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Psionics are the manipulation of metaphysical forces through concentrated effort employing the Zona Bovinae. The manipulation of these forces is, in practice, the use of influence over a Psionic Wake, also known as the Nlom. The only known sentient species with a naturally developed Zona Bovinae are the Skrell. However, some undiscovered species also possess a developed Zona Bovinae, and classified technologies exist which allow for other species to influence the Nlom as well.

All organic life originating from the Spur possesses a Zona Bovinae, and sequentially, can be affected by Psionics. Research into the field has show, however, that strong exposure to Psionics can cause long-lasting damage both mentally and physicially. As such, laws restricting the use of Psionics have been almost universally adopted across the spur. Generally, the unconsented usage of Psionics on an individual is considered battery or assault, depending on the severity. Those fitted with Psionic Receivers are considered allowed bodies to send Psionic Communications to, but any other actions require explicit consent by the receiver.

Using the Nlom

The Psionic Brain

The fundamental elements in the use of psionics are Psionic Power and Psionic Abilities (also referred to as Psionic Powers). Psionic Abilities use up Psionic Power, the latter of which represents, in essence, your Psionic stamina. As abilities are used, you Psionic Power lowers. Over time it will regenerate, however it is not at a rate able to keep up with constant Psionic use. Over use of your Psionic Abilities will lead to Psishock, a state which stuns and damages you through overuse of your Zona Bovinae.

The default Psionic Abilities given to Skrell.

Keeping track of your Psionic Power is essential, as well as access the Psionic Shop to acquire Psionic Abilities. On the right of the HUD, a brain icon is present. Just below this icon is a number representing your current Psionic Power. By left-clicking the brain icon, you can access the Psionic Shop.

Psionic Abilities appear in the top right of the HUD. You can use an ability by clicking on it, and using the item which spawns in an open hand on either yourself, someone else, or using it in-hand. By shift-clicking the Psionic Abilities, you can see what the ability does.

Psionic Ranks

Psionics Ranks are a mechanical method for describing how developed and sensitive someone's Zona Bovinae is. These ranks define and limit what abilities can be bought from the Psionic Shop, and also define how many Psipoints you have to gain Psionic Abilities.

The ranks are:

  • Sensitive: 0 Psipoints. Skrell are at this rank.
    • Skrell spawn with 4 Psionic Abilities by default, however they have 2 additional points for use in a limited Psionic Shop.
  • Harmonious: 10 Psipoints. Antagonists are at this rank, and some event Skrell.
  • Apex: 14 Psipoints. This rank is limited to event characters only.
  • Limitless: 40 points. Admin-only.

Psionic Abilities