Court of Queens Arc
This is the overview and timeline page for Court of Queens arc, which began on 28/09/2021 and pertains largely to Vaurca Lore.
The arc is focused around the new establishment of the Court of Queens in New Sedantis and the introduction of the Bulwark caste.
Below is a summary of the arc's events, applicable news articles and additions.
Titan Prime Docks in CapriceNews Article Publisher : ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer : Desven Editors : Roostercat12, Caelphon 28/09/2463 Titan Prime, the Hiveship of the Zo’ra, moves from its stale position after almost a decade. As a result of great efforts, the Vaurcesian Hiveship Titan Prime, which houses a variety of Vaurcae from the Zo’ra Hive and Dionae, has moved from its idle state to a newly constructed port in Caprice. The blooming colony has now established itself as one of the biggest settlements of Vaurcae in Tau Ceti space. The fate of the Titan Prime has been the subject of numerous rumours since the Vaurca race arrived on the Orion Spur almost seven years ago. The majority of Vaurcae were evacuated soon after they settled, although there are still a large number on board. There have been fears, however, about the consequences of a fully repaired Hiveship. The topic ranges from ideological to economic concerns. “We simply do not have the resources to commit to such a project,” said Melissa Stevens, speaker of Biesel’s Projects and Infrastructure Agency. “Vaurcae have begun their integration to our society, and are valuable contributors to our economy. There are little benefits, for both sides, to make sure their spacecraft is fully operational again.” Both Zo’ra and Dionae engineers, however, remain optimistic about the possible future of the Hiveship, now that it has settled and has a dedicated team looking after it. “It is not so much about launching it into the stars again, but about saving this marvelous piece of engineering,” replied Ka’Akaix’Riil Zo’ra after being asked about the subject. “Simply put, Klo’xryek [Titan Prime] has managed to amaze all sentients in the Spur, and continues to do so today.” The Dorn Administration has declined to comment on this matter. Inauguration of New Sedantis, TCFL Parade in Caprician SkyNews Article Publisher : ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer : Desven Editors : Roostercat12, Caelphon 29/09/2463 The new capital of the Zo’ra is inaugurated. With jet airplanes and marching Legionnaires, the inauguration of Caprice’s capital, New Sedantis, has concluded. In addition to live music, the event also included an address by President Joseph Dorn, who assisted alongside Nanotrasen representatives. “Both our peoples have been in cooperation since the beginning. Despite the turbulent years and isolated incidents, I am happy to say that Zo’ra and Biesel are friends.” Ta’Akaix’Vaur’skiyet’sca Zo’ra addressed both her people and the general public too. “The Republic of Biesel has been nothing but grateful to us, and has allowed for our stay. In our millenia long pilgrimage, we never had dared to name any of our multiple settlements New Sedantis. The search for a suitable place, however, has stopped. I am honored to welcome all of you to this new city, which has been only made possible because of hard effort and a strong alliance.” Amanda Blanchet first came into contact with the Zo’ra Hive while performing at a charity concert in late 2460 as part of an effort to aid in the k’ois famine. Queen Vaur congratulated her, the IAC and other organizations known to have helped Vaurcae in the past. The special guests then received a tour around the underground city, which included a visit to the new court chambers. The architectural style has been said to be “simply fascinating”, as mouthed by one of the Biesel representatives. Inauguration has not, however, been well received by everyone. Demonstrators blocked Republic's Landing streets in Mendell. Many, shouting anti-Dorn messages, claim that the President has ‘bent the knee’ to Zo’ra. Others, however, still wary of the Lii’dra invasion and k’ois outbreaks, simply fear that Vaurcae are still yet to properly integrate into our society. Vaurca Hives Unveil New FlagsNews Article Publisher : ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer : Roostercat12 Editor : Desven 02/10/2463 The three major Vaurca Hives present flags of their own. Following the Inauguration of New Sedantis on the Volcanic planet Caprice, the major Vaurca Hives of the Orion Spur have felt new motivation to further solidify themselves as independent entities. This newfound inspiration has pressured the Hives of the Zo’ra, K’lax, and C’thur into creating their own Flags to wave, to represent them as a whole on the Galactic stage. Whether or not all three revealing their new standards simultaneously is a coincidence or a planned maneuver is a matter of debate. The Zo’rane flag is believed to have been created by Lesser Queen Ta’Akaix’Athvur’zezkt’azi Zo’ra, and it symbolizes the hive’s current position in the Republic of Biesel, whilst still representing the Hive’s own nature. President Dorn has shown support of this new Flag, stating that it is “An important step in furthering the relationship with the Zo’ra.”
The K’laxane flag is derivative of that of the Izweski Hegemony, showing their status as a Vassal of the nation. Lesser Queen Ta’Akaix’Vedhra’rept’ylanze K’lax has told us, multiple times, that she is the creator of the flag as it is now.
Finally, the C’thuric flag symbolizes the C’thur hive’s independence, and their allegiance to the Nralakk Federation that has given them refuge in the Orion Spur since they arrived years ago. It is believed that this flag was made jointly between Nralakk Federation officials and Lesser Queen Ta’Akaix’Vytel’hyr’tkud C’thur’s brood.
New Sedantis Prepares for Diplomatic SummitNews Article Publisher : ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer : Desven Editors : Roostercat12, Caelphon 05/10/2463 The Court of Queens in Caprice is announced. With the Zo'rane Queens properly settled in Caprice, the Hive has prepared to host a Council in their new capital, referring to it as the "Court of Queens". Although details are still to be determined, both the K'lax and C'thur Hives have already received formal invitations. However, the Republic of Biesel is unsure whether or not it can host an event of this scale. "We receive a lot of traffic all the time, yes, but there’s something different about this," said Michael Wikita, a worker of Biesel's Department of Transport, who also oversees the Bluespace Gates. "We do not know these individuals, and in how many numbers they come. We can’t be expected to treat this as any other situation." Miles Jameson, former secretary of the Vaurca Integration Department, who now serves under the State Department, is unconcerned. "The Vaurcae people have the right to freely assemble just like anybody else. We have been aware of this 'Court of Queens' for some time now, and the free-access to Hivenet communications is also a sign of the Zo'ra Hive's transparency and why we trust them. They've been discommunicated for so long from each other, I think that whatever is discussed there in their court chambers will be mostly in benefit for all Vaurcae people and the species that have aided them." As of now, three Lesser Queens have opted out of coming to this new council. Lesser Queen Ta'Akaix'Xetl'jyatk'yatu C'thur, who claims to have more important things to do, Lesser Queen Ta'Akaix'Vetju'tenx'sil K'lax, who is currently busy with a project on Tret, and Lesser Queen Ta'Akaix'Scay'exiith'aur Zo'ra, who did not give a reason. No Zo'ra representatives have yet commented on the topic. Civil Unrest in Flagsdale Ends in Multiple ArrestsNews Article Publisher : ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer : Desven Editors : Roostercat12, Caelphon 08/10/2463 Following the announcement of the Court of Queens, a fight occurs in Flagsdale. While recent news concerning the Zo’ra Hive has been generally positive, some Vaurca individuals appear upset with the latest development regarding their species. A fight in a Flagsdale bar escalated into a full-scale riot after a Vaurca immigrant from the K’lax Hive openly criticised the diplomatic efforts started by New Sedantis earlier this week, specifically regarding the invitation extended to the C’thur Hive. Mendell City Police, however, did not intervene until a band of K’lax ‘warriors’ fired shots on the streets, and one of them, reportedly, claimed to have a bomb, though this claim never amounted to anything significant. Although police have not revealed the identity of the K’laxan or commented on the matter, we are told that they have made several threats to Caprice via the Hivenet. It is expected that the individual will be tried for criminal charges. The K’lax Hive has requested the individual to be returned to them, claiming they’re ‘defective’ and will be punished by their own means. The Republic of Biesel has refused, stating they are going to follow their own Court system regardless of species or political body involved. As reported hours earlier, the brood of High Queen Ta’Akaix’Zkaii’xay’yil K’lax had confirmed their participation in the New Sedantis Council. It is unknown as of now what measures will be taken to deal with K'lax participation, and whether this sentiment is shared by more than just those involved in the rioting. Ultimately, Mendell City Police performed forty-three arrests in a few hours after the chaos. No casualties have been reported. New Type of Vaurca Reported Abroad the NSS Aurora!News Article Publisher : ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer : Roostercat12 Editor : Desven 11/10/2463 Following the event, the Bulwark appears on station. Earlier today, a Diplomatic Envoy docked with the NSS Aurora in Tau Ceti Space for Phoron supplies for the rest of the convoy. Shortly after their arrival, the NDV Icarus detected unknown lifeforms aboard the very same vessel that docked for supplies. After the crew investigated, it was revealed that a new form of Vaurca has been identified. The details of this new bodyform are vague, but sources claim it is incredibly strong, and much larger than the average Vaurca. It is also allegedly coming to work in positions around the Galaxy sometime soon. How long this project has been in development for is still unknown, as is what caused it to be started in the first place, as the situation is still developing at the time of this articles publishment. It is likely that new details will emerge soon in the form of the Court of Queens, who are scheduled to have their first session early tomorrow afternoon, likely related to this new sub-species. The Orion Spur Oracle fully intends to cover the event until its completion, and is still gathering information at this time, so stay tuned! More ‘Bulwarks’ Appear, Nanotrasen and Zo’ra Strike a New DealNews Article Publisher : ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer : Desven Editor : Roostercat12, Caelphon 13/10/2463 The new Bulwarks are hired by megacorporations. After the spotting of a ‘Bulwark’, as it is now colloquially known by the media, today the Zo’ra Hive has made public some more information regarding this caste. A panel of Vaurcesian scientists was led by the public speaker Ta’Akaix’Vy’losk Zo’ra, known for her promotion of Vaurcesian biology research performed by humans and Skrell alike on behalf of the Xavier Trasen Medical School and the brood of Ta’Akaix’Scay’exiith’aur Zo’ra, said the following: “This newest member of our species has been the result of millenia of research that has only been finally made possible because of the aid of human technology. After countless hours of research, they are ready to be unveiled and some specimens have been sent to the Xavier Trasen Medical School for further examination.” The showcase also demonstrated the incredible feats of the Bulwark, such as their heavy lifting, and even included a Q&A with an Unbound. Interviewer: What is it like to join us today? Ra’Akaix’Zol Zo’ra: I am very happy to be here, and to be part of to prove myself as the best of my Hive. [...] Interviewer: Do you have any hobbies? Ra’Akaix’Zol Zo’ra: I have begun a stamp collection. It’s still very small and local, but I already have my eyes on some from the Coalition I plan to purchase as soon as I enter the workforce. Interviewer: Are you afraid humans might be reluctant to interact with you? Ra’Akaix’Zol Zo’ra: I think everybody is scared of new things at first. My size might frighten some, but I can prove myself to be quite friendly when approached. Interviewer: Would you consider your caste violent? Ra’Akaix’Zol Zo’ra: We were designed with a unique approach to fulfill our needs. Violence is not that. But, unlike my brethren Workers, we are ready and willing to defend ourselves from any threat. Like Ra’Akaix’Zol Zo’ra, more Bound and Unbound Bulwarks will soon become new hires by Nanotrasen. In her same speech, Ta’Akaix’Vy’losk Zo’ra announced that some test locations, namely the NSS Aurora, NSS Upsilon and the Cargo decks of the NTCC Odin have been selected as the first candidates for their introduction. Nralakk Federation scientists have opposed these measures. Following the Zo’rane panel, Volxrim Zeuquui, known in Skrellian space for collaborating with C’thur scientists in the system of Glorashi, posted on their Chirper account: Volxrim Zeuquui @volzeuq64 [Repost from Viv-ID] This is an insult to all our team, which has been working closely with the Mouv brood. Qxri’iiq [Bulwarks in Nral’Malic] are a mixture of C’thuric and Skrellian research. While no official statement has been made from the C’thur Hive, the shuttles which carried their delegates for the political summit at Caprice, known as ‘The Court of Queens’, seem to remain in Tau Ceti space. C’thur Hive Claims Theft of Genetic CodeNews Article Publisher : ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer : Roostercat12 Editor : Desven 14/10/2463 C’thur says that the Bulwark was created by them, and that the Zo’ra stole it. Following the reveal of the new “Bulwark” bodyform during the Court of Queens session in the City of New Sedantis on Caprice, accusations of theft against the Zo’ra Hive have been made by the Lesser Queen Ta'Akaix'Mouv'lek'tanta C'thur and Lesser Queen Ta'Akaix'Vytel'hyr'tkud C'thur, citing that the Bulwark was a joint project between the Nralakk Federation and C’thuric scientists. Ta'Akaix'Vytel'hyr'tkud C'thur, also known as simply Vytel, or ‘The Just Queen’, claims that the only possible way the Zo’ra could have feasibly obtained the genetic code for the Bulwark caste is by ‘subterfuge and thievery’. Vytel herself has since called upon the Republic of Biesel to hold the Zo’rane hive accountable for the theft, and to disallow them the use of the Bulwark caste. Ta'Akaix'Mouv'lek'tanta C'thur, or “The Recondite Queen”, who’s brood was vital to the production of the new bodyform stated that this espionage had to have been conducted some time in the past as well, as it takes time for a Bulwark to reach its Adult stage, of which the Zo’ra had quite a few of around the time they were unveiled. Thus far, there has been no comment from representatives of the Nralakk Federation, who have not sent word on possible legal counsel help for the Hive. Interestingly, Einstein Engines representatives based in Pheonixport have recently made comments regarding the issue, stating the deal between NanoTrasen and the Zo’ra hive to be a blatant exploitation of the hard work of their partners in Mouv’s brood and of the Nralakk Federation’s scientists. In another statement, Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals representatives expressed disappointment at the C’thur Hive’s poor ability to maintain the project’s secrecy, having also funded some of the research behind it. However, it seems they have no intentions to pursue legal action at this time. Dorn: ‘The Bulwark is Zo’rane’News Article Publisher : ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer : Desven Editor : Roostercat12, Caelphon 17/10/2463 The Republic of Biesel takes a stance on the Bulwark matter. After allegations of thievery by the C’thur Hive, the rumors of a lawsuit have concluded as Einstein Engines lawyers have picked up the case in Phoenixport. However, President Joseph Dorn doesn’t believe it will get as far as the megacorporation claims. In this afternoon’s press release, when asked about the subject, Dorn responded: “What the Zo’ra Hive has achieved and continues to achieve for our Republic’s economy is too great to be ignored. The Bulwark is Zo’rane by virtue of their scientific pursuits and the fulfilment of those jobs in the Upsilon and the Odin have been thus far well received.” Although Dorn declined to give a straightforward answer regarding the legality of the subject, the Oracle interviewed Mariah Nowak, an expert in biomedical law. “If Necropolis vs. Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals taught us anything, back when the then Necropolis Industries ran into a similar issue in regards to a new genetical therapy at the heart of the Sol Alliance, is that Dorn might be right,” said Nowak. “Our Constitution is still, for the most part, particularly Solarian in terms of genetic intellectual property, and just as Zeng-Hu back then, Zo’ra will likely run no trouble. Now, what is to say is that these are a new species, and while the law is definitely not above them, the idea of intellectual property might still be alien to them. As far as I know, there was no registry for the so-called ‘Bulwark’ in Nralakk Courts, which also proves a shortcoming from their Skrellian caretakers.” Despite this, the legal team of Einstein Engines remains optimistic. As a single chirp by Mateo Mendez, one of the lawyers in the case, said: “We will win.” The Nralakk Federation has given no statements regarding this issue, and has declined any requests for one. K’lax Sides With the Zo’raNews Article Publisher : ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer : Roostercat12 Editor : Desven 22/10/2463 An uneasy truce forms between two Hives against C’thur claims. In a surprising turn of events, this morning High Queen Ta’Zkaii'xay'yil K’lax presented her hive’s support of the Zo’ra in relation to their use of the new ‘Bulwark’ bodyform, recently claimed to have been stolen from the C’thur hive in an act of espionage. “One cannot simply lock an entire new species behind vague laws, keeping their usefulness out of reach for the rest of society. Especially if said laws themselves have not been broken.”, quoted from the High Queen herself during another session of the newly arranged ‘Court of Queens’ on Caprice, shows the K’laxane view on the matter. Ta’Akaix’Vytel’hyr’tkud C’thur has expressed outrage at the comment, exclaiming that theft is still theft, regardless of what the stolen item is, in this case genetic code. The Lesser Queen still calls for legal action to be brought against the Zo’rane Hive, and is now starting to direct the same sentiment towards the K’lax, as multiple K’laxane Bulwarks have now been sighted. On a related note, there has been a rise in tension within Mendell City’s ninth district, ‘Flagsdale’, where there have been multiple reports of standoffs between Vaurca of varying allegiances. So far, only a few have escalated to violence, with none resulting in extensive injury. C’thur Loses Lawsuit Against the Zo’ra!News Article Publisher : ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer : Roostercat12 Editor : Desven 24/10/2463 The lawsuit leads to nowhere, to C’thur’s discontent. After the events of the past few weeks, the lawsuit against the Zo’ra Hive by the C’thur has been concluded, with the resolution that the Zo’ra and, by extension, the K’lax will be permitted to use and produce the Bulwark caste at their whim. Einstein Engines representatives have stated the decision was unjust, and biased in favor of the Zo’ra due to their services to the Republic of Biesel. While no official statement regarding this claim has been made, NanoTrasen authorities state the rumor to be a baseless accusation made as an attempt to lash out after their ‘failure’. Ta'Akaix'Vytel'hyr'tkud C'thur, “The Just Queen”, has denounced the decision, and has proclaimed any Bulwark of any hive outside of the C’thur are “Naught but the product of villainy and unjust action.”, and other statements deploring their existence. At this time, there is no indication the Lesser Queen intends to act on her beliefs regarding the matter. Ta'Akaix'Mouv'lek'tanta C'thur, “The Recondite Queen” , has expressed immense disappointment in the Republic of Biesel’s Court system, but has agreed to respect the decision. Violence in Flagsdale!News Article Publisher : ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer : Roostercat12 Editor : Desven 27/10/2463 The Flagsdale conflict gets heated again, with Ak’riix intervention. Following the news of the recent lawsuit lost by the C’thur Hive, violence has erupted in Mendell City’s District Nine, commonly referred to as ‘Flagsdale’. Sometime this morning, a truck carrying five ‘Bulwark’ caste Vaurca from the C’thur hive crashed into an apartment building after an unidentified Zo’rane warrior shot at the wheels of the truck with an automatic weapon. The warrior in question is reportedly affiliated with the Ak’riix, or ‘Venom Mandibles’, a general term for a gang of Queenless criminals among the Flagsdale population. The crash resulted in the death of three of the five Bulwarks inside the vehicle, with the remaining two escaping with heavy injuries. Shortly after this, the same Warrior that fired on the vehicle was assaulted by multiple C’thuric warriors in the area, which resulted in more Ak’riix appearing on the street. This has resulted in a deadly spiral of conflict that has erupted in clashes all across the district. Lesser Queen Ta’Akaix’Athvur’zezkt’azi Zo’ra has stated that the Zo’ra hive in no way called for this violence, and has since ordered the Queenless to stand down immediately. This action has however seen limited effect on the conflict at large due to a combination of various Ak’riix cells not obeying the order, and the NanoTrasen operated Hivenet Relay Tower in the center of the district being damaged during the chaos. The latter has resulted in the loss of long range Hivenet communication outside of Biesel proper temporarily. It is believed the reason the Queenless have disobeyed this order is the fact that Queenless Vaurcae tend to only obey the commands of the High Queen of their hive, following their own codes otherwise. This means that High Queen Ta’Akaix’Vaur’skiyet’sca Zo’ra is unable to contact Ak’riix cells, since she is currently on the planet Caprice. The K’lax Hive has already offered assistance in repairing the Relay Tower, at least until long range communications are running once again. Interestingly, it seems that warriors from Lesser Queen Ta’Akaix’Zoleth’akeh Zo’ra’s brood have engaged some groups of the Ak’riix agitators who refused the order to stand down. Zoleth herself has justified this by claiming the Ak’riix warriors were ‘defective’ and would only keep the violence going until they were subdued. Mendell City Police have struggled to contain the situation, with emergency service lines strained to their limit. The Police have created a perimeter around the district, not allowing anyone other than emergency personnel or wounded to enter or leave the area. This has called into question the ability of Mendell City Authorities to handle conflicts. Flagsdale Conflict Comes to an End!News Article Publisher : ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer : Roostercat12 Editor : Desven 29/10/2463 The relay tower is repaired, and the Ak’riix must go undercover. The violent, riot-like clashes in Flagsdale have come to an end following the repair of the NanoTrasen Hivenet Relay in the center of District Nine. Shortly after K’lax engineers confirmed the now working state of the relay, High Queen Ta’Akaix’Vaur’skiyet’sca Zo’ra issued a order for all Ak’riix to immediately stand down or be culled. Violence saw a sharp drop after this order, and over the past few hours, has grinded to a halt as the pockets of Ak’riix dispersed, heeding the High Queen’s demands. Soon, Mendell City Police plan to dismantle the perimeter made around Flagsdale, allowing traffic to flow through once again. President Dorn has made a statement on the matter. “As the conflict in Flagsdale comes to an end, I would like to thank, personally, the High Queens of both the K’lax and Zo’ra hives for pushing to see this conflict come to an end. I have been assured the individuals responsible will be disciplined - under our own court system - and sincerely hope to never see such a terrible thing occur again in our Republic.” In another session of the ‘Court of Queens’ following this disaster, Ta'Akaix'Vytel'hyr'tkud C'thur proclaimed that it was still Zo’rane warriors who started the conflict, Queenless or not, and that C’thur has seen this as a hostile action against their hive, although the Queen later admitted she appreciated the Zo’ra’s quick response to the fighting breaking out. Zeng-Hu offers Zo’ra and K’lax a New DealNews Article Publisher : ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer : Roostercat12 Editor : Desven 29/10/2463 Zeng-Hu’s relationship with C’thur no longer becomes exclusive after the PR disaster. Following the events of late, namely the Genetic Theft lawsuit against the Zo’ra and the riots in District Nine, Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals has once again expressed immense dissapointment in the C’thur hive. “While we will remain to be strong partners of High Queen C’thur and her Lesser Queens, we believe now is the time to start opening up to the rest of the hives in the spur, namely in the maintenance of the new lifeforms.”, quoted from a Zeng-Hu representatives, shows the Corporation’s new plans to offer maintenance and equipment to the new ‘Bulwark’ caste of Vaurca society, for a cost. Essentially, Zo’rane and K’laxan Bulwarks will now receive the same maintenance equipment as the C’thur hive does, to compensate for the events of late. Since Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals was also involved in the development of the Bulwark caste, although less-so than the Nralakk Federation, they claim to have the knowledge to maintain them as well. There has been no comment from the C’thur at this time. |