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== Th'akh on Ouerea ==
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Most of the followers of [[Th'akh]] on Ouerea arrived in the post-contact wave of colonists, with settlers from across the Hegemony recruited to settle the new world. As such, Ouerea is home to nearly every variation of Th’akh found on Moghes, though with those practiced in the regions of the former Traditionalist Coalition being less common. Shrines can be found across the planet dedicated to the Court of Stars, the Stone Lords of the [[Zazalai Mountains]], the River Court of the [[Southlands]] and a thousand other variations of the faith. While many keep to the traditions and rituals of their ancestors, the cosmopolitan and independent culture of Ouerea has shaped the practice of Th’akh on the planet.

[[File:Brokencoalition.png|thumb|The region now known as the Broken Coalition, and surrounding areas.]]
There is much less of a focus on particular holy sites and ancestral spirits in Ouerean Th’akh - the Unathi on this world are the first and second generation of colonists. There are no honored ancestors who have walked before them on this world, and most believe that, while they watch Ouerea from the spirit world, their ancestors remain on Moghes. For better or for worse, Ouerean Th’akhists know that they will be the ancestors whose spirits are invoked by future generations, the founders of a new civilisation and a new world. This has led to the rise of what is known as Ouerean Syncretism by theological scholars, and simply ‘Ouerean Th’akh’ by others.
== Overview ==
''“You have made a ruin, and you call it peace, Izweski. May the spirits of my ancestors show you the same honour that you have shown us.”''

-Last words of General Mizak Azarak, commander of the Kingdom’s forces during the Contact War.
Ouerean Th’akh is a synthesis of a thousand variations on the faith - while the colonists all have their own spirit-gods and sacred rituals, their own clans and honored ancestors, they are all equally outsiders now, facing new spirits of a strange new world. The spirits of Ouerea are viewed as wilder and more primal forces than those of Moghes, solely forces of the elemental nature of the planet uninfluenced by the Sinta’Unathi. As such, many Th’akh shamans on Ouerea are equal parts teacher, preacher and survivalist - exemplifying the pioneering spirit of the first Ouereans in learning to work with the spirits of the new world, naming them and seeking to shape a harmonious relationship. Some of the more prominent among these shamans have been vocal in opposition to Hephaestus Industries’ expansion onto the planet, believing that their exploitation of Ouerea will lead to great spiritual misfortune across the planet.

The Broken Coalition is located in the southeastern regions of Moghes, clinging to the southern borders of the Wasteland. Prior to the Contact War, this region was the heartland of the Traditionalist Coalition’s most influential kingdom - the Azarak Kingdom, main rivals of the Izweski in the years prior to the War. Once known as the Vharzk Steppes, the region was home to sprawling grasslands and scattered forests - all lost to the Wasteland. Now, the few remaining cities of the Broken Coalition cling to the borders of the Wasteland, struggling still to rebuild from the ashes of the Contact War.  
Respect for both the old spirits of Moghes and the new spirits of Ouerea is the duality that shapes Ouerean Th’akh - its shamans teach that the colonists have brought their spirits with them in part, and that only through achieving a peace between the old and the new can one reach true harmony. Those who abandon their old ways and traditions completely may be dishonorable and bring shame to their ancestors - but those who cling to them and refuse to adapt will surely invite the wrath of the Ouerean spirits upon themselves. Widespread exposure to human and Skrell culture has also shaped Ouerean Th’akh in a way that most other variations of the faith have not yet seen. Humans and Skrell are recognized as having their own spirits that they carry with them, both ancestral and reflected in the Th’akh understanding of the alien religions. While there are no known alien converts to Th’akh, the shamans of the faith often seek to work closely with alien religious figures in furthering mutual understanding of both each other, and the world they must share.

The Azarak Kingdom was a key force in the founding of the Traditionalist Coalition, with King Don’zai Azarak acting as one of the Coalition’s key leaders during the Contact War. Following the Fall of Darakath and the end of the war, the Azarak clan were destroyed utterly by the Izweski - the Hegemony refused to accept the possibility of any restoration movements rising to challenge their power in the years to come. Signs of this sentiment are watched for heavily, and possessing the banners or symbols of the old kingdom is a crime that can be punished severely - though in many regions, this law is not well-enforced. Now, three clans hold power in the region - though this may be more of a curse than a blessing, as the woes of the Broken Coalition grow worse by the day - and should it finally collapse, the blame will fall squarely on its new rulers. These clans are the Zirak, the Gwarlza, and the Yu’zrai, each ruling one of the three cities of the region. They are all relative newcomers to their positions, each having been installed by the Izweski following the Contact War. Historically, all three have been relatively minor noble clans - vassals of the Azarak in the years before the Contact War, suddenly thrust into power as their superiors were put to the sword by the victorious Izweski. Perhaps the most precariously positioned of these three clans is the Zirak, with their city of Sahltyr under constant threat from the ever-approaching Wasteland. While the high mountains and defense systems of the Azarak heartland protected them from nuclear devastation, the region around Lake Sahl is cut off, surrounded by harsh wastes. Supply lines run through the desert towards Darakath, and are brought in by shuttle from less devastated regions, but the large presence of Gawgaryn raiders in the Wasteland around Sahltyr makes bringing supplies in difficult, especially as the local nobility’s levies are stretched increasingly thin protecting their own lands from banditry. Lake Sahl provides most of the food for the city - however, radioactive fallout from the Contact War still contaminates the lake, having killed large portions of the fish population, and leading to harsh rationing in order to feed the city - especially in recent years as famine grips the wider Hegemony. Its position in the Wasteland has also made the city and its supply routes a prime target for Gawgaryn raids, with local levies stretched thin to protect what little habitable land the city has left. Lord Zirak has, in recent years, been heavily pushing Izweski modernisation on his city, in the hopes of revitalising it. The traditional nobility of the city are far from happy about this, however - with many of them still viewing him as little better than a jumped-up traitor and a puppet for Izweski rule.  
Due to the nature of Th’akh, human and Skrell faiths are generally acknowledged as being equally real to Unathi ones - the Qebalak ‘spirits of the stars’ and the deities of the various human faiths are considered to be alien spirits brought here by their followers. They are not venerated by Ouerean Th’akhists, but offerings are sometimes given to them by Unathi who wish to gain their favor for dealing with Skrell and humans.

In frozen Janvir, far to the south, the Yu’zrai clan fares somewhat better - Lord Yu’zrai’s generosity has won many of his vassals to his side, despite his having been installed by the Izweski. His clan was a wealthy one prior to the Contact War, and much of that wealth has been spent on buying the loyalty of those under him - a tactic which seems to have largely been successful in stabilising his position.The remote city in the freezing mountains was spared nuclear devastation, and its surrender during the Izweski conquest of the region meant that most of its infrastructure was left intact. While the general state of the region has certainly brought hardship to the locals, most of the land around the city was left untouched, and Lake Z’aith remains uncontaminated by radiation, allowing Janvir to continue to feed itself. As famine grips the rest of the Hegemony, the remote nature of the city and difficulties in extracting food from the region have been a surprising boon to the residents of Janvir, as they have not been expected to provide much to alleviate famine in the wider Hegemony.  
===Spirits of Ouerea===
==== Azsaei Zis Azua (Crimson-Toothed Liberty) ====
''“Red the blades and red the fires,''<br>
''Let our struggle only grow,''<br>
''Aid us ‘gainst the tyrant’s ire,''<br>
''Red your teeth that find his throat.”''<br>
-A common prayer to Azsaei Zis Azua from the days of the Revolution.

The heart of the Broken Coalition, however, lies with the Gwarlza clan, and their seat in the city of Darakath. The capital of the Azarak Kingdom, the fall of Darakath marked the end of the Contact War, and the victory of the Izweski Hegemony. The city was once known for its vast and ornate architecture - much of which still lies in ruins, as the city was sacked by the victorious armies of the Izweski. The city’s population has been decimated by war, famine, and citizens simply fleeing for a better lot elsewhere - it held two million Sinta prior to the Contact War, and now has barely a hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants. Much of the city lies unoccupied, and still ruined from Izweski bombing. The Izweski-installed ruler, Lord Razkara Gwarlza, has grand plans, however - intent on restoring the former glory of the city. While the other cities of the Broken Coalition largely closed their doors to refugees of the Wasteland, Gwarlza has welcomed them to reinforce the city’s dwindling labour force, allowed heavy Hephaestus investment in his city, and has even been in talks with representatives of the K’lax about hiring their Workers to supplement the rebuilding of the city - a proposal which, if it succeeds, will make many of the Traditionalist nobles furious with him. Gwarlza seems to pay this little mind - he is determined to drag his city kicking and screaming into the 26th century.
A new spirit that emerged during the years of feudal oppression, Azsaei Zis Azua (Sinta'Unathi: Crimson-Toothed Liberty) is believed to have been born on Ouerea, formed from the spirits of those who died at the hands of the tyrant Yiztek. It is a spirit of freedom, justice, change, and revolutionary violence. It is usually depicted as a young, androgynous Unathi, holding a flaming spear in one hand - though occasionally as a human or Skrell, as their souls are believed to have become part of Azsaei Zis Azua as they perished in the struggle against oppression.

Most of the steppes were rendered uninhabitable by the Contact War. The few surviving regions are the cities that were protected from atomic strikes, strategically located near the region’s lakes. Fishing from the lakes of this region is the main food source of the Broken Coalition - however with radioactive fallout and recent famine, this is becoming increasingly harder to sustain. The region is perched on a precipice, and the coming years will determine whether the Broken Coalition will mend itself, or shatter entirely.
Shrines to this Zyola are often built upon battlefields or sites of import to the Ouerean Revolution. It is often invoked in remembrance of the Ouerean people’s struggle for freedom, and Ouerean Unathi who feel they have been wronged in some way will often call upon it to grant them justice or vengeance. A statue of Azsaei Zis Azua, in its Unathi form, marks the entrance to the Synod of Scales - a solemn reminder to the new government that the freedom Ouerea prizes was not given, but won by blood. Shamans dedicating themselves to Crimson-Toothed Liberty are often political radicals, striving for further liberation of the Ouerean people whether by word or by blade. The spirit is often venerated by members of the Warriors of Liberty, and the party's official symbol is a stylized depiction of Azsaei Zis Azua's burning spear.

== Culture ==
==== The Izoaei ====
<center>''“We can forgive if we can forget. We cannot forget.”''
A collective name for many of the zo’zyola of Ouerea, the Izoaei (Sinta-Unathi: Primordial) are considered to be formless and wild spirits, manifestations of the raw and elemental forces of the world - spirits of stone and wind and water, free from names or bonds that the spirits of Moghes hold. The shamans of Ouerea believe that it is their responsibility to shape the Izoaei, to keep them appeased and guide them into a new state of being. Shrines are rarely built to these nameless spirits, but offerings are commonplace - with shamans believing that it is important to allow the Izoaei to grow accustomed to the presence of life on their world, lest their wrath spell doom for the colony.

-Old Vharzk Steppes proverb</center>
Shamans of the Izoaei are an odd blend of scientist, survivalist, and exorcist. Research and understanding of alien worlds is believed to be a method of both honoring and shaping the Izoaei - as Sinta come to better know their new world, so do the spirits of that world come to better understand Sinta. Many of these shamans will take extensive journeys into the Ouerean wilderness, in the hopes of coming to better know the Izoaei and to shape their presence into one that welcomes alien settlement. Shamans of the Izoaei will also often gather in preparation for or in the wake of natural disasters, providing aid in an attempt to bind or banish hostile Izoaei and to shield Ouerea against their harm. Veneration of the Izoaei has spread from Ouerea, with colonists on various [[Notable Unathi Colonies|other Hegemony worlds]] practicing similar rituals in order to overcome hostile environments.
[[File:Wasteland sunrise.jpg|thumb|A sunrise viewed from the Wasteland near Sahltyr, over the mountains surrounding the city and its lake.]]
Prior to the Contact War, the culture of the Vharzk Steppes was a proud one. Large herds of threshbeasts and warmounts roamed the steppes, and the Sinta of the region were known for their skill as cavalry. While some of these beasts survive in the Wasteland, the vast majority of the great herds of the Vharzk Steppes have been wiped out, with what remains often being used as beasts of burden or of war by Gawgaryn raiders and other Wastelanders.  

The Sinta of the Vharzk Steppes were, by and large, known as fierce and honorable warriors - fast friends and ferocious enemies. It was said that one could steal a fish from a Vharzk Sinta, and three generations later his grandson would track yours down, face him in a duel, and take the fish back. Jokes about Vharzk Sinta and their grudges were commonplace, though these have fallen out of fashion in the years following the Contact War. These traditions have continued on, as Sinta from the region are also known for their adherence to tradition - while all Sinta have a great degree of reverence for their ancestors, the Vharzk take it a step further, believing that the spirits of their greatest ancestors are anchored to the world by their descendants’ veneration, and that it is their solemn duty to uphold and honour their memories. As such, they are an extremely traditional people, and highly resistant to change viewed as unnecessary. Given their history with the Traditionalist Coalition, the locals are highly suspicious of alien presence, and few non-Unathi can be found anywhere in the region.  
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==== The Founders ====
The five Unathi who first set foot on Ouerea are viewed with immense respect by Ouerean civilization, often venerated as particularly revered ancestors - though they bear no blood relation to most modern Ouerean Unathi, they are ancestors in spirit to the modern-day colony. Historical sites often hold shrines to the Founders, and even non-Th’akh or even non-Unathi Ouereans will often leave offerings there in honor of the planet’s history.
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'''Zuakza Izoki, Speaker of Thunder'''

Due to this culture and history, resentment of the Hegemony is common in the Broken Coalition. While the Azarak Kingdom is dead, with its ruling clan extinguished, most of the locals would still think of themselves as citizens of the Kingdom, rather than the Hegemony - and would view the Izweski as foreign occupiers. While most begrudgingly accept the Hegemony’s rule, it is generally viewed as a temporary situation, to be overcome with time. Banners of the fallen kingdom are often hung in secret, and when the return of the old ways is discussed, it is always ‘when’, never ‘if’. A popular legend among the locals is the idea of the last Azarak - that Queen Wei’za Azarak had laid an egg prior to the fall of the city, which was smuggled into the Wasteland by Kingdom soldiers. While this tale is an unlikely one, it does demonstrate to the Hegemony a disturbing truth. Should a remnant of the Azarak arise, or a charismatic enough leader claiming to be one, it is highly likely that much of the region would rise in rebellion behind them - even if doing so against the might of the Izweski would surely bring their doom. In spite of the overwhelming might of the Hegemony, some rebel groups persist in the region, even decades after the end of the Contact War. Hiding in the mountains and the Wasteland, these holdout loyalists of the Azarak Kingdom and the Traditionalist Coalition continue to fight, launching attacks on the Hegemonic presence in the region. The Izweski-appointed lords of the Broken Coalition have tried for years, with little success, to root out these holdouts - likely due to the material support of the general population. While the Hegemony considers them criminals and bandits, little better than the Gawgaryn of the Wasteland, the whispers on the street tell a different story - of the heroes of the Last Retinue, who refuse to bend or break before the tyrant Not’zar.  
Born to a prominent Heartland noble clan, Zuakza Izoki was a graduate of the Skalamar Academy of Natural Sciences and one of the foremost astronauts of the Izweski Space Program, having been part of one of the first crews on Izweski Station. When the Ouerean mission was planned, he was reportedly hand-picked by the Hegemon to command it as captain of the IHV Venture. Captain Izoki oversaw the initial establishment of what would become New Skalamar, and lived long enough to see humans and Skrell arrive on the planet. He was one of the founders of the New Skalamar Pioneers’ Seminary, and a statue of him adorns its gates in the modern day. He died of old age in late 2429, with a planetary day of mourning declared in his honor shortly afterwards.

The larger guilds of the Hegemony have little presence in the region, with most of the region’s industry being overseen by smaller, regional guilds, struggling to deal with their lack of manpower and resources. While some guilds have tried to expand into the region, few of the locals have any desire to work with Hegemonic guilds, choosing instead to cling to their pride in their own guilds. However, there has been some expansion into the region from Izweski guilds - largely in Sahltyr, as Lord Zirak is desperate to modernise his lands. The Merchants’ Guild, Junzi Electric and the Construction Coalition have all expanded into the city, and worked on aggressive takeovers of local guilds, introducing the benefits of modern Izweski life to the city. This has led to Zirak being somewhat popular among the peasantry, who cannot deny the benefits that the Hegemonic guilds have brought to them. However, many of the old guildmasters and nobility are furious with him over it - and should they rise against him, he lacks the military power to quell a rebellion alone, as his personal levy is small and unequipped to deal with more than the occasional Gawgaryn raid. This has led to an odd hybrid culture beginning to arise in Sahltyr, where the general population have grown largely content with the Izweski occupation as the Zirak, in collaboration with the Hegemonic guilds, brings the benefits of modern life to his lands. The Last Retinue have found little support from the people of Sahltyr, and while famine grips the city, the situation remains stable - at least, for now. The culture of Sahltyr is rapidly being reshaped to conform with Izweski society, which to the old nobility marks a disastrous failure. To the Izweski-appointed nobility, and the peasants benefiting from increased standards of living, however, the culture of Sahltyr is a blueprint for the future - and a sign of hope for the Broken Coalition.  
His title as a spirit is “Speaker of Thunder” - either in honor of his commanding presence or as a joke from his surviving crewmates about how his way of speaking was extremely irritating over several months in a confined space together, depending on who one asks. He is venerated as a symbol of leadership, courage, and the pioneering spirit of Ouerea. His symbol is a stylized Unathi claw, reaching upwards to grasp at a distant star.

In the region surrounding Darakath, however, Lord Gwarlza has made a highly controversial choice - inviting Hephaestus Industries with open arms, and seizing the assets of several local guilds to sell them off to the megacorporation. This investment has led to rapid success in reconstruction of the city, though the local nobility has been furious with this decision, with a large bounty currently standing on Gwarlza’s head with the assassins of the Shadow Service. However, he has managed to avoid assassination so far, and the wealth brought by Hephaestus may fulfil his dream of restoring Darakath - even if some believe that to do so is to sell the city’s soul piece by piece. It is a common rumour that the Darakath nobility plot rebellion - however, Gwarlza has greatly expanded his personal military force in recent years. The wealth brought to his clan by sales of guild assets to Hephaestus has let him hire mercenaries to augment his personal levies, and he has offered pardons to criminals, Wasteland raiders, and even some Guwan in exchange for their service. This has led to his forces having a not entirely undeserved reputation as dishonourable thugs, often shaking down local businesses for their own profit. Nonetheless, they are effective fighters, and have insured Gwarlza against his nobles rising against him. To the citizens of Darakath, the historic heart of the Traditionalist Coalition, Gwarlza is a symbol of all that is wrong with the Izweski Hegemony - a brute and a tyrant bringing aliens and criminals into the city and eroding all that distinguishes the Sinta people. Darakath remains the centre of anti-Izweski sentiment within the Coalition, and while the situation has yet to devolve into active rebellion, there are many among its populace who keep to the old grudges, believing that the Contact War will not end until either the Izweski occupiers are driven out or the Azarak Kingdom falls into ruin entirely. Banners of the old Kingdom are hung in cellars and hidden places, and shrines to King Don’zai’s spirit are raised where the City Watch does not reach. As the Izweski-appointed lords plan to rebuild the grandeur of Darakath, so too do the loyalists of the old Kingdom - and when their two visions of restoration eventually clash, bloodshed appears inevitable.
'''Kiuhi Ahuos, Watcher of the Dark'''

In Janvir, the situation is far more stable, with the remote and freezing city having suffered the least from the fall of the Azarak Kingdom. As the wilderness surrounding the city is largely too cold to travel in for long, attacks from loyalist forces are rare, and the raiders of the Gawgaryn do not often make their way so far south. The Unathi who dwell in this cold and isolated city do not care much for the troubles of the world beyond, with most of the city’s infrastructure having been left untouched by both nuclear and conventional warfare. For the residents of Janvir, life continues largely as it always has - living off the exotic fish of Lake Z’aith, and largely being overlooked by the world at large. Life is slow in this city as the cold weather quite literally slows Unathi down, with the residents having gained a stereotype of being relaxed - or lazy, as they will often work slower than Unathi in more temperate climates might. With all its residents heavily bundled up nearly all year round the Unathi of this region have developed a much more winter-themed fashion sense. Differentiating walking bundles of jackets and cloaks are bright feathers of local hawks arranged in elaborate patterns on bone headdresses. Local women hold to a tradition going back to the city's founding of attaching small bells and chimes to their headdresses to make music in the wind or as they move. However, the recent famine gripping Moghes has brought disarray to the city - as the exotic and delicious fish that the Yu’zrai made their fortune on exporting are now taken by the Izweski at far less than market value to help alleviate famine in other parts of the nation. While this has yet to cause any serious harm to Janvir, as the city remains capable of feeding itself, Azarak loyalist forces are seeking to leverage this situation for all that it is worth, in the hopes of inciting the city’s population towards rebellion.
The pilot of the IHV Venture, Kiuhi Ahuos was a distinguished warrior from an Izweski air regiment stationed in the Southlands. As the Izweski Space Program grew, Ahuos found himself working as a test pilot on several of the program’s early missions. He was severely injured during a failed re-entry in the 2460s, which reportedly left him walking with a cane for the remainder of his life. Following the establishment of the Ouerean colony and first contact, he returned to Moghes with honor, continuing to work with the space program on various missions. His final mission was one that would go down in Unathi history, serving as a navigator on the IHRV Uezwik’s Hope - the Hegemony’s first attempt at creating a warp-capable spacecraft. When the warp calculations proved incorrect, Ahuos was killed along with the rest of the ship’s crew.

== Faith ==
As a spirit, his title is “Watcher of the Dark”, in reference to his status as one of the Hegemony’s first space pilots. Ouereans working offworld, particularly on spaceships or as pilots, will often make offerings to him to protect them, as his spirit is believed to watch over all Unathi abroad in the vastness of space. His symbol is a black Unathi eye, filled with a field of stars.
''“Ashen King, valiant ruler in death as in life. Grant me vengeance, grant me fury, grant me flame.”''
-A prayer, offered in secrecy to King Don’zai Arazak’s spirit.  

The Broken Coalition is majority Th’akh. Sk’akh is viewed as the faith of the honorless Izweski occupiers, and its priests are unwelcome in their efforts to convert the people of the region, with some travelling priests in rural regions of the Coalition never having returned - allegedly, due to Gawgaryn incursions. Even among the Izweski-installed nobility, conversions are few and far between.
'''Skiaei Sazs - Bearer of Flame'''

The radical followers of Judiza Si’akh have found equally little welcome in the Broken Coalition, with those few who come to the region being met with death or imprisonment. This is largely due to its status as a splinter faith of Sk’akh, as well as its beliefs on the Contact War - as the heartland of the former Traditionalist Coalition, the locals of the region take the idea that nuclear war was some form of divine judgement very poorly.  
The ship’s engineer aboard the Venture, Skiaei Sazs was a guildsman of the Construction Coalition and one of the space program’s most talented engineers. The Venture itself was a Sazs design, and they were handpicked by Captain Izoki for the mission. Following planetfall, Sazs was responsible for the assembly of the initial colony site, and is believed by some to be the patron spirit of modern New Skalamar itself. Though well into their old age, Sazs was one of the founders of Hegeranzi Starworks, and reportedly turned down the position of guildmaster there several times before their death. Sazs was known to work closely with Hephaestus Industries, and was reportedly an influential mentor of Yukal T’zakal during his early days working with Hephaestus. They perished from old age in 2452, in their office aboard Hegeranzi Starworks.

If there is one thing that the Broken Coalition and the Hegemony can agree upon, however, it is the danger of the Aut’akh faith. Followers of this faith often face mob justice before local law enforcement can even get to them, and several Sinta who have chosen to replace missing limbs with cybernetic replacements have been caught up in this, and found the wrath of their neighbours turned upon them. As such, there is only one undercity commune in the region, located beneath Sahltyr - and its primary function is to help Aut’akh in the region escape to the wider Hegemony, or offworld entirely. Life in the Sahltyr Commune is fraught with danger, with Lord Zirak’s forces frequently sweeping below the city in the hopes of eradicating the Aut’akh threat once and for all.  
As a spirit, their title is “Bearer of Flame”, in reference to their contributions to interstellar engineering. A shrine to Sazs adorns Hegeranzi Starworks today, and Ouerean engineers will frequently make offerings to their spirit to bless the success of a project. Their symbol is a trail of fire, stretching towards a field of stars.

The local variety of Th’akh leans even more into the veneration of ancestors than most. The Sinta of the Broken Coalition believe that the spirits of their greatest ancestors are anchored to the world by their descendants’ veneration and remembrance. Often, young Sinta will choose one of their ancestors as a ‘patron’ of sorts, and seek to honour them through recreation of their deeds. With the aid of shamans, they will seek to commune with the spirit of their patron ancestor for guidance.
'''Kseok Ssu, Witness of Life'''

Due to the nature of Vharzk Th’akh, the specific spirits venerated are different for each clan. However, there are few who have known such honour in life that they transcend the bounds of clan, and are venerated by many Sinta across the region. These Sinta are known as the Most Honoured, and shrines to them can often be found scattered across the Broken Coalition, whether in the clutter of the cities or standing alone in the sands of the Wasteland.  
Originally from a minor noble clan of S’th, Dr. Kseok Ssu was an accomplished biologist from the Skalamar University of Medicine long before she was chosen for the Ouerean mission. After her arrival on Ouerea, Dr. Ssu was responsible for cataloging thousands of new species native to the planet, as well as for the successful introduction of Moghresian plants and animals to the Ouerean biosphere. She is remembered as one of history’s greatest xenobiologists by Unathi even beyond Ouerea, and was granted the position of planetary chapter-master by the House of Medicine for her contributions to the sciences. She traveled extensively following first contact, studying human and Skrell advances in xenobiology for nearly thirty years and giving several guest lectures at human universities - acquiring a reputation as something of a daredevil researcher in interstellar academic circles. Kseok Ssu disappeared in 2438, only a year before the beginning of the Contact War, departing on an expedition to catalog the alien fauna of the Arusha sector. Her title as a spirit is “Witness of Life”, and she is frequently venerated by healers, academics, and explorers on Ouerea - particularly those seeking to study the planet’s ecosystem. Shrines to her can be found in most Ouerean universities, and it is a common practice among students to leave offerings there to improve their academic performance.

=== The Most Honored ===
'''Olzahi Ekzur - Eye of Stone'''

'''Don’zai Azarak, the Ashen King''' - A controversial choice for an honoured ancestor, and one that is not claimed openly. Veneration of King Don’zai is prohibited under the law, but that has not stopped many locals from seeking to uphold his spirit anyway, with shrines to the fallen king being hidden all across the region. The Ashen King is known as a spirit of ash, fire and brutal vengeance. Those who claim him as their patron often will engage in acts of guerilla warfare against the local Izweski, despite the numerous violations of a warrior’s honour this involves, claiming that the Izweski have no honour, and can expect none in return. It is common for a dying Sinta who feels some great need for revenge to call upon the Ashen King to strike down their enemies, or to pray for him to bring an end to the Izweski in fire and blood.
The ship’s surveyor, Olzahi Ekzur was responsible for much of the initial exploration and surveying of Ouerea following planetfall. During her time as a researcher for the space program, she was responsible for the launch of several probes to Ouerea, and selected the initial landing site personally. Following planetfall, she engaged in extensive study of the area surrounding the landing site, and much of the layout of New Skalamar today is based on her initial blueprints. Ekzur spearheaded much of the initial exploration of Ouerea, and spent a large amount of her time at the Sahhat Geographical Research Complex with visiting Skrell scientists, reportedly fascinated by their culture and advancements. Ekzur’s methodologies for planetary colonization were rapidly adopted, and have since become standard practice by Hegemony colonists throughout the Spur. In 2441, Ekzur was killed in a storm on the Azareazi Sea as part of an ongoing polar expedition. Survivors of the wreck reported that she refused to leave her research or her crew, and returned to the sinking ship several times in order to recover more.

'''Hareshksh Iiziu, the Savior''' - a common choice for healers, Harshksh Iiziu was once the chief physician to an Azarak King in the days of the Second Hegemony. When a deadly plague struck the kingdom in the human year 1946, it was Iiziu who led the team of scientists that ultimately created and distributed the vaccine, and was honoured greatly for it. After her death, she was claimed as a patron by many young women seeking to follow her path, and eventually named to the ranks of the Most Honoured. Shrines to her are often found in clinics, hospitals and laboratories. She is often prayed to by healers, as well as the sick, injured and dying.  
As a spirit, her title is “Eye of Stone”, in reference to her blunt and unemotional demeanor, as well as her contributions to the field of geology. She is viewed as the patron spirit of explorers, scientists, and all those who seek to wander beyond the horizons of the known. Ouerean exploration and research programs often consecrate their missions in her name. Her symbol is a silhouetted Unathi figure, walking towards a stylized horizon.

'''Kolere Koss, the Tamer of Storms''' - a common choice for engineers, Kolere Koss lived during the early 1900s. While the Azarak never bent their knees to the Sarakus Hegemony, and thus never benefited from their Great Endeavor, Kolere Koss was, according to some records, a humble fisher who taught themself to read and write, and became a great engineer, developing power stations and spearheading the industrialisation of the region, leading an effort which gave the entire Azarak Kingdom access to widespread electricity. Often they are prayed to by engineers, as well as scientists and any with the ambition to innovate, and to reshape the world in their own image
== Humans on Ouerea ==
=== History ===
Shortly after first contact in 2403, human settlement of Ouerea began. The humans of Ouerea came in two waves - the first were largely Sol Alliance military personnel, who were permitted to construct several bases and refueling stations on the planet in exchange for Solarian assistance in furthering the Izweski space program. The second and far larger wave was driven by the human megacorporations, with many of them acquiring generous contracts for development of the Ouerean colony. Hephaestus and NanoTrasen were the two largest investors in Ouerean development, though Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals had several research facilities to study the myriad of new organisms found on both Moghes and Ouerea, and Einstein Engines were contracted to assist in the development of warp technology by the Izweski. The vast majority of these workers came from Solarian space, particularly from planets with limited economic opportunity. Ouerea was advertised to Hephaestus and NanoTrasen employees in particular as a land of opportunity and discovery, with many being shipped directly to the planet to assist in its settlement.

'''Hskoru Errusir, the Watcher at the Gates''' - often worshipped by guardsmen and soldiers, Errusir was a humble guardsman of Darakath, in the ancient days before the First Hegemony. According to legend, he took his duty with the utmost of conviction, and always kept an eye on the city gates, even when his fellow guards would rather be drinking, gambling and chasing after women. This ultimately concluded with him alone at the gates one night, being the only one to spot an approaching enemy army, though versions of the story differ on who the invaders were. Thanks to his quick rallying of the city’s levies, the warriors of Darakath were able to drive back the attacking force, though Errusir was slain in the battle. According to some versions of the myth, he now guards the gate between the mortal world and the spirit world, preventing evil spirits from escaping to wreak havoc, and ensuring that the living cannot cross to the realm of spirits before their time.  
Due to the megacorporate contracts, humans had more contact with Unathi than the initial Skrell settlers, with corporate habitation buildings often being constructed near existing settlements for ease of work. The two groups were far from integrated, however, with distrust of aliens still being heavily present among the Unathi of Ouerea. Sentiment was common in the early days that the human presence on Ouerea was just an alien attempt to take control of an Unathi achievement, especially given the Solarian military bases built on the planet. Humans in this time often found themselves forming their own insular communities rather than integrating with the Unathi ones present.

'''Zioszza Azarak, the Weaver''' - often worshipped by noblewomen, the Queen Zioszza Azarak came to power young, with the assassination of her father in 1692. Among a greedy, vicious and corrupt court, she was able to secure her own power and ensure her enemies were weakened by turning them against one another, culminating in a shadow war that left the court purged of its rot, and saw her father’s killers named Guwandi or executed. Following this, she spearheaded efforts to restore the Azarak Kingdom to power in the region, expanding its borders greatly and, with the growth of the guilds, seeing its economy prosper. She is often venerated by noblewomen primarily - but any who wish to triumph over overwhelming odds, or to see their schemes take fruit, often chose the Weaver as their patron.
With the outbreak of the Contact War, the Izweski were unable to govern the colony. The Sol Alliance, alongside the Nralakk Federation, drafted legislation for a temporary provisional government to administrate the colony due to the large human and Skrell populations. After negotiation with local Unathi, the democratic structure of Ouerean society was created, modeled extensively on human society. Largely, the Alliance was hands-off with regards to the administration of Ouerea compared to the Federation, content to observe and to intervene if the situation ever required it. Over this period, human, Skrell, and Unathi communities grew closer as settlements grew larger, with the unique cosmopolitan culture of Ouerea beginning to take root.

'''Ukheos Arzaoza, the Guwan Repentant''' - Ukheos Arzaoza, once Ukheos Guwan, was a wicked smuggler of ancient days, before the rise of the First Hegemony. According to the legend of their life, after years of theft, smuggling and vice, war came to the Vharzk Steppes, and Sahltyr was placed under siege by the enemy force. Using their knowledge as a smuggler, they organised efforts to bring food in from outlying villages, sneaking it into the city to the defenders. This allowed the siege to continue, until reinforcements could approach - however, the Repentant would not live to see it, as the enemy force captured them on their way into the city. While their fellow smugglers ran, the Guwan collapsed their tunnel behind them, preventing Sahltyr’s fall at the cost of their own life. They were captured by the enemy forces and beheaded before the city walls. Their actions, however, saved the city, with reinforcements from allied clans arriving to break the siege. Following the battle, the ruling Lord Arzaoza pardoned the fallen Guwan, and adopted them into his own clan. Eventually, they came to be known as one of the Most Honoured. In the modern age, they are worshipped often by the guilty, or those who seek to change and regain their honour. Guwan who seek to repent for their crimes will often build shrines to the Repentant.
Most of the humans settling on Ouerea had had little contact with alien life prior to their settlement, but began to see the benefits of cross-species cooperation. Under the provisional government, the humans of Ouerea came to work closer with their Skrell and Unathi partners, with many of them having come to see Ouerea as their new home since the initial human arrival on the planet. At this point, the human community of Ouerea had been living on the planet for decades, and the idea of an independent Ouerean nation had begun to take root among them - particularly upon witnessing the successful secession of the Republic of Biesel. This idea would be crushed in 2457, when Hegemon S’kresti demanded that Sol and Nralakk return Ouerea to the Hegemony, and the feudal system was imposed on the colonists.

There are untold hundreds of other patron ancestors. The common rite of adulthood in the Broken Coalition involves two weeks of seclusion and fasting, consuming potent hallucinogenic herbs in an attempt to speak with the spirits of one’s ancestors, and learn which has blessed them in their life. A Sinta is only truly considered an adult in the Broken Coalition when an ancestor is believed to have claimed them.
Many humans departed with the Alliance ships, including almost all of the active Solarian government and military personnel on the planet. Those who remained found themselves thrust into an alien model of society, with many of the rights and freedoms they had taken for granted stripped from them by foreign lords. The humans of Ouerea chafed under the Hegemony’s yoke from the beginning, and were near-universally supporters of throwing these foreign overlords from the world which had become their home. When the Revolution finally came, the human population was instrumental in its organization, taking inspiration from hundreds of similar revolutionary movements throughout their own history.

== Holidays ==
With the Revolution’s victory, the troubles of the Ouerean human community did not end - though the Synod was reestablished, only Unathi were permitted by the Hegemon to hold seats on it, with Skrell being granted observer status due to fear of angering the Nralakk Federation. The human population, however, was largely ignored by the Izweski, which has fueled lingering resentment, and demands for representation have grown louder and louder as the expansion of Hephaestus Industries has driven a wedge between Ouerea and Moghes.
Holidays vary immensely between clans, often focused on specific deeds of their honoured ancestors. However, some are unifying factors of the region.  

=== Day of Loss ===  
=== Life & Culture ===
This holiday is the anniversary of the Fall of Darakath, and the end of the Contact War. For the Sinta of the Broken Coalition, this is a day of regret, sorrow, and vengeance sworn in secret. In stubborn defiance of the ban on Azarak banners or symbols, the locals will often fly plain red banners or wear armbands, in honour of the blood spilled during the final battle and sacking of the city.

=== Iziushai (Savior’s Day) ===
The human population of Ouerea came from a wide range of origins within the Sol Alliance, with the vast majority of them being shipped in by megacorporations as workers. Many of those who signed up for long-term work on Ouerea came from the Middle Colonies or particularly disadvantaged Inner Ring worlds, seeking new opportunities on an untouched and alien world. Though it has been over sixty years since the first humans arrived on Ouerea, many of the modern population retain strong ties to their homes in whatever way they can, with human communities often tending to be enclaves of a specific culture.
This day honours the end to the plague cured by Hareshksh Iziu, when the vaccine that she developed was first distributed across the Azarak Kingdom. It is generally a lively day, in celebration of the work of healers. Feasting is common, as well as donations traditionally being made to local clinics and hospitals.  

=== Arzaoza’s Festival ===
Despite their strong ties to their home cultures, Ouerean humans tend to feel more strongly that Ouerea is their home than their Skrell countrymen - while sixty years is not a short time, it is far longer for humans than for Skrell, with the humans who have lived on the planet for decades often viewing Ouerea as the project that they have given much of their life to. This attitude is even stronger among the generation of humans actually born on Ouerea, most of whom have never known another homeworld.
This day honours the life of Ukheos Arzaoza - a reminder that even the lowliest can redeem themselves, and find honour. Traditionally, it is a time of great excess, lasting from dawn to midnight. Masks are donned by all, so that none can tell if they speak to one of the least or mightiest Sinta (though one can generally still identify a noble from a peasant based on the quality of their mask), and there are frequent stories of nobles engaging in debauchery beneath their masks. It is a day when many expectations are let go, and Sinta are freed to act as they please, where the choice of honour is theirs and theirs alone.

== Ashen Vengeance ==
Humans on Ouerea are often ignored by the Hegemony - while the Skrell have the looming shadow of the Nralakk Federation granting them a measure of political influence, the planet’s human community has little in the way of leverage to gain more representation within the Synod - despite several protests in human communities since the revolution. Since the withdrawal of most megacorporations from Ouerea, humans often had difficulty finding work as the Hegemony’s guilds moved in - with many of them exclusively hiring Unathi, or only hiring humans into underpaid and difficult positions. Though this practice stopped with the Hephaestus acquisition of the guilds, most humans on Ouerea still prefer to patronize Ouerean-run or specifically human-run businesses where possible.
While the Izweski-appointed rulers of the region are oft-despised by those they rule over, few have the courage to challenge them openly, with assassins and knives in the dark being the common method of attempting to bring down the Broken Coalition’s new rulers. However, there is an exception to this rule in Darakath - where murder stalks the streets, hunting those who serve the Hegemony.  

The assassin’s name, clan, or gender are all unknown. They are often seen wearing a mask of the type worn during Arzaoza’s Festival - simple and white, painted with ash, leading to the name given to them by the public - the Grey Spirit. In recent years, they have killed many officers in Lord Gwarlza’s personal forces, as well as Hephaestus officials and nobles who have cooperated with the Hegemony’s puppet government.  
One thing that the diverse human population of Ouerea tends to have in common is an independent attitude, often perceived as being to the point of stubbornness by other humans. The initial human arrivals on Ouerea viewed themselves as pioneers, an attitude which many of the Unathi colonists shared, and the ideals of self-reliance and independence from foreign authority remain a cultural touchstone of Ouerean humanity. In addition to the common Ouerean distaste for the Hegemony, Ouerean humans tend to have a negative opinion of other human governments - particularly those with roots on planets which had a rocky relationship with the Alliance.
Theories abound in the local news regarding them - some believe they are the last scion of the Azarath, having escaped the Hegemony’s claws and fighting to restore their lost kingdom. Still others believe they are the vengeful spirit of King Don’zai himself, having returned to the world to bring justice to his killers. A third, more fringe theory is that the Grey Spirit is barely Sinta at all - that they are an Aut’akh assassin, enhanced with foul cybernetics and dark spirits’ power, seeking to bring the region to ruin. Regardless, the city watch has had little luck in catching them - with the official explanation being that they have collaborators among the city’s peasantry, or some secret passages beneath the city. The popular whisper, however, is that they are a spirit in truth - capable of disappearing from before Sinta eyes, and walking through walls as if they were not even there.  

Lord Gwarlza has offered a bounty of three hundred thousand credits, a king’s ransom in the impoverished Broken Coalition, for information leading to the death or arrest of the Grey Spirit. However, if anyone in Darakath knows the Spirit’s true nature or identity, they are not talking. As the murders continue, the question remains - who is this masked killer, and what do they want for Darakath?
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==== Notable Human Enclaves ====
Ouerea is home to many humans from a wide range of planets across the Orion Spur. Many of the human immigrants to Ouerea, particularly among the initial arrivals, found themselves living primarily among other humans from similar backgrounds, forming cultural enclaves on the planet. Thousands of these enclaves are dotted across Ouerea, from hundreds of worlds across Solarian space - but a few of them are particularly large, well-known, or influential. Mostly, these enclaves were founded by megacorporate workers in the initial arrival of humanity on Ouerea, with some of them having stood for decades.
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'''New Olympia, Tr’ha’rem:''' Initially built around Hephaestus Industries employee housing, the district of Tr’ha’rem known as New Olympia was home to a large number of Martian workers employed by the megacorporation, and housed in Tr’ha’rem due to its more moderate climate for humans. Many of these humans worked on the Tr’ha’rem docks, and helped to cement the city’s status as a major port on Ouerea’s seas. The people of New Olympia tend to view Hephaestus favorably and have bitter feelings towards the Solarian Alliance, which were only amplified by the Violet Dawn disaster of 2462. Though many of them have not seen Mars in decades, if at all, they still consider themselves as Martian as they are Ouerean, and many of the locals have donated extensively to relief efforts following the disaster. During the early days of the Ouerean Revolution, New Olympia was home to some of the fiercest human opposition to the Hegemony, with many of its population using their positions in the shipping industry to smuggle arms and supplies to their fellow revolutionaries.
New Olympia is one of the largest human enclaves on Ouerea, and is often viewed as a center of human politics on the planet. Several protests demanding greater human representation in the Synod have been held in the streets of Tr’ha’rem, and the Martian population is known to be a significant voting bloc in local politics. New Olympia is also known to play a key role in Ouerean smuggling rings - an issue which local law enforcement seems content to ignore, with many residents both human and Unathi preferring the status quo. The humans of New Olympia are largely supporters of either Revolution’s Heirs or the Warriors of Liberty, with the ideals of the Ouerean Revolution being firmly held among the locals. Due to the general distaste for the Sol Alliance, support for the Restorationists is almost nonexistent here.
'''Giai Phong, Um’a’yid:''' The district of Giai Phong in Um’a’yid is home to a large number of New Hai Phongese immigrants, initially brought in to aid in the city’s construction by Hephaestus Industries. As the Unathi-dominated Fishing League gained more power in the city, many of the local humans found themselves working tedious and underpaid jobs in the city’s fishing industry, as Hephaestus’s presence in the city diminished. Though Hephaestus’s acquisition of the Fishing League led to the corporation’s return, the corporation’s actions both on Ouerea and on New Hai Phong had done little to win friends among the people of Giai Phong. The district in the modern day is a hotbed of anti-corporate politics on Ouerea, with many of the locals seeing Hephaestus’s growing presence on the planet as a path leading to the rampant corruption and environmental devastation of their homeworld.
Rumored connections between local Giai Phong activists and more radical anti-corporate groups such as the Aut’akh or even the Champions of Moghes is often raised by pro-corporate politicians - but so far, these accusations remain baseless. Many Giai Phong locals fought during the Revolution, most notably being responsible for capturing the ruling lord of Um’a’yid during the initial period of fighting. The humans of Giai Phong are divided between support for the Warriors of Liberty and Restorationists, with the latter forming a small yet noteworthy minority.
'''Meonbada, New Skalamar: '''The district of Meonbada in New Skalamar is home to a large number of Konyanger expatriates, initially established as housing for Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals employees. Meonbada served as Zeng-Hu’s planetary headquarters prior to the megacorporation’s withdrawal from the Hegemony, and was home to several xenobiological research laboratories which coordinated most of the planet’s study of the countless new species found in Ouerea’s environment. When Zeng-Hu withdrew from the Hegemony, Meonbada was harshly impacted, with many of the skilled professionals in the district suddenly losing their jobs with the corporation. Some turned to criminal activities, with several now-abandoned facilities turned into drug labs, while others departed the increasingly worsening district for better opportunities elsewhere. Meonbada served as a hotbed of revolutionary activity during the uprising, with Yiztek troops attempting to storm the district in search of rebel leaders and being repelled by locals.
After the Revolution concluded, and the Ouerean Confederation was re-established, the new planetary government began to resume the exploration and research of Ouerea which had stalled under feudal rule. Many of the former Zeng-Hu employees who had stayed in Meonbada suddenly found themselves offered new positions in similar fields to their previous ones. In 2463, the Synod began to invest heavily in cleaning up Meonbada - driving out the criminal activity in the district and repurposing it into a center of scientific research on the planet. The former Zeng-Hu administrative center was reopened, and rapidly became the beating heart of the government’s studies of their homeworld. In the modern day, Meonbada is an odd slice of Konyang transplanted, a district which would not look out of place in Suwon or New Hong Kong. The district remains majority human, though the research industry there has led to growing Unathi and Skrell populations. The humans of Meonbada are largely Revolution’s Heirs voters, with a small bloc of support for the Ouerean Independence Movement - the current status quo has improved the lot of the locals enormously, and most would prefer to preserve it.

Latest revision as of 06:36, 1 May 2024

Th'akh on Ouerea

Most of the followers of Th'akh on Ouerea arrived in the post-contact wave of colonists, with settlers from across the Hegemony recruited to settle the new world. As such, Ouerea is home to nearly every variation of Th’akh found on Moghes, though with those practiced in the regions of the former Traditionalist Coalition being less common. Shrines can be found across the planet dedicated to the Court of Stars, the Stone Lords of the Zazalai Mountains, the River Court of the Southlands and a thousand other variations of the faith. While many keep to the traditions and rituals of their ancestors, the cosmopolitan and independent culture of Ouerea has shaped the practice of Th’akh on the planet.

There is much less of a focus on particular holy sites and ancestral spirits in Ouerean Th’akh - the Unathi on this world are the first and second generation of colonists. There are no honored ancestors who have walked before them on this world, and most believe that, while they watch Ouerea from the spirit world, their ancestors remain on Moghes. For better or for worse, Ouerean Th’akhists know that they will be the ancestors whose spirits are invoked by future generations, the founders of a new civilisation and a new world. This has led to the rise of what is known as Ouerean Syncretism by theological scholars, and simply ‘Ouerean Th’akh’ by others.

Ouerean Th’akh is a synthesis of a thousand variations on the faith - while the colonists all have their own spirit-gods and sacred rituals, their own clans and honored ancestors, they are all equally outsiders now, facing new spirits of a strange new world. The spirits of Ouerea are viewed as wilder and more primal forces than those of Moghes, solely forces of the elemental nature of the planet uninfluenced by the Sinta’Unathi. As such, many Th’akh shamans on Ouerea are equal parts teacher, preacher and survivalist - exemplifying the pioneering spirit of the first Ouereans in learning to work with the spirits of the new world, naming them and seeking to shape a harmonious relationship. Some of the more prominent among these shamans have been vocal in opposition to Hephaestus Industries’ expansion onto the planet, believing that their exploitation of Ouerea will lead to great spiritual misfortune across the planet.

Respect for both the old spirits of Moghes and the new spirits of Ouerea is the duality that shapes Ouerean Th’akh - its shamans teach that the colonists have brought their spirits with them in part, and that only through achieving a peace between the old and the new can one reach true harmony. Those who abandon their old ways and traditions completely may be dishonorable and bring shame to their ancestors - but those who cling to them and refuse to adapt will surely invite the wrath of the Ouerean spirits upon themselves. Widespread exposure to human and Skrell culture has also shaped Ouerean Th’akh in a way that most other variations of the faith have not yet seen. Humans and Skrell are recognized as having their own spirits that they carry with them, both ancestral and reflected in the Th’akh understanding of the alien religions. While there are no known alien converts to Th’akh, the shamans of the faith often seek to work closely with alien religious figures in furthering mutual understanding of both each other, and the world they must share.

Due to the nature of Th’akh, human and Skrell faiths are generally acknowledged as being equally real to Unathi ones - the Qebalak ‘spirits of the stars’ and the deities of the various human faiths are considered to be alien spirits brought here by their followers. They are not venerated by Ouerean Th’akhists, but offerings are sometimes given to them by Unathi who wish to gain their favor for dealing with Skrell and humans.

Spirits of Ouerea

Azsaei Zis Azua (Crimson-Toothed Liberty)

“Red the blades and red the fires,
Let our struggle only grow,
Aid us ‘gainst the tyrant’s ire,
Red your teeth that find his throat.”
-A common prayer to Azsaei Zis Azua from the days of the Revolution.

A new spirit that emerged during the years of feudal oppression, Azsaei Zis Azua (Sinta'Unathi: Crimson-Toothed Liberty) is believed to have been born on Ouerea, formed from the spirits of those who died at the hands of the tyrant Yiztek. It is a spirit of freedom, justice, change, and revolutionary violence. It is usually depicted as a young, androgynous Unathi, holding a flaming spear in one hand - though occasionally as a human or Skrell, as their souls are believed to have become part of Azsaei Zis Azua as they perished in the struggle against oppression.

Shrines to this Zyola are often built upon battlefields or sites of import to the Ouerean Revolution. It is often invoked in remembrance of the Ouerean people’s struggle for freedom, and Ouerean Unathi who feel they have been wronged in some way will often call upon it to grant them justice or vengeance. A statue of Azsaei Zis Azua, in its Unathi form, marks the entrance to the Synod of Scales - a solemn reminder to the new government that the freedom Ouerea prizes was not given, but won by blood. Shamans dedicating themselves to Crimson-Toothed Liberty are often political radicals, striving for further liberation of the Ouerean people whether by word or by blade. The spirit is often venerated by members of the Warriors of Liberty, and the party's official symbol is a stylized depiction of Azsaei Zis Azua's burning spear.

The Izoaei

A collective name for many of the zo’zyola of Ouerea, the Izoaei (Sinta-Unathi: Primordial) are considered to be formless and wild spirits, manifestations of the raw and elemental forces of the world - spirits of stone and wind and water, free from names or bonds that the spirits of Moghes hold. The shamans of Ouerea believe that it is their responsibility to shape the Izoaei, to keep them appeased and guide them into a new state of being. Shrines are rarely built to these nameless spirits, but offerings are commonplace - with shamans believing that it is important to allow the Izoaei to grow accustomed to the presence of life on their world, lest their wrath spell doom for the colony.

Shamans of the Izoaei are an odd blend of scientist, survivalist, and exorcist. Research and understanding of alien worlds is believed to be a method of both honoring and shaping the Izoaei - as Sinta come to better know their new world, so do the spirits of that world come to better understand Sinta. Many of these shamans will take extensive journeys into the Ouerean wilderness, in the hopes of coming to better know the Izoaei and to shape their presence into one that welcomes alien settlement. Shamans of the Izoaei will also often gather in preparation for or in the wake of natural disasters, providing aid in an attempt to bind or banish hostile Izoaei and to shield Ouerea against their harm. Veneration of the Izoaei has spread from Ouerea, with colonists on various other Hegemony worlds practicing similar rituals in order to overcome hostile environments.

The Founders

The five Unathi who first set foot on Ouerea are viewed with immense respect by Ouerean civilization, often venerated as particularly revered ancestors - though they bear no blood relation to most modern Ouerean Unathi, they are ancestors in spirit to the modern-day colony. Historical sites often hold shrines to the Founders, and even non-Th’akh or even non-Unathi Ouereans will often leave offerings there in honor of the planet’s history.

Zuakza Izoki, Speaker of Thunder

Born to a prominent Heartland noble clan, Zuakza Izoki was a graduate of the Skalamar Academy of Natural Sciences and one of the foremost astronauts of the Izweski Space Program, having been part of one of the first crews on Izweski Station. When the Ouerean mission was planned, he was reportedly hand-picked by the Hegemon to command it as captain of the IHV Venture. Captain Izoki oversaw the initial establishment of what would become New Skalamar, and lived long enough to see humans and Skrell arrive on the planet. He was one of the founders of the New Skalamar Pioneers’ Seminary, and a statue of him adorns its gates in the modern day. He died of old age in late 2429, with a planetary day of mourning declared in his honor shortly afterwards.

His title as a spirit is “Speaker of Thunder” - either in honor of his commanding presence or as a joke from his surviving crewmates about how his way of speaking was extremely irritating over several months in a confined space together, depending on who one asks. He is venerated as a symbol of leadership, courage, and the pioneering spirit of Ouerea. His symbol is a stylized Unathi claw, reaching upwards to grasp at a distant star.

Kiuhi Ahuos, Watcher of the Dark

The pilot of the IHV Venture, Kiuhi Ahuos was a distinguished warrior from an Izweski air regiment stationed in the Southlands. As the Izweski Space Program grew, Ahuos found himself working as a test pilot on several of the program’s early missions. He was severely injured during a failed re-entry in the 2460s, which reportedly left him walking with a cane for the remainder of his life. Following the establishment of the Ouerean colony and first contact, he returned to Moghes with honor, continuing to work with the space program on various missions. His final mission was one that would go down in Unathi history, serving as a navigator on the IHRV Uezwik’s Hope - the Hegemony’s first attempt at creating a warp-capable spacecraft. When the warp calculations proved incorrect, Ahuos was killed along with the rest of the ship’s crew.

As a spirit, his title is “Watcher of the Dark”, in reference to his status as one of the Hegemony’s first space pilots. Ouereans working offworld, particularly on spaceships or as pilots, will often make offerings to him to protect them, as his spirit is believed to watch over all Unathi abroad in the vastness of space. His symbol is a black Unathi eye, filled with a field of stars.

Skiaei Sazs - Bearer of Flame

The ship’s engineer aboard the Venture, Skiaei Sazs was a guildsman of the Construction Coalition and one of the space program’s most talented engineers. The Venture itself was a Sazs design, and they were handpicked by Captain Izoki for the mission. Following planetfall, Sazs was responsible for the assembly of the initial colony site, and is believed by some to be the patron spirit of modern New Skalamar itself. Though well into their old age, Sazs was one of the founders of Hegeranzi Starworks, and reportedly turned down the position of guildmaster there several times before their death. Sazs was known to work closely with Hephaestus Industries, and was reportedly an influential mentor of Yukal T’zakal during his early days working with Hephaestus. They perished from old age in 2452, in their office aboard Hegeranzi Starworks.

As a spirit, their title is “Bearer of Flame”, in reference to their contributions to interstellar engineering. A shrine to Sazs adorns Hegeranzi Starworks today, and Ouerean engineers will frequently make offerings to their spirit to bless the success of a project. Their symbol is a trail of fire, stretching towards a field of stars.

Kseok Ssu, Witness of Life

Originally from a minor noble clan of S’th, Dr. Kseok Ssu was an accomplished biologist from the Skalamar University of Medicine long before she was chosen for the Ouerean mission. After her arrival on Ouerea, Dr. Ssu was responsible for cataloging thousands of new species native to the planet, as well as for the successful introduction of Moghresian plants and animals to the Ouerean biosphere. She is remembered as one of history’s greatest xenobiologists by Unathi even beyond Ouerea, and was granted the position of planetary chapter-master by the House of Medicine for her contributions to the sciences. She traveled extensively following first contact, studying human and Skrell advances in xenobiology for nearly thirty years and giving several guest lectures at human universities - acquiring a reputation as something of a daredevil researcher in interstellar academic circles. Kseok Ssu disappeared in 2438, only a year before the beginning of the Contact War, departing on an expedition to catalog the alien fauna of the Arusha sector. Her title as a spirit is “Witness of Life”, and she is frequently venerated by healers, academics, and explorers on Ouerea - particularly those seeking to study the planet’s ecosystem. Shrines to her can be found in most Ouerean universities, and it is a common practice among students to leave offerings there to improve their academic performance.

Olzahi Ekzur - Eye of Stone

The ship’s surveyor, Olzahi Ekzur was responsible for much of the initial exploration and surveying of Ouerea following planetfall. During her time as a researcher for the space program, she was responsible for the launch of several probes to Ouerea, and selected the initial landing site personally. Following planetfall, she engaged in extensive study of the area surrounding the landing site, and much of the layout of New Skalamar today is based on her initial blueprints. Ekzur spearheaded much of the initial exploration of Ouerea, and spent a large amount of her time at the Sahhat Geographical Research Complex with visiting Skrell scientists, reportedly fascinated by their culture and advancements. Ekzur’s methodologies for planetary colonization were rapidly adopted, and have since become standard practice by Hegemony colonists throughout the Spur. In 2441, Ekzur was killed in a storm on the Azareazi Sea as part of an ongoing polar expedition. Survivors of the wreck reported that she refused to leave her research or her crew, and returned to the sinking ship several times in order to recover more.

As a spirit, her title is “Eye of Stone”, in reference to her blunt and unemotional demeanor, as well as her contributions to the field of geology. She is viewed as the patron spirit of explorers, scientists, and all those who seek to wander beyond the horizons of the known. Ouerean exploration and research programs often consecrate their missions in her name. Her symbol is a silhouetted Unathi figure, walking towards a stylized horizon.

Humans on Ouerea


Shortly after first contact in 2403, human settlement of Ouerea began. The humans of Ouerea came in two waves - the first were largely Sol Alliance military personnel, who were permitted to construct several bases and refueling stations on the planet in exchange for Solarian assistance in furthering the Izweski space program. The second and far larger wave was driven by the human megacorporations, with many of them acquiring generous contracts for development of the Ouerean colony. Hephaestus and NanoTrasen were the two largest investors in Ouerean development, though Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals had several research facilities to study the myriad of new organisms found on both Moghes and Ouerea, and Einstein Engines were contracted to assist in the development of warp technology by the Izweski. The vast majority of these workers came from Solarian space, particularly from planets with limited economic opportunity. Ouerea was advertised to Hephaestus and NanoTrasen employees in particular as a land of opportunity and discovery, with many being shipped directly to the planet to assist in its settlement.

Due to the megacorporate contracts, humans had more contact with Unathi than the initial Skrell settlers, with corporate habitation buildings often being constructed near existing settlements for ease of work. The two groups were far from integrated, however, with distrust of aliens still being heavily present among the Unathi of Ouerea. Sentiment was common in the early days that the human presence on Ouerea was just an alien attempt to take control of an Unathi achievement, especially given the Solarian military bases built on the planet. Humans in this time often found themselves forming their own insular communities rather than integrating with the Unathi ones present.

With the outbreak of the Contact War, the Izweski were unable to govern the colony. The Sol Alliance, alongside the Nralakk Federation, drafted legislation for a temporary provisional government to administrate the colony due to the large human and Skrell populations. After negotiation with local Unathi, the democratic structure of Ouerean society was created, modeled extensively on human society. Largely, the Alliance was hands-off with regards to the administration of Ouerea compared to the Federation, content to observe and to intervene if the situation ever required it. Over this period, human, Skrell, and Unathi communities grew closer as settlements grew larger, with the unique cosmopolitan culture of Ouerea beginning to take root.

Most of the humans settling on Ouerea had had little contact with alien life prior to their settlement, but began to see the benefits of cross-species cooperation. Under the provisional government, the humans of Ouerea came to work closer with their Skrell and Unathi partners, with many of them having come to see Ouerea as their new home since the initial human arrival on the planet. At this point, the human community of Ouerea had been living on the planet for decades, and the idea of an independent Ouerean nation had begun to take root among them - particularly upon witnessing the successful secession of the Republic of Biesel. This idea would be crushed in 2457, when Hegemon S’kresti demanded that Sol and Nralakk return Ouerea to the Hegemony, and the feudal system was imposed on the colonists.

Many humans departed with the Alliance ships, including almost all of the active Solarian government and military personnel on the planet. Those who remained found themselves thrust into an alien model of society, with many of the rights and freedoms they had taken for granted stripped from them by foreign lords. The humans of Ouerea chafed under the Hegemony’s yoke from the beginning, and were near-universally supporters of throwing these foreign overlords from the world which had become their home. When the Revolution finally came, the human population was instrumental in its organization, taking inspiration from hundreds of similar revolutionary movements throughout their own history.

With the Revolution’s victory, the troubles of the Ouerean human community did not end - though the Synod was reestablished, only Unathi were permitted by the Hegemon to hold seats on it, with Skrell being granted observer status due to fear of angering the Nralakk Federation. The human population, however, was largely ignored by the Izweski, which has fueled lingering resentment, and demands for representation have grown louder and louder as the expansion of Hephaestus Industries has driven a wedge between Ouerea and Moghes.

Life & Culture

The human population of Ouerea came from a wide range of origins within the Sol Alliance, with the vast majority of them being shipped in by megacorporations as workers. Many of those who signed up for long-term work on Ouerea came from the Middle Colonies or particularly disadvantaged Inner Ring worlds, seeking new opportunities on an untouched and alien world. Though it has been over sixty years since the first humans arrived on Ouerea, many of the modern population retain strong ties to their homes in whatever way they can, with human communities often tending to be enclaves of a specific culture.

Despite their strong ties to their home cultures, Ouerean humans tend to feel more strongly that Ouerea is their home than their Skrell countrymen - while sixty years is not a short time, it is far longer for humans than for Skrell, with the humans who have lived on the planet for decades often viewing Ouerea as the project that they have given much of their life to. This attitude is even stronger among the generation of humans actually born on Ouerea, most of whom have never known another homeworld.

Humans on Ouerea are often ignored by the Hegemony - while the Skrell have the looming shadow of the Nralakk Federation granting them a measure of political influence, the planet’s human community has little in the way of leverage to gain more representation within the Synod - despite several protests in human communities since the revolution. Since the withdrawal of most megacorporations from Ouerea, humans often had difficulty finding work as the Hegemony’s guilds moved in - with many of them exclusively hiring Unathi, or only hiring humans into underpaid and difficult positions. Though this practice stopped with the Hephaestus acquisition of the guilds, most humans on Ouerea still prefer to patronize Ouerean-run or specifically human-run businesses where possible.

One thing that the diverse human population of Ouerea tends to have in common is an independent attitude, often perceived as being to the point of stubbornness by other humans. The initial human arrivals on Ouerea viewed themselves as pioneers, an attitude which many of the Unathi colonists shared, and the ideals of self-reliance and independence from foreign authority remain a cultural touchstone of Ouerean humanity. In addition to the common Ouerean distaste for the Hegemony, Ouerean humans tend to have a negative opinion of other human governments - particularly those with roots on planets which had a rocky relationship with the Alliance.

Notable Human Enclaves

Ouerea is home to many humans from a wide range of planets across the Orion Spur. Many of the human immigrants to Ouerea, particularly among the initial arrivals, found themselves living primarily among other humans from similar backgrounds, forming cultural enclaves on the planet. Thousands of these enclaves are dotted across Ouerea, from hundreds of worlds across Solarian space - but a few of them are particularly large, well-known, or influential. Mostly, these enclaves were founded by megacorporate workers in the initial arrival of humanity on Ouerea, with some of them having stood for decades.

New Olympia, Tr’ha’rem: Initially built around Hephaestus Industries employee housing, the district of Tr’ha’rem known as New Olympia was home to a large number of Martian workers employed by the megacorporation, and housed in Tr’ha’rem due to its more moderate climate for humans. Many of these humans worked on the Tr’ha’rem docks, and helped to cement the city’s status as a major port on Ouerea’s seas. The people of New Olympia tend to view Hephaestus favorably and have bitter feelings towards the Solarian Alliance, which were only amplified by the Violet Dawn disaster of 2462. Though many of them have not seen Mars in decades, if at all, they still consider themselves as Martian as they are Ouerean, and many of the locals have donated extensively to relief efforts following the disaster. During the early days of the Ouerean Revolution, New Olympia was home to some of the fiercest human opposition to the Hegemony, with many of its population using their positions in the shipping industry to smuggle arms and supplies to their fellow revolutionaries.

New Olympia is one of the largest human enclaves on Ouerea, and is often viewed as a center of human politics on the planet. Several protests demanding greater human representation in the Synod have been held in the streets of Tr’ha’rem, and the Martian population is known to be a significant voting bloc in local politics. New Olympia is also known to play a key role in Ouerean smuggling rings - an issue which local law enforcement seems content to ignore, with many residents both human and Unathi preferring the status quo. The humans of New Olympia are largely supporters of either Revolution’s Heirs or the Warriors of Liberty, with the ideals of the Ouerean Revolution being firmly held among the locals. Due to the general distaste for the Sol Alliance, support for the Restorationists is almost nonexistent here.

Giai Phong, Um’a’yid: The district of Giai Phong in Um’a’yid is home to a large number of New Hai Phongese immigrants, initially brought in to aid in the city’s construction by Hephaestus Industries. As the Unathi-dominated Fishing League gained more power in the city, many of the local humans found themselves working tedious and underpaid jobs in the city’s fishing industry, as Hephaestus’s presence in the city diminished. Though Hephaestus’s acquisition of the Fishing League led to the corporation’s return, the corporation’s actions both on Ouerea and on New Hai Phong had done little to win friends among the people of Giai Phong. The district in the modern day is a hotbed of anti-corporate politics on Ouerea, with many of the locals seeing Hephaestus’s growing presence on the planet as a path leading to the rampant corruption and environmental devastation of their homeworld.

Rumored connections between local Giai Phong activists and more radical anti-corporate groups such as the Aut’akh or even the Champions of Moghes is often raised by pro-corporate politicians - but so far, these accusations remain baseless. Many Giai Phong locals fought during the Revolution, most notably being responsible for capturing the ruling lord of Um’a’yid during the initial period of fighting. The humans of Giai Phong are divided between support for the Warriors of Liberty and Restorationists, with the latter forming a small yet noteworthy minority.

Meonbada, New Skalamar: The district of Meonbada in New Skalamar is home to a large number of Konyanger expatriates, initially established as housing for Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals employees. Meonbada served as Zeng-Hu’s planetary headquarters prior to the megacorporation’s withdrawal from the Hegemony, and was home to several xenobiological research laboratories which coordinated most of the planet’s study of the countless new species found in Ouerea’s environment. When Zeng-Hu withdrew from the Hegemony, Meonbada was harshly impacted, with many of the skilled professionals in the district suddenly losing their jobs with the corporation. Some turned to criminal activities, with several now-abandoned facilities turned into drug labs, while others departed the increasingly worsening district for better opportunities elsewhere. Meonbada served as a hotbed of revolutionary activity during the uprising, with Yiztek troops attempting to storm the district in search of rebel leaders and being repelled by locals.

After the Revolution concluded, and the Ouerean Confederation was re-established, the new planetary government began to resume the exploration and research of Ouerea which had stalled under feudal rule. Many of the former Zeng-Hu employees who had stayed in Meonbada suddenly found themselves offered new positions in similar fields to their previous ones. In 2463, the Synod began to invest heavily in cleaning up Meonbada - driving out the criminal activity in the district and repurposing it into a center of scientific research on the planet. The former Zeng-Hu administrative center was reopened, and rapidly became the beating heart of the government’s studies of their homeworld. In the modern day, Meonbada is an odd slice of Konyang transplanted, a district which would not look out of place in Suwon or New Hong Kong. The district remains majority human, though the research industry there has led to growing Unathi and Skrell populations. The humans of Meonbada are largely Revolution’s Heirs voters, with a small bloc of support for the Ouerean Independence Movement - the current status quo has improved the lot of the locals enormously, and most would prefer to preserve it.