition voting against. Coalition leader Overseer Nalo Gir-Roq referred to the delegation as “a mistake” during an address to the Council, claiming that for the Federation to involve ourselves further in the affairs of the Spur at large only serves to weaken our position on the interstellar stage. The Coalition was thoroughly outvoted, however, with all other parties standing in favor of the Ouerean talks. Grand Advisor Jrolk and the Federalist League cited the dangers of pirate and Marauder activity on the Federation’s southern border, claiming that forming stronger ties to the nations of the Sparring Sea is a proactive measure to ensure our national security against such threats in future - while voices from the Free Skrell Union cited establishing further connections to Hephaestus Industries as a key reason for building diplomatic ties to the Hegemony.

The talks are scheduled to begin in several weeks' time. Questions of whether these talks will lead to future involvement in Unathi affairs, or further connection with alien nations, remain unanswered for now - though the Federation watches eagerly to see what will come of the Ouerean summit.

Nralakk Delegation Arrives, Talks Begin

News Article

Publisher: Sinta Articles

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix


“Yet, with my nobler reason 'gainst my fury
Do I take part; the rarer action is
In virtue than in vengeance.”
-The Tempest, Act V Scene I

The talks on Ouerea begin, and speculation abounds on what each side hopes to gain.

The delegation from the distant Nralakk Federation has arrived, entering the Uueoa-Esa system early this morning before landing on Ouerea properly. Led by Ormish Jrolk, their ‘Grand Advisor of Economic Development’ - a role similar to a Master of Rivers - the delegation was promptly shown to a hotel in New Skalamar’s Founding District, where the talks are set to take place.

High Speaker Sarnac was present to welcome the delegation, along with her entourage. To the clamoring of spectators Unathi, Skrell and human alike, they entered the hotel, where the talks have begun in earnest. Though it is very early in the process, our correspondent on the scene was able to glean some insight as to the agendas from both sides.

It appears that the Hegemon, via the High Speaker, has demanded reparations from Nralakk for the occupation of Ouerea, claiming that they had no right to meddle in that world’s affairs and that it was shameful that his father was forced to resort to drastic measures to reclaim what is rightfully an Izweski colony. The Skrell have not taken this well, with their delegation claiming that the Federation was the only reason Ouerea survived the Contact War at all, and that Hegemon S’kresti’s actions were an act of rash bravado, where he could have instead negotiated with the Federation to ensure a peaceful transfer of power. The Skrell delegation also mentioned a shuttle of their diplomats destroyed by Traditionalists during the Contact War, claiming that as the ruler of all Moghes, Hegemon Not’zar bears an obligation to make amends.

So far, neither side seems to be bending on their demands - though the diplomatic process can be a lengthy one, and negotiations have only just begun. Rumors abound on the streets of Ouerea, however, with many claiming that Guildmaster T’zakal of Hephaestus Industries may be invited to the talks. As yet, Hephaestus Industries has not made any statement on the matter, and these rumors may have little merit to them.

As always, we at Sinta Articles will keep our readers updated on these talks as they progress, and we express our deepest hope for a mutually beneficial resolution.

Talks Continue On Ouerea; Hephaestus, K’lax Invited

News Article

Publisher: Sinta Articles

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix, Desven


“The hour's now come;
The very minute bids thee ope thine ear.”
-The Tempest, Act I Scene II

The talks continue, and new faces are seen at the table

The diplomatic talks on Ouerea seem to be making swift progress - while we do not have any further information on how both parties’ agenda is shifting, word from the inside is that attitudes have begun to soften, and that both sides are moving closer to an agreement. What that agreement is, and what it will entail for the Hegemony at large, remains to be seen.

Hephaestus Industries has also announced that they will be attending the talks at the Hegemon’s request, with Guildmaster T’zakal issuing a statement that due to the guild’s strong ties to every part of the Hegemonic economy since their recent reorganization of the major Hegemonic guilds, the outcome of these talks is of deep importance to Hephaestus.

Guildmaster T’zakal arrived on Ouerea yesterday morning, and spent the day touring the recently-completed Aquacultural Center One - before arriving by shuttle in New Skalamar last night, and traveling straight to the site of the talks. What role Hephaestus may play in this negotiation is as of now unknown.

The K’lax Hive have also announced that they will be in attendance at the talks. As one of the largest and most influential vassals of the Hegemon, the Vaurcae of Tret are instrumentally positioned within our nation’s economy, with one of the Hive’s representatives stating that “Since our arrival, the K’lax and the Sinta’Unathi have held a shared destiny - and if the Nralakk Federation is to be involved in that destiny, we will be included in the discussions.”

The K’lax delegation at the talks is reportedly being directed by the Queen Vedhra, with representatives of her brood having arrived on Ouerea this afternoon. Sinta Articles reporters attempted to get in contact with the K’laxian delegation in order to elaborate on why the High Queen elected not to send a representative from her own brood, but were unable to clarify. Our correspondents contacted Lady Ta’Akaix’Maz'roth'isek K’lax, the leader of the K’laxian delegation, who stated “The High Queen trusts in her servants’ ability in a matter that will affect the Hive in its entirety. Though I serve the Queen Vedhra, my role at this summit is to stand for all the K’lax.”

With the talks soon to enter their second week, we eagerly await further information. As always, we will keep our readers updated as the situation develops.

Senator Trang Condemns Hephaestus Role in Nralakk Summit

News Article

Publisher: Sol Alliance News Network

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix


“The truth you speak doth lack some gentleness
And time to speak it in.”
-The Tempest, Act II Scene I

The Ouerean summit gains attention from across the stars - and not all are happy to see Hephaestus take such a role.

Senator Le Hanh Trang has issued a public statement with regards to recent talks between the Nralakk Federation and the Unathi-ruled Izweski Hegemony, condemning the invitation of Hephaestus Industries. In a live statement from Unity Station today, the senator stated that “It is a dark day for the Spur when a megacorporation sits at a table with two nations, and negotiates as an equal. We in the Alliance know too well the damage that these corporations can cause - the actions of NanoTrasen have been devastating to the Alliance and its people, and Hephaestus themselves have exploited my homeworld and its people for generations. While this is not unexpected of the Unathi - a species new to the interstellar stage, who do not understand the danger that unchecked corporate power poses - I would expect more wisdom from our long-time allies in the Nralakk Federation than to allow such a predatory force to influence their affairs. I hope that both sides of these Ouerean negotiations realize the foolishness of their actions, and reconsider inviting Hephaestus to their discussion.”

Senator Trang has often made such statements against the megacorporations of the Spur, having been a leading figure in the implementation of the Solarian Corporate Authority and the nationalization of corporate assets across the Alliance. SANN reporters reached out to the Nralakk Federation consulate on Unity Station, and received an official response informing us: “The Nralakk Federation is well aware of all risks involved in these negotiations, but we do not make our decisions based on fear. Rest assured that our representatives shall act with the wisdom that we pride ourselves on, and that we extend our hopes that ill-founded fear is not allowed to jeopardize the friendship between our two great nations.”

SANN has also reached out to staff at the Alliance embassy on Moghes for comment, but we have only received a fax informing us that the Alliance has yet to take an official stance on the matter. Time will tell whether or not Senator Trang’s words will reach our allies in the Federation, however - or whether Hephaestus will keep its seat at the negotiating table.

Agreement Reached on Ouerea!

News Article

Publisher: Sinta Articles

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix


“And as the morning steals upon the night,
Melting the darkness, so their rising senses
Begin to chase the ignorant fumes that mantle
Their clearer reason.”
-The Tempest, Act V Scene I

Old grudges are settled, and new accords are struck.

The High Speaker has announced that the talks with the Nralakk Federation, which have been ongoing for nearly a month, have reached an end, with both parties finally reaching an agreement. She was photographed with the Skrell representative, Ormish Jrolk, proudly announcing the signing of the newly-named Nralakk-Izweski Mutual Prosperity Agreement.

The agreement is a lengthy one, but our correspondents have gathered the main points that are most likely to impact our readers, and what they may mean for the future of our own nation and our newfound friends in the Nralakk Federation. The agreement entails the following:

  • The Nralakk Federation will formally acknowledge its unlawful occupation of Ouerea - while both parties recognise the difficulties the Contact War posed to colonial administration, the Federation will formally acknowledge that control should have been returned immediately following the end of the war on Moghes, and that Hegemon S’kresti should not have had to resort to military action to see our colony returned to us. The Federation has declined to comment on the Sol Alliance’s role in the Ouerean affair, stating that it lies outside the purview of the summit.
  • As a form of reparation for their interference in Sinta affairs, the Federation will offer the assistance of its scientists in combating the spreading of the Wasteland, as well as assisting in medical treatment of those harmed by radiation.
  • The Hegemon has made a formal trade agreement with the Federation, and is set to begin exporting raw materials to Skrell space soon via Hephaestus Industries. Guildmaster T’zakal has strongly endorsed this announcement, welcoming the opportunity to expand further into alien markets.
  • The Hegemony will permit the ships of the Federation’s ‘Qukala’ (their primary military force) to dock at any Izweski colony, station or port. This will allow our new trade partners to assist the Izweski Navy in ensuring that cargo vessels are capable of safely traveling through the Badlands and Sparring Sea without threat of piracy.

While some still remain skeptical of the Nralakk-Izweski Mutual Prosperity Agreement, the mood across the Hegemony overall is one of celebration, as the Federation’s commitment to the restoration efforts on Moghes has been declared.

An initial group of Federation scientists and healers is set to arrive within the month, to begin working to both treat radiation-related disorders among the population and to work with the brightest minds of the Hegemony in accelerating environmental restoration efforts on Moghes. High Speaker Sarnac made a public address from Skalamar, having seen the Skrell delegation safely depart from the system, bound to return to Federation space. From the Izweski keep, the High Speaker addressed the assembled press, stating:

“It has been a long and arduous negotiation - but both the Hegemon and myself are pleased at this outcome. The rabble-rousing of some who believe the Skrell hold some sort of nefarious agenda can be safely dismissed - and on behalf of myself and Hegemon Not’zar, I wish to welcome the aid of our new allies in the Nralakk Federation in the restoration of our world. May the Great Spirit bless this new agreement, and the wisdom of our Hegemon in seeking such a powerful ally.”

The Nralakk Federation has also made plans for the reopening of the embassy in Skalamar, having made an agreement with Hephaestus Industries to begin construction on new premises immediately. Though an ambassador has yet to be appointed, Grand Advisor Jrolk did make a brief statement to Sinta Articles earlier today, stating on behalf of the Nralakk Federation their satisfaction with the agreement reached - and that they look forward to the age of future cooperation between our two nations that this agreement heralds.

We at Sinta Articles strongly congratulate the Hegemon for this alliance, as well as the offer of assistance from our new friends in the Federation. As always, we will keep our readers updated as the situation develops further.

Chapter I: Strange Bedfellows

Server Event

Host: RustingWithYou


Via Hephaestus, the SCC is invited to participate in the humanitarian program. Fresh from their recent successes on Konyang, the SCCV Horizon is deployed to the Uueoa-Esa system.

The Horizon crew was invited to the Grand Ouerean Hotel in New Skalamar, while humanitarian program representatives inspected the vessel. While the crew enjoyed the hotel's many amenities, command met with representatives of the Hegemony, the Federation, the K'lax Hive, and Hephaestus Industries, who briefed them on the significance of their mission. The Horizon was informed that their first major mission would be to assist the town of Kazseres, located in the southern Tza Prairie.