NanoTrasen Corporation

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"Nanotrasen is the leading space corporation in the research and practical uses of plasma! Across the galaxy we provide the finest plasma-combustion generators among other quality products. We continue to make significant advances in other major fields ranging from the hydroponics to genetic research. As a proud employee of our corporation we encourage you to take active part in the advances of our scientific knowledge for the good of the human race, and your pay check."

Nanotrasen is the corporation the player works for, an ostensible biotech research company gone super-corp after the advent of plasma.


Official Title(s): Nanotrasen Corporation, Nanotrasen Corporate Conglomerate

  • Nanotrasen and NanoTrasen used interchangeably, both trademarked


Headquarters: Mendell City, Biesel, Tau Ceti

Official Languages: Sol Common, Tau Ceti Basic

Work Force: (2453 Financial Audit Report)

578,348,392 - Total Number of Employees

578,050,092 - Civilian Employees

54,000 - Merchant Officers

244,300 - Merchant Sailors


Tau Ceti - Jointly administered with Republic of Biesel per terms of Treaty with Alliance; HQ located at Mendell City, Biesel

Sol - Mining operations

Outer Systems - De Facto ruler of several systems

Fringe - Research outposts, Deep space scanners

  • NanoTransen maintains a direct presence (manufacturing sectors, orbital facilities) in over 75% of all human space


Formed in 2346, Nanotrasen Biomedical, now the Nanotrasen Corporation, is a leading trans-stellar research corporation specialising in Genetic Engineering and Material research.

Nanotrasen started out as a small company, whose research was mostly based around gene-therapy in the heart of human space, Mars. This was shortly prior to the series of scandals over cloning being reserved to the rich rather than being provided to industrialist fodder in the most prosperous part of Sol - Nanotrasen was effective at patenting methods that lead to more cost effective coverage plans for business use, primarily through aggressive business tactics than personal research brilliance- Many minor bio/med research facilities ended up on the unpleasant end of Xavier Trasen's desire to make a name for himself and shark-like approach, and were bought out and taken apart for his company's capitalization. By the end of the decade, Nanotrasen became a trans-stellar entity.

At the turning point of the 26th Century, Plasma was discovered. Nanotrasen was, naturally, the foremost corporation in attempting to exploit this valuable new resource, and they set up numerous stations and factories around the Plasma Giants in order to exploit the resource. This jump-started the economy, and the so-called Orange Rush began, with all of the corporations attempting to replicate NT's (dubiously) patented and highly secretive plasma refining technique. Research facilities, stations, ships and other installations were being built faster than ever. Nanotrasen, capitalizing on it's newfound wealth managed to bankrupt and absorb many other companies on a larger scale that ever before. Many feel Nanotrasen's only defining ability is in capitalizing upon other's hard work- And not an entirely untrue assumption. Nonetheless, this only further increased Nanotrasen's power and scope, ratcheting it up to the status of a true super-corporation, the most powerful business-empire in the known galaxy.

Stations, Merchant Fleet and the Fleet Security Force.

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The Nanotrasen corporation maintains a large fleet of ships and stations for varying purposes ranging from research to transport to medical to exploration. Known as the Merchant Fleet these ships form the backbone of Nanotrasens financing transporting personnel, cargo and research from system to system, planet to planet and back again.
In addition to its commercial fleet the Nanotrasen Corporation maintains a Fleet Security Force which provides 75 ships for the purpose of fleet escort and emergency response, these vessels are Bluespace capable and moderately armed and range from small frigates up to small drone carriers.

The FSF whilst good at its job of fleet protection and other defensive operations, is very poor at power projection in offensive operations, commonly relying on the support of Planetary Governments and other TSC's where possible. As it stands currently the FSF maintains an almost impeccable service record

Some of it's largest and/or most expensive holdings are listed below.

Prefix Name Type Role Location
NSS Odin Station Central Command Tau Ceti
NSS Baldr Station Central Command Sol
Research Services
NSS Exodus Station Plasma Research and Mining Station Tau Ceti
NSS Aurora Station Plasma Research and Mining Station Tau Ceti
NSS Redemption Station Biochemical Research Station Tau Ceti
NSS Antlia Station Xenobiological Research Station Tau Ceti
NSS Apus Station Xenobiological Research Station Sol
NSS Ara Station Defence Research Station Sol
NTV Clark Ship Exploration Vessel
NTV Asimov Ship Exploration Vessel
NTV Von Braun Ship Super Freighter
NTV Archimedes Ship Super Freighter
NTV Amundsen Ship Super Freighter
NTV Armstrong Ship Super Freighter
NTV Anchieta Ship Super Freighter
NTV Baudin Ship Probe Carrier
BioMedical Services
NSS Canes Venatici Station Hospital Station Tau Ceti
NSS Canis Major Station Hospital Station Sol
NSS Canis Minor Station Medical School and Research Station Tau Ceti
NSS Carina Station Triage Center Sol
NSS Pheonix Station Triage Center Tau Ceti
NTV Tesla Ship Hospital Ship
NTV Maxwell Ship Hospital Ship
NTV Curie Ship Cryostasis Freighter
Security Services
NSS Centaurus Station Prison Station Tau Ceti
NSS Cephus Station Processing Station Sol
NTV Murphy Ship Transport
NTV Cato Ship Transport
NTV Patton Ship Patrol Vessel
NTV Brooke Ship Patrol Vessel
NTV Icarus Ship Drone Carrier Tau Ceti
NTV Oceanus Ship Escort Cruiser
NTV Poseidon Ship Escort Cruiser
NTV Apollonius Ship Escort Cruiser
NTV Gloria Verdantes Ship Escort Cruiser
NTV Sierra Ontago Ship Escort Cruiser
NTV Xavier Trasen Ship Escort Cruiser
NTV Vern Clerk Ship Escort Cruiser
NTV Gelligaer Ship Response Cruiser
NTV Glynneath Ship Response Cruiser
NTV Paladin Ship Response Cruiser
Telecommunication Services
NSS Orion Satellite Interstellar Communications Array Sol
NTV Volans Ship Repair Freighter

Fleet Ranks

Bold= Officer, Nonbold = Rating
Captain/Master - Acts on behalf of the vessels owner (Nanotrasen Corporation)

Deck Department

Chief Officer - Head of the deck department and second in command of the vessel.
Second Officer
Third Officer
Deck Cadet - Trainee Deck Officer, is not certified to man a watch but is on-board to observe and learn.
Deck Hands - Unlicensed personnel assisting the deck officers in the carrying out of their duties.

Engineering/Technical Department

Chief Engineer - Senior Officer incharge of the engineering department.
Electrotechnical Officer - Engineering Officer incharge of the ships electronic equipment.
Atmospherics Officer - Engineering Officer incharge of the ships atmospherics equipment.
Second Engineer
Third Engineer
Fourth Engineer
Engineering Cadet - Trainee Engineer, typically assigned to and reports to the second engineer.
Engineering Technicians

Stewards Department

Chief Steward
First Steward
Second Steward
Chief Cook
First Cook
Second Cook

Emergency Response Team

Primarily focused within Tau Ceti, the Emergency Response Team (ERT) are specially trained personnel employed by Nanotrasen to protect and assist corporate assets in emergencies, be it security, medical or engineering related.

The current commanding officer of the Emergency Response Team is Captain James Cromwell, who after 30 years serving in the Fleet Security Force, transferred into the ERT as a replacement Commander and then took over as Captain in 2450.


Sectors: 1-3
Members: 147
Leading Troopers: 30
Sub Officers: 8
Commander: Marcus Kaplan.
Notes: ERT Section PHOENIX is most renowned for their extremely fast response times. The first section established, it definitely has the most training and are generally respected. They have won most section based competitions, including last years. PHOENIX has large roles in protecting research stations, including the NSS Aurora, the NSS Audilias, and the NSS Astrid. They are disdained for overall poor firing accuracy, or tendency to lose morale, due to being generally compromised of new recruits.


Sectors: 4-6
Members: 123
Leading Troopers: 24
Sub Officers: 4
Commander: Volksis Geroiz.
Notes: ERT Section HYDRA is most renowned for their lowest casualty and injury rate. The latest section established, HYDRA is mostly composed of transferred units from PHOENIX and JUGGERNAUT. It has a main base located in Sector 6, and operates generally independently from Central Command due to the massive distance. Still receives orders from Captain Cromwell. They have large roles in protecting City Stations, such as, the SSS Atlantis, and the NSS Substantial. They are disdained for a tendency to retreat and name situations impossible.


Sectors: 7-9
Members: 137
Leading Troopers: 24
Sub Officers: 5
Commander: Audalan Hemrali.
Notes: ERT Section SHARK is most renowned for their extreme efficient use of tactics and execution of protocol. The second section established, SHARK is comprised of cadets and ensigns from Biesel's academies. Due to its relative closeness to Central Command, SHARK is able to operate using the facilities large bays. They are regarded from Captain Cromwell as being courageous and one of, if not the, best Sections. They have large roles in protecting trade and civilian ships going to and fro Biesel. They are disdained for their tendency to take extreme risks and general in-acknowledgement of superior orders.


Sectors: 10 (Outer Rim)
Members: 97
Leading Troopers: 14
Sub Officers: 4
Commander: Jacob Sinclair
Notes: ERT Section JUGGERNAUT is most renowned for having the lowest deployment rates in all sectors, thus also having the most down time. In charge of protecting and managing the outer rim, JUGGERNAUT has members in every outpost and on Central Command in order to provide quick response to any SOS or similar messages coming from the part of space labelled the 'outer rim.' They are disdained for their very slow response times, although this may be a factor of sheer distance rather than quickness of the troopers themselves.


Sector: Biesel
Members: 328
Leading Troopers: 58
Sub Officers: 21
Commander: Sean Trenningham
Notes: ERT Section GROUNDHOG is most renowned for being the largest section. In charge of enforcing law and order on Biesel's surface and low orbit, ERT Section GROUNDHOG has seven land bases on Biesel's surface, three ocean based, and two low orbit based outposts. They assist Biesel's law enforcement with the law and order of Biesel's populace, as well as secure NanoTrasen assets in privately owned property on certain spots on the surface. Biesel government/NanoTrasen ERT hybrids are named Enforcers, and are often seen in the streets of Lowell as well as other major population centers. Acting as police, Enforcers are equipped with standard issue NanoTrasen security gear.