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(Created page with "{{Navbox Lore}} {{Navbox Human Lore}} Located within the Shpanberg System, the Weeping Stars world of '''Gadpathur''' is a living testament to the nearly-apocalyptic nature of the Interstellar War between the Sol Alliance and Coalition of Colonies. The surface of the planet has been scorched and gouged by years of orbital bombardment, and much of it remains uninhabitable even today. The surviving residents of the planet retreated underground as the planet was bombarded,...")
m (Sneaky goes fishing.)
(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{Navbox Lore}}
I remembered to remove the head wiki maintainer part about a month after I gave it up. Yippee.
{{Navbox Human Lore}}
No longer a wiki maintainer at all as of 8/31/24. If I ever reapply, hopefully I remember to edit this section.

Located within the Shpanberg System, the Weeping Stars world of '''Gadpathur''' is a living testament to the nearly-apocalyptic nature of the Interstellar War between the Sol Alliance and Coalition of Colonies. The surface of the planet has been scorched and gouged by years of orbital bombardment, and much of it remains uninhabitable even today. The surviving residents of the planet retreated underground as the planet was bombarded, and since the Interstellar War the dominant force on Gadpathur has been the '''United Planetary Defense Council of Gadpathur''', a government dedicated to ensuring, above all other things, that the planet will '''never again fall to the Sol Alliance, even if all its inhabitants must give their lives in its defense.'''
Most of what I like to do are small edits and formatting correction.
If you want to see what I've been doing:

'''Because of Gadpathur's insular nature that is unwelcome to outsiders and its origins of being settled by Indian colonists, characters born on the planet must have names and physical characteristics typical of people from the modern-day Indian Subcontinent. Only native Gadpathurians may take the Gadpathuri accent. This is enforceable by server moderators and admins.'''
[[File:UPDCR.png|thumb|The flag of Gadpathur.]]
===Initial Colonization===
Gadpathur was colonized by Earther colonists from the Indian Subcontinent at roughly the same time as many colonies that would come to form the future Coalition of Colonies, such as [[Xanu Prime]], [[Himeo]], and [[Vysoka]]. Due to its location relatively close to the Sol System, in what would eventually become the Weeping Stars, the system was colonized several years before many Coalition systems and was intended to serve as a refueling point for vessels heading to Xanu Prime. The planet was fairly unspectacular; it was earthlike and inhabitable, but possessed nothing noteworthy beyond its convenient location. The fauna and flora were docile, though most died off due to invasive species brought by the settlers. The planet prospered as a trading port positioned between Xanu and Sol. Partially, this success was due to its significant naval presence, which discouraged most pirate attacks on the system or vessels that flew its flag. The naval presence was a great boon for the system - at least until the Interstellar War began.
===The War===
By the mid 2260s Gadpathur was in the worst position that it had been in for its entire existence. The devastating economic collapse brought on by the Second Great Depression had destroyed much of its trade-based economy. Profits declined, unemployment became rampant, and many major trading companies went bankrupt. The problem only became worse in 2265 with the addition of steep taxes on all forms of trade by the Sol Alliance in order to prevent a total bankruptcy of the Alliance itself. The steep taxation upon the colonies and their trade destroyed what little remained of Gadpathur’s once-thriving economy and turned planetary opinion strongly against the Alliance. The last public opinion poll taken before the outbreak of violence in 2275 listed the Sol Alliance’s approval rating at less than 5%. The planet devolved into widespread civil unrest in late 2275 before escalating into full-scale revolt in early 2278.
The Interstellar War would only touch Gadpathur briefly, but it would impact the planet for centuries to come. The Sol Alliance’s control of the planetary surface was gradually lost as 2278 progressed, and was completely gone by September of that year. In orbit, Admiral Terrence Hopper - commander of the Gadpathur Fleet - seemingly stood alone. Admiral Hopper, a hardline loyalist to the Sol Alliance, was not yet prepared to relinquish control of a valuable trading port to what he viewed as traitors to the true government of humanity. On the eighth of October, 2278, the Admiral gave the most fateful order ever to impact Gadpathur: fire all ordinance at the planet’s surface to deny the newly-formed Coalition of Colonies control of its valuable trade. Billions would assuredly die in the bombardment, but all were traitors in the eyes of Admiral Hopper and his fleet. The firing orders were carried out with little hesitation from the fleet’s captains, and the surface of Gadpathur was turned into a wasteland in the course of mere hours.
In the years following the Interstellar War, the bombing of Gadpathur would be swept under the proverbial rug by the Sol Alliance. Admiral Hopper was never punished and eventually retired to his home on Luna before passing away in the early 2300s in his sleep. Gadpathur itself went silent for many decades and was believed to be all but irrelevant by the Sol Alliance’s admiralty. The Coalition, unable to provide aid due to the damages sustained by itself during the Interstellar War, believed the planet and its population to be almost completely wiped out following the bombing and utilized it as anti-Solarian propaganda throughout the nearly decade-long Interstellar War.
Yet, against all odds, Gadpathur endured; however, it would never be the same again after its fall to the Sol Alliance.
In the wasteland that had been Gadpathur, the civilian government - already strained and worn down by three years of constant civil unrest - collapsed almost immediately during the bombing. The military command of the planet, similarly strained and divided between those loyal to the Sol Alliance and those loyal to the colonies, collapsed as well shortly after. Within a week of the bombing’s conclusion, a period referred to in the planet’s history as the “Gadpathurian Anarchy” had begun. Thousands of petty statelets and warlords emerged with various structures: former military units turned into bandits, mayors that were desperately holding onto the remains of their former cities, religious zealots that had organized doomsday cults, the remains of former political organizations that had formed political experiments running the gamut of Gadpathurian nationalism through to Solarian revivalism, and countless others. But one stood above all in terms of its organization, its goals, and its dedication: the Gadpathurian Reunification League, a military government founded from the remains of three army groups shortly after the bombs fell.
When the bombardment commenced, one army group was spared from much of the devastation thanks to the remote location in which it had opted to conduct training maneuvers. The Fifteenth Gadpathurian Planetary Command Region -  consisting of three armies - under the command of Field Marshal Ashia Patvardhan retained upwards of ninety percent of its pre-bombing strength while sequestered in their remote - and mostly underground - facilities, making it the largest military force essentially overnight. Field Marshal Patvardhan and her generals, after overcoming the initial shock of experiencing global thermonuclear warfare committed by those they had been serving mere months ago, came to a grim realization: they were the best - and perhaps the last - hope for their home. The task of reunifying Gadpathur and allowing it to once again reach the galactic stage had been laid upon their shoulders. Taking the simple title of Commander and renaming the Fifteenth Planetary Command Region to the Gadpathurian Reunification League, Patvardhan set the League upon their ultimate duty: ending the period of anarchy and creating a unified Gadpathur once again.
The League quickly secured its immediate surrounding area of leaderless villages and towns and established a military government over the region. The resounding defeat of the nearby bandit warlord, a former military unit now calling themselves the “Disciples of Murugan”, and the subsequent absorption of the bandits into the League as a unit established further confidence in the League’s ability to save the planet. A system of organization was enforced by Commander Patvardhan in which factories, civilians, and military units were all organized along the same line: quasi-military groups referred to as “cadres” that helped encourage cooperation and unity between members of the Reunification League. It seemed that planetary reunification by the League was not a matter of if, but of when.
In 2308, thirty years after the bombs were dropped onto Gadpathur’s surface, the black-and-brown flag of the Reunification League was at last hoisted over the former planetary capital of Ambedkar. Commander Patvardhan, now in her late seventies, had at last accomplished the dream of reunification and ended the Gadpathurian Anarchy. Already in her twilight years, Commander Patvardhan was now left with the task of determining which direction to take the Reunification League. She and her most senior officials and commanders conferred for eighteen days until a decision was reached. As the most important duty for the government of the planet was to ensure it would not bow again to the Sol Alliance, there would be no handover to a traditional civilian government. Instead, the Reunification League would rule the planet to ensure that it would not be humiliated by the Sol Alliance. Not ever.
When the Solarian invaders returned, Gadpathur would stand ready. And it would '''never again fall''' to the Solarians - even if all of its citizens died in the defense of their planet.
The United Planetary Defense Council of Gadpathur, successor to the previous Reunification League, has ruled the planet since its reunification over a hundred and fifty years ago and has lasted far past the death of its original Commander. The cadres of the planet work tirelessly to ensure the planet will not be found wanting again. Gadpathur is militarized to such an extent that it is often regarded as a fortress world, and it provides a great amount of soldiers, sailors and vessels to the rest of the Coalition despite its position in the Weeping Stars.
The modern Gadpathur is a planet still scarred by the trauma of its orbital bombardment, and one that is absolutely determined to withstand another invasion by the Sol Alliance when it inevitably comes.
The environment of Gadpathur still bears the scars of widespread bombardment by the Sol Alliance. Gigantic craters scar the surface, and many areas are at best hazardous and unsuitable for human habitation. While air has remained breathable on the planet’s surface, it remains toxic in many heavily damaged areas and most residents of the planet commonly carry a gas mask with them during their daily lives. The surface of the planet is fairly cool and features a very atypical weather type: radioactive ash storms. These storms often scour particularly devastated areas, and are a result of the immense amount of ash that settled following the bombardment of the planet’s surface.
The remaining flora and fauna of Gadpathur are extremely hardy, having survived a near extinction-level event in the form of the Solarian bombardment. Flora is typical shrublike, and most trees are relatively small. What fauna remains is generally small and warmblooded, due to the bombardment creating a quasi-nuclear winter. Most crops on the planet are grown in the massive hydroponics bays of the United Planetary Defense Council, to ensure that the planet will have ample food supplies in the event of another struggle with the Sol Alliance. Indoor pastures also exist to ensure that animal-based products will similarly be available, even in the most dire of situations. The primary consideration of the food production system is to ensure continued function even during an invasion.
The weather of Gadpathur has been described as "uniquely horrible" by those rare individuals that choose to visit the planet. Due to the amount of regions that have yet to recover from the Interstellar War's bombardment, dust storms made up of ash and particulate blown in from these destroyed regions have become a frighteningly common occurrence on the planet. Due to its origins in heavily-bombarded areas, the dust is commonly radioactive and highly dangerous. These massive dust storms are visible from orbit, and often feature tornadoes due to their large size. Aside from dust storms, acidic rainstorms are very common on the planet, and along with the radioactive soil ensure that growing crops outside of hydroponics bays is incredibly difficult.
==Life on Gadpathur==
The culture and society of Gadpathur still bears the traumas from the planet’s bombardment and reunification war. Gadpathurian society is wholly dedicated to ensuring that those traumas will never be endured again by the planet, no matter what the cost. Its society is organized into paramilitary units referred to as “cadres,” that are responsible for ensuring that '''when''' war comes they will not be found unprepared for even the most apocalyptic of conflicts. From the age of four, children are placed into an educational cadre that they will ultimately graduate from at age eighteen, at which point they proceed to cadre they are deemed most suitable for. This structure, along with an overwhelming planetary desire to resist the Sol Alliance, has helped contribute to Gadpathurian society’s current status as a highly militarized, very disciplined society structured more like a massive army than a planetary government.
This society based upon the perceived inevitability of total war has created an unusual culture in which every individual is quite like their fellows. While cadres will often have their own individual traits with some even having histories stretching back into the unification period, there is no deviation from the overarching goal of ensuring that the planet will not collapse again. All cadres wear a similar uniform designed by the planet’s central government which has helped further contribute to the highly-collective nature of the planet’s inhabitants. This military culture has created a (perhaps appropriate) stereotype of Gadpathurians commonly found throughout the Coalition, in which they are regarded as a dour and insular people with a grim outlook on the Orion Spur and a fatalistic view of the prospect of a Second Interstellar War. To a Gadpathurian, the Sol Alliance attempting to conquer the Weeping Stars and the Coalition is an inevitability and all will be required in the defense of the planet for this second war.
===Daily Life===
The day-to-day life of a Gadpathurian is defined by which cadre they have been placed into. Industrial cadres build, medical cadres treat, and security cadres constantly train. All cadres train constantly, as it is the only way the Defense Council believes the planet will be ready for the final apocalyptic struggle with the forces of their hated enemy, the Sol Alliance. Working and training together dominate much of the day-to-day activities of cadre members.
The average Gadpathurian has little real control over their day-to-day lives on Gadpathur due to the cadre system and a fatalistic belief in another war with the Sol Alliance. At the start of most days orders will come from the government to cadre leaders, and these orders proceed down the chain to normal cadre members in a short amount of time. While this lack of agency can be a kind of comfort for many, those that go abroad are given the leisure of deciding how to use their time without the supervision of a cadre leader, often resulting in a difficult transition as they adapt to their newfound personal agency.
The culture of Gadpathur is a quite unusual one in the Orion Spur, due to the traumatic history of the planet and its very centralized military government. When the barrage hit the planet’s surface, the cultures that had made up Gadpathur unraveled and shattered into pieces during the struggle to survive an exceedingly hostile environment and the anarchy that had come with the collapse of the planetary government. In the violence and deprivation of the years between the bombardment and eventual reunification, cultural products fell by the wayside. They continued to lose importance during the reunification and its aftermath, until they were ultimately superseded by the highly-militant culture of the Reunification League.
The culture of contemporary Gadpathur is atypical in the rest of human space: due to the exceptionally powerful government in control of the planet, and the unique organization of the planet itself, have led to a culture created from the top down by the central government that has been distributed throughout the planet by the cadre system. This so-called “Gadpathurian Superculture” has helped enshrine many of the government’s values in the mind of the typical Gadpathurian. Duty, loyalty, self-sacrifice, cooperation, and a hatred for the Solarian invaders are among some of the values enshrined in this government-designed superculture. Those that show particular dedication to these core Gadpathurian values are often those selected to go abroad, which has further encouraged an eager adoption of this superculture.
The primary method through which Gadpathur is organized is through the cadre system, which can trace its roots back to the original military units that formed the Reunification League. These cadres can be found throughout the planet and, thanks to the tight control exercised by the government of Gadpathur, it is impossible to find a Gadpathurian resident not involved in a cadre. The government uses the cadre system to create a highly efficient society while furthering the ideology that the planet will never again fall to the Sol Alliance, no matter how steep the cost that must be endured by the planet may be.
Cadres are organized internally along a deliberately simple structure that resembles a military unit. At the top of the command structure is the cadre's leader, the director. This individual answers directly to the planet's central command organization and has the final voice in much of a cadre's internal policy. Below the director are specialists that lead significant parts of the cadre, referred to as department leaders. With years of experience in their given fields and extensive ideological training, these senior cadre members are responsible for ensuring much of a given cadre's day-to-day work is carried out. Department leaders are often those that recommend Gadpathurians for off-world travel, and a good relationship with one is regarded as key to success in a cadre. A step below the department leaders are section leaders, qualified individuals that have shown the ability to lead and proper dedication to the planet. Section leaders can be compared to a departmental leader of a NanoTrasen facility, and are generally earmarked for promotion to departmental leader if their service is dedicated enough. Below section leaders are full cadre members, and below them are trainees - sometimes referred to as students - that are in the process of becoming a full member. '''The highest cadre rank available for on-station characters is section leader, as all positions above that are senior administrative ones.'''
A Gadpathurian will enter their initial cadre, often referred to as “youth cadres,” in order to receive the education and preparation necessary for them to enter into a full cadre when they are eighteen years old. In these they are educated in both practical and ideological matters, with both general education and the importance of resisting the Sol Alliance being taught side-by-side. These youth cadres are highly patriotic and typically very closely-knit, with many members retaining their bonds even after departing for their permanent cadres. When a youth cadre member is eighteen they are given a qualification exam that will determine the rest of their life, as it decides which type of cadre they will be placed in.
The cadres that these graduates are placed into are where they will be molded into efficient and productive Gadpathurians, fully committed to the defense of their world no matter what their actual duty may be. All professions are organized into cadres and there are dozens, if not hundreds, of distinct types. However the three largest and most prominent cadre types are the industrial, medical, and security cadres. These are some of the cadres most likely to be seen offworld as well, as the planet’s government will often send exceptional cadre members abroad - sometimes as far afield as the Republic of Biesel - to improve the interstellar image of the planet and encourage support for the next Interstellar War.
Gadpathurians receive two identification tabs as soon as they are inducted into a youth cadre and are expected to carry them throughout their life. Upon their death, the tabs will be torn apart: one will remain with the dead body, and another will be returned to the cadre to which the now deceased individual belonged. Individuals exiled or otherwise banished from their cadre (in essence, the same as being banished from the planet itself) are expected to hand over both of their identification tabs,  a gesture regarded as extremely shameful for any Gadpathurian.
The process of naming a cadre is somewhat complicated. While youth cadres, which are only expected to last for roughly fifteen years, are simply named after their year of future dissolution and their geographical area they are from, more permanent cadres often have names passed down through the centuries, with some even tracing the origins of their names back to the Interstellar War. These names are considered to be a key part of the cadres and are regarded as a symbol of pride for the members of a given cadre. Newly-formed cadres will be issued a generic identifier consisting of their duties, year of formation, and area of formation until they prove themselves as effective. Only then will the cadre members be allowed to choose a name, generally chosen by pure majority voting amongst members.
'''Medical cadres''' are one of the key parts of the state-run society of Gadpathur and are responsible for everything from battlefield medicine to surgeries to routine health checkups. A medical cadre’s rough equivalent outside of the planet would be a hospital combined with a medical school. Practitioners of all types are trained within these cadres and it is impossible to become a licensed medical professional on Gadpathur without being a member of one. Cadre members from this sector of Gadpathurian society tend to be quite experienced with the treatment of wounds related to the highly-toxic environment of the planet. Often ,whole medical cadres will be sent abroad as gestures of goodwill, one being permanently stationed on Xanu Prime to assist in the treatment of those exposed to the hazardous ares of the planet. While their presence is often appreciated by those they assist, these cadres are still dedicated to the ultimate goal of ensuring Gadpathur will resist the Solarians above all other concerns. Medical cadre members are issued a patch featuring a golden medical cross on a white background to mark their positions. The cadre member’s specialization is written inside of the medical cross, typically in a shorthand form (i.e. “SURG” for surgeon, “PARAM” for paramedic).
If medical cadres are one pillar that holds up society (and the government) on Gadpathur, then its '''industrial cadres''' are the other. Consisting of everything from construction workers to highly-educated engineers responsible for maintaining automated industrial networks, industrial cadres are by far the largest grouping of cadres on Gadpathur. A lack of IPCs on the planet (the ruling government believes that their prosperity towards self-preservation is unfitting for the goal of ensuring the planet withstands an invasion by the Sol Alliance) and a desire to ensure that systems work even under the most extreme of circumstances combined with the immense needs of the planet’s native armaments industry has helped fuel the need for new industrial cadres as well as their great diversity. Industrial cadre members can be distinguished by their patches: a golden hammer and shovel crossed over a white background. A black circle in the middle of this patch will contain another tool marking a further specialization, such as a lightbulb for an electrical specialist.
The unassuming name of '''security cadres''' disguises the true purpose of these particular cadres, which is to serve as the primary military force at home and abroad for the United Planetary Defense Council of Gadpathur. Highly indoctrinated and highly trained, these cadres are often the most fanatical loyalists of Gadpathur and are wholeheartedly dedicated to their duty of ensuring the planet never again falls to the Sol Alliance. While outside observers have accused the Gadpathurian government of essentially brainwashing their security cadres by training them from childhood to defend the planet, the United Planetary Defense Council has defended their training system as a necessary measure to ensure that Gadpathur will never be defeated in any future conflicts. Detachments of security cadres are often “exported,” or otherwise liaised to member states of the Coalition of Colonies to serve as auxiliary troops, and to encourage further relations between Gadpathur and the Coalition in the face of Solarian imperialism.
To deviate from the cadre system is to condemn oneself to exile from Gadpathur.
===Notable Cadres===
While there are thousands upon thousands of cadres on Gadpathur, some are more famous than others. Here are a few notable cadres that can be found on the planet.
The '''Black Jackets''' are one of Gadpathur’s most storied security cadres, with a history that stretches back to the Unification League and the wars it waged to reestablish planetary control. The Black Jackets were originally a reconnaissance detachment under the leadership of Commander Patvardhan before the bombs fell and have since become one of the oldest continuously activated security cadres currently serving. Their emblem, a pair of binoculars over crossed rifles, is instantly recognizable on the uniforms of all cadre members. Many members of this cadre are sent abroad to serve as an example of the high quality of Gadpathur’s training. However, this does come at a cost: many hopeful members of this cadre cannot meet the extremely high standards expected of them and wash out, ultimately being exiled from the planet for their failure.
The '''Brothers of Charity''' are a major medical cadre of Gadpathur. Another quite old cadre, the Brothers can trace their lineage back to a pre-bombardment religious hospital that managed to, through blind luck or the favor of the divine, avoid much of the destruction dealt to Gadpathur on that fateful day. Brought into the Reunification League shortly after its formation, the Brothers were often instrumental in ensuring the League was in fighting shape. In the years since reunification, the religious fervor of the Brothers has given way to a feverous dedication to ensuring the planet will be able to resist the hated Sol Alliance. Its members have retained their dedication to charity, and are often deployed abroad by Gadpathur to further legitimize itself to other political entities in the Orion Spur.
The '''Directorate of the Mechanical Sciences''' is one of the only cadres on Gadpathur that actively maintains and builds robotics equipment. A very recent industrial cadre, created in the 2430s, the DMS still has much to prove in the eyes of many of its fellows. Cadre members from the DMS are often regarded as some of the best and brightest of Gadpathur, which has led to an unexpected problem: brain drain. Young and talented roboticists from the DMS, underappreciated and often overworked, sometimes find themselves self-exiling from the planet for better career prospects elsewhere. The government of the planet is quite alarmed by this, and has started giving this new cadre more chances to travel abroad as a result - despite complaining from other industrial cadres.
The '''Kshatriya''' are, in their own words, the premier armored vehicle-based security/industrial cadre on Gadpathur,  and they do not take kindly to anyone saying otherwise. An unusual mix of an industrial and security cadre due to the need to both maintain and operate vehicles, the Kshatriya are often seen as one of the more flamboyant cadres on Gadpathur. This has earned them both respect from some and ire from many others, such as the Black Jackets. The “fast and loose” reputation of this cadre disguises the immense amount of effort required to keep the cadre functional and combat ready, and fights between security and industrial specialists are not unheard of.
===The Legacy of the Commander===
When the legendary Commander Patvardhan passed away in her sleep at the age of ninety-two after over a decade spent in retirement, she lived on as an ideal of what a member of the Council should strive to be. Commander Patvardhan was a workaholic that never married and was, by all accounts, completely dedicated to the task of reunifying her broken planet into a singular entity that could once again take to the stars and, above all, endure another fight with the Sol Alliance. Children are taught the story of Patvardhan’s selflessness and instructed to aspire to her heights - no matter the cost to themselves. The lesson, and lionization, of Commander Patvardhan is a key part in constructing Gadpathurians as loyal subjects of its government willing to give their lives in the defense of their homeland.
===Augmentation and Prosthetics===
The science of mechanical augmentation has achieved some purchase on Gadpathur, despite the relative isolation of the planet during its reunification period. However, like almost everything on the planet, the central government has come to direct much of how the planet utilizes and views augmentation. Internal prosthetics, such as the sensor suites favoured by Eridanians or internal tool suites common in the Republic of Biesel, are looked down upon as overly-complicated and likely to place unneeded stress on the supply chains of the planet during what a second war with the Sol Alliance. In the minds of many Gadpathurians there is no reason to do a job with an integrated tool built into your arm when a hand tool does the same job while having less failure risks. Mechanical organs are generally only installed by Gadpathurians when absolutely needed, due to concerns that they may fail when the moment is most critical.
External prosthetics have seen much greater success on Gadpathur due to risks present on the planet. Industrial accidents, as with everywhere else in the Orion Spur, are always a threat that can result in the loss of a limb. Another risk is unexploded munitions, which are often scattered on the crater-filled surface of the planet and serve as a painful reminder of the Interstellar War. The planet has a relatively well-developed local prosthetics industry, with many high-quality locally-made prosthetics tracing their origins back to the Directorate of the Mechanical Sciences, as a result of both a need and the planet's belief that everybody must contribute to the fight in whatever ways they can. One cannot stand against the hated Solarian invader if they have only one leg to stand on, so prosthetics are provided to those cadre members that require them to ensure that they can do their part to ensure the planet never again falls.
The government of Gadpathur is an authoritarian, militarily-minded organization referred to as the United Planetary Defense Council of Gadpathur. The government itself is directly descended from the military forces that reunified the planet after its devastating bombardment by the Sol Alliance during the Interstellar War. The government of the planet is essentially a military dictatorship in which power is held by the Defense Council in order to ensure the planet is always ready to repulse a potential invasion by the Solarian Alliance. The current dominant force in the government is the Planetary Preservation League, a defensively-minded junta that has been in power since the planet’s reunification centuries ago. While often criticized throughout the Coalition (and in Sol) for their domineering and authoritarian system of government, the PPL has, for decades, assured the greater Orion Spur that it will stand down and transfer power to a civilian government when the hated Solarian imperialists no longer threaten the Weeping Stars, though whether or not this will prove to be true remains to be seen.
The minority force in the United Planetary Defense Council is the more offensively-minded Weeping Stars Reunification League, a radically nationalist clique that calls for the reunification of the Weeping Stars and the eventual invasion of the Solarian Alliance to punish them for their crimes against Gadpathur. The WSRL’s members are descended from an eclectic mix of groups, ranging from disillusioned security cadres to the descendants of bandits such as the Disciples of Murugan that were integrated into the Reunification League. There are rumored though unconfirmed reports that the WSRL sends personnel on clandestine anti-Solarian ventures throughout the Orion Spur, though the League itself fervently denies this. They have not been at power in any point during Gadpathur’s history, but their calls to take the fight to Sol itself have gained some purchase now that the giant appears to be receding...
The architecture of Gadpathur is unusual, as the entire planet has been constructed in a manner akin to a giant military facility. Many vital structures have been built underground, though most residences remain above ground. Bunkers stretch for miles under the surface in order to allow the planet to endure an orbital bombardment even more devastating than the one it experienced during the Interstellar War. Much of the planet’s industry is located underground, as are the launch bays of many of its surface-to-space weapons. The true extent of these facilities is unknown, and is regarded as a state secret of the United Planetary Defense Council of Gadpathur. Buildings on the surface are typically built in a sturdy, utilitarian style often referred to as “Gadpathurian Brutalism” by Elyran critics. Solarian architectural experts, for obvious reasons, have never been permitted on the planet to examine the style.
==Leaving Gadpathur==
There are two primary methods of leaving Gadpathur: with honour, or with shame.
Leaving with honour is the most common method through which Gadpathurians are able to experience the greater Orion Spur. Exceptional cadre members will receive the chance to go abroad (though some say that they are essentially ordered abroad) in order to promote the goals and interests of the planet. This is seen as an extremely high honour to receive by many on the planet, as only the best and brightest are sent abroad as a result of rigorous selection standards. Though the majority of these elite few are sent to other planets in the Coalition of Colonies in order to promote further positive relations between the Coalition and Gadpathur, a significant portion of them are sent to the Republic of Biesel or The Republic of Elyra. The reason for this is simple: the government of Gadpathur views the Republics as  fellow victims of Solarian imperialism, and wishes for them to know that there is some solidarity between it and the former-Solarian republics.
Leaving with shame is an unfortunately common fate for many cadre members, particularly those in highly demanding professions. The stresses  - both material and ideological - of service in a cadre will often cause individuals to wash out of their cadre or otherwise fall by the wayside. Being found unfitting for the cadre one has been placed into by the state is, in the eyes of the cadres and government of Gadpathur, a sign that an individual is unfit for the demands of ensuring that the planet will remain steadfast in the face of the Sol Alliance and its imperialism. An individual unable to resist the Sol Alliance is essentially useless to Gadpathur and, as such, washouts are unceremoniously stripped of their ranks in their cadre and exiled from the planet for life, often being sent to Xanu Prime. Most on Gadpathur regard this fate as the ultimate humiliation, and it is often seen as a stain upon the collective reputation of a cadre to have a member exiled in such a manner.
{{Navbox Human Lore}}
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Latest revision as of 08:16, 31 August 2024

I remembered to remove the head wiki maintainer part about a month after I gave it up. Yippee. No longer a wiki maintainer at all as of 8/31/24. If I ever reapply, hopefully I remember to edit this section.

Most of what I like to do are small edits and formatting correction. If you want to see what I've been doing:
