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{| id="mp-eventarc" style="width:65%; background:#29870e; text-align:center; border:4px solid #dca200; margin:0 auto; width:950px"
==Inter-Corporate Relations==
| style="width:56%; color:#000;" |
===Einstein Engines===
<div style="font-size:162%; border:2px solid #dca200; margin:0; background:#29870e; padding:.1em; color:#fff;">New Blades, Old Wounds</div>
NanoTrasen and Einstein have been rivals for decades, since the discovery of phoron in 2417 and the subsequent invention of the bluespace drive. As bluespace largely superseded warp as a means of faster-than-light travel, NanoTrasen's power rose as Einstein's waned. Since then, the two companies have been fierce competitors, contending in court constantly over various trademarks, patents, and other legal issues. The phoron scarcity beginning in 2462 has led to a reversal of fortunes, with Einstein rising massively in prominence as NanoTrasen's power fades - leading NanoTrasen to spearhead the formation of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate to attempt to combat their old rivals. The two corporations continue to clash to this day, with Einstein having found a foothold in the city of Phoenixport, Biesel - setting up shop in the heart of NanoTrasen's power. Though Einstein holds the clear advantage for now, NanoTrasen has worked tirelessly to try and slow the meteoric growth of their rival corporation - so far, to little effect, as phoron prices continue to rise and NanoTrasen stock prices continue to fall.
{{Template:2024 Event Timeline}}
<div style="font-size:110%; border:2px solid #dca200; margin:0; background:#29870e; padding:.1em; color:#fff;">This is the overview and timeline page for the '''New Blades, Old Wounds''' Arc which began on '''April 20, 2024''' and pertains largely to '''[[Unathi]] and [[Skrell]] lore.'''</div>
<div style="font-size:110%; border:2px solid #dca200; margin:0; background:#29870e; padding:.1em; color:#fff;">It is centered around the relationship between the [[Izweski Hegemony]] and the [[Nralakk Federation]], and their joint humanitarian efforts on the planet [[Moghes]].</div>
<div style="font-size:110%; border:2px solid #dca200; margin:0; background:#29870e; padding:.1em; color:#fff;">Below is a summary of the arc's applicable news articles, and additions.</div>

===Hephaestus Industries===
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NanoTrasen and Hephaestus Industries have never been particularly fierce competitors, with the phoron giant purchasing much of its equipment, vessels and IPC workers from Hephaestus factories. However, as the phoron scarcity continues and NanoTrasen's power wanes, Hephaestus has taken full advantage of their decline. Since the formation of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate, Hephaestus has greatly expanded its presence in the Republic of Biesel, taking near-complete control of shipping on the moon of Valkyrie and moving its central headquarters to Mendell City. Hephaestus's expansion in the Izweski Hegemony - seizing a near-total monopoly of the kind NanoTrasen once held in Biesel - has allegedly been a source of great concern to NanoTrasen, who are rumored to be funding anti-Hegemony political movements on the planet Ouerea in order to weaken Hephaestus's position within the nation.
=Hegemon Announces Talks With Skrell!=
'''News Article'''

===Idris Incorporated===
'''Publisher: Sinta Articles'''
NanoTrasen and Idris have never been fierce rivals, though the formation of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate and Idris's subsequent expansion into Biesel has led to tension between the two megacorporations. As Idris expanded its banking operations into NanoTrasen's center of power, NanoTrasen attempted to hold onto their banking business in Tau Ceti, incentivizing its employees to only make use of NanoTrasen banking instead - despite the many advantages that Idris held as a competitor. So far, Idris has been gradually expanding its presence in the Republic's financial sector, with many NanoTrasen employees switching to the use of Idris banks despite their employer's wishes. Idris has begun offering hiring bonuses to NanoTrasen employees in an effort to further weaken their power over Biesel's financial sector, as well as establishing branches in many of the former Solarian worlds of the Corporate Reconstruction Zone, where NanoTrasen holds much less direct influence. Though NanoTrasen has issued little official response to this, Idris transport vessels seem to commonly come under attack by pirates in the Reconstruction Zone, with many speculating the phoron giant is attempting to undermine confidence in Idris's renowned security.

===Orion Express===
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''
NanoTrasen contributed the most resources to Orion Express's formation, and many of its executives are former NanoTrasen staff. As such, the relationship between the two companies has remained warm, with Orion taking over many NanoTrasen-held supply contracts across the Spur. Orion's continued operation in the Sol Alliance, and the fact that they continue to deal with Einstein Engines, has been a source of tension between the two megacorporations in recent years - but in spite of this, NanoTrasen and Orion continue to work together extensively across the Orion Spur. Though Orion's service industry has become a competitor to NanoTrasen's, this remains a small enough portion of both companies' business that it has not been a source of stress on the close relationship the two megacorporations share.

===Zavodskoi Interstellar===
'''Editors: Triogenix'''
Zavodskoi and NanoTrasen maintain a decent relationship, with little open conflict between the two corporations. Since the beginning of the phoron scarcity, however, Zavodskoi has taken full advantage of NanoTrasen's waning power in the Republic of Biesel, expanding its arms industry into the Republic. Since the formation of the Tau Ceti Armed Forces and the negotiation of several new supply contracts with Biesel's government, Zavodskoi has managed to take a great deal of business from NanoTrasen - seizing NT's position as the Republic's main weapons supplier. Though NanoTrasen still holds onto their original contract for the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion, the Minutemen and Republican Fleet are both almost entirely outfitted with Zavodskoi-made weapons, armor, and voidsuits. NanoTrasen has attempted to counteract this influence through the recent appointment of Nathan Trasen as Secretary of Defense - but even with a Trasen in such a prestigious position, Zavodskoi has still managed to secure a solid grasp on the Republic's military industry. NanoTrasen has increased funding to Nexus Corporate Security several times in an effort to use their newly-formed PMC to undermine Zavodskoi's security business in the Corporate Reconstruction Zone, with some measure of success.

===Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals===
Although NanoTrasen and Zeng-Hu work closely together, the two megacorporations have a rocky history. When NanoTrasen began, it was mainly operating in the biomedical field, which Zeng-Hu has historically been the frontrunner in - leading to NanoTrasen being outcompeted at seemingly every turn by the pharmaceutical giant. The discovery of phoron led to a rapid pivot in NanoTrasen's direction, and its many medicinal uses led to Zeng-Hu purchasing large quantities of phoron from NanoTrasen mining operations in the Romanovich Cloud. Despite this, Zeng-Hu CEO Liqin Hsiao-Li is rumored to still hold a grudge against NanoTrasen for their attempts to push into Zeng-Hu's sphere of influence decades ago, even as Zeng-Hu attempts to do the same in Biesel. Though NanoTrasen maintains its grasp on Tau Ceti's healthcare system, having blocked Zeng-Hu's expansions in the Republic's courts, Zeng-Hu has been increasingly expanding their operations in the wider Corporate Reconstruction Zone - having managed to seize the majority of the market share in the medical and pharmaceutical industries outside of Tau Ceti itself. Due to the many medical and pharmaceutical uses of phoron, Zeng-Hu remains one of NanoTrasen's largest purchasers of the increasingly rare element, and is reportedly one of NanoTrasen's closest allies within the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate.

=Hephaestus Industries=
''"Awake, dear heart, awake."''<br>
==Inter-Corporate Relations==
-The Tempest, Act I Scene II
===Einstein Engines===
===Idris Incorporated===
===Orion Express===
===Zavodskoi Interstellar===
===Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals===

=Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals=
Hegemon Not'zar reaches out to the Nralakk Federation, hoping that [[Change on the Horizon Arc|recent upheavals]] will allow old grudges to be laid to rest.
==Inter-Corporate Relations==
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
===Einstein Engines===
===Hephaestus Industries===
===Idris Incorporated===
===Orion Express===
===Zavodskoi Interstellar===

=Zavodskoi Interstellar=
In a surprising announcement from Skalamar today, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski announced that he intends to hold a diplomatic summit with the Nralakk Federation, which will be led by High Speaker Seleta Sarnac. The office of the High Speaker followed up on this, stating that Hegemon Not’zar understands that there is a long and often-troubled history between Sinta and Skrell, and he hopes that the two nations can enter into a more prosperous relationship in future.
==Inter-Corporate Relations==
===Einstein Engines===
===Hephaestus Industries===
===Idris Incorporated===
===Orion Express===
===Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals===

=Idris Incorporated=
The talks are set to take place on Ouerea, in several weeks’ time. Many have speculated as to the Hegemon’s choice to invite the Skrell delegation to Ouerea rather than Moghes - while some believe it is simply due to the planet’s large Skrell population, others believe that the Hegemon intends to call the Skrell to account for the planet’s occupation during the Contact War.
==Inter-Corporate Relations==
===Einstein Engines===
===Hephaestus Industries===
===Orion Express===
===Zavodskoi Interstellar===
===Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals===

=Einstein Engines=
The Skrell delegation’s agenda, as well as who their representative will be, remains to be seen. The office of the High Speaker confirmed to us this morning, however, that the Nralakk Federation has accepted the Hegemon’s invitation. Their envoys will likely be en route to Uueoa-Esa already, and many wait apprehensively to see what the Federation hopes to get from these talks.
==Inter-Corporate Relations==
===Hephaestus Industries===
===Idris Incorporated===
===Orion Express===
===Zavodskoi Interstellar===
===Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals===

=Orion Express=
Some among the nobility have been outspoken against the Hegemon’s decision, however - with many protesting the inviting of Skrell to Izweski space, blaming them for everything from the Ouerean Rebellion to the Contact War itself. Perhaps the most outspoken of these was Lord Juyzi Izaku of Mudki, who invited representatives of Sinta Articles to a press conference in the city to issue his statement.
==Inter-Corporate Relations==
===Einstein Engines===
Lord Izaku was certainly passionate on the matter, claiming that ''"The Skrell, they get inside a man’s thoughts, to twist his mind and strip his honor! You see them, small and weak as they are, and you think they are harmless, but they can manipulate your very spirit - look at the slaughter on Ouerea, barely more than five years ago! It was driven by them, twisting innocent Sinta to anarchy and murder, and now the Hegemon wishes to treat with them? He must be careful, lest he find himself dancing on their vile and twisted strings.”''
===Hephaestus Industries===
===Idris Incorporated===
While the Lord of Mudki is certainly the most outspoken, he is not the only one of the nobility to object to these talks. Several among the nobility have petitioned the Hegemon to turn away from this plan, citing the occupation of Ouerea and subsequent rebellion as proof that the Skrell cannot be trusted to negotiate in good faith.
===Zavodskoi Interstellar===
We at Sinta Articles hope for a resolution that is beneficial to the Hegemony and its people. As always, we shall keep our readers updated on these talks as they develop.
===Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals===
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=Ormish Jrolk Departs For Alien Stars=
'''News Article'''
'''Publisher: Warble Enquirer'''
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''
'''Editors: Triogenix, Brotendo'''
''“Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.”''<br>
-The Tempest, Act II Scene II
The Federation's representative departs for Ouerea.
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Grand Advisor of Economic Development Ormish Jrolk has announced their temporary departure from Federation space today - leading a delegation to the planet Ouerea, a warm and hospitable world currently under the rule of the Izweski Hegemony. The ruler of the Hegemony, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski, extended formal invitations to the Nralakk Federation to send a delegation to Ouerea, in the hopes of laying to rest past hostilities between Unathi and Skrell.
The Unathi, for those of our readers who are not aware, rapidly descended into global nuclear warfare following first contact with the Federation and the Solarian Alliance - during which a delegation of Federation diplomats was sent in the hopes of brokering peace between the two warring sides, and preventing needless loss of life. These delegates were murdered, their shuttle shot down by the group known as the ‘Traditionalist Coalition’ (Unrelated to the Homeworld Traditionalist Coalition party), a radical collection of Unathi micro-states opposed to further dealings with the Federation and humanity.
Since that day, the Federation has had little contact with the Unathi - though for several decades, Federation officials administrated the colony on Ouerea, due to the Hegemon’s inability to do so during wartime. Following the end of what the Unathi have come to call the ‘Contact War’, the Federation graciously returned control of Ouerea to the Unathi, though a substantial Skrell population remains on the planet.
Reportedly, the delegation was approved with an overwhelming majority by the Grand Council, with only the Homeworld Traditionalist Coalition voting against. Coalition leader Overseer Nalo Gir-Roq referred to the delegation as “a mistake” during an address to the Council, claiming that for the Federation to involve ourselves further in the affairs of the Spur at large only serves to weaken our position on the interstellar stage. The Coalition was thoroughly outvoted, however, with all other parties standing in favor of the Ouerean talks. Grand Advisor Jrolk and the Federalist League cited the dangers of pirate and Marauder activity on the Federation’s southern border, claiming that forming stronger ties to the nations of the Sparring Sea is a proactive measure to ensure our national security against such threats in future - while voices from the Free Skrell Union cited establishing further connections to Hephaestus Industries as a key reason for building diplomatic ties to the Hegemony.
The talks are scheduled to begin in several weeks' time. Questions of whether these talks will lead to future involvement in Unathi affairs, or further connection with alien nations, remain unanswered for now - though the Federation watches eagerly to see what will come of the Ouerean summit.
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=Nralakk Delegation Arrives, Talks Begin=
'''News Article'''
'''Publisher: Sinta Articles'''
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''
'''Editors: Triogenix'''
''“Yet, with my nobler reason 'gainst my fury''<br>
''Do I take part; the rarer action is''<br>
''In virtue than in vengeance.”''<br>
-The Tempest, Act V Scene I
The talks on Ouerea begin, and speculation abounds on what each side hopes to gain.
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The delegation from the distant Nralakk Federation has arrived, entering the Uueoa-Esa system early this morning before landing on Ouerea properly. Led by Ormish Jrolk, their ‘Grand Advisor of Economic Development’ - a role similar to a Master of Rivers - the delegation was promptly shown to a hotel in New Skalamar’s Founding District, where the talks are set to take place.
High Speaker Sarnac was present to welcome the delegation, along with her entourage. To the clamoring of spectators Unathi, Skrell and human alike, they entered the hotel, where the talks have begun in earnest. Though it is very early in the process, our correspondent on the scene was able to glean some insight as to the agendas from both sides.
It appears that the Hegemon, via the High Speaker, has demanded reparations from Nralakk for the occupation of Ouerea, claiming that they had no right to meddle in that world’s affairs and that it was shameful that his father was forced to resort to drastic measures to reclaim what is rightfully an Izweski colony. The Skrell have not taken this well, with their delegation claiming that the Federation was the only reason Ouerea survived the Contact War at all, and that Hegemon S’kresti’s actions were an act of rash bravado, where he could have instead negotiated with the Federation to ensure a peaceful transfer of power. The Skrell delegation also mentioned a shuttle of their diplomats destroyed by Traditionalists during the Contact War, claiming that as the ruler of all Moghes, Hegemon Not’zar bears an obligation to make amends.
So far, neither side seems to be bending on their demands - though the diplomatic process can be a lengthy one, and negotiations have only just begun. Rumors abound on the streets of Ouerea, however, with many claiming that Guildmaster T’zakal of Hephaestus Industries may be invited to the talks. As yet, Hephaestus Industries has not made any statement on the matter, and these rumors may have little merit to them.
As always, we at Sinta Articles will keep our readers updated on these talks as they progress, and we express our deepest hope for a mutually beneficial resolution.
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=Talks Continue On Ouerea; Hephaestus, K’lax Invited=
'''News Article'''
'''Publisher: Sinta Articles'''
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''
'''Editors: Triogenix, Desven'''
''“The hour's now come;''<br>
''The very minute bids thee ope thine ear.”''<br>
-The Tempest, Act I Scene II
The talks continue, and new faces are seen at the table
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The diplomatic talks on Ouerea seem to be making swift progress - while we do not have any further information on how both parties’ agenda is shifting, word from the inside is that attitudes have begun to soften, and that both sides are moving closer to an agreement. What that agreement is, and what it will entail for the Hegemony at large, remains to be seen.
Hephaestus Industries has also announced that they will be attending the talks at the Hegemon’s request, with Guildmaster T’zakal issuing a statement that due to the guild’s strong ties to every part of the Hegemonic economy since their recent reorganization of the major Hegemonic guilds, the outcome of these talks is of deep importance to Hephaestus.
Guildmaster T’zakal arrived on Ouerea yesterday morning, and spent the day touring the recently-completed Aquacultural Center One - before arriving by shuttle in New Skalamar last night, and traveling straight to the site of the talks. What role Hephaestus may play in this negotiation is as of now unknown.
The K’lax Hive have also announced that they will be in attendance at the talks. As one of the largest and most influential vassals of the Hegemon, the Vaurcae of Tret are instrumentally positioned within our nation’s economy, with one of the Hive’s representatives stating that ''“Since our arrival, the K’lax and the Sinta’Unathi have held a shared destiny - and if the Nralakk Federation is to be involved in that destiny, we will be included in the discussions.”''
The K’lax delegation at the talks is reportedly being directed by the Queen Vedhra, with representatives of her brood having arrived on Ouerea this afternoon. Sinta Articles reporters attempted to get in contact with the K’laxian delegation in order to elaborate on why the High Queen elected not to send a representative from her own brood, but were unable to clarify. Our correspondents contacted Lady Ta’Akaix’Maz'roth'isek K’lax, the leader of the K’laxian delegation, who stated ''“The High Queen trusts in her servants’ ability in a matter that will affect the Hive in its entirety. Though I serve the Queen Vedhra, my role at this summit is to stand for all the K’lax.”''
With the talks soon to enter their second week, we eagerly await further information. As always, we will keep our readers updated as the situation develops.
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=Senator Trang Condemns Hephaestus Role in Nralakk Summit=
'''News Article'''
'''Publisher: Sol Alliance News Network'''
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''
'''Editors: Triogenix'''
''“The truth you speak doth lack some gentleness''<br>
''And time to speak it in.”''<br>
-The Tempest, Act II Scene I
The Ouerean summit gains attention from across the stars - and not all are happy to see Hephaestus take such a role.
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Senator Le Hanh Trang has issued a public statement with regards to recent talks between the Nralakk Federation and the Unathi-ruled Izweski Hegemony, condemning the invitation of Hephaestus Industries. In a live statement from Unity Station today, the senator stated that ''“It is a dark day for the Spur when a megacorporation sits at a table with two nations, and negotiates as an equal. We in the Alliance know too well the damage that these corporations can cause - the actions of NanoTrasen have been devastating to the Alliance and its people, and Hephaestus themselves have exploited my homeworld and its people for generations. While this is not unexpected of the Unathi - a species new to the interstellar stage, who do not understand the danger that unchecked corporate power poses - I would expect more wisdom from our long-time allies in the Nralakk Federation than to allow such a predatory force to influence their affairs. I hope that both sides of these Ouerean negotiations realize the foolishness of their actions, and reconsider inviting Hephaestus to their discussion.”''
Senator Trang has often made such statements against the megacorporations of the Spur, having been a leading figure in the implementation of the Solarian Corporate Authority and the nationalization of corporate assets across the Alliance. SANN reporters reached out to the Nralakk Federation consulate on Unity Station, and received an official response informing us: ''“The Nralakk Federation is well aware of all risks involved in these negotiations, but we do not make our decisions based on fear. Rest assured that our representatives shall act with the wisdom that we pride ourselves on, and that we extend our hopes that ill-founded fear is not allowed to jeopardize the friendship between our two great nations.”''
SANN has also reached out to staff at the Alliance embassy on Moghes for comment, but we have only received a fax informing us that the Alliance has yet to take an official stance on the matter. Time will tell whether or not Senator Trang’s words will reach our allies in the Federation, however - or whether Hephaestus will keep its seat at the negotiating table.
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=Agreement Reached on Ouerea!=
'''News Article'''
'''Publisher: Sinta Articles'''
'''Writer: RustingWithYou'''
'''Editors: Triogenix'''
''“And as the morning steals upon the night,''<br>
''Melting the darkness, so their rising senses''<br>
''Begin to chase the ignorant fumes that mantle''<br>
''Their clearer reason.”''<br>
-The Tempest, Act V Scene I
Old grudges are settled, and new accords are struck.
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The High Speaker has announced that the talks with the Nralakk Federation, which have been ongoing for nearly a month, have reached an end, with both parties finally reaching an agreement. She was photographed with the Skrell representative, Ormish Jrolk, proudly announcing the signing of the newly-named Nralakk-Izweski Mutual Prosperity Agreement.
The agreement is a lengthy one, but our correspondents have gathered the main points that are most likely to impact our readers, and what they may mean for the future of our own nation and our newfound friends in the Nralakk Federation. The agreement entails the following:
* The Nralakk Federation will formally acknowledge its unlawful occupation of Ouerea - while both parties recognise the difficulties the Contact War posed to colonial administration, the Federation will formally acknowledge that control should have been returned immediately following the end of the war on Moghes, and that Hegemon S’kresti should not have had to resort to military action to see our colony returned to us. The Federation has declined to comment on the Sol Alliance’s role in the Ouerean affair, stating that it lies outside the purview of the summit.
* As a form of reparation for their interference in Sinta affairs, the Federation will offer the assistance of its scientists in combating the spreading of the Wasteland, as well as assisting in medical treatment of those harmed by radiation.
* The Hegemon has made a formal trade agreement with the Federation, and is set to begin exporting raw materials to Skrell space soon via Hephaestus Industries. Guildmaster T’zakal has strongly endorsed this announcement, welcoming the opportunity to expand further into alien markets.
* The Hegemony will permit the ships of the Federation’s ‘Qukala’ (their primary military force) to dock at any Izweski colony, station or port. This will allow our new trade partners to assist the Izweski Navy in ensuring that cargo vessels are capable of safely traveling through the Badlands and Sparring Sea without threat of piracy.
While some still remain skeptical of the Nralakk-Izweski Mutual Prosperity Agreement, the mood across the Hegemony overall is one of celebration, as the Federation’s commitment to the restoration efforts on Moghes has been declared.
An initial group of Federation scientists and healers is set to arrive within the month, to begin working to both treat radiation-related disorders among the population and to work with the brightest minds of the Hegemony in accelerating environmental restoration efforts on Moghes. High Speaker Sarnac made a public address from Skalamar, having seen the Skrell delegation safely depart from the system, bound to return to Federation space. From the Izweski keep, the High Speaker addressed the assembled press, stating:
''“It has been a long and arduous negotiation - but both the Hegemon and myself are pleased at this outcome. The rabble-rousing of some who believe the Skrell hold some sort of nefarious agenda can be safely dismissed - and on behalf of myself and Hegemon Not’zar, I wish to welcome the aid of our new allies in the Nralakk Federation in the restoration of our world. May the Great Spirit bless this new agreement, and the wisdom of our Hegemon in seeking such a powerful ally.”''
The Nralakk Federation has also made plans for the reopening of the embassy in Skalamar, having made an agreement with Hephaestus Industries to begin construction on new premises immediately. Though an ambassador has yet to be appointed, Grand Advisor Jrolk did make a brief statement to Sinta Articles earlier today, stating on behalf of the Nralakk Federation their satisfaction with the agreement reached - and that they look forward to the age of future cooperation between our two nations that this agreement heralds.
We at Sinta Articles strongly congratulate the Hegemon for this alliance, as well as the offer of assistance from our new friends in the Federation. As always, we will keep our readers updated as the situation develops further.
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=Chapter I: Strange Bedfellows=
'''Server Event'''
'''Host: RustingWithYou'''
Via Hephaestus, the SCC is invited to participate in the humanitarian program. Fresh from their recent successes on Konyang, the SCCV Horizon is deployed to the Uueoa-Esa system.
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The Horizon crew was invited to the Grand Ouerean Hotel in New Skalamar, while humanitarian program representatives inspected the vessel. While the crew enjoyed the hotel's many amenities, command met with representatives of the Hegemony, the Federation, the K'lax Hive, and Hephaestus Industries, who briefed them on the significance of their mission. The Horizon was informed that their first major mission would be to assist the town of Kazseres, located in the southern Tza Prairie.

Latest revision as of 03:48, 3 June 2024

New Blades, Old Wounds
This is the overview and timeline page for the New Blades, Old Wounds Arc which began on April 20, 2024 and pertains largely to Unathi and Skrell lore.
It is centered around the relationship between the Izweski Hegemony and the Nralakk Federation, and their joint humanitarian efforts on the planet Moghes.
Below is a summary of the arc's applicable news articles, and additions.

Hegemon Announces Talks With Skrell!

News Article

Publisher: Sinta Articles

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix


"Awake, dear heart, awake."
-The Tempest, Act I Scene II

Hegemon Not'zar reaches out to the Nralakk Federation, hoping that recent upheavals will allow old grudges to be laid to rest.

In a surprising announcement from Skalamar today, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski announced that he intends to hold a diplomatic summit with the Nralakk Federation, which will be led by High Speaker Seleta Sarnac. The office of the High Speaker followed up on this, stating that Hegemon Not’zar understands that there is a long and often-troubled history between Sinta and Skrell, and he hopes that the two nations can enter into a more prosperous relationship in future.

The talks are set to take place on Ouerea, in several weeks’ time. Many have speculated as to the Hegemon’s choice to invite the Skrell delegation to Ouerea rather than Moghes - while some believe it is simply due to the planet’s large Skrell population, others believe that the Hegemon intends to call the Skrell to account for the planet’s occupation during the Contact War.

The Skrell delegation’s agenda, as well as who their representative will be, remains to be seen. The office of the High Speaker confirmed to us this morning, however, that the Nralakk Federation has accepted the Hegemon’s invitation. Their envoys will likely be en route to Uueoa-Esa already, and many wait apprehensively to see what the Federation hopes to get from these talks.

Some among the nobility have been outspoken against the Hegemon’s decision, however - with many protesting the inviting of Skrell to Izweski space, blaming them for everything from the Ouerean Rebellion to the Contact War itself. Perhaps the most outspoken of these was Lord Juyzi Izaku of Mudki, who invited representatives of Sinta Articles to a press conference in the city to issue his statement.

Lord Izaku was certainly passionate on the matter, claiming that "The Skrell, they get inside a man’s thoughts, to twist his mind and strip his honor! You see them, small and weak as they are, and you think they are harmless, but they can manipulate your very spirit - look at the slaughter on Ouerea, barely more than five years ago! It was driven by them, twisting innocent Sinta to anarchy and murder, and now the Hegemon wishes to treat with them? He must be careful, lest he find himself dancing on their vile and twisted strings.”

While the Lord of Mudki is certainly the most outspoken, he is not the only one of the nobility to object to these talks. Several among the nobility have petitioned the Hegemon to turn away from this plan, citing the occupation of Ouerea and subsequent rebellion as proof that the Skrell cannot be trusted to negotiate in good faith.

We at Sinta Articles hope for a resolution that is beneficial to the Hegemony and its people. As always, we shall keep our readers updated on these talks as they develop.

Ormish Jrolk Departs For Alien Stars

News Article

Publisher: Warble Enquirer

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix, Brotendo


“Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.”
-The Tempest, Act II Scene II

The Federation's representative departs for Ouerea.

Grand Advisor of Economic Development Ormish Jrolk has announced their temporary departure from Federation space today - leading a delegation to the planet Ouerea, a warm and hospitable world currently under the rule of the Izweski Hegemony. The ruler of the Hegemony, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski, extended formal invitations to the Nralakk Federation to send a delegation to Ouerea, in the hopes of laying to rest past hostilities between Unathi and Skrell.

The Unathi, for those of our readers who are not aware, rapidly descended into global nuclear warfare following first contact with the Federation and the Solarian Alliance - during which a delegation of Federation diplomats was sent in the hopes of brokering peace between the two warring sides, and preventing needless loss of life. These delegates were murdered, their shuttle shot down by the group known as the ‘Traditionalist Coalition’ (Unrelated to the Homeworld Traditionalist Coalition party), a radical collection of Unathi micro-states opposed to further dealings with the Federation and humanity.

Since that day, the Federation has had little contact with the Unathi - though for several decades, Federation officials administrated the colony on Ouerea, due to the Hegemon’s inability to do so during wartime. Following the end of what the Unathi have come to call the ‘Contact War’, the Federation graciously returned control of Ouerea to the Unathi, though a substantial Skrell population remains on the planet.

Reportedly, the delegation was approved with an overwhelming majority by the Grand Council, with only the Homeworld Traditionalist Coalition voting against. Coalition leader Overseer Nalo Gir-Roq referred to the delegation as “a mistake” during an address to the Council, claiming that for the Federation to involve ourselves further in the affairs of the Spur at large only serves to weaken our position on the interstellar stage. The Coalition was thoroughly outvoted, however, with all other parties standing in favor of the Ouerean talks. Grand Advisor Jrolk and the Federalist League cited the dangers of pirate and Marauder activity on the Federation’s southern border, claiming that forming stronger ties to the nations of the Sparring Sea is a proactive measure to ensure our national security against such threats in future - while voices from the Free Skrell Union cited establishing further connections to Hephaestus Industries as a key reason for building diplomatic ties to the Hegemony.

The talks are scheduled to begin in several weeks' time. Questions of whether these talks will lead to future involvement in Unathi affairs, or further connection with alien nations, remain unanswered for now - though the Federation watches eagerly to see what will come of the Ouerean summit.

Nralakk Delegation Arrives, Talks Begin

News Article

Publisher: Sinta Articles

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix


“Yet, with my nobler reason 'gainst my fury
Do I take part; the rarer action is
In virtue than in vengeance.”
-The Tempest, Act V Scene I

The talks on Ouerea begin, and speculation abounds on what each side hopes to gain.

The delegation from the distant Nralakk Federation has arrived, entering the Uueoa-Esa system early this morning before landing on Ouerea properly. Led by Ormish Jrolk, their ‘Grand Advisor of Economic Development’ - a role similar to a Master of Rivers - the delegation was promptly shown to a hotel in New Skalamar’s Founding District, where the talks are set to take place.

High Speaker Sarnac was present to welcome the delegation, along with her entourage. To the clamoring of spectators Unathi, Skrell and human alike, they entered the hotel, where the talks have begun in earnest. Though it is very early in the process, our correspondent on the scene was able to glean some insight as to the agendas from both sides.

It appears that the Hegemon, via the High Speaker, has demanded reparations from Nralakk for the occupation of Ouerea, claiming that they had no right to meddle in that world’s affairs and that it was shameful that his father was forced to resort to drastic measures to reclaim what is rightfully an Izweski colony. The Skrell have not taken this well, with their delegation claiming that the Federation was the only reason Ouerea survived the Contact War at all, and that Hegemon S’kresti’s actions were an act of rash bravado, where he could have instead negotiated with the Federation to ensure a peaceful transfer of power. The Skrell delegation also mentioned a shuttle of their diplomats destroyed by Traditionalists during the Contact War, claiming that as the ruler of all Moghes, Hegemon Not’zar bears an obligation to make amends.

So far, neither side seems to be bending on their demands - though the diplomatic process can be a lengthy one, and negotiations have only just begun. Rumors abound on the streets of Ouerea, however, with many claiming that Guildmaster T’zakal of Hephaestus Industries may be invited to the talks. As yet, Hephaestus Industries has not made any statement on the matter, and these rumors may have little merit to them.

As always, we at Sinta Articles will keep our readers updated on these talks as they progress, and we express our deepest hope for a mutually beneficial resolution.

Talks Continue On Ouerea; Hephaestus, K’lax Invited

News Article

Publisher: Sinta Articles

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix, Desven


“The hour's now come;
The very minute bids thee ope thine ear.”
-The Tempest, Act I Scene II

The talks continue, and new faces are seen at the table

The diplomatic talks on Ouerea seem to be making swift progress - while we do not have any further information on how both parties’ agenda is shifting, word from the inside is that attitudes have begun to soften, and that both sides are moving closer to an agreement. What that agreement is, and what it will entail for the Hegemony at large, remains to be seen.

Hephaestus Industries has also announced that they will be attending the talks at the Hegemon’s request, with Guildmaster T’zakal issuing a statement that due to the guild’s strong ties to every part of the Hegemonic economy since their recent reorganization of the major Hegemonic guilds, the outcome of these talks is of deep importance to Hephaestus.

Guildmaster T’zakal arrived on Ouerea yesterday morning, and spent the day touring the recently-completed Aquacultural Center One - before arriving by shuttle in New Skalamar last night, and traveling straight to the site of the talks. What role Hephaestus may play in this negotiation is as of now unknown.

The K’lax Hive have also announced that they will be in attendance at the talks. As one of the largest and most influential vassals of the Hegemon, the Vaurcae of Tret are instrumentally positioned within our nation’s economy, with one of the Hive’s representatives stating that “Since our arrival, the K’lax and the Sinta’Unathi have held a shared destiny - and if the Nralakk Federation is to be involved in that destiny, we will be included in the discussions.”

The K’lax delegation at the talks is reportedly being directed by the Queen Vedhra, with representatives of her brood having arrived on Ouerea this afternoon. Sinta Articles reporters attempted to get in contact with the K’laxian delegation in order to elaborate on why the High Queen elected not to send a representative from her own brood, but were unable to clarify. Our correspondents contacted Lady Ta’Akaix’Maz'roth'isek K’lax, the leader of the K’laxian delegation, who stated “The High Queen trusts in her servants’ ability in a matter that will affect the Hive in its entirety. Though I serve the Queen Vedhra, my role at this summit is to stand for all the K’lax.”

With the talks soon to enter their second week, we eagerly await further information. As always, we will keep our readers updated as the situation develops.

Senator Trang Condemns Hephaestus Role in Nralakk Summit

News Article

Publisher: Sol Alliance News Network

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix


“The truth you speak doth lack some gentleness
And time to speak it in.”
-The Tempest, Act II Scene I

The Ouerean summit gains attention from across the stars - and not all are happy to see Hephaestus take such a role.

Senator Le Hanh Trang has issued a public statement with regards to recent talks between the Nralakk Federation and the Unathi-ruled Izweski Hegemony, condemning the invitation of Hephaestus Industries. In a live statement from Unity Station today, the senator stated that “It is a dark day for the Spur when a megacorporation sits at a table with two nations, and negotiates as an equal. We in the Alliance know too well the damage that these corporations can cause - the actions of NanoTrasen have been devastating to the Alliance and its people, and Hephaestus themselves have exploited my homeworld and its people for generations. While this is not unexpected of the Unathi - a species new to the interstellar stage, who do not understand the danger that unchecked corporate power poses - I would expect more wisdom from our long-time allies in the Nralakk Federation than to allow such a predatory force to influence their affairs. I hope that both sides of these Ouerean negotiations realize the foolishness of their actions, and reconsider inviting Hephaestus to their discussion.”

Senator Trang has often made such statements against the megacorporations of the Spur, having been a leading figure in the implementation of the Solarian Corporate Authority and the nationalization of corporate assets across the Alliance. SANN reporters reached out to the Nralakk Federation consulate on Unity Station, and received an official response informing us: “The Nralakk Federation is well aware of all risks involved in these negotiations, but we do not make our decisions based on fear. Rest assured that our representatives shall act with the wisdom that we pride ourselves on, and that we extend our hopes that ill-founded fear is not allowed to jeopardize the friendship between our two great nations.”

SANN has also reached out to staff at the Alliance embassy on Moghes for comment, but we have only received a fax informing us that the Alliance has yet to take an official stance on the matter. Time will tell whether or not Senator Trang’s words will reach our allies in the Federation, however - or whether Hephaestus will keep its seat at the negotiating table.

Agreement Reached on Ouerea!

News Article

Publisher: Sinta Articles

Writer: RustingWithYou

Editors: Triogenix


“And as the morning steals upon the night,
Melting the darkness, so their rising senses
Begin to chase the ignorant fumes that mantle
Their clearer reason.”
-The Tempest, Act V Scene I

Old grudges are settled, and new accords are struck.

The High Speaker has announced that the talks with the Nralakk Federation, which have been ongoing for nearly a month, have reached an end, with both parties finally reaching an agreement. She was photographed with the Skrell representative, Ormish Jrolk, proudly announcing the signing of the newly-named Nralakk-Izweski Mutual Prosperity Agreement.

The agreement is a lengthy one, but our correspondents have gathered the main points that are most likely to impact our readers, and what they may mean for the future of our own nation and our newfound friends in the Nralakk Federation. The agreement entails the following:

  • The Nralakk Federation will formally acknowledge its unlawful occupation of Ouerea - while both parties recognise the difficulties the Contact War posed to colonial administration, the Federation will formally acknowledge that control should have been returned immediately following the end of the war on Moghes, and that Hegemon S’kresti should not have had to resort to military action to see our colony returned to us. The Federation has declined to comment on the Sol Alliance’s role in the Ouerean affair, stating that it lies outside the purview of the summit.
  • As a form of reparation for their interference in Sinta affairs, the Federation will offer the assistance of its scientists in combating the spreading of the Wasteland, as well as assisting in medical treatment of those harmed by radiation.
  • The Hegemon has made a formal trade agreement with the Federation, and is set to begin exporting raw materials to Skrell space soon via Hephaestus Industries. Guildmaster T’zakal has strongly endorsed this announcement, welcoming the opportunity to expand further into alien markets.
  • The Hegemony will permit the ships of the Federation’s ‘Qukala’ (their primary military force) to dock at any Izweski colony, station or port. This will allow our new trade partners to assist the Izweski Navy in ensuring that cargo vessels are capable of safely traveling through the Badlands and Sparring Sea without threat of piracy.

While some still remain skeptical of the Nralakk-Izweski Mutual Prosperity Agreement, the mood across the Hegemony overall is one of celebration, as the Federation’s commitment to the restoration efforts on Moghes has been declared.

An initial group of Federation scientists and healers is set to arrive within the month, to begin working to both treat radiation-related disorders among the population and to work with the brightest minds of the Hegemony in accelerating environmental restoration efforts on Moghes. High Speaker Sarnac made a public address from Skalamar, having seen the Skrell delegation safely depart from the system, bound to return to Federation space. From the Izweski keep, the High Speaker addressed the assembled press, stating:

“It has been a long and arduous negotiation - but both the Hegemon and myself are pleased at this outcome. The rabble-rousing of some who believe the Skrell hold some sort of nefarious agenda can be safely dismissed - and on behalf of myself and Hegemon Not’zar, I wish to welcome the aid of our new allies in the Nralakk Federation in the restoration of our world. May the Great Spirit bless this new agreement, and the wisdom of our Hegemon in seeking such a powerful ally.”

The Nralakk Federation has also made plans for the reopening of the embassy in Skalamar, having made an agreement with Hephaestus Industries to begin construction on new premises immediately. Though an ambassador has yet to be appointed, Grand Advisor Jrolk did make a brief statement to Sinta Articles earlier today, stating on behalf of the Nralakk Federation their satisfaction with the agreement reached - and that they look forward to the age of future cooperation between our two nations that this agreement heralds.

We at Sinta Articles strongly congratulate the Hegemon for this alliance, as well as the offer of assistance from our new friends in the Federation. As always, we will keep our readers updated as the situation develops further.

Chapter I: Strange Bedfellows

Server Event

Host: RustingWithYou


Via Hephaestus, the SCC is invited to participate in the humanitarian program. Fresh from their recent successes on Konyang, the SCCV Horizon is deployed to the Uueoa-Esa system.

The Horizon crew was invited to the Grand Ouerean Hotel in New Skalamar, while humanitarian program representatives inspected the vessel. While the crew enjoyed the hotel's many amenities, command met with representatives of the Hegemony, the Federation, the K'lax Hive, and Hephaestus Industries, who briefed them on the significance of their mission. The Horizon was informed that their first major mission would be to assist the town of Kazseres, located in the southern Tza Prairie.