Difference between revisions of "Developer Guidelines"

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(maintainer discussion tag guideline)
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* The Feedback Required tag may be applied by any developer at their discretion, but it should not be used for trivial changes. It should be used when a pull request is controversial enough to justify a forum thread.
* The Feedback Required tag may be applied by any developer at their discretion, but it should not be used for trivial changes. It should be used when a pull request is controversial enough to justify a forum thread.
* The Maintainer Discussion tag may be applied by any developer at their discretion, but it should only be used for changes that would have a large effect on the server, its gameplay or its setting.
* The Maintainer Discussion tag may be applied by any developer at their discretion, but it should only be used for changes that would have a large effect on the server, its gameplay or its setting.
* When the Maintainer Discussion label is applied, the maintainer or developer will post their reason for doing so on the PR. They will then immediately bring the PR to the maintainers' attention, who will discuss it within two weeks.
[[Category:Staff Guidelines]]
[[Category:Staff Guidelines]]

Latest revision as of 12:11, 24 June 2024

  • Developers should not use their powers in-game outside of testing areas like the Thunderdome unless specifically required or asked to. You should always defer to a maintainer or administrator if one is present. If no maintainers or administrators are present and there is a game-breaking bug or a similar problem, you are allowed to fix it, though you should still be careful. Your actions will be your own responsibility.
  • Developers are expected to regularly review pull requests. Our Github does not function without regular reviews. You are also expected to be somewhat thorough with reviewing pull requests - errors are fine, but you should still put effort into it.
  • You are not expected to review pull requests the contents of which you do not understand or cannot review. A spriter who can only sprite, for instance, is not expected to review a complex backend pull request.
  • Developers are expected to be active if submitting regular balance-related pull requests. Doing only back-end work does not require a high activity level, but repeatedly submitting balance pull requests while not being up-to-date with the game and its culture will lead to a review of your position.
  • The Feedback Required tag may be applied by any developer at their discretion, but it should not be used for trivial changes. It should be used when a pull request is controversial enough to justify a forum thread.
  • The Maintainer Discussion tag may be applied by any developer at their discretion, but it should only be used for changes that would have a large effect on the server, its gameplay or its setting.
  • When the Maintainer Discussion label is applied, the maintainer or developer will post their reason for doing so on the PR. They will then immediately bring the PR to the maintainers' attention, who will discuss it within two weeks.