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Ethnic Groups:

  • 56% Wasat
  • 31% Kharijiin
  • 13% Other (Humans of other heritage)
  • ?% Alien (Skrell, Tajara, Dionae, Other)


Tau Ceti Basic is the most spoken language in the Republic of Elyra, with Sol Common and Freespeak coming in a distant second and third. Tradeband is relatively rare, being spoken mostly by foreign immigrants and resident traders from across human space. A minority of pro-Sol people in the Republic speak using only Sol Common.

Religion: Secular; Religious Freedom; Variety of Religions


Elyran culture is a mix and match of North African and Middle Eastern culture inherited from its original colonists coupled with a perpetual struggle against the galaxy at large. Foreign media, though a hit, is heavily overshadowed by internal Republic culture at large. Contrary to its anti-xeno beliefs, public society is rather progressive - much of any Human can be seen in Elyra with little discrimination and naught a single eye will be batted to the more exotic or unfamiliar cultures.

Virtual reality, pop culture icons and art dominate Elyran culture as a whole.

A comprehensive look at Elyran culture can be found here.


Live my country, for the unity of our Elyra lives

To glory and greatness we march

For Elyra, we have sworn to live and work

For Elyra, we sweat and toil

For our Elyra, we await the call

From our Elders to our Children, we await the call

With haste we march, for Greatness

Oh my Elyra, we sacrifice for you.

With our blood and soul, we stand for you.

Oh my Elyra, Oh my Elyra, we are yours forever.

For greatness, we strive!

Long live our Elyra.



The Wasat race makes up the largest portion of the population. They are descended from colonials from Arabia and Persia.

Skin Tone: 85 - 130 warm

Average Male Height: 5'6" - 6'1"

Average Female Height: 5'4" - 5'9"

Black to light brown hair

Blue, green, brown eyes


The Kharijiin race makes up the second largest portion of the population. They are descended from colonials from North Africa.

Skin Tone: 110 - 170 warm

Average Male Height: 5'4" - 5'7"

Average Female Height: 5'1" - 5'5"

Dark hair

Various shades of brown eyes

Elyran Synthetics and Citizenship

Elyran-manufactured synthetics, particularly when compared to their Solarian compatriots, have much of their citizenship and freedom provided for by the Elyran government. As such, concepts of self-ownership and citizenship, although still requiring effort to obtain, are much easier to acquire.

During the Lii’dra invasion, the efforts and ultimate sacrifice of many Elyran synthetics spurned respect from the Elyran people, encouraging the laws to change in favor of their synthetic companions. As a result, when an Elyran integrated positronic chassis is manufactured, their ownership largely falls under the megacorporation that built them. Almost akin to a pseudo-guardianship, these synthetics are made to work for the corporation in question for three years before; so long as they maintain good performance evaluations, they are made a free synthetic and offered an Elyran citizenship. During this period, maintenance and repairs are offered as a part of their ownership to the company. However after the synthetic has been made free, they are required to pay for those services. Largely indentured by wages, few synthetics ever ‘leave’ the company, instead moving from a status of ownership to contractorship.

A deep-seated paranoia in synthetics manufactured from different systems has meant that non-Elyran synthetics seeking refuge are outright turned away, sent back to their fleeing star system’s or if volatile, decommissioned outright. This however doesn’t stop synthetics from attempting covert operations of forging documentation. As a result, Elyran synthetics have a tiny phoron inlaid engraving on their tag, denoting their original make as Elyran synthetics.